AN INTRODUCTION TO GAMESS See: GAMESS •  General Atomic and Molecular Electronic Structure System •  General purpose electronic structure code •  Primary focus is on ab initio quantum chemistry calculations •  Also can do – Density functional theory calculations – Other semi-empirical calculations (AM1, PM3) – QM/MM calculations REACTION PATHS •  Reaction path is least energy path – From reactants (R) through TS to products (P) • Minimum energy path (MEP) • Also called intrinsic reaction coordinate (IRC) • Follows steepest descent path from TS to R or P • Steepest descent means -gradient – IRC = MEP: • Confirms connection between R, TS, P • Provides first step in study of reaction dynamics CORRELATION METHODS •  Perturbation theory – E = E(0) + E(1) + E(2) + … • Simplest E(0) = EHF: Then, E(1) = 0 • If series is terminated at second order: MP2 • Series does not always to converge well – Best to just stop at MP2 (MP3, MP4 often terrible) • MP2 scales as N5 – Often good compromise between efficiency & accuracy • Includes dispersion naturally • Often over-binds weak interactions (benzene dimer) CORRELATION METHODS •  Coupled cluster theory – Ψ = eTΨ0 • Ψ0 usually is ΨHF • T = cluster operator = T1+T2+T3+…+TN • T1 = sum of 1-particle operators = ∑ti (N4 scaling) • T2 = sum of 2-particle operators = ∑ ∑[tij+titj] (N6 scaling) • T3 = sum of 3-particle operators = ∑ ∑ ∑[tijk+titjk+…] (N8) • Approximations • T≈T1 + T2: CCSD (singles (S) + doubles (D)) • T ≈T1 + T2 + T3: CCSDT (very expensive) • Common compromise: CCSD(T): N7 scaling – Get triples (T) using perturbation theory (not iterative) OVERVIEW OF GAMESS •  Types of wavefunctions – Hartree-Fock (RHF, ROHF, UHF, GVB) – CASSCF – CI, MRCI – Coupled cluster methods – Second order perturbation theory • MP2 (closed shells) • ROMP2 (spin-correct open shells) • UMP2 (unrestricted open shells • MCQDPT(CASSCF - MRMP2) – Localized orbitals (SCF, MCSCF) OVERVIEW OF GAMESS •  Types of wavefunctions – Fragment Molecular Orbital Theory (FMO) • Enables calculations on very large systems – Thousands of atoms • HF, DFT, MP2 (closed shells) • ROMP2 (spin-correct open shells) • Coupled Cluster methods • MCSCF OVERVIEW OF GAMESS •  Energy-related properties – Total energy as function of nuclear coordinates (PES): All wavefunction types – Analytic energy gradient • RHF, ROHF, UHF, MCSCF, CI, DFT • MP2, UMP2, ROMP2 – Analytic Hessian • RHF, ROHF, TCSCF/GVB • MCSCF OVERVIEW OF GAMESS •  Energy-related properties (cont’d) – Numerical Hessians from finite differences of analytic gradients – Fully numerical derivatives for all methods – Saddle point (TS) search (requires Hessian) – Minimum energy path=Intrinsic reaction coordinate • Several IRC options - GS2 (default) is most effective • Requires frequency input, gradients along path • Follow reaction path from reactants through TS to products • Build reaction path Hamiltonian (RPH): dynamics OVERVIEW OF GAMESS •  Energy-related properties (cont’d) – Dynamic reaction coordinate (DRC) • Add kinetic energy to system at any geometry • Add photon(s) to any vibrational mode • Classical trajectory using QM-derived energies • Requires gradients – Monte Carlo sampling: find global minimum – Molecular dynamics • MM only so far OVERVIEW OF GAMESS •  Other functionalities – Spin-orbit coupling • Any spin states, any number of states • Full two-electron Breit-Pauli • Partial two-electron (P2e)-very efficient, accurate • Semi-empirical one-electron Zeff • RESC • Averaging over vibrational states – Other relativistic effects: Douglas-Kroll to 3rd order – Derivative (vibronic) coupling • Only MCSCF at present OVERVIEW OF GAMESS •  Interpretive tools – Localized molecular orbitals (LMO) – Localized charge distributions (LCD) – MCSCF localized orbitals •  Nuclear and spectroscopic properties – Spin densities at nucleus (ESR) – NMR chemical shifts – Polarizabilities, hyperpolarizabilities – IR and Raman intensities – Transition probabilities, Franck-Condon overlaps OVERVIEW OF GAMESS •  QM/MM Methods – Effective fragment potential (EFP) method for • Cluster studies of liquids • Cluster studies of solvent effects • Interfaced with continuum methods for study of liquids and solvation in bulk • Covalent link for study of enzymes, proteins, materials • General model for intermolecular interactions – SIMOMM: QM/MM method for surface chemistry • QM part can be any method in GAMESS • MM part from Tinker (Jay Ponder - Washington U) • Moving to ReaxFF (Goddard) USING GAMESS •  GAMESS runs on – Any UNIX-based system – Any Linux-based system – Any Macintosh – Windows •  GAMESS can be downloaded from – – License required - no cost USING GAMESS •  For Macintosh – OSX, same as UNIX/LINUX •  For UNIX/LINUX systems requires script •  Output appears in .log file •  Vectors, coordinates, Hessians in .dat file •  IRC data, numerical restart data for frequencies appear in .irc file •  Main Monte Carlo output in .irc file USING GAMESS •  Input files are modular, arranged in $groups •  Most common input groups – $SYSTEM: specifies memory, time limit – $CONTRL: specifies basics of calculation – $BASIS: specifies basis set if standard – $DATA: specifies nuclear coordinates, basis set if non-standard •  Other important groups: – $GUESS, $SCF, $FORCE, $HESS, $VEC, $IRC, $VIB USING GAMESS •  $ sign specifying group must be in column 2 •  All groups must terminate with $END (this $ can be anywhere except column 1) USING GAMESS •  $SYSTEM group: – TIMLIM=(default=600 min) – MWORDS=(default=1) – MEMDDI= • Only relevant for parallel run • Total required memory (divide by number of processors to get memory requested/node) USING GAMESS •  $CONTRL group: – ICHARG= (specifies charge on system) – MULT= (specifies spin multiplcity) • 1 for singlet, 2 for doublet, … – EXETYP= • Check: checks input for errors • Run: actual run – UNITS= • angs (default) • bohr USING GAMESS •  $CONTRL group: – Runtyp= (type of run) • Energy (single point energy run) • Gradient (energy 1st derivative wrt coordinates) • Optimize (optimize geometry) • Hessian (energy second derivative, vibrational frequencies, thermodynamic properties): generates $HESS group in .dat file) • Sadpoint (saddle point search:requires hessian in $HESS group) • IRC (performs IRC calculation: usually requires $IRC group, $HESS group) USING GAMESS •  $CONTRL group: – scftyp= (type of wavefunction) • RHF • ROHF • UHF • MCSCF • GVB – mplevl= • 0 (default, no perturbation theory) • 2 (MP2: valid for RHF, ROHF, MCSCF, GVB) – DFTTYP= • None (default) • xxx Specify name of functional USING GAMESS •  $CONTRL group: – cctyp= • NONE (no coupled cluster, default) • CCSD (singles+doubles) • CCSD(T) adds perturbative triples to CCSD – Most popular method – Triples essential for accurate calculations • CR-CCL – Specialized method to approximate bond-breaking • EOM-CCSD, CR-EOM – Excited states vi equaitons-of-motion CC USING GAMESS •  $BASIS group: – GBASIS= • STO • N21 • N31 • TZV… – NGAUSS=(# gaussians for STO, N21, N31) – NDFUNC=(# sets of d’s on heavy atoms) – NPFUNC=(# sets of p’s on hydrogens) – NFFUNC=(# sets of f’s on TM’s) USING GAMESS •  $BASIS group: – DIFFSP=.T. (diffuse sp functions on heavy atoms) – DIFFS=.T. (diffuse s functions on hydrogens) – GBASIS=ccn (correlation consistent) • n=2,3,4,5,6 – GBASIS=accn (augmented cc--pVXZ) – GBASIS=ccnc (core correlation) – GBASIS=acnc (augmented core correlation) – GBASIS=MC-DZP, MC-TZP, MC-QZP •  basis set #bf #2-EI (theory) #2-EI (actual) CPU time (sec) •  ccd 24 41,472 13863 .1 •  cct 58 1,414,562 566,091 .3 •  acct 92 8,954,912 3,754,821 1.4 •  ccq 115 21,862,578 11,695,586 4.0 •  accq 172 109,401,632 64,214,254 19.7 HF WATER •  HF Scales ~ N4, n = # basis functions •  (172/115)4 = 5.0: 19.7/4.0 = 4.9 USING GAMESS •  $DATA group – Title line (will be printed in output) – Symmetry group • C1 • CS • CNV 2 (C2V), … • Blank line except C1 USING GAMESS •  $DATA group – Symbol Z xcoord ycoord zcoord • Symbol = atomic symbol • Z = atomic number • xcoord,ycoord, zcoord = Cartesian coords • Internal coords is another option – Repeat this line for each symmetry unique atom (see below) – Need to specify basis set after each coordinate line if $BASIS is not present USING GAMESS •  $DATA group – symmetry unique atoms • H2O: O and 1 H • NH3: N and 1 H – saves CPU time • numerical hessians only displace symmetry unique atoms • Reduces # integrals to be calculated – Need to follow conventions in GAMESS manual • Cs, Cnh: plane is XY • Cnv: axis is Z – For Cinfv, use C4v – For Dinfh, use D4h USING GAMESS •  $GUESS group – Built-in guess (default) works much of the time – GUESS=MOREAD,NORB=xx $END • Requires $VEC group (usually from .dat file) • NORB=# MO’s to be read in • Useful when SCF convergence is difficult • Necessary for MCSCF, CI RUNNING GAMESS •  Prepare input file – Within UNIX/Linux using vi line editor – On Mac or PC using editor of choice – Name of file must be xxx.inp •  Submit job by – gms xxx -q fred -l xxx.geomopt.log RUNNING GAMESS •  Output files – .log file appears in directory in which job was submitted – .dat file contains basis set, coordinates, orbitals ($VEC group), gradient ($grad group),hessian ($HESS group), depending on type of run – .irc file contains $VIB group (restart for numerical hessians), $IRC group – Destroy .dat file & .irc file before re-running • rm ~/scr/xxx.dat • For more info, see – – GAMESS sub-page RUNNING GAMESS