Biology of parasitic protozoa VI. Amoebae: Heterolobosea (Excavata), Amoebozoa (Amoebozoa) Andrea Bardůnek Valigurová Notice This presentation contains some material available on the web without the permission of the creator or the copyright owner. This presentation is to be used for educational purposes only. Educational purposes are defined as a communicating material for a particular course of instruction or for the administration of such course. Educational purposes do not cover the use of copyright material in PowerPoint for public lectures or other purposes. Amoebae • organisms which free-living alter its shape, primarily by extending and retracting pseudopodia • pseudopodia extend and contract by the reversible assembly of actin monomers into microfilaments • lobopodia, filopodia, reticulopodia, axopodia • in older classification most amoebae were placed in the class/subphylum Sarcodina • not a single taxonomic group = supergroups comprising amoebae: Excavata, Amoebozoa, SAR • mostly free-living species - some are predatory and consume bacteria, others are detritivores and feed on dead organic material • amoebae typically ingest the food by phagocytosis 5 supergroups = megagroups Pseudopodia (pseudopods) in Amoebae Amoebozoa (Amoebozoa) Heterolobosea (Excavata) Rhizaria (SAR) lobopodia filopodia axopodia reticulopodia Phagocytosis in Amoebae 5 supergroups = megagroups Excavata • have a conspicuous ventral feeding groove that is “excavated” from one side, and through which pass one or more recurrent flagella; the ventral groove has characteristic ultrastructure and is supported by microtubules • variety of free-living and symbiotic forms • not a monophyletic group • paraphyletic group with the ancestors of other living eukaryotes • parasitic species in Discoba•: Heterolobosea••• • Heterolobosea have lost some of Excavata structures Heterolobosea • about 140 described species • amoebae with eruptive pseudopodia, alternating with flagellated phase flagellated cells usually with 2 or 4 flagella • amoeboid, flagellate and resting stage (cyst) = amoeboflagellates • one or two stages are unknown and presumably have been reduced in many taxa • remains unclear whether Heterolobosea represent sexual or asexual organisms • representatives capable of feeding usually use a groove like cytostome • flattened, often discoidal mitochondrial cristae • most important heterolobosean taxon is the genus Naegleria comprising human parasite Naegleria fowleri and model organism N. gruberi amoebae flagella permanently flagella temporarily no flagella Percolomonas flagellates Psalteriomonas amoeboflagellates Vahlkampfia Naegleria Heterolobosea Heterolobosea - amphizoic amoebae • also called amphizoic amoebae for their ability to exist as free-living organisms and only occasionally invade the host and live as parasites in its tissue • important human pathogen: Naegleria fowleri genus Naegleria • about 300 cases of human primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAM), while only 5 PAM patients survived Life cycle of Naegleria gruberi Schematic view of Naegleria amoeba and flagellate forms Life cycle in Heterolobosea • thermophilic free-living amoeba • surface of vegetation and mud • pear shaped motile stage with 2 flagella - in surface water (usually not found in CSF) • slug shaped amoebic trophozoite (10-25 μm) with rounded pseudopodia (lobopodia) - infective for humans and observed in CSF and brain tissue • uninucleated cysts found on the surface of vegetation and in mud Naegleria fowleri Heterolobosea Life cycle of Naegleria fowleri Naegleria fowleri • water containing N. fowleri amoeba stage inhaled through the nose • enters the nasal and olfactory nerve tissue, travelling to the brain - bulbus olfactorius • acute, fulminating haemorrhagic meningoencephalitis in healthy children and young adults - primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAM) • worldwide distribution in fresh and warm water (lakes, streams, spas, heated but unchlorinated swimming pools, hot springs, hydrotherapy