Greener Solvents in Conservation An Introductory Guide Greener Solvents in Conservation An Introductory Guide Edited by Gwendoline R. Fife 1 Archetype Publications in association with Sustainability in Conservation SIC First published 2021 by Archetype Publications Ltd in association with Sustainability in Conservation Archetype Publications Ltd c/o International Academic Projects 1 Birdcage Walk London SW1H 9JJ Text © 2021 the authors and Archetype Publications Ltd Images © 2021 the authors except where stated otherwise ISBN: 978-1-909492-84-4 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Sustainability in Conservation is extremely grateful to Tru-Vue Inc. for its very generous support of this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers. The views and practices expressed by individual authors are not necessarily those of the editor or the publisher. The editor and publisher take no responsibility for any harm or damage to collections or health hazards that may be caused by the use or misuse of any information contained herein. Designed and typeset by Marcus Nichols at PDQ Digital Media Solutions Ltd, Bungay, Suffolk Printed in the UK by Hobbs the Printers Ltd, Totton, Hampshire Contents Foreword vii Acknowledgements ix List of contributors xi Introduction 1 Izabella Gill-Brown and Gwendoline R. Fife (with a contribution from Fergal Byrne) Chapter 1 Considerations in defining greener solvents for conservation 9 Karoline Sofie Hennum and Marie Desrochers (with a contribution from Justine Wuebold and Matthew Eckelman) Chapter 2 A history of green solvents in conservation 21 Aline Assumpcao and Lucile Pourret Chapter 3 Practical steps to greener solutions 33 Gwendoline R. Fife (with a contribution from Melissa Lewis) Glossary 61 Bibliography 65 V Foreword It gives me great pleasure to introduce this handbook to launch the 'Sustainability in Conservation Greener Solvents' project. While fully acknowledging that the conservation practitioner faces an increasing variety of specifically developed, as well as other, materials, this book focuses on the more traditional materials of choice - organic solvents. For certain treatments, where their use cannot be avoided, organic solvents remain indispensable, and appropriate solvent selection requires consideration not only of how they will interact with the planned conservation materials, but also how they might potentially affect the materials in the original substrate and their impact on human health and the environment. Since any one of these aspects can be a complex issue in itself, the incorporation of greener solvent approaches in practice can appear a challenging and even overwhelming objective. The aim of this handbook is therefore to start removing the hurdles step-by-step. After a fundamental assessment by the conservator as to whether solvents can be avoided in the first place, the next most impactful action is eradicating the current and widespread use of the most harmful solvents. Our primary need to identify and eliminate the use of these potentially most harmful solvents is therefore addressed by providing supporting information on the most straightforward ways to determine the alternatives (ideally already available in the studio) that may be implemented in their place. Given that for many conservators, time and resources are stretched, this can also provide a convincing approach for those who understandably wish to limit the introduction of frequent adaptations in their practice. It is unrealistic to aim for zero impact on our surroundings, vii GREENER SOLVENTS IN CONSERVATION: AN INTRODUCTORY GUIDE but we can seek to minimize it with greener solutions, and the ongoing trends in solvent legislation should encourage us towards this positive and realistic perspective. I hope that this publication will serve to provide students, practitioners and researchers with introductory information and insights into further research needs and that it will leave them with an irrepressible urge to start taking greener steps' in their solvent use today. Gwendoline R. Fife Director, Greener Solvents Project Note; A hard copy of this book is available from Archetype Publications Ltd. viii Acknowledgements The level of interest in this resource and project, and the exceptional support offered by so many over the last months has been enormously appreciated and demonstrates the timely importance of information and further research on this topic. I would like to thank Caitlin Southwick for her initial vision in creating the 'Sustainability in Conservation Greener Solvents' project to support and disseminate research into the use of greener solvents in conservation, and her unwavering support and positivity. I am also very grateful to the previous SiC project team members including Aline Assumpcao, Thea Christophersen, Bianca Goncalves, Mariana Escamilla Martinez and Lucile Pourret, for proposing a handbook, and current team members Aline Assumpcao, Anabelle Camp, Marie Desrochers, Izabella Gill-Brown, Karoline Sofie Hennum and Lucile Pourret are especially thanked for their energy and hard work in ensuring its creation. I would like to thank all the contributors to this publication for their consistent application and generous input. The excellent advice and suggestions provided by the Scientific Review Committee have been indispensable, as has the assistance of the editorial team, including sub-editors Annabelle Camp and Izabelle Gill-Brown, and authors for their implementation. Heartfelt thanks are extended to the team at Tru Vue for providing sponsorship and the team at Archetype Publications for their assistance. Although these acknowledgements relate directly to this handbook, we are of course incredibly indebted to many others, including those who have already pledged their continuing personal and institutional participation in this project. ix GREENER SOLVENTS IN CONSERVATION: AN INTRODUCTORY GUIDE Scientific Review Committee Prof. Tom Welton, Professor of Sustainable Chemistry, Imperial College, London, UK Shayne Rivers, Subject Leader, MA Collections Care and Conservation Management, West Dean College of Arts and Conservation, Chichester, UK Dr Bronwyn Ormsby, Principal Conservation Scientist, Conservation Science and Preventive Conservation, Tate, London, UK Dr Rosie Grayburn, Scientist at Wintherthur Museum, Garden and Library, Affililiated Associate Professor, University of Delaware, Delaware, USA Gwendoline R. Fife, GRF Art Conservation Consultancy, Hoegaarden, Belgium Dr Fergal Byrne, CEO, Addible, York, UK OC TRU VLE' X List of contributors Aline Assumpcäo, Museu de Arte de Säo Paulo Assis Chateaubriand, Säo Paulo, Brazil ( Fergal Byrne, Addible, York, UK ( Marie Desrochers, Marie Desrochers, Utah Division of Arts and Museums, Utah, USA ( Matthew Eckelman, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA (m.eckelman@ Gwendoline R. Fife, GRF Art Conservation Consultancy, Hoegaarden, Belgium ( Karoline Sofie Hennum, Independent, Portsmouth, UK (karolines Melissa Lewis, Rachel Barker Associates, Bendon Valley, London, UK ( Lucile Pourret, Independent, Paris, France ( Justine Wuebold, UCLA/Getty Interdepartmental Program in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA (jwuebold@g. Sub-editors Annabelle Camp, Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation, Wilmington, Delaware, USA ( Izabella Gill-Brown, National Museums Liverpool, Liverpool, UK (izabella. xi Introduction Izabella Gill-Brown and Gwendoline R. Fife Conservators will utilize solvents throughout their careers in a variety of settings and situations. With their use