~ 32 ~ International Journal of Chemical Studies 2018; 6(6): 32-40 P-ISSN: 2349–8528 E-ISSN: 2321–4902 IJCS 2018; 6(6): 32-40 © 2018 IJCS Received: 15-09-2018 Accepted: 20-10-2018 Vijayakumar Rathod Divsion of Vegetable Science, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India TK Behera Divsion of Vegetable Science, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India AD Munshi, Divsion of Vegetable Science, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India Kumar Durgesh, Divsion of Genetics, ICARIndian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India GS Jat, Divsion of Vegetable Science, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India Boopala Krishnan G Divsion of Vegetable Science, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India Neetu Sharma Divsion of Vegetable Science, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India Correspondence Vijayakumar Rathod Divsion of Vegetable Science, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India Pollen viability and in vitro pollen germination studies in Momordica species and their intra and interspecific hybrids Vijayakumar Rathod, TK Behera, AD Munshi, Kumar Durgesh, GS Jat, Boopala Krishnan G and Neetu Sharma Abstract The present work aimed to compare five staining techniques for pollen viability and three in vitro pollen germination media in Momordica spp and their interspecific hybrids. The freshly opened male flower were collected (7.30am to 8.00am) and evaluated for pollen viability and in vitro pollen germination. For pollen viability studies five different stains were used viz., Tetrazolium stain, I2KI stain, Aceto-carmine stain, Aniline blue stain and Modified Alexander stain. In vitro pollen germination were estimated using three pollen germination solutions viz., 10% sucrose, 10% Sucrose + 100 ppm Boric acid and sucrose @15 % + Boric acid @0.25% + Calcium nitrite @300mg solution. Off the pollen viability stains, Modified Alexander stain differentiate viable and non-viable pollen more accurately than other stains. Among the in vitro pollen germination media, sucrose @15 % + Boric acid @0.25% + Calcium nitrite @300mg solution showed maximum per cent of pollen germination and pollen tube growth. All five staining methods overestimated the pollen viability. Keywords: Momordica charantia, M. c. var muricata, M. balsamina, Tetrazolium stain, I2KI stain, Aceto-carmine stain, Aniline blue stain and Modified Alexander stain, In vitro pollen germination Introduction Quality of pollen are crucial for pollen storage studies, pollen-pistil interaction studies, understanding incompatibility and fertility studies, for breeding and crop improvement and for seed industry (Shivanna and Rangaswamy., 1992) [29] . Pollen viability and vigor decide the quality of pollen (Ottaviano and Mulcahy., 1989) [18] . Pollen fertility and viability have a paramount importance in hybridization programme. Successful pollination is a prerequisite for fertilization and seed set in most plants, and the insight knowledge on pollen biology, including pollen viability, pollen germination and pollen tube growth, is required for any rational approach to increase productivity (Bolat and Pirlak, 1999; Shivanna, 2003) [6, 27] . To differentiate aborted and non-aborted pollens, a simple and hasty technique is required for high throughput. An unambiguous procedure involves pollen deposition on receptive stigma followed by evaluation of seed set. These methods, however, are indirect and sluggish methods, associated with physical and physiological features of pollen with its ability to fertilize the ovule, are universally preferred (Rodriguez-Riano & Dafni 2000) [7, 22] . Pollen germination assays frequently require optimization as well as being time consuming and difficult to reproduce (Boavida, 2007) [5] . Reproduction is a critical step in the life cycle of all organisms and pollination is one of the decisive stage (Piechowski et al., 2009; Jha and Dick, 2010) [20, 13] of reproduction process. The male gamete, pollen is surrounded by sporoderm, which consists of the inner layer intine (which is composed of pectin, cellulose and protein) and outer layer exine (synthesized and secreted by the tapetal tissue of the anther and is composed mainly by sporopol-protein). The glycoprotein present on the pistil generally interact with pollen coat protein (Zhang et al., 2008) [32] . During the pollination process pollen grain deposited on and adhere