Mock Oral Exam
In weeks 11 and 12, you will participate in a mock oral exam which is part of the course requirements.
During the mock oral exam, you are going to work in pairs. Each session will last about 25 minutes.
I will begin by asking each of you some questions related to your studies. This part will take about 1 minute. Next, you will receive a short text from me, approximately 300 words in length, covering a topic in life sciences. The text will involve one of the following language functions:
1. Describing a process or experiment
2. Comparing and contrasting
3. Classifying
4. Talking about a cause and effect relationship
5. Explaining concepts
You will be alloted 8-10 minutes to read the text and identify key points. You will take turns to share the main ideas from the text with each other, speaking for roughly 3 minutes each.
After each talk, you will have the opportuntiy to make a brief comment on your partner´s text using one of the following prompts:
1. One thing I didn't understand...
2. One thing I found interesting/important...
3. One thing I'd like to learn more about...
4. Or any other observations you might have.
You will have about one minute to respond.