Nervous system, reflexes and reaction time ◼ Reflexes ◼ Voluntary action ◼ Autonomous reflex Nervous system Central NS – brain, spinal cord Peripheral NS – spinocerebral nerves ◼ Somatic NS  somatic sensory and somatic motor system; somatic reflexes  Affects skeletal muscle tissue ◼ Autonomic NS  Involuntary; visceral reflexes  sympaticus/parasympaticus  Viscelar system: affects cardiac muscle, smooth muscles, exocrine glands Reflexes A reflex, or reflex action, is an involuntary and nearly instantaneous movement in response to stimulus ◼ Fast, stereotypic, automatic reaction of NS, without direct involvement of the brain Reflex arc: 1. Somatic receptor (e.g. heat receptor or muscle spindle = stretch receptors of muscles) 2. Afferent nerve fibers (muscles → dorsal horn of the spinal cord) 3. Integrating center (gray matter of the spinal cord or brainstem) 4. Efferent nerve fibres (ventral horn of the spinal cord → muscles) 5. Effector (e.g. Neuromuscular junction of skeletal muscle) Reflexes ◼ Innate lifelong reflexes - an automatic instinctive unlearned reaction to a stimulus  protective reflexes – sneezing, coughing, corneal, pharyngeal, blink, withdrawal reflex,...  Posture reflexes – tendon reflexes (patellar reflex), stretch reflexes, ... ◼ Special infant reflexes – crawl, grasp, suck, moro, ... video ◼ Conditional reflexes – type of a learning procedure in which a biologically potent stimulus (e.g. food) is paired with a previously neutral stimulus (e.g. a bell); temporary  I. P. Pavlov – dogs: sallivation + sound  Taste aversion (nausea + food) Taste aversion Somatic (motoric) control system ◼ 1. Reflexes  Maintaining posture and balance by muscle tone  Myotatic reflexes – strecth reflexes, tendon reflexes (e.g. knee jerk reflex)  Association with cerebellum, inner ear  Reaction time 20 – 40 msec ◼ 2. Voluntary action and motorics  Somatic system of voluntary action  Cerebral cortex, basal ganglia and other centres skeletal muscles control - CNS + peripheral nerves; cooperation and coordination (↑↑ chemical synapses) ◼ Exteroreceptor → Sensoric pathway → brain processing through the sensoric centre of the brain and motoric centre of the brain → motoric pathway → muscles ◼ Reaction time of voluntary action ≥100ms Voluntary action Experiment 1 - Reaction time comparison  Electrodes on the calf muscle, special hammer, software  Monosynaptic reflex (achilles reflex) - tap on Achilles tendon with special hammer → reflexive calf muscle locomotion A sudden stretch, tapping the Achilles' tendon, causes a reflex contraction in the muscle as the spindles sense the stretch and send an action potential to the motor neurons which then cause the muscle to contract; this particular reflex causes a contraction in the group of muscles. T = 20-40ms  Voluntary action – voluntary locomotion of calf muscle after the tap of hammer on shoulder T ≥ 100ms Web task reaction time or here Experiment 2 Reaction time of voluntary action Autonomous reflexes  Visceral, involuntary  Under the control of hypothalamus  Sympaticus + parasympaticus  Connection with limbic system and amygdala – emotions: breath frequency, heart beat, sweating, salivating, ...  Much slower than motoric reflexes ◼ Crucial for smooth muscle, glands and heart functions Rest & digest systemFight-or-flight reaction antagonists Polygraph (lie detector test) ◼ Stress caused by lying → cerebral cortex + hypothalamus + limbic system → sympaticus → hand sweating (etc.) → higher conductivity → higher graph amplitude on record ◼ In most European jurisdictions, polygraphs are generally not considered reliable evidence and are not generally used by law enforcement. EXPERIMENT 3 Polygraph experiment 1. Put the electrodes on palms (do not moisture), keep eyes closed, keep calm and think about one particular number from 1 to 5 2. Audience question about numbers in random order 3. After being asked, say No to every single question Do not forget: Autonomous reflexes are much slower, therefore be patient about physiological response