Tutorial 9—Global Analysis 1. Prove the Poincare Lemma: Suppose to E f2fc(IRm) is a closed fc-form, where k > 1. Show that there exists r E f2fc_1(Mm) such that dr = uj. Hint: Show that for any fc-form to = J2il<: TN such that for all x E M one has (i) v(x) E TXN and (ii) v(x) and TXM span T^iV. Show that M is orientable. Deduce that a hypersurface (M,(?)c(Mm+1,(?) = (Mm+1,/uc) in Euclidean space is orientable if and only if M admits a globally defined unit normal vector field. 4. Consider Sm C IRm+1 the unit sphere and the global unit normal vector field v(x) Q = dx1 A ...Adxm+1 Y^T=i x%^i f°r Sm- Show that for the nowhere vanishing m + 1-form on Rm+\ u(x) := (ivQ)(x) = Q(x)(v(x),_ ,) for x E Sr' 1 2 restricts to a nowhere vanishing m-form on Sm that satisfies A*uj = (-l)m+V where A : Sm —?■ Sm is the antipodal map A(x) = —x. 5. Show that n-dimensional projective space IRPm is orientable •<=>- m is odd. Hint: For , consider the natural projection n : Sm —?■ BLPm, given by n(x) = [x], and use the previous exercise. For , <=' construct an oriented atlas. 6. Suppose M and N are connected, compact, oriented manifolds of the same dimension m. Let Jo, fi '■ M —> N be smooth maps that are homo topic to each other, i.e. there exists a smooth map F : M x [0,1] —> N such that F(x, 0) = fo(x) and F(x, 1) = /i(ar). Show that for any u e ttm(N) one has / fo" = [ />• J M J M Hint: M x [0,1] is an oriented manifold with boundary dM = — (M x {0}) U M x {1}, where the minus indicates that the orientation on M x {0} is reversed. Use Stokes' Theorem. 7. Use the previous exercise to show that, if the antipodal map A : Sm —?■ Sm on the sphere Sm is homotopic to the identity Id^m on Sm, then m is odd. 8. Show that on a sphere S2m of even dimension any smooth vector field £ G X(S2m) has a zero. Hint: Show that if £ G X(S2m) is nowhere vanishing, then there exists a homotopy between the antipodal map and the identity.