and remedial pools, aquaria, sewage,…) • thermophilic, tolerates temperatures of up to 45 °C (optimum 37 °C) • abundant during summer • reduction of osmotic pressure  formation of flagellar stages Naegleria fowleri • amoebae enter the CNS following attachment to the olfactory nerve and migrate to the olfactory bulb (bulbus olfactorius) of the forebrain, invading the brain  widespread infections, haemorrhages and necrosis Course and clinical symptoms of naegleriasis • rapid onset of symptoms in 3-5 days after the exposure • stage 1: severe frontal headache, fever, nausea, vomiting • stage 2: stiff neck, seizures, altered mental, status, hallucinations, coma • death in 1-18 days (median 5 days) after symptoms begin • signs and symptoms of N. fowleri infection are similar to bacterial meningitis, which lowers the chances of diagnosing PAM at first • the outlook for patients is poor; early diagnosis and new treatments can increase their chances for survival Pathology of PAM A section of the cerebral portion of the brain from a PAM patient showing large clusters of N. fowleri trophozoites and the destruction of the normal brain tissue architecture. Inset: Higher magnification of N. fowleri trophozoites (arrows). HE. Extensive haemorrhage and necrosis is present in the brain, mainly in the frontal cortex. Focal haemorrhage and necrosis in frontal cortex. Pathology of PAM Naegleria fowleri-associated disease in cattle. A) Brain positioned upside-down. Left olfactory bulb shows marked enlargement and irregular surface. B) Cross-sectioned brain, Thalamus shows a focally extensive and poorly demarcated area of necrosis. C-D) Histological sections of brain. Blood vessels show marked fibrinoid necrosis of their wall and thrombosis. Rarefaction of adjacent neuropil (detail in D) with multiple N. fowleri trophozoites (arrows). Pathogenesis of Naegleria fowleri • forms sucker like appendages or amoebostomes • nibbles away at the cells and tissues (trogocytosis) • contact-dependent cytolysis of brain tissue by the amoeba • secretion of cytolytic factors causing destruction of cell membrane, including a poreforming protein similar to perforin Diagnosis and treatment of naegleriasis Microscopy ✓ wet mount examination of the CSF (actively moving amoebae) ✓ Giemsa or trichrome stained CSF smears Cultivation ✓ at 37 °C on agar with killed bacteria (Enterobacter, Escherichia) Histology (trichrome staining) ✓ amoebae with typical nuclear morphology ✓ located mostly perivascularly Treatment • only 5 PAM patients survived (permanent brain damage) • amphotericin B i.v. + intrathecally • rifampin p.o. + miconazol i.v. + intrathecally Epidemy of PAM in Czech Republic • 18 cases of PAM in Czechia • 1962-1965: 16 cases (biggest PAM epidemy) • 8-25 years old patients • swimming pool Ústí nad Labem: VIII.1962: 3 cases VII. 1963: 6 cases XI. 1964: 5 cases IX. 1965: 2 cases • 1968: 1 case: swimming poll in Most • 1984: 1 case: stream with cooling water from power station Prevention of Naegleria fowleri infection Prevention of Naegleria fowleri infection Naegleria australiensis • pathogenic to laboratory mice Naegleria gruberi • non-pathogenic, free-living amoeba Heterolobosea 5 supergroups = megagroups Amoebozoa • taxonomic group containing about 2,400 described species of amoeboid protozoa • monophyletic supergroup • blunt, finger-like, lobose pseudopodia • phagocytosis as a primary mode of nutrition • if present mitochondria with tubular cristae; many species secondarily lost mitochondria • majority lack flagella • some of them also called „amphizoic amoebae“ • two basic groups: ▪ Lobosa - non flagellated amoebae with blunt, lobose pseudopodia ▪ Conosa - both amoeboid and flagellated cells, characteristically with more pointed or slightly branching pseudopodia Smirnov et al. (2011): Prostist 162 Lobosa: Acanthamoebidae - amphizoic amoebae • invade a host and live as parasites within host tissue • important pathogens: ▪ Acanthamoeba spp. - about 130 cases of human granulomatous amebic encephalitis (GAE) , more than 3000 