prevalent in general conservation practice, it is therefore necessary to consider how solvents can affect human health, the environment and, not least, the artwork. Their obligatory use alongside concern for our environment has led Sustainability in Conservation (SiC) to prepare this guide and thereby provide those who are seeking greater sustainability in their conservation practice an opportunity to explore the basics of greener solvent usage. Appropriate solvent implementation requires specialist knowledge and is dependent on discipline. While this handbook is intended to be a general resource for all members of the conservation community, paintings conservators are noted, anec-dotally, to use more solvents than others in their daily work; accordingly the focus has been placed from this perspective. Shades of green Since the term 'green is often used arbitrarily, the need for a clearer definition is also acknowledged. Just as a solvent can only be described as 'good' or strong' with respect to a specified solute, so a solvent's 'greenness' is also comparative to another. To emphasize this relative nature, SiC has opted to employ the term 'greener' rather than 'green' solvents since this highlights the comparativeness of an assessment and hopefully helps prevent the 1 GREENER SOLVENTS IN CONSERVATION: AN INTRODUCTORY GUIDE If you use green solvents, how often do you use them? ■ Every time I can Not enough ■ Rarely Figure 1 Survey data showing how often conservators use 'green' solvents. Within the survey the term 'green' was left undefined. spread of misinformation. This change in terminology has been similarly applied by other companies and providers of solvents. 'Greener solvents' can be defined as solvents that provide a better alternative to other solvents in use in terms of human toxicity, safety, and environmental impact, therefore the term greener' and this associated definition will be used throughout this handbook. Certain traditional solvents and mixtures currently being used may already present a relatively greener solution, while others warrant replacement as soon as possible. How to both assess and apply a greener solvent approach is further clarified within this handbook in Chapters 1 and 3. The need for such clarity is evidenced by a 2020 international survey (conducted by SiC for internal use only) designed to examine current thoughts on, and usage of, green(er) solvents within the conservation field (Fig. 1). The survey responses to the question of usage reflected the respondents' awareness of what green(er) solvents are and the gap in strong definitions and information regarding them. The majority (60%) 2 INTRODUCTION of the 72 respondents explained that they do not use green(er) solvents because of a lack of reliable and accessible information (Fig. 1). Although there are useful guides that provide a framework for defining greener solvents in chemistry and industrial research fields (Capello 2007; Prat et al. 2016), specific resources are required which consider the requirements and operating environment within the conservation profession. The aims of this handbook This handbook aims to assist those conservators who would like to adopt a greener practice in their work and suggests a basis for further research. Through discussion of some of the history, the critical concepts and consideration of the solvents currently available, we hope to enable greener solvent selection and encourage broader interest and research into this subject. The principles of green chemistry provide a basis for the emergence and development of modern (neoteric) greener solvents. Highlighting a history of greener solvents clarifies the comparative nature of their identification and provides insights into the potential and safe application of greener solvents (both traditional and modern) within the conservation field for both the practitioner and artwork. Moreover, the combination of background information with practical guidelines will help conservators to identify and eradicate in the first instance their use of the worst solvent offenders based on safety, health and environmental ratings. Considerations in solvent use: health, safety and the environment Solvents are used in many ways to produce and maintain global requirements for products relating to everything from industrial and medicinal needs to everyday items used in the home. As conservators, we use solvents for a variety of tasks. They are often integral to our practice, yet solvent exposure can cause direct harm to the human body. Given the imperative health and safety aspects, the importance of scientific training for the correct handling of solvents and hazardous materials cannot 3 GREENER SOLVENTS IN CONSERVATION: AN INTRODUCTORY GUIDE be overstated. As conservation has a foundation in the physical sciences, there exist established health and safety frameworks applied within the training programmes such as the use of personal protection equipment (PPE) and safety data information. Although conservators try to select the least harmful option for both the artwork and themselves, more information needs to be collected on solvent usage and greener alternatives in order to make clearer greener choices. Since the unneccessary, improper use or disposal of these materials can incur damage to both practitioners and the environment, greater alignment between the training of scientists and conservators could be considered. How we have come to consider and assess these issues has evolved, and a historical perspective on the development of solvent safety and 'greenness' within conservation is examined in Chapter 2. Reducing and assessing environmental impacts To combat our impacts, SiC is working in alignment with the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals, a set of interlinked goals which form a collective blueprint for a more sustainable future. We can also look to green chemistry, a relatively new field of research stemming from the late 20th century. Green chemistry was formalized byAnastas and Warner's 1998 book, Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice, in which 12 principles of green chemistry were defined (Fig. 2). These principles are broad and applicable to the entire chemical industry, demandingthe prevention of waste, design and use of safer chemicals, implementation of energy and material efficient processes, and the valorization of renewable feedstocks. The Royal Society of Chemistry summarizes green chemistry as'the utilisation of a set of principles that reduces or eliminates the use orgeneration of hazardous substances in the design, manufacture and application of chemical products'. This area of chemistry is dedicated to developingand experimenting with environmentally friendlier materials, including many of the solvents that are currently being used throughout the world on a large scale. 