TAMING THE INFINITE í What abstract algebra does for us Galois fields form the basis of a coding system that is widely used in a variety of commercial applications, especially CDs and DVDs. Every time you play music, or watch a video, you are using abstract algebra. These methods are known as Reed-Solomon codes, after Irving Reed and Gustave Solomon who introduced them in 1960. They are error-correcting codes based on a polynomial, with coefficients in a finite field, constructed from the data being encoded, such as the music or video signals. It is known that a polynomial of degree n is uniquely determined by its values at n distinct paints. The idea is to calculate the polynomial at more than n points. If there are no errors, any subset of n data points will reconstruct the same polynomial. If not, then provided the number of errors is not too large, it is still possible to deduce the polynomial. In practice the data are represented as encoded blocks, with 2m -1 m-bit symbols per block, where a bit is a binary digit, 0 or 1. A popular choice is m = 8, because many of the older computers work in bytes -sequences of eight bits. Here the number of symbols in a block is 255. One common Reed-Solomon code puts 223 bytes of encoded data in each 255 byte block, using the remaining 32 bytes for parity symbols which state whether certain combinations of digits in the data should be odd or even. This code can correct up to 16 errors per block. obscure the meaning of mathematics. But the issue is no long! whether abstraction is useful or necessary: abstract methods have proved their worth by making it possible to solve numerous loia standing problems, such as Fermat's Last Theorem. And what seemnl little more than formal game-playing yesterday may turn out to ■ a vital scientific or commercial tool tomorrow. 264 ---- Rubber Sheet Geometry The main ingredients of Euclid's geometry - lines, angles, circles, squares and so on - are all related to measurement. Line segments have lengths, angles are a definite size with 90° differing in important ways from 91° or 89°, circles are defined in terms of their radii, squares have sides of a given length. The hidden ingredient that makes all of Euclid's geometry work is length, a metric quantity, one which is unchanged by rigid motions and defines Euclid's equivalent concept to motion, congruence. n poles ffi When mathematicians first stumbled across other types of geometry, lliese too were metric. In non-Euclidean geometry, lengths and angles are defined; they just have different properties from lengths and angles in the Euclidean plane. The arrival of projective geometry changed this: projective transformations can change lengths, and i liey can change angles. Euclidean geometry and the two main kinds ■ if non-Euclidean geometry are rigid. Projective geometry is more 265 RUBBER SHEET GEOME I IIV flexible, but even here subtler invariants exist, and in Klein's picture Continuity is one of the basic aspects of the natural world, and any what defines a geometry is a group of transformations and the deep study of continuity leads to topology. Even today we mosdy corresponding invariants. use topology indirectly, as one technique among many. You don't As the 19th century approached its end, mathematicians began find anything topological sitting in your kitchen - not obviously, to develop an even more flexible kind of geometry; so flexible, in at least. (However, you can occasionally find such items as a chaotic fact, that it is often characterized as rubber-sheet geometry. More dishwasher, which uses the strange dynamics of two rotating arms properly known as topology, this is the geometry of shapes that can to clean dishes more efficiently. And our understanding of the be deformed or distorted in extremely convoluted ways.Lines can phenomenon of chaos rests on topology.) The main practical bend, shrink or stretch; circles can be squashed so that they turn into consumers of topology are quantum field theorists - a new use of triangles or squares. All that matters here is continuity. The the word 'practical' perhaps, but an important area of physics, transformations allowed in topology are required to be continuous Another application of topological ideas occurs in molecular in the sense of analysis; roughly speaking, this means that if two biology, where describing and analysing the twists and turns of the points start sufficiently close together, they end up close together DNA molecule requires topological concepts, hence the 'rubber sheet' image. Behind the scenes, topology informs the whole of mainstream There is still a hint of metric thinking here: 'close together' is a mathematics, and enables the development of other techniques with metric concept. But by the early 20th century, even this hint had more obvious practical uses. It is a rigorous study of qualitative been removed, and topological transformations took on a life of geometric features, as opposed to quantitative ones like lengths.This their own. Topology quickly increased in status, until it occupied is why mathematicians consider topology to be of vast importance, centre stage in mathematics - even though to begin with it seemed . whereas the rest of the world has hardly heard of it. very strange, and virtually content-free. With transformations that flexible, what could be invariant? The answer, it turned out, was 1 WyMn