cases of human amoebic keratitis (AK) ▪ Balamuthia mandrillaris - more than 100 cases of GAE ▪ Sappinia diploidea - 1 or more cases (?) of human amoebic encephalitis (AE) Amoebozoa - amphizoic amoebae genus Acanthamoeba • thorn-like pseudopodial projections = acanthopodia („acanthus“ = spiny, thorny) • trophozoites (15-30 μm) with slow movement, no flagellate stages • cosmopolitan, ubiquitous occurrence in soil and water (fresh, brackish, and sea water) commonly found in lakes, swimming pools, tap water, heating and air conditioning units, sewage, contact lens equipment • can be also found in dental treatment units; dialysis machines; mammalian cell lines; vegetables; human nostrils and throats; human and animal brain, skin, lung tissues • more than 24 species  13 human species: Acanthamoeba culbertsoni, A. castelanii, A. astronyxis, A. hatchetti, A. rhysodes, A. palestinensis, A. polyphaga, … • 3 morphological groups based on size and character of trophozoites and cysts • often harbouring pathogenic bacteria • cyst with double-layered wall - outer wrinkled ectocyst and inner endocyst (stellate, polygonal, oval or round), large nucleus with a central dense nucleolus Life cycle of Acanthamoeba spp. Trophozoites Life stages of Acanthamoeba spp. Life stages of Acanthamoeba spp. Active phagocytosis via amebostomes („food cups“) SEM of trophozoites illustrating the presence of surface structures termed food cups. A) Food cups present on the surface of a trophozoite of Acanthamoeba culbertsoni are temporary structures that form and reform for the intake of bacteria, yeast, or cellular debris. B) Food cup present on the surface of A. astronyxis trophozoite used to ingest bacteria. C) Food cup present on the surface of an A. castellanii trophozoite in the apparent process of ingesting a cultured nerve cell. D) Higher magnification of trophozoite in C showing the food cup during putative ingestion. The figure describes how Acanthamoeba and bacteria interact, which may lead to the amoebae acting as predator, Trojan horse or reservoir. Left: Acanthamoeba in a bacteria-rich environment following which selected bacteria are taken up by the amoeba. Middle section: Two main options following intake of bacteria are depicted, namely, digestion or survival of the bacteria. Right: Bacteria surviving internalisation into Acanthamoeba, namely, using the amoeba as a transmission vehicle or replication site. Interaction of Acanthamoeba with bacteria • Acanthamoeba can be spread to the eyes through contact lens use, cuts, or skin wounds or by being inhaled into the lungs • most people are exposed to Acanthamoeba during their lifetime, but very few will become sick from this exposure • forms of acanthamoebiasis: ✓ granulomatous amoebic encephalitis (GAE) ✓ Acanthamoeba keratitis (amoebic keratitis) (AK) ✓ disseminated form = systemic opportunistic infection that can occur both with and without GAE (hematogenous dissemination, can affect the skin, sinuses, lungs, and other organs independently or in combination) ✓ cutaneous form = skin infection • GAE and disseminated forms are very rare and primarily affect immunocompromised humans, but disseminated infection can also affect healthy children and adults Diseases caused by Acanthamoeba infection Acanthamoeba granulomatous amoebic encephalitis (GAE) Clinical symptoms • neurological manifestations and behavioural changes: ✓ mental status changes ✓ loss of coordination ✓ fever ✓ muscular weakness or partial paralysis affecting one side of the body ✓ double vision, sensitivity to light ✓ other neurologic problems • rare form of Acanthamoeba infection (about 200 cases) • chronic infection of brain and spinal cord • spanning from several weeks to months • humans with compromised metabolic, physiologic or immunologic functions A) Large coalescing necrotizing hemorrhagic lesions involving the insular cortex and putamen with extensive perilesional oedema with compression of ipsilateral ventricle; B) dense vasculitis and inflammation; C) large trophozoites aggregating around