4 INTRODUCTION r ^ 1 POLLUTION PREVENTION ► 4 r i 2 ATOM ECONOMY ^ -4 r ^ 3 LESS HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL SYNTHESES k. ^ r ^ 4 DESIGN SAFER CHEMICALS r ^ 5 SAFER SOLVENTS & AUXILIARIES „ J T 12 1 INHERENTLY BENIGN CHEMISTRY FOR ACCIDENT PREVENTION r 12 Principles of Green 1 Chemistry 6 DESIGN FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY r 1 11 1 REAL-TIME ANALYSIS FOR POLLUTION PREVENTION I r ^ 10 DESIGN FOR DEGREDATION L_4 r i 9 CATALYSIS k_4 r i 8 REDUCE DERIVATIVES k_4 7 USE RENEWABLE FEEDSTOCKS k- -J Figure 2 The 12 principles of green chemistry. Ideally, solvents could be derived from non-food biomass resources and would be benign during use and end-of-life. However, solvent performance is also a key factor. Jessop (2017) states that the ideal green solvent 'is a solvent that makes a product or process have the least environmental impact over its entire life cycle'. As such, the raw materials used (percent bio-based content) and the health, flamma-bility, aquatic toxicity and atmospheric breakdown properties of the solvent must be balanced with the overall performance of the solvent in the desired application. The performance of the solvent can be assessed in many ways depending upon the application. For example, in synthetic chemistry, a faster rate of reaction might be observed, or the reaction may be carried out at a lower temperature. Alternatively the products can be more easily isolated when one solvent is used over another. In the coatings industry, the viscosity or the solvent-polymer mixture is vital to ensure even coating with no stretching or bubble formation. A conservator may similarly assess solvent performance in their coating applications, alongside the critical consideration of potential effects on the original substrate. Fergol Byrne 5 GREENER SOLVENTS IN CONSERVATION: AN INTRODUCTORY GUIDE Biodegrade^ Petrochemicals Figure 3 The potential stages in the life cycle of a solvent (adapted from Clark and Tavener 2007). A solvent can only correctly be termed greener than another when considering the environmental impact that the solvent makes during its production, use and disposal (biorenewable for instance refers only to production). To achieve near-total "greenness" of chemical processes, it is important to focus on every aspect of the chemical reaction' (Doble and Kruthiventi 2007). Given the influence of each process step, the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method can generate a green calculation. LCAs can be conducted by a variety of individuals, from researchers to large corporate industry leaders, and are used as a technique to holistically assess environmental impacts associated with a product's lifespan, from initial material processing through to the later stages of manufacture, disposal and potential recycling (Fig. 3). By assessing the product or process in its entirety, there is a clearer opportunity to help inform and allow decision-makers to select the process or product which will result in the least environmental impact and the most appropriate selection to improve optimization of the product or process (Loubet et al. 2017) Specific applications and future research A holistic assessment of whether or not a solvent is greener thus also depends critically on its specific use: does it have a greener application than another under a certain set of circumstances? Studies into LCAs with regard to our solvent use in conservation are therefore helpful and an introduction 6 INTRODUCTION to LCAs in general, and specifically in conservation, is examined further in Chapter 1. While neoteric (modern or recently developed) greener solvents may be comparatively appropriate for specific applications in the wider world, in-depth research by cultural heritage scientists and careful testing of these solvents by conservators is of critical importantance for their use within conservation. Although many of these solvents may have been termed 'green', based for instance on their manufacturing process, they may not pose a greener solution since not all traditionally used solvents -both within the industry at large and conservation specifically - require replacement. Using a novel modern solvent as a direct replacement for a more traditional solvent may also raise another series of concerns. Assuming good toxicity ratings, more systematic testing must be conducted by conservators and cultural heritage scientists to ensure that these replacements are also safe for their applications. Towards the ideal Generally, a greener solvent approach would be extremely advantageous, potentially providing a wealth of improvements including: ► A reduction in environmental and air pollutants. ► Derivatives derived from non-food biomass, which would open up new markets for those operating in the agricultural sector. ► Recyclable solvents and processes, which would present both environmental and economic benefits. ► Safer materials for conservators to work with regularly thereby improving health and safety conditions in workspaces. Ideally, a greener solvent will generally have a lower human toxicity level and would promote a safer environment in which to work. While some of the further research required is discussed in more detail in Chapter 3, those impatient to embark on greener solvent use need not delay, as this chapter also provides a step-by-step guide to introducing greener solvent solutions into practice immediately. 7 GREENER SOLVENTS IN CONSERVATION: AN INTRODUCTORY GUIDE With the widely different applications of solvents used in conservation on a potentially complex variety of original materials, it is recognized that the selection of a specific solvent by a conservator often requires a high level of expertise and is dependent on many factors. The aim of this handbook is to enable an additional consideration of greenness within this procedure for the benefit of all. 8 1 Considerations in defining greener solvents for conservation Karoline Sofie Hennum and Marie Desrochers Introduction With climate change a matter that concerns everyone, conservators are moving towards more environmentally sustainable practices with the aim of reducing their carbon footprint by reconsidering their energy and resource use, as well as their production of waste (de Silva and Henderson 2011). Regarding solvent use in general, there is no truly 'green' solvent: 'green is a term that has been applied to the scale of impact any solvent may have on the environment. The concept of'greener' solvents is still relatively new within conservation, and there is a need for more specific research. In the meantime, the field has generally relied on theories and practices from green chemistry and the pharmaceutical industry when considering the impact of solvents used in conservation practice. In defining 'green' developments in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, researchers have aimed to create comprehensive frameworks in which solvents are evaluated on their environmental impact as well as on their health and safety implications. There are assessment approaches that use Environmental Health and Safety (EHS or SHE) data on the inherent hazards of a solvent such as in Capello et al. (2007). Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) meanwhile is a risk-based approach that quantifies impacts based on potential for exposure. The environmental impact of a 9 GREENER SOLVENTS IN CONSERVATION: AN INTRODUCTORY GUIDE given solvent or material is evaluated by calculating the emissions associated with its production, use and disposal. These two approaches (risk and hazard) seek to map the complexity of any single material's impact on both environmental and human health over time - a monumental task. In addition to summarizing these methods, this chapter introduces the STiCH project, the CHEM21 selection guide, and the Solvent Star, preceded by a classification of the solvents generally encountered in conservation and their typical applications. Classifying the solvents used in conservation In the field of conservation, solvents, both inorganic and organic, are among the most commonly used materials by conservators. Water is an example of an inorganic solvent while organic solvents are based on carbon and classified by their chemical structure. Conservators from every specialism most commonly use solvents for treatments involving cleaning and for creating solution-based adhesives and coatings. When faced with the cleaning of surfaces on a range of objects, conservators may use solvents to dissolve and remove dirt and coatings of an organic nature such as grease, varnishes and paints (Conservation Unit Museums and Galleries Commission 1992: 61). Adhesives created by adding solvents are called solution adhesives'; these are produced by dissolving an adhesive material in a suitable solvent. By adding an adhesive such as this to a surface, the solvent will evaporate, leaving behind the solid adhesive. Aqueous solutions This handbook is concerned primarily with organic solvents, thus aqueous solvents will only be discussed briefly. Water is the most obvious 'greener' solvent and can be used to create solutions for some conservation material applications. For instance, in creating consolidants for some organic and archaeological materials, polyethylene glycol dissolved in water is used to consolidate wet organic materials before drying (Caple 2000:112-18). For some applications in conservation, aqueous solutions may sometimes be preferable to organic solvents as they can be much less hazardous to human health, depending on the additives used. They are generally used to remove 10 CONSIDERATIONS IN DEFINING GREENER SOLVENTS FOR CONSERVATION soiling material that has become attached to original surfaces or intermediary coatings. To many, soiling removal is more commonly known as surface cleaning (Stoner and Rushfield 2012: 501). Within some disciplines, such as textile conservation, it is rare for a washing solution intended for a cleaning treatment to consist of water alone. Instead, we often find dispersions and emulsions. Such emulsions often consist of distilled water in addition to cleaning solvents and surfactants (Timar-Balazsy and Eastop 1998: 203-65). Another frequently used, and readily obtainable, aqueous mixture utilized in conservation, especially for cleaning painted and some other surfaces, is saliva (Banti et at. 2019: 451-61). There are many other aqueous solutions and mixtures that are important in conservation, which might contain chelators, detergents, surfactants, gelling and thickening agents, and acids and bases. However, it is worth noting that aqueous solutions are not always the greener choice: considerable energy is required in the production of purified or deionized water for example, and disposal of these aqueous mixtures may have negative downstream environmental effects. All these factors are calculated in the creation of a Life Cycle Assessment. Organic solvents Aqueous solutions are also not always effective or appropriate for the desired purpose, and a conservator may preferentially choose an organic solvent to create an adhesive, a cleaning solution, coating or consolidant. Organic solvents can be defined according to the three main different structure types: ► hydrocarbon solvents (aliphatic and aromatic) ► oxygenated solvents (alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, glycol ethers, esters, glycol ether esters) ► halogenated solvents (chlorinated and brominated hydrocarbons). One way to consider them is according to their polarity. Hydrocarbons (containing hydrogen and carbon only) tend to be less polar while alcohols, ketones, ethers, esters are more polar (Conservation Unit Museums and Galleries Commission 1992: 62-71): all are less polar than water. Organic solvents can be further characterized as saturated/unsaturated, linear/cyclic and aromatic/aliphatic. Within these subgroups, solvents li GREENER SOLVENTS IN CONSERVATION: AN INTRODUCTORY GUIDE can fall under two or more classifications. For instance, alkanes such as methane, ethane, propane and methylpropane (isobutane) are saturated hydrocarbons. In the group of unsaturated hydrocarbons, we find alkenes, such as ethene (ethylene), propene (propylene) and butadiene. Within both of these subgroups there are cyclic hydrocarbons (either saturated or unsaturated), for example, cyclopropane, cyclohexane (saturated) cyclohexene and cyclohexyne, cyclohexa-l,4-diene and cyclohexa-1,3-diene (unsaturated). Aromatic hydrocarbons such as toluene, benzene and xylene are unsaturated, cyclic and aromatic. They contain the benzene ring (which presents a particular delocalized type of bonding) and have an associated polarity. Many aromatic hydrocarbons are known to be extremely harmful, both to the environment and humans (Mills and White 1994: 1-6). Assessment methods Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) In the EHS assessment approach, nine categories are evaluated including fire and explosion potential, acute and chronic human health impact, and toxicity for water and air. A chemical is given a numerical index value for each category, also between zero and nine, which determines the overall 'EHS indicator score' (Capello etal. 2007). The method, which may also be applied to mixtures, allows for hazard communication in graphical representations such as bar graphs that can plot all categories at once for ease of comparison. This method assesses the properties of solvents at the point of use, collating data from a variety of sources citing health hazards. It complements the Life Cycle Assessment (see below) method by applying a human health perspective to quantified hazards present in any given solvent or mixture. Life Cycle Assessment The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method considers all stages of a solvent's life, all aspects of its manufacture, transport, methods of use, and eventual disposal. In this way it comprises both the direct and indirect environmental impacts of any solvents in a given process. To effectively capture all the 12 CONSIDERATIONS IN DEFINING GREENER SOLVENTS FOR CONSERVATION complexity inherent to this method, software is employed to calculate the final value used to compare one solvent to another. These two methods may be used together: EHS-based methods assess inherent hazards of the solvent itself, while the LCA method assesses potential environmental impacts across the entire solvent life cycle. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a popular, internationally standardized modelling tool used to quantify the environmental sustainability of a material or activity over its technological life cycle, from its manufacture, through its use and eventual disposal (ISO 14040:2006). It can be used to track overall resource requirements such as energy or water, emissions and the environmental and health impacts caused by these emissions. The pre-consumer life cycle, defined as cradle-to-gate, encompasses inputs and emissions covering the extraction of resources, processing, and assembly, up to the point that a saleable product or material crosses the factory gate (Patel 1999) (Fig. 1). A more expansive cradle-to-grave LCA also includes inputs and emissions from product use and end-of-life (reuse, recycling, waste treatment and disposal). Considering the entire product life cycle is critical to understanding all the direct and indirect ways in which a product affects the environment: often the greatest drivers of emissions are hidden from consumers, either upstream in the supply chain or downstream in waste management. A related concept is cradle-to-cradle, which is a design philosophy that aims to shift the current linear system of once-only manufacture, use and disposal to a circular approach whereby durable materials are recovered and recycled while other materials are made from benign, bio-based sources and can be safely returned to nature. LCA has been used to evaluate thousands of materials and products and is in common use across all sectors, including, increasingly, in the cultural heritage field. It is employed by businesses to evaluate the products they manufacture and to find ways to improve their environmental performance; by consumers to understand the global implications of the products they buy and to choose amongoptions; and by policy-makers to set system-wide emissions and environmental targets for society. Consumers and clients are increasingly calling 13 GREENER SOLVENTS IN CONSERVATION: AN INTRODUCTORY GUIDE Energy I I A Other Resources*)} Cradle Mining/transport Conversion ________j Boundaries of subsystem studied Flow of resources, energy used as a feedstock or materials ->- Input of energy used as a fuel f Mining/transport 1 f Prod uction C^~^ Material Factory gate Processing/ manufacturing C^Rnal producP^) 1 r Service period T C^~_~}Waste__~^ Grave 1 t Waste management **) Figure 1 Overview of the entire system and subsystem. Closing Carbon Cycles: carbon use for materials in the context of resource efficiency and climate change (Utrecht University Repository, diagram from Patel 1999). ''Energy analyses do not account for the consumption of resources other than energy but they do include the energy requirements to process these 'other resources'. ** Landfilling, incineration and recycling (not shown in this figure). for greater transparency with respect to product supply chains. In response, manufacturers might publish an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD), which summarizesthe LCA resultsforan individual product. For chemicals specifically, LCA can be used in concert with green chemistry principles where human toxicity levels and environmental effects are key aspects for manufacturers to consider when 14 CONSIDERATIONS IN DEFINING GREENER SOLVENTS FOR CONSERVATION redesigning chemicals for overall safer use (Anastas and Warner 1998). There are numerous ways in which emissions can cause environmental and health impacts. LCA is a multi-criteria tool that can simultaneously quantify impacts to resource scarcity, global atmospheric change, local air and water quality, and chemical toxicity to ecosystems and humans, among other categories. Several popular footprinting tools fall underthe umbrella of LCA, includingassessment of embodied energy or embodied water to understand the overall resources needed to produce a material or product, or embodied carbon that tracks the carbon footprint or life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and their contribution to global climate change. In conservation, LCA has been used to investigate a range of environmental questions, including carbon footprinting of loans, comparison of treatment and preservation methods, even sustainable design of displays and exhibitions. In July 2021, Sustainability Tools in Cultural Heritage Preservation (STiCH) launched the LCA tool and case study library, a valuable resource for the conservation community when making material decisions. STiCH provides an open access platform for comparing storage, transport and conservation treatment materials using their carbon calculator tool ( (Fig. 2). The library includes case studies comparing the carbon footprint and environmental impacts of papers, textiles, solvents, adhesives and other materials used regularly in conservation. The tool allows users to rapidly calculate and compare cradle-to-gate emissions, GHG emissions for each material and product option, while including links to Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) for health and safety and environmental impact toxicity concerns. Case studies present full LCA results of more complex environmental comparisons, such as which type of crate system is environmentally preferable. The STiCH project has been supported by grants from the National Endowment of the Humanities in partnership with the Foundation for the American Institute of Conservation (FAIC) and Northeastern University (Boston, MA). Justine Wuebold and Matthew Eckelman 15 GREENER SOLVENTS IN CONSERVATION: AN INTRODUCTORY GUIDE Chemicals/Solvent 5 Chemicals.'Solvent 5 Organic Organic OTAL CARBON FOOTPRINT |kg CO.. eq) Acetone Ethanol 2.197 1147 0.007 Safely Data Sheet 0006 Safely Data Sheet COMPARISON OF GHG EMISSIONS ■ Total GHG Search Item* Category Chemtcats/Solvenls Sue-Category Organic tan, Ethanol MM to Saudi Figure 2 Arbitrary sample of comparison between acetone and ethanol in the STiCH carbon calculator tool illustrating how the tool works and the categories available. Greener approaches and the ideal solvent The pursuit of greener conservation work requires each of us to think holis-tically about the processes we have been trained to utilize and the ways in which we work each day. Acknowledging that a solvent is not used in isolation, that it may be selected and used in a highly technical and specific way, requires us to consider the entire conservation process involving its use. Therefore, prior to solvent selection, options for entirely new ways of working and adapting traditional practices to fit within the EHS and LCA evaluation frameworks can be considered. If solvent use is required, all aspects of the solvent's life cycle and the conservator's practice must be considered in determining, within the best treatment option for the object, the least impactful approach. A greener solvent for our applications may mean preferential selection of one that is lower in toxicity for human health and impact on the natural environment. Thinking of the solvent in terms of each stage of its life - from its production, transport, application and disposal -a greener solvent will also require less energy usage at each step, and 16 CONSIDERATIONS IN DEFINING GREENER SOLVENTS FOR CONSERVATION overall its disposal will produce less harmful waste and environmental pollution. Additionally, efficacy and efficiency in use is also considered. A solvent that requires less volume to perform a task may be preferable to a less efficient solvent that requires more volume for the same application. A note on differing perspectives for safety considerations: European vs. American SDSs International chemical safety regulations and labelling standards have implications on the accessibility of hazard information as well as the availability of certain solvents from one country to another. In 2007, the European Union adopted the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) regulations, changing the way consumers and manufacturers interact with and produce chemical products. These guidelines set standards for marketing any chemicals within the EU across all sectors. It focuses on transparency and protecting consumer health as well as the environment, and places the onus of testing and hazard communication on the manufacture (European Chemicals Agency 2021). Since 2003, the United Nations' Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) has become a standard for hazard communication and chemical labelling in the form of chemical safety data sheets (SDSs) (Fig. 3). This method has been adopted by nations worldwide despite differences in chemical safety regulations and Figure 3 Pictograms for hazard communication using the Globally Harmonized System. 17 GREENER SOLVENTS IN CONSERVATION: AN INTRODUCTORY GUIDE communication policies. This handbook focuses on the hazard communication and policies of the European Union because it has the strongest regulations. Decision-making When deciding on which solvent to use for a conservation treatment, a conservator must consider a range of factors, the most important being to firstly consider whether or not a solvent is really needed for the chosen conservation application. If a solvent is required, the conservator should then consider which solvent option would be the greenest taking into consideration how long the solvent will be used and how much is needed. However, it may be extremely difficult to determine this based simply on an individual's experiences and knowledge, in which case other assessment resources may prove very helpful. In 2016, the CHEM21 selection guide of classical and less classical solvents for the pharmaceutical industry was published (discussed further in Chapter 3). This selection guide contains many common solvents, including the conservation-relevant water, alcohols, ketones, esters, ethers, hydrocarbons and acids. A methodology for considering factors such as exposure values, health and environment criteria, solvents have been accorded scores resulting in a ranking category: 'Recommended; 'Problematic) 'Hazardous' and HH' (extremelyhazardous). Conservators can use this selection guide as a tool when deciding on which solvent to use, preferably together with other tools and considerations of solubility data as suggested in 'The Solvent Star: assessing and documenting solvent selection' (Fife 2020) (Fig. 4). A methodology for using some of these decision-making tools to replace the most harmful and hazardous chemicals with greener options is provided in Chapter 3. Conclusions It is important to clarify that many different factors and tools can aid conservators to assess and determine the greenness of a solvent they are planning to use. It is not only the properties of the solvent itself that functions as a deciding factor, but also the greenness behind its production 18 CONSIDERATIONS IN DEFINING GREENER SOLVENTS FOR CONSERVATION NOV ORIGINAL MATERIALS Axil 1 No mechanical action I Mfcoiul-: I Axis 6 Contiolability nmi.iMi (I-\imi Axis 4 No mechanical action I seconds) ■putB spot C Axis 5 With mechanical action (# swabs 5 rolls each) spolD Axis , 3 , medium > 0.8 < 3, slow < 0.8. In addition to this, or alternatively, an estimate for 'seconds to 90% evaporation' can be helpful for envisaging the evaporation rate (Rivers and Umney 2003). This can be appromixated by dividing 458 by the nBuAc# (where nBuAc = 1), e.g. For a solvent with nBuAc # 7.8: 458/7.8 = c.59 seconds to 90% evaporation. On this basis the above definition becomes: fast < 153 seconds, medium between 153 and 573 seconds, slow > 573 seconds. ""Predicted - not included in CHEM21 guide but conclusion generally assigned in accordance (default problematic). Absolute evaporation rate (e.g. mass/time units) is dependent on temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity, air flow, viscosity etc. Relative evaporation rate is a guide only. Typically the higher the vapour pressure, the lower the boiling point and the faster the evaporation rate. Table 2 Selected ratings and properties of neoteric (modern) organic solvents considered for the 'Example Solvent Cupboard! While the solvents noted here have undergone some initial examination for potential introduction into conservation practice, their inclusion in this list is not a recommendation, furthermore, solvents with a CHEA121 health rating 5 or above were immediately excluded from inclusion in Figure 2. Flash point data were not included here but high flammability (extremely low flash points) should be noted in SDS. Fractional parameters provided in Horie or calculated by G.R. Fife based on Hansen parameters. Data sources for Hansen parameters: Horie 2010; Abbott 2013, 2021; Sherwood et al. 2014; Byrne et al. 2017; Jalan et al. 2019. Physical properties data sources: Horie 2010;; ThermoFischer, Sigma-aldrich, Gaylord Safety Data Sheets. Solvent Horie#/ Name (assigned letter if not referenced therein) Selected solubility parameters CHEM21 rating Safety/Health/ Environment S.H.E #'s Relative evaporation rate to n-butyl acetate nBuAc = 1 (associated definition)* Vapour pressure kPa@°C Boiling Point °C STRUCTURE Hansen Solubility d p h MPa% Fractional lOOf, lOOf 100T d p d C. Cyclopentylmethylether (CPME) 16.7 4.3 4.3 66 17 17 problematic 7,2,5 No data available 4.27@25 106 (initial) M. Methyl-tetrahydrofuran (MeTHF) 16.9 5 4.3 65 19 16 problematic 6,5,3 No data available 13.6@20 78 (initial) T.TMO (2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-tetrahydrofuran) 15.4 2.4 2.1 77 12 11 in testing (AD) No data available No data available 112 h3C>0 3 , medium > 0.8 < 3, slow < 0.8. In addition to this, or alternatively, an estimate for 'seconds to 90% evaporation' can be helpful for envisaging the evaporation rate (Rivers and Umney 2003). This can be appromixated by dividing 458 by the nBuAc# (where nBuAc = 1). For example, for a solvent with nBuAc # 0.71: 458/0.71= c.645 seconds to 90% evaporation. "'"Predicted - not included in CHEM21 guide but conclusion generally assigned in accordance (default problematic) unless otherwise advised (AD). Absolute evaporation rate (e.g. mass/time units) is dependent on temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity, air flow, viscosity etc. Relative evaporation rate is a guide only - typically the higher the vapour pressure, the lower the boiling point and the faster the evaporation rate. GREENER SOLVENTS IN CONSERVATION: AN INTRODUCTORY GUIDE Table 3 Determining the fractional parameters of two example mixtures EI and ED - as illustrated in Figure 3 - that come close to the target region for replacing toluene: fd = 84, fp = 7, fh = 9. EI is a 2:1 mixture of isooctane:ethylacetate, ED is a 4:1 mixture of Shellsol D40:ethanol. Solvents numbered according to Horie 2010 and letter assignment as in Tables 1 and 2. Their inclusion here is to demonstrate methodology, not as a recommendation of any mixture or for any specific application. Solvent Horie# Name (assigned letter if not referenced therein) Fractional Parameters x (proportion in mix) lOOfd lOOfp lOOfh 47. Ethylacetate 56 x(1/3) 19 x(1/3) 25 x(1/3) 1. Isooctane 100 x (2/3) 0 x (2/3) 0 x(2/3) MIX EI 2:1 Isooctane:ethylacetate c. 85 c. 6.5 c.8.5 75. Ethanol 36 x (0.2) 20 x (0.2) 44 x (0.2) D. Shellsol D40 96 x (0.8) 2 x (0.8) 2 x (0.8) MIXED 4:1 Shellsol D40:ethanol c. 84 c. 6 c. 10 46 PRACTICAL STEPS TO GREENER SOLUTIONS Figure 1 Teas chart with classical (traditional) organic solvents in the 'Example Solvent Cupboard' from Table 1. Solvents numbered according to Horie 2010 and letter assignment as in Table 1. Inclusion here is not a recommendation. 0 100 fd Notes Problematic: 1 = iso-octane (2,2,4-trimethylpentane), D = Shellsol D40 (paraffinic and naphthenic hydrocarbons C9-C11), 7 = toluene (methylbenzene), 8/9 = xylene (dimethylbenzene isomers). Recommended: 47 = ethylacetate, 49 = n-butylacetate, 63 = acetone (propanone), 64 = methyl ethyl ketone, 67 = methyl isobutyl ketone (hexone isomer), 75 = ethanol 99.8%, 77 = 2-propanol (isopropanol), 78 = 1-butanol 99+%. 47 GREENER SOLVENTS IN CONSERVATION: AN INTRODUCTORY GUIDE Figure 2 Teas chart with combined classical (traditional) and neoteric (modern) organic solvents from Tables 1 and 2. Where previously undefined, published HSP were used to generate fractional parameters and assign Teas chart positions here. Solvents numbered according to Horie 2010 and letter assignment as in Tables 1 and 2. Inclusion here is not a recommendation and solvents with a CHEM21 health rating of 5 or above were immediately excluded. fd Notes Problematic: 1 = iso-octane (2,2,4-trimethylpentane), D = Shellsol D40 (paraffinic and naphthenic hydrocarbons C9-C11), T = TMO (2,2,5,5-tetramethyltetrahydrofuran), L. d-limonene ((4R)-l-methyl-4-prop-l-en-2-ylcyclohexene), C = cyclopentylmethylether (CPME), Y = cyrene ((lS,5R)-6,8-dioxabicyclo[3.2.1]octan-4-one), 44 = l-methoxy-2-propanol, 54 = ethyl lactate (ethyl 2-hydroxypropanoate), 123 = dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO), PC = propylene carbonate. Recommended: 47 = ethylacetate, 49 = n-butylacetate, 58 = dimethylcarbonate, 63 = acetone (propanone), 64 = methyl ethyl ketone, 67 = methyl isobutyl ketone (hexone isomer), 75 = ethanol 99.8%, 77 = 2-propanol (isopropanol), 78 = 1-butanol 99+%. 48 PRACTICAL STEPS TO GREENER SOLUTIONS Figure 3 Illustration of an alternative mixture determination on the Teas chart. Lines between CHEM21-recommended classical (traditional) and remaining solvents from Table 1 indicate the combinations from the 'Example Solvent Cupboard' that could come close to the target area for replacing toluene: fd = 84, fp = 7, fh = 9. Solvents numbered according to Horie 2010 and letter assignment as in Tables 1 and 2. fd Notes Problematic:l = iso-octane (2,2,4-trimethylpentane), D = Shellsol D40 (paraffinic and naphthenic hydrocarbons C9-C11). Recommended: 47 = ethylacetate, 49 = n-butylacetate, 63 = acetone (propanone), 64 = methyl ethyl ketone, 67 = methyl isobutyl ketone (hexone isomer), 75 = ethanol 99.8%, 77 = 2-propanol (isopropanol), 78 = 1-butanol 99+%. 49 GREENER SOLVENTS IN CONSERVATION: AN INTRODUCTORY GUIDE Explanatory notes Although the following information is not critical for carrying out these greener steps, they are points related to accuracy and further interest. jSTEp'l STUDIO "SOLVENT CUPBOA Greener solvent selection ► For greener solvent selection CHEM21 is introduced here as the most straightforward step to apply, but other approaches are available (such as the online tool from the American Chemical Society, and information from regulators such as REACH). ► Developed by a European consortium, CHEM21 was based on a survey of publicly available solvent selection guides worldwide. 'In order to rank less classical solvents, a set of Safety, Health and Environment criteria is proposed, aligned with the Global Harmonized System (GHS) and European regulations. A methodology based on a simple combination of these criteria gives an overall preliminary ranking of any solvent. This enables in particular, a simplified greenness evaluation of bio-derived solvents' (Prat et al. 2016: 288). ► For any assessment of greenness, the specific application (manner of use) is critical and is one of the reasons why generating full LCAs on a single solvent is highly complex. Therefore for our purposes, a selection tool such as CHEM21 is not perfect, with the biggest issues relating to assessing safety and irrelevance of distillation recovery: 'for some of these applications in which the solvent is not recovered, the boiling point impact can be revised. In the same way, the flash point impact needs to be scored more severely for applications using solvents in open air such as paint stripping, coating, etc. This will reflect the high interest of some bio-derived solvents for such applications, whereas these solvents often appear as "problematic" for pharmaceutical chemistry, as a result of their high boiling points which complicate the recovery and downstream processing on scale, or require the use of new process technologies' (Prat et al. 2016: 294). ► It should be reassuring that many of the traditional solvents being used already (e.g. simple alcohols, esters) come under a 'Recommended' 50 PRACTICAL STEPS TO GREENER SOLUTIONS listing, and that for the field at large it also clarifies that green does not mean new. - Rather it is clear that serious contenders are needed for replacing low polar petrochemical-industry based, hydrocarbon, and distillation-derived mixtures. For now, retaining some of these in our cupboard is likely to be necessary for the creation of the mixtures needed for certain applications; not the perfect solution, but an improvement. ► Depending on availability, different such petrochemical-derived mixtures will be variously preferable for use. Nomenclature varies (Phenix 2007) but generally properties are linked to boiling point ranges and the potential for low aromatic content. IstepTwIw^ Modelling considerations *■ Since everything we have ever learned about how the world works is based on a model we have been told about or developed ourselves from experience, some further discussion is provided here. ► Solvent modelling continues to evolve with arguably the most refined method currently available being COSMO-RS, which enables the chemical potential differences of molecules in liquids (the chemical ENERGY) to be calculated and transformed into properties such as solubilities, activities or vapour pressures. ► As previously mentioned, when considering solvents in conservation there is a tendency to focus on cleaning applications and their possible effects on the original substrates, in which many potential solvent actions can be involved. With the individual nature and general complexity of our practical situations (as evidenced by research over the last 70 years on paint films) in-depth discussions and all potential modelling approaches are outside the scope of this handbook. ► However, in discussing coating applications (e.g. the application of an individual polymer we want to use as a consolidant or say, a varnish) we are in the theoretical modelling realm of dilute solutions. Within this context the Hansen model is sufficiently accurate and even the empirical Teas chart (or alternative presentations in Triansol, Tri Solv, Solvent Solver) - based on HSP - are reliably applicable as outlined below (Hansen 2021). 51 GREENER SOLVENTS IN CONSERVATION: AN INTRODUCTORY GUIDE HSP are thus specifically considered of importance within this chapter for our focus on developing greener alternative solutions in our recipes. In 1966, Charles Hansen developed the theory for his parameters which divide the total Hildebrand value into three component forces (dispersion, polar and hydrogen bonding). Hansen calculated the dispersion force for a particular liquid using what is called the homo-morph method and separated the polar value into polar and hydrogen bonding component parameters. The coordinates at the centre of a solubility sphere are located by means of the three component parameters (d,p,h), and the radius of the sphere - called the interaction radius (R) - is indicated. The distance between two molecules, conventionally called Ra, is the measure of how alike they are: the smaller Ra, the more likely they are to be compatible. From measurements of good' and 'bad' solvents, a sphere of radius Ro for the solute can be defined. Solubility is indicated when the relative energy difference (RED), i.e. Ra/Ro, is less than 1. This model remains one of the most widely accepted to date and the parameters are accurate for dilute solutions, to the point that for bio-based solvent certification within the EU there is a requirement to provide the HSP of the solvent. For mixtures, the HSP of a solvent mixture depends on the relative amounts of the individual solvents present, and becomes predictably 'good' for a solute even if the individual solvents are not. Creating synergistic mixtures - as proposed here - has similarly been used to replace undesired solvents, to reduce costs and improve performance at the same time, within other industries. The HSP for individual solvents are generally (although not always) available, and there is an associated HSPiP tool which provides the potential for a fully updated/revised set of HSP data for the 1200+ chemicals that constitute the original standard Hansen set with HSP and other data tabulated for another 10,000 chemicals. However, this latter lies outwith most conservation resources (Hansen 2021). As mentioned above, when creating solvent mixtures the HSP of the mix can be calculated from the volume-weighted average of the HSP of the components (Abbott 2021). Since the manual calculations are unwieldy, a useful resource for this is the Hansen Space provided by Chris Stavroudis in his Modular Cleaning Programme (MCP) (Stavroudis and 52 PRACTICAL STEPS TO GREENER SOLUTIONS Doherty 2013). This incorporates consideration of molar volumes and density of the individual solvents within created mixtures, enabling a prediction of solubility with certain specific solutes included within the programme. The Teas fractional parameters of the mixtures are also provided based on two calculations: the relative combination of the individual solvents on the Teas chart directly (i.e. with a line between the two solvents), and those derived from the HSP of the mixture. As anticipated, the greater the difference in molar mass and density of the individual solvents within the mixture, the more obvious the discrepancy between the resulting Teas chart locations. ► This brings us to an important factor with solvent mixtures, namely non-ideal behaviour. Since the initial identification of a peak oil swelling region and its placement on the Teas chart, research has repeatedly confirmed that a binary mixture of solvents may have a greater swelling effect on the original paint than either of the two individual solvents used alone (e.g. Hedley 1980; Phenix 2002, 2013; Zumbuhl 2012). The larger the difference in polarity between two mixed solvents, the greater is this observed deviation from ideal behaviour, and this deviation correlates with the boiling points of the mixtures. A fuller explanation related to a lowering of the cohesive energy within the mixture is well described elsewhere (Zumbuhl 2019). When preparing mixtures this effect should be considered in the initial solvent selection. Empirical tools for solutions in practice ► In a continuing line of decreasing resistance to resources comes the Teas chart. Please note that this is not a negative connotation - in fact from a practical conservation viewpoint it is quite the opposite. Conspicuously aware of all its theoretical failings - its inadequacy in modelling solvent effects on paint films in particular have been well described (Phenix 2002, 2013; Baij et al. 2020) - the Teas chart has remained a remarkably useful engineering tool and thereby popular within the field. The lack of theoretical foundation has not prevented it from being useful in preparing dilute solutions and for this it remains a convenient method for conservators. ► Teas developed the familiar triangular graph in 1968 presenting the relative amounts of the three component forces. Solvent positions were 53 GREENER SOLVENTS IN CONSERVATION: AN INTRODUCTORY GUIDE originally located on the graph according to Hansen values and what the approach theoretically lacked was initally supplemented by empirical testing. The placement of the newer solvents on the Teas chart presented here are based solely on published Hansen parameters. ► In summary, we can consider the Hansen parameters when selecting a specific solvent to dissolve a conservation material, and we have the power to manipulate our solvent recipe on the TEAS chart. Examining the solubilities of polymers, alongside consideration of solvent characteristics and the sensitivity of the original materials, can thus enable tailoring of recipes by conservators themselves. ► For specific solvent selection in this regard, the book by Stefan Zumbuhl (2019) also contains plots of associated research data. The dissolution rate of conservation varnishes is provided with generally strong acceleration at vapour pressures above lOOhPa (25 °C). Although the data cannot aid with determining mixtures, they can still be useful for considering varnish applications when selecting the most effective solvent for a specific material and avoiding those for which the original materials are known to be sensitive. A case study in analytical approaches for solutions in practice One route for specific solvent selection with greater resources can be through analytical studies, for instance as occurred after Mark Rothko's painting Black on Maroon from 1958 was damaged in 2012 by a vandal using black graffiti ink. Through research at Dow in collaboration with a conservation scientist from the Tate, the HSP of the ink were determined and solubility predictions in the form of relative energy density (RED) values were generated. From over 600 solvents, 16 with high ink solubility predictions (i.e. low RED values) were identified, 5 of which were included within a larger group for subsequent empirical testing and solvent refinement (Barker and Ormsby 2015). Beyond this associated example, the methodologies, applied in collaborations between Dow, Tate and GCI, for the rapid discrimination and screening of the cleaning efficacy of possible 54 PRACTICAL STEPS TO GREENER SOLUTIONS cleaning liquids and the evaluation of the effects of these liquids on representative test samples of artists' materials, further illustrate the potential benefits of such studies for the field at large (Keefe ot al. 2011; Ormsby et al. 2016; Wills et al. 2021). Neoteric solvent introduction *■ As mentioned above, many of the neoteric 'green' solvents introduced recently in conservation have been termed so due to their production from biomass. They may pose potential solutions for particular industrial reactions, but their production is not always based on what has to be replaced, and not with regards to our conservation demands. When examining parameters it is clear that in many instances they may be unnecessary additions to a conservator's solvent cupboard. Continuing our perspective at the start of the chapter (the removal of toluene and xylene) we can see that the HSP of TMO comes close. D-limonene is also in the general area of interest, and p-cymene is also close (but CHEM21 health rating of 5 negates its inclusion in Fig. 2, p. 48, here). ► With either a single greener replacement or greener alternative mixture approach we aim to save the world and the art - and last, but certainly not least, without harming ourselves. This means that in addition to good scores for low energy and renewable sources in their manufacture, toxicology data are critical, especially for introducing the new solvents that we need for our field. It should be noted that being named 'bio' or 'green' does not guarantee low toxicity. ► In industrial processes, it might be smart to introduce a biorenewably sourced solvent as a slightly less harmful direct replacement. While robust health and safety procedures should be paramount, conservators may still have a working exposure whereby a health rating of 5 or above would negate introduction to our hypothetical solvent cupboard. *■ One reason certain solvents such as ethyl lactate are defined as 'problematic' in the CHEM21 review is due to their high boiling point (which affects their rating considering recycling via distillation recovery methods) (Prat et al. 2016). These are aspects that could be adjusted by further research and assessment with regard to our field in particular. 'Armed with the thorough comparison of potentially greener solvents, the user can make an intelligent choice, including factors such as price, to arrive 55 GREENER SOLVENTS IN CONSERVATION: AN INTRODUCTORY GUIDE at an