to the stigma, the pollen hydrates and germinate by emitting pollen tube, which penetrate the cuticle of the stigma cells and grows through the extracellular matrix of the style. The process culminates in the discharge of male gametes into the embryo sac. In bitter gourd, the pollen tube penetrate papillae tissue within 1 hour of pollination and reaches to the ovule about 6 hour after pollination and fertilization is completed within 18- 24 hours after pollination. ~ 33 ~ International Journal of Chemical Studies In spite of taking proper care during pollination, breeder fail to get fertile seed during artificial pollination. Unless sterility is the main cause the failure of seed setting may be the result of slow growth of the pollen tube or its early degeneration in the style. To overcome these difficulties it is necessary to study the pollen viability, physiology of pollen germination and pollen tube growth. There are numerous techniques are available to study pollen viability and the method choice depends on crop (species) and on establishing relationship between test and the fertility (Hanna and Towill 1995) [10] . The most accurate method of pollen viability is the ability of pollen to effect fertilization and seed set (Smith-Huerta and Vasek, 1984; Shivanna and Joshi 1989) [30] . There are different methods to evaluate pollen viability; some noteworthy tests are dye and in vitro germination. The dye test have advantages as indicator of pollen viability because they are faster and easier compared with pollen germination, but they do tend to overestimate the viability and real germination of pollen grains. On the other hand, in vitro pollen germination depends on the genotype, environmental conditions, pollen maturity, composition and pH of the medium; thus it is necessary to determine optimum conditions for pollen germination. It is recommended simultaneously use several tests to reflect pollen performance. The literatures on different tests of pollen viability was reviewed by Dafni and Firmage (2000) [7] and they explained the advantage and disadvantages of each test. The ability to use chemical staining to discriminate aborted from nonaborted pollen grains has well-known practical applications in agriculture. Pollen staining method some time not reliable for most of the species (Barrow, 1981) [4] , hence in vitro pollen germination is more practical used to determine the pollen viability. The ability of pollen germination play an important role not only on fruit set but also the flower-flower and flower-pollinator interaction. Pollen germination and pollen tube growth very crucial for fertilization and seed development. Due to involvement of the pistillate tissue in the nature, physiological and biochemical investigations on pollen germination and pollen tube growth in vivo are rather difficult. Hence in vitro germination techniques generally been used extensively on a variety of pollen systems. Such studies have provided considerable information on the physiology and biochemistry of pollen germination and pollen tube growth (Shivana and Johri 1989; Heslop-Harrison 1987; Steer and Steer 1989) [28, 12] . To reach pollen tube to micropyle region, it passes through four stages, a) imbibition phage, b) Lag phage, c) tube initiation phage and d) rapid tube elongation phage. Pollen tube growth proceeds through tip extension and can be affected by many factors, including temperature, medium osmolarity and the availability of sucrose, calcium, zinc and boron (Sawidis and Reiss, 1995; Tylor and Hepler, 1997.) [25, 23] . Momordica genus is one of the major cucurbitaceous vegetable cum medicinal crop and it is grown in most of the Asian countries. The genus comprises 57 species, of which 12 species are distributed in Asian continents (Schaefer and Renner 2010); Out of 12, nine species are presently found in India include cultivated, semi-cultivated and wild species. Momordica charantia var charantia, M. c. var muricata and M. balsamina are predominantly grown monoecious species in India. The pollen viability of Momordica species lost very rapidly (Desai and Musmade 1998) [8] and till the date very limited systematic studies has been carried out in Momordica on pollen physiology studies. Hence, the present investigation carried out to compare different staining method to study pollen viability and in-vitro pollen germination studies in these three species of Momordica. Materials and Methods Study species The