vessels D) in addition to thick-walled cysts. https://doi:10.4103/0972-2327.128571 Pathology of Acanthamoeba GAE Histopathological findings of brain biopsy. A-B) Necrotic tissue with inflammatory cell infiltration and vessel hyalinization. HE. C) Amoebic cysts. HE. D) Trophozoites. HE. Both forms were observed in necrotic tissues. E-F) Cysts were also observed around blood vessels. G) Cysts showed faint positive in Periodic acid-Schiff stain (PAS) (arrows). H-I) Immunohistochemical staining of cysts – positive staining with antiserum against Acanthamoeba (H), but negative for Balamuthia (I). Pathology of Acanthamoeba GAE Diagnosis of Acanthamoeba GAE ✓ localised necrotic foci of infection in brain tissue by neuroimaging ✓ definitive identification of amoebae upon brain biopsy or at autopsy and microscopic visualisation of trophozoites or cysts in tissue sections, cultivation of amoebae ✓ molecular methods Cytological findings of Acanthamoeba in CSF. Giemsa staining of a trophozoite (arrow), lymphocyte (arrowhead). IFA of Acanthamoeba Pathology of disseminate acanthamoebiasis Histopathological findings of the right lung. A-B) Gross appearance of coronal section of lung. Greyish lesion with clear boundary was observed in the upper lobe of the right lung. C) Very lowpower field of the lung. Necrotic lesion with clear boundary was observed. D-E) High-power field of necrotic lesion in the right lung. Amoebic cysts were observed in a part of necrotic lesion (D) and showed faint positive in PAS (E). • acute localised infection of cornea • in immunocompetent individuals following corneal trauma or as the result of poor hygiene in the care of contact lenses or contact lens cases • typically, 1 eye infected • 1974 UK and USA: 3 cases • 2004 > 3000 cases • 1995: first case in the Czech Republic • therapy with variety of drugs Acanthamoeba keratitis (AK) corneal ring infiltrate • 3 per 100,000 and around 85 % of cases occur in people who wear contact lenses • exposure of the eye to contaminated water • tap water should not be used to rinse contact contact lenses • corneal abrasion • clinical symptoms: watering of eyes, eye pain with photophobia, blurred vision and irritation are common • cysts in cornea Acanthamoeba keratitis (AK) A) Recent mention of Acanthamoeba keratitis (AK) in leading news media and news outlets after an outbreak of AK in the UK. A similar epidemic of AK has occurred in the USA in the past. B) Superiority of FDA-approved drugs that have proven to kill amoeba trophozoites and cysts over novel chemicals and biocides (B1). The FDA-approved drugs would need to be tested only in human eye, as their safety studies have been completed in the past (B2). Note the effects of one of the FDA-approved drugs on Acanthamoeba trophozoites as compared to control. DOI: 10.1038/s41433-018-0306-x Cutaneous form of acanthamoebiasis • nodular skin lesions • HIV / AIDS patients • disseminated skin form during GAE Balamuthia mandrillaris • free-living amoeba naturally found in the environment • 1986 first isolation from brain of a mandrill baboon that died in San Diego Wildlife Park • larger than Acanthamoeba or Naegleria • causing GAE (BAE) in humans and animals • infection reports primarily originate from America, limited cases from Asia, Australia, and Europe • pleomorphic trophozoite (30-120 μm) with lobopodia and a single nucleus • cyst - wall formed by a thin, wavy ectocyst, fibrous mesocyst and a thick round endocyst; cytoplasm is filled with numerous pinocytotic vacuoles and/or vesicles Life cycle of Balamuthia mandrillaris • immunocompromised people, including AIDS patients and intravenous drug users, but also immunocompetent patients • chronic disease - weeks to as long 2 years, more than 200 cases worldwide • can infect the skin, brain and other organs of the body • disease can begin with a skin wound and can progress to the brain  granulomatous amoebic encephalitis (GAE) • early symptoms of GAE: fever, headache, vomiting, lethargy, nausea • other signs of GAE: mental health changes, seizures, weakness, confusion, partial paralysis, difficulty speaking or walking • disease might appear mild at first but can become more severe over weeks to several months - often fatal, with a 90% death rate Symptoms of balamuthiasis ✓ lesions in neuroimaging ✓ cultivation ✓ histology ✓ immunological detection ✓ molecular methods Diagnosis of balamuthiasis Balamuthia GAE diagnosis can be difficult because symptoms are not specific to GAE Pathology of Balamuthia GAE Balamuthia mandrillaris in brain of Bornean orangutan. A-B) Right dorsomedial cerebral hemisphere is enlarged and distorted by oedema, haemorrhage, malacia and meningoencephalitis. that compresses the right lateral ventricle and abuts the corpus callosum. C) Intralesional, often perivascular, trophozoites (*) admixed with haemorrhage and oedema. D) Trophozoites have nuclei with up to four nucleoli (arrow), and there are rare amoeba cysts (circled). HE. Pathology and tretatment of Balamuthia GAE A) Cutaneous lesion on the right knee observed in February 2006 showing an indurated and violaceous plaque covering the entire knee with 2 papular lesions. B) Skin biopsy specimen showing a dense inflammatory infiltrate of the dermis with granulomas. An amoebic trophozoite is observed, with a nucleus that has a large, central nucleolus and vacuolated cytoplasm. HE. C) MRI obtained 7 days after the onset of neurologic symptoms (June 2007) showing hypersignal in the left temporal lobe. D) MRI (June 2007) showing a ring-enhancing lesion in the left temporal lobe. E) Follow-up of the left knee lesion 1 week after the patient had commenced treatment with miltefosine, albendazole, and fluconazole. Lesions abruptly changed, developing a scaly and crusty surface. F) MRI obtained 5 months after the start of treatment, showing significant improvement on the neurological lesions without evidence of contrast enhancing. G) MRI image 4 months after completion of treatment, showing the disappearance of the brain lesions. H) Follow-up of the healed left knee lesions (May 2008). Cutaneous and neurological involvement !!! Comparative characteristics of free-living amoebae as etiological agents of amoebic encephalitis and keratitis genus Entamoeba • small amoebae, with a single nucleus and typically a single lobose pseudopodium • flagella and centrioles absent • reduced Golgi • mitosomes instead of classical mitochondria • uninucleated trophozoites convert into cysts = encystation • number of nuclei in the cyst varies from 1 to 8 among species • one of the characteristics used to distinguish species • several species are found in humans and animals Conosa: Archamoebidae morphology of nuclei in cysts peripherally distributed chromatin karyosom = endosom Morphological characteristics of Entamoeba cyst E. coli Homo 8 nuclei E. dispar E. histolytica Homo E. hartmani E. moshkovskii free-living, Homo E. invadens reptiles E. ranarum frogs E. gingivalis Homo no cyst, originally 4 nuclei E. chattoni apes 1 nucleus E. polecki Homo, Sus 4 nuclei group „histolytica“ - nucleolus centrally E. histolytica E. dispar E. moshkovskii E. hartmani E. invadens E. ranarum group „coli“ - nucleolus eccentric E. coli E. muris E. gallinarum E. cuniculi group „gingivalis“ • nucleus „histolytica“ • no cysts • originally 4 nuclei group „bovis“ E. bovis E. ovis E. polecki E. chattoni Morphological characteristics of Entamoeba cyst genus Entamoeba – group „histolytica“ • intestinal trophozoites (10-60 μm vs. 4-12 μm in E. hartmanni) ✓ eruptive lobopodia ✓ ring of peripheral granules at inner surface of nuclear membrane • cysts (10-20 μm) with 4 nuclei E. dispar • non-pathogenic • formerly "non-pathogenic strains of E. histolytica" E. moshkovskii • non-pathogenic E. hartmanni • non-pathogenic E. histolytica • potentially pathogenic Amoebic dysentery due to Entamoeba histolytica • infecting humans (about 50 million people worldwide) and other primates • mammals such as dogs and cats can become infected transiently • previously, 10 % of the world's population was thought to be infected, but these estimates preceded the discovery that at least 90% of these infections were caused by E. dispar • about 10-20 % of infection with E. histolytica causes disease - in response to unknown stimuli, trophozoites move through the mucus layer and start the pathological process • trophozoites - forma minuta x forma magna (erythrophagocystosis) ✓ heat stress, physical exertion ✓ constriction of visceral vessels ✓ abnormal function of intestinal mucosal cells ✓ disruption of intestinal biocenosis ✓ hypoxia ✓ change in the redox potential of the intestinal mucosa Amoebic dysentery due to Entamoeba histolytica Transmission via ingestion of food and water contaminated with cysts, which excyst in small intestine to the trophozoites that colonise the large intestine New concept of amoebic dysentery due to E. histolytica • Entamoeba histolytica, is the causative agent of amoebic dysentery and amoebic liver abscess (entamoebiasis) • one of the leading causes of death from parasitic diseases • closely related E. dispar is morphologically indistinguishable • E. dispar is a commensal - not causing disease in humans, even in immunocompromised individuals • highly prevalent in areas of poor sanitation Morphologically-identical species of Entamoeba, including E. dispar, E. moshkovskii and E. bangladeshi, are generally not associated with disease although investigations into pathogenic potential are ongoing. Amoebic dysentery due to Entamoeba histolytica • about 10-20 % of people infected with E. histolytica become sick from infection • majority of infections restricted to intestinal lumen (“luminal amebiasis”) are asymptomatic Clinical symptoms • severe dysentery, stomach pain and cramping, bloody stools, fever • amoebic colitis, or invasive intestinal amebiasis, occurs when the mucosa is invaded • severe chronic infections may lead to further complications - peritonitis, perforations, formation of amoebic granulomas (ameboma) • rarely, E. histolytica invades other organs - liver abscesses are the most common manifestation of extraintestinal amebiasis • pleuropulmonary abscess, brain abscess, and necrotic lesions on the perianal skin and genitalia have also been observed flask ulcer Amoebas (blue) in the intestinal tissue of mice (green). Amoebas destroy the intestinal cells in order to penetrate further into the body. If they get into the bloodstream, they attack other organs. If left untreated, the infection is fatal. The parasites can be fought with antibiotics. submucosa muscularis mucosae mucosa Mucosa invasion by Entamoeba histolytica Invasion of the colonic and caecal mucosa by E. histolytica SEM of intestinal amebiasis in a guinea pig. A) Trophozoites of E. histolytica adhere preferentially to the elevated interglandular epithelium. B) Note the small interglandular region of microinvasion in the early invasive lesion with superficial ulceration. C) In a more advanced stage of invasion, numerous trophozoites penetrate a colonic ulcer. Experimental intestinal amebiasis in a guinea pig. An invading E. histolytica trophozoite proceeds through the interglandular epithelium. A large pseudopod is extended by the parasite during penetration to the lamina propria. A semithin section stained with toluidine blue is shown. Pathology of intestinal amoebiasis due to E. histolytica Human intestine with acute amoebic colitis. Histologic analysis of amoebic colitis. A) Trophozoites of E. histolytica ingesting erythrocytes (arrows). HE. B) Numerous amoebic trophozoites on the mucosal surface. PAS. Endoscopic features of amoebic colitis. A) Ulcers in the rectum. B) Multiple erosions with exudates surrounded by oedematous mucosa in the sigmoid colon. Patient with amoebic colitis. A) Intestinal ulcers. B) Amoebas within the lamina propria (arrows) surrounded by inflammatory infiltrate of neutrophils. C) Invasion of intestinal mucosa by trophozoites. IHC of trophozoites (brown) using anti–E. histolytica macrophage migration inhibitory factor antibodies. Pathogenesis of intestinal amoebiasis due to E. histolytica 1. Secreted E. histolytica macrophage migration inhibitory factor (EhMIF) promotes mucosal inflammation. 