Tutorial 6-8—Global Analysis 1. Suppose a* for i = 1,..., k and j = 1,..., n are smooth real-valued functions defined on some open set U C IRn+fc satisfying £=1 £=1 where we write (x, z) = (x1,xn, z1,zk) for a point in Wl+k. Show that for any point (x0,z0) E U there exists an open neighbourhood V of x0 in IRn and a unique C°°-map / : V —> R.k such that — (x1,...,xn) = a)(x1,...,xn,f1(x),...,fk(x)) and f(x0) = z0. In the class/tutorial we proved this for k = 1 and j = 2. 2. Which of the following systems of PDEs have solutions f(x, y) (resp. f(x, y) and g(x, y)) in an open neighbourhood of the origin for positive values of /(0, 0) (resp. /(0,0) and 0(0,0))? (a) If = /cosy and = -/log/tany. (b) |£ = and f£ = xe*f. v 7 ot ay (c) |£ = / and If = g; fa = 0 and & = /. 3. Suppose E —> M is a (smooth) vector bundle of rank k over a manifold M. Then E is called trivializable, if it isomorphic to the trivial vector bundle M x IRfc —> M. (a) Show that E —> M is trivializable •<=>- E M admits a global frame, i.e. there exist (smooth) sections s1;sk of E such that si(x),Sfc(^) sPan ^ for any x E M. (b) Show that the tangent bundle of any Lie group G is trivializable. (c) Recall that IRn has the structure of a (not necessarily associative) normed division algebra over IR for n = 1,2,4,8. Use this to show that the tangent bundle of the spheres S1 C IR2, S3 C IR4 and S7 C IR8 is trivializable. 4. Let V be a finite dimensional real vector space and consider the subspace of r-linear alternating maps ArV* = L^t(V, M) of the vector space of r-linear maps Lr(V,R) = (V*)®r. Show that for lu E Lr(V,R) the following are equivalent: 1 2 (a) uj E ArV* (b) For any vectors vi,vr E V one has u(VU ...,V,t, ...,Vj,...,Vk) = -u(VU ...,Vj, ...,v,t, ...,vk) (c) u is zero whenever one inserts a vector v E V twice. (d) u(vi, ...,Vk) = 0, whenever vi, ...,vk E V are linearly dependent vectors. 5. Let V be a finite dimensional real vector space. Show that the vector space A*V* : = 0r>o ArV* is an associative, unitial, graded-anticommutative algebra with respect to the wedge product A, i.e. show that the following holds: (a) (uj A rj) A ( = uj A (77 A () for all w,)j,(G A*V*. (b) 1 G 1 = A°V* satisfies 1Aw = wA1 = 1 for all uj E A*V*. (c) ArV* A ASV* C Ar+sV*. (d) ujAt] = (-l)rsr] A uj for uj E ArV* andr] E ASV*. Moreover, show that for any linear map f : V —?■ W the linear map /* : A*W* —?■ A*V* is a morphism of graded unitial algebras, i.e. f*l = 1, f*(ArW*) C ArV* and f*(u A rj) = f*cu A f*rj. 6. Let V be a finite dimensional real vector space. Show that: (a) If ui,ujt E V* and vi,vr E V, then u3x A ... A u}r(vt, ...,vr) = det((wj(^))i M are vector bundles over M. Show that their direct sum E © F := UxeMEx ® Fx ^ M and their tensor product E ® F : = UxeMEx 0 Fx —>• M are again vector bundles over M. 10. Suppose C TM is a smooth distribution of rank A; on a manifold M of dimension n and denote by Vt{M) the vector space of differential forms on M. (a) Show that locally around any point x E M there exists (local) 1-forms cu1,..., w such that for any (local) vector field £ one has: £ is a (local) section of E •<=>-Wj(£) = 0 for alH = 1,n — k. (b) Show that E is involutive •<=>- whenever w1,wn_fc are local 1-forms as in (a) then there exists local 1-forms /i1^ for i, j = 1, ...,n — k such that n—k (c) Show QE(M) := {lu E tt(M) : u\E = 0} C ft(M) is an ideal of the algebra (f2(M), A). Here, cu\E = 0 for a £-form w means that •••>6?) = 0 for any sections £1; ...^ of E1. (d) An ideal J of (fi(M), A) is called differential ideal, if d(J) C J. Show that ^(M) is a differential ideal •<=>- E is involutive. 11. Suppose M is a manifold and A : fifc(M) fifc+r*(M) for i = 1,2 a graded derivation of degree of (f2(M), A). (a) Show that [Du D2] := Dl0D2- (-l)rirW2 o ^ is a graded derivation of degree rx + r2. (b) Suppose D is a graded derivation of (f2(M), A). Let u E Vtk{M) be a differential form and f/ cMan open subset. Show that u\u = 0 implies D{u)\u = 0. Hint: Think about writing 0 as feu for some smooth function / and use the defining properties of a graded derivation. (c) Suppose D and D are two graded derivations such that D(f) = D(f) and D(df) = D(df) for all / E C°°(M, R). Show that D = D. Suppose M is a manifold and £, rj E Y(TM) vector fields. (a) Show that the insertion operator : Vtk{M) —> Vtk~l(M) is a graded derivation of degree -1 of (£l(M), A). (b) Recall from class that [d, d] = 0. Verify (the remaining) graded-commutator relations between d, £^,iv: (i) [d,^] = 0. (ii) [d, i%\ = doi^ + i^od = £%. (iii) [£$, £n] = £[t,n]- (iv) [£z,ir,] = i[£,r,]. (v) fe^] = 0. Hint: Use (c) from 11.