three species of Momordica i.e. Momordica charantia, M. c. var muricata and M. balsamina were used for pollen viability and pollen germination test. These three species are grouped in to gene pool I (Bharathi et al., 2012) [3] and they are highly cross pollinated due to their monoecious sex form where male and female flower borne on same plant but at different node position. The inflorescence is solitary and male flower nectary is closed in M. charantia whereas, partially closed by corolla scale in M. balsamina. The anthesis occurs between 3.30 and 7.30 a.m., when flowers are completely open (Miniraj et al., 1993) [17] . The pollen viability is lost relatively rapidly (Desai and Musmade 1998) [8] . The stigma is receptive for 24 hours before and after flower opening, after which it dries and turns brown (Rasco and Castillo, 1990) [21] . The sex ratio (staminate to pistilate flower) in monoecious line throughout the flowering period is typically 50:1 (Rasco and Castillo, 1990) [21] but ratio can vary from 9:1 to 48: 1 (Dey et al., 2005) [9] . The ovary of bitter gourd is inferior and three carpels with 14 to 18 ovules (Pillai et al., 1978). In India, Bees are important pollinator vectors (Behera et al., 2004) [2] . Study site and plant materials Seeds of M. charantia (DBGS-2), M.c. var muricata (DBGS- 34) and M. balsamina were procured from division of Vegetable Science, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. The seeds were sown in portrays in the month of January-2016 in portrays with media composition of coco peat and vermicompost (1:1), seedling were transplanted at 2- 3 leaf stage during spring-summer (April-July, 2016-17) and grown under the insect proof net house condition (Temperature-35-370 C, RH 60-70%). Freshly opened male flowers were used for pollen viability and in vitro pollen germination studies. Pollen viability tests The literature was reviewed to determine the types of tests used in the past for pollen viability and to determine what problems had been reported for these tests (Dafni and Firmage, 2000) [7] for a list of tests reviewed and the advantages and disadvantages of each test. Base on the literature and facility availability at laboratory condition, we choose five staining methods for our pollen viability experiment. Tetrazolium Test: Tetrazolium (2, 3, 5 triphenyl tetrazolium chloride) test, commonly known as the TZ test. All living tissues, which respire, are capable of reducing a colour less chemical 2, 3, 5 triphenyl tetrazolium chloride) into a red colored compound formazan by H transfer reactions catalysed by the enzyme dehydrogenases (Norton, 1966). This method provide accurate results for many taxa (Shivanna and Johri, 1989) [28] . However this method has some drawbacks like it tends to overestimate viability (Sedgley and Harbard, 1993) [26] , sometime it stains non-viable pollen (Khatum and Flowers 1995) [14] . The concentration of tetrazolium salt, temperature and period of incubation needs to be standardized to get optimal results in various pollen samples (Shivanna and Johri 1989) [28] . ~ 34 ~ International Journal of Chemical Studies Procedure: 1% TTC was prepared by adding 0.2 g. TTC and 12 g sucrose dissolved in 20 mL distilled water. Two drop of the mixture was dropped on a microscope slide and the pollen were dusted over it and covered with a coverslip. Pollen viability counts were made after 30-40 min incubation at 400 C under dark place. Pollen grains stained that orange or bright red color were counted as viable. Iodine- potassium iodide Test (I2KI): The technique described indicates viability and starch content of pollengrains. Iodine broke up in a watery arrangement of potassium iodide the tri-iodide-anion edifices with starch, creating blueblack color. Procedure: Dissolve 1 g potassium iodide and 0.5 g iodine in distilled water to make a final volume of 100 ml. Put 1 or 2 drops of the dye over pollen and mix thoroughly. Place a cover slip and after 5-10min count the number of darkly stained (viable) pollen grains under the microscope. Aceto-carmine test (2%): Carmine show the presence of cytoplasm. The pollen nucleus is rich in chromatin material and viable pollen stains pink to deep red with aceto-carmine, while sterile (mostly shriveled) pollen does not take any stain and thus remains almost white and transparent (McKellar and Quesenberry, 1992; Marutani, et al., 1993) [16, 15] Procedure: Weigh 2 g of carmine powder, dissolve it in 95ml of glacial acetic. Add distilled water to make a total of 100ml solution. Boil it, cool and filtered and stored in a refrigerator. Two to three drop of stain was placed on slide and pollen grains were dusted on it followed by covered with coverslip and pollen viability was recorded after 5-10 min. The dark red colored grains are counted as viable pollens. Aniline blue (Cotton blue) test: Aniline blue stain detect the callose in the pollen walls and pollen tubes (Hauser and Morrison, 1964) [11] . The solution is prepared by adding 200mg/lit of aniline blue in a mixture of 10ml each of phenol, lactic acid, glycerol and distilled water. The viable pollen stained dark blue color, while dead pollen are unstained. Modified Alexander method: It is a modification of Alexander’s stain (Alexander, 1969) [1] , which clearly differentiate aborted and non-aborted pollen. Acid fuchsin, present in this dye, stains the protoplasm and malachite green stains cellulose in walls of pollen; dark purple pollen was scored as viable and green as aborted. The non-aborted pollen grains stained magenta-red and aborted pollen grains stained blue-green (Peterson et al., 2010) [19] . Protocol: The stain is prepared by adding following constituents in the order given. 10ml of 95% ethanol, 1 ml of Malachite green (1% solution in 95% alcohol), 50 mL Distilled water, 25 mL Glycerol, 5 mL Acid fuchsin (1% solution in water), 0.5 mL Orange G (1% solution in water), 4 mL Glacial acetic acid and Add distilled water (4.5 mL) to a total of 100 ml. Flower bud are fixed in 2 hour before Carnoy’s fixative (6 alcohol:3 chloroform:1 acetic acid) before anthesis which sufficiently removes oils and sticky materials and clear the pollen and anther walls. The flower buds or pollen grains are dried and apply 2-4 drops of stain, once the sample is stained, slowly heat the slide over an alcohol burner until the stain solution is near boiling (~30 seconds). A more moderate rate of heating allows better penetration of the dye into the cellulose and protoplasm of the pollen. Slides are covered with cover slip and images are captured under light microscope. The per cent pollen viability was calculated using formula Pollen Viability (%) = Number of stained pollen grains Total number of pollen grains on slide × 100 In vitro pollen germination test: In vitro pollen germination test were carried out using hanging drop method (Shivanna and Rangaswamy, 1992) [29] with three different germination media suggested by Saoji, (1975) [24] in bitter gourd with media composition of 10 per cent sucrose with 100 ppm boric acid, Kielkowska and Havey (2012) media suggested for cucumber with media composition of 15 % sucrose, 0.025% boric acid, 300 mg of Calcium Nitrate and and a control treatment with 10 per cent sucrose. The culture was maintained in a humidity chamber to prevent evaporation. The freshly opened male flower are collected between 7.30- 8.00 a.m. and used for pollen viability and in vitro pollen germination studies. Germination of pollen from open male flowers was counted after incubation for 24 h at 250 C on germination medium. Per cent pollen germination was computed using formula given bellow. Pollen Germination (%) = Number of germinated pollen grains Total number of pollen grains on slide × 100 Results Pollen viability using different staining techniques According to the analysis of variance, all the test showed the significance difference at 1% level of significance except treatment I2KI, whereas, at 5 % level of significance all the treatment showed significance different (Table 1). Tetrazolium staining method (Fig 1)showed highest number of stained pollen in M. c. var charantia × M. c. var muricata (95.33 %) followed by M. charantia (94.31%) and lowest was recorded in M. charantia × M. balsamina (89.66%). In the I2KI staining (Fig 2) method, non-significant difference was observed among the species and crosses at 1 per cent level of significance. However, it had shown significant value at 5 % level of significance. Among the species and their crosses, the aceto-carmine staining method (Fig 3) showed significance difference at both 1% and 5 % level of significance. M. charantia showed highest number of stained pollen (96.42 %) followed by M. c. var muricata (93.66 %), while M. charantia × M. balsamina showed lowest per cent of pollen stainability (90.21%). Aniline blue staining method (Fig 4) also showed significant difference among the Momordica species and their crosses at both 1 % and 5 % level of significance. The highest per cent of pollen were stained in M. charantia × M. balsamina (94.00 %) followed by M. balsamina (92.71%) and lowest was recorded in M. c. var muricata × M. c. var charantia (85.33 %). In modified alexander staining (Fig 5) method, highest percent of pollen viability was recorded in M. charantia (86.00 %) followed by M. balsamina (84.53 %) and lowest was recorded in M. charantia × M. balsamina (77.33 %). ~ 35 ~ International Journal of Chemical Studies Table 1: Pollen viability test in Momordica species and its intra and interspecific hybrids using different staining methods. Treatment Tetrazolium stain I2KI stain Aceto-carmine stain Aniline blue Alexander stain Population Pollen viability (%) Pollen viability (%) Pollen viability (%) Pollen viability (%)Pollen viability (%) M M. c. var charantia 94.31±0.88 94.19±0.82 96.42±1.20 91.41±0.87 86.00±0.57 M. c. var muricata 92.42±0.31 92.32±0.34 93.66±0.34 94.00±1.52 84.00±1.52 M. balsamina 91.10±0.56 91.00±0.61 93.34±0.81 92.71±0.68 84.53±0.33 M. charantia ×M. balsamina 89.66±0.33 89.68±0.31 90.21±0.64 87.14±0.33 77.33±0.91 M. charantia × M. c. var muricata 95.33±0.28 93.38±0.42 93.00±0.36 87.66±0.19 82.41±0.88 M. c. var muricata × M. c. var charantia 92.00±0.52 92.00±0.18 91.00±0.48 85.33±1.45 81.00±1.15 CD @1% 2.65 NS 3.65 3.63 4.72 CD @ 5% 1.87 2.43 2.57 2.55 3.32 SE(m)± 0.54 0.54 0.79 1.77 1.01 C.V.(%) 1.02 1.02 1.49 1.56 2.15 Fig 1: Tetrazolium staing methods in Momordica species and inte intra and interspecific hybrids Fig 2: I2KI Staining method for pollen viability in Momordica species and its intra and interspecific hybrids ~ 36 ~ International Journal of Chemical Studies Fig 4: Aceto-carmine staing methods in Momordica species and inte intra and interspecific hybrids Fig 4: Analine blue staing method in Momordica species and inte intra and interspecific hybrids ~ 37 ~ International Journal of Chemical Studies Fig 5: Modified Alexander staing method in Momordica species and inte intra and interspecific hybrids In-vitro pollen germination studies Three different composition of pollen germination media was used to study the effect media on pollen germination in Momordica species and their intra and inter specific hybrids and the results was presented in Table 2. A germination media with 10 % sucrose showed that pollen germination was less than 50 per cent (Fig 6), where as 44.25 % to 55.00% pollen germination was observed in germinated media with 10 % sucrose + 100 ppm boric acid (Fig 7). In vitro pollen germination media with 15 % sucrose + 0.25% boric acid + 300 mg of calcium nitrate showed pollen germination ranged from 62.50 % to 66.00 % per cent (Fig 8). These three medium showed significant difference at 1% and 5 % level of significance. Among the Momordica species and their intra and interspecific hybrids, significance difference for pollen germination was observed only in sucrose 10 % media composition, whereas other two media composition did not shown any significance difference. The germination media with 15 % sucrose + 0.25 % boric acid + 300mg of calcium nitrite showed higher percent pollen germination followed by media with sucrose 10 % + 100 ppm boric acid, where as germination media with 10 % sucrose gave poor response. Among the three species of Momordica and their intra and interspecific hybrids, significance difference was observed in media with 10% sucrose whereas, in other two media did not showed significance difference. Table 2: In vitro Pollen germination of Momordica species and their intra and interspecific hybrids using different in vitro media. Treatments M. c. var charantia M. c. var muricata M. balsamina M. charantia × M. balsamina M. charantia × M. c. var muricata M. c. var muricata × M. c. var charantia CD @1% CD @ 5% C.V. (%) Pollen germination (%) Pollen germinatio n (%) Pollen germination (%) Pollen germination (%) Pollen germination (%) Pollen germination (%) Sucrose@ 10% 41.50±0.87 40.25±0.95 40.75±1.10 36.50±0.65 35.00±0.71 35.25±0.85 3.53 2.58 4.54 Sucrose@ 10% + Boric acid@100 ppm 55.00±1.29 54.50±1.56 52.75±1.49 44.25±0.48 51.25±1.25 48.25±2.17 NS NS 5.88 Sucrose @ 15%+Boric acid@ 0.25%+ calcium nitrite@300mg 66.00±0.41 64.75±0.85 65±0.91 62.75±1.65 64.50±0.65 63.00±0.82 NS NS 2.87 CD @1% 4.09 7.22 5.71 4.88 4.88 5.00 CD @ 5% 2.71 4.76 3.77 3.22 3.22 3.30 SE(m)± 0.93 1.16 1.20 1.06 0.91 1.43 C.V.