Course materials and homework week XI.
HW for week 11:
Monday and Wednesday groups: p. 3 task 9 - read the transcript and fill in the missing verbs. Write down the equations.
Get ready for the Video-sharing session in week 11:
-choose the best 30 seconds (bring an online device, if you like)
Thursday group: tasks 4 and 5 from unit 9 - Different kinds of average
Bring the handout for week 10 - Equations.
HW for week 12: Task 5 - using key verbs and nouns, write a short description of trigonometric functions.
Thursday group: p. 3 task 9 from Equations handout: - read the transcript and fill in the missing verbs. Write down the equations.
Get ready for the Video-sharing session in week 12:
-choose the best 30 seconds (bring an online device, if you like)
Key to Unit 11: