English for Life Sciences 1 Monday groups (Bízková)

Week 11 Mock oral exam


As you know, there are no regular classes this week. You will participate in a simulation of the B1 oral exam.

You only need to come for your time slot. 

If you have more than two unexcused absences, you may use the lessons assigned for Mock oral exams as a compensation for any extra missed classes. You would sit in on your colleagues "exams", comment on their summaries and give them feedback.

Also, if you haven´t taken the Mock test and written the Mock email, you may do so either in Week 11 or Week 12 depending on when you signed up to attend the Mock oral exam. Please contact me by email if this is your case and I will set up the test for you.

Mock Oral Exam

In weeks 11 and 12, you will participate in a mock oral exam which is part of the course requirements.

During the mock oral exam, you are going to work in pairs. Each session will last about 25 minutes. 

I will begin by asking each of you some questions related to your studies. This part will take about 1 minute. Next, you will receive a short text from me, approximately 300 words in length, covering a topic in life sciences. The text will involve one of the following language functions: 

1. Describing a process or experiment
2. Comparing and contrasting
3. Classifying
4. Talking about a cause and effect relationship
5. Explaining concepts

You will be alloted  8-10 minutes to read the text and identify key points. You will take turns to share the main ideas from the text with each other, speaking for roughly 3 minutes each. 

After each talk, you will have the opportuntiy to make a brief comment on your partner´s text using one of the following prompts:

1. One thing I didn't understand...
2. One thing I found interesting/important...
3. One thing I'd like to learn more about...
4. Or any other observations you might have.

You will have about one minute to respond.

Vote for a topic you would like to explore in Week 13 by Monday, 27 November 23:55.

Tudle poll Monday 10:00

Tudle poll Monday 12:00