(%) 2.89 4.37 4.13 3.89 3.68 3.91 Fig 6: In vito pollen germination using 10% sucrose solution. ~ 38 ~ International Journal of Chemical Studies Fig 7: In vito pollen germination test using 10% sucrose + 100ppm Boric acid. Fig 8: In vitro pollen germination test using 15% sucrose+ 0.25% boric acid+300mg Calcium nitrite solution Correlation between staining methods and in-vitro germination media The person’s correlation coefficient was performed among the species of Momordica and their intra and interspecific hybrids and between the different sating techniques and germination media used (Table 3). The person’s correlation results showed positive and highly significance correlation between modified Alexander stain and Sucrose @ 10% + 100 ppm Boric acid media (0.974), sucrose @ 15 % + Boric acid @0.25% + calcium nitrate @ 300mg (0.871). Aniline blue stain had positive and significant correlation with all three different composition of germination media i.e. with sucrose @ 10% (0.893), Sucrose @10%+100ppm boric acid (0.790) and sucrose @15 % + Boric acid @0.25% +Calcium nitrite @300mg (0.753). The Aceto-carmine stain had positive correlation with Sucrose @10%+100ppm boric acid (0.907) and sucrose @15 % + Boric acid @0.25% +Calcium nitrite @300mg (0.977) these results indicated that the pollen viability using these staining techniques are more reliable than other stain which were used in the present study. Table 3: Pearson’s correlation coefficient for different pollen viability stains and pollen germination test in Momordica species and their intra and interspecific hybrids. Treatments 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Tetrazolium stain (1) 1 0.067 -0.322 -0.531 -0.479 -0.718 -0.391 -0.381 I2KI stain (2) 1 0.617 0.803* 0.609 0.535 0.711 0.673 Aceto-carmine (3) 1 0.68 0.823* 0.752 0.907** 0.977** Aniline Blue (4) 1 0.744* 0.893** 0.790* 0.753* Alexander stain (5) 1 0.659 0.974** 0.871* Sucrose@10 (6) 1 0.720 0.773* Sucrose @10%+Boric acid @100ppm (7) 1 0.928** Sucrose@15%+ Boric acid@0.25%+300mg calcium nitrite (8) 1 ~ 39 ~ International Journal of Chemical Studies Discussion In the present study among the five staining methods, modified alexander methods could easily differentiate the viable and non-viable pollen grains (Fig 5). In modified alexander staining method viable pollen grains, stained magenta-red stain and non-viable pollen grain stained bluegreen (Peterson, et al., 2010) [19] . In other methods of staining used in the present study, could not differentiate easily between viable and non-viable pollens. In most of the staining methods, the per cent of unstained pollen grains were very few which indicate very high per cent pollen viability but when the germination test was performed the pollen germination was not showed more than 70 %, this observation indicated that the stains used for pollen viability were could not differentiate between viable and non-viable pollen grains. Barrow (1981) [4] suggested that some time staining techniques could not discriminate between aborted and nonaborted pollen grains, hence in vitro pollen germination study has to follow. In bitter gourd, Saoji (1975) [24] reported in vitro pollen germination media with sucrose @10 % was best for pollen germination studies, however in or study sucrose @15 % + Boric acid @0.25% + Calcium nitrite @300mg found to be superior. Off the staining methods tested, none was very satisfactory as accusatory predictor of the In vitro pollen germination studied. The pollen germination results are not accurately resemble to pollen viability tested with different method, hence different staining methods could be useful for estimation of pollen viability accomplished with in vitro pollen germination. Similar observation was reported by Sedgle et al., (1993) [26] in Acacia. Conclusion Modified Alexander stain was more efficient for discrimination of aborted and non-aborted pollen in Momordica species followed by Aniline blue stain and Acetocarmine stain. Pollen of Momordica species showed maximum pollen germination and growth in sucrose @15 % + Boric acid @0.25% + Calcium nitrite @300mg solution. Pollen tube growth was abnormal in 10%s sucrose solution. References 1. Alexander MP. Differential staining of aborted and nonaborted pollen. Stain Technol. 1969; 44:117-22. 2. Behera TK. Heterosis in bitter gourd In: Hybrid vegetable development. (Eds) P.K. Singh, S.K. Dasgupta, and S.K. Thpathi, Haworth Press, New York. 2004; pp. 217-221. 3. 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