2. E. histolytica–induced inflammation results in increased production in matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) which break down extracellular matrix (ECM) in gut to promote cell migration. 3. Infiltrating inflammatory cells generate oxygen free radicals (ROS) which are capable of killing parasites. ROS are also responsible for collateral tissue damage during the inflammatory period. 4. Amoeba invades the intestinal mucosa by evading and exploiting the host immune system. 5. Contact-dependent cell killing by E. histolytica. 6. Elevated levels of Prevotella copri (associated with gut inflammation) increases the risk of colitis. • adherence - lectin binding to galactose and N-acetylgalactosamine sugars on the surface of the epithelial cells • loosening of the epithelial layer - several enzymes such as pore forming proteins, lipases, and cysteine proteases • normally used to digest bacteria in food vacuoles • causing lysis of epithelial cells by inducing cellular necrosis and apoptosis • phagocytosis via amoebostome Pathogenesis of intestinal amoebiasis due to E. histolytica Primary pulmonary amoebic abscess in a patient with pulmonary adenocarcinoma. Pathological examination of the lung showing trophozoites (arrows) of E. histolytica. A-B) HE. C-D) PAS. Thoracic entamoebiasis Primary plmonary amoebiasis presenting as superior vena cava syndrome due to large mass in superior lobe of the right lung. A-B) Postero-anterior radiographs and C-D) high resolution computed tomographic scans of the thorax showing significant enlargement of the mass in one day (B, D compared to A, C). E-F) Lung section showing necrotic tissue which reacted with anti-E histolytica antibodies (IFA). Note a small number of amoebae with green fluorescence. F shows a single amoeba. Pleuropulmonary amebiasis is common, while pericardial amebiasis the rare form of thoracic form. Malnutrition, chronic alcoholism and atrial septal defect with left to right shunt contribute to development of pulmonary amoebiasis. Trogocytosis in Entamoeba histolytica A) Previous model for cell killing, in which human cell attachment is followed by human cell killing and ingestion. B) Model for amoebic trogocytosis in cell killing, in which attachment is followed by ingestion of fragments of human cell material, leading to human cell death. Following cell killing, amoebae dissociate from the dead cells. C) Model for phagocytosis of pre-killed human cells, which are ingested whole. Trogocytosis in Entamoeba histolytica Amoebic dysentery due to Entamoeba histolytica Diagnosis ✓ differential diagnostic ✓ clinical signs, imaging methods ✓ direct faecal smear (DFS) and staining (but does not allow identification to species level ✓ enzyme immunoassay (EIA) ✓ indirect hemagglutination (IHA) ✓ antigen detection - monoclonal antibody ✓ PCR for species identification ✓ cultivation Therapy ✓ metronidazole, paramomycin, diloxanide fluroate Entamoeba coli • most common human amoeba, also in primates and dogs • about 15 % of Czech population Entamoeba gingivalis • non-pathogenic, inhabiting human oral cavity • common in individuals with poor oral hygiene or periodontal disease • occasionally other sites (female genital tract with use of intrauterine device) • often found in conjunction with periodontal disease, but no causative association so far identified Trophozoites of E. gingivalis. Note the ingested host material - epithelial cells and leukocytes (arrow). Papanicolaou’s stain Thank you for your attention ☺ Lectures ✓ Introduction: BPP 2022 I ✓ Euglenozoa (Excavata): BPP 2022 II ✓ Fornicata / Preaxostyla / Parabasala (Excavata): BPP 2022 III ✓ Apicomplexa I (SAR): BPP 2022 IV ✓ Apicomplexa II (SAR): BPP 2022 V ✓ Amoebae (Excavata, Amoebozoa): BPP 2022 VI  Ciliophora, Opalinata (SAR): BPP 2022 VII • Pneumocystis (Opisthokonta, Fungi): BPP 2022 VIII • Microsporidia (Opisthokonta, Fungi): BPP 2022 IX • Myxozoa (Opisthokonta, Animalia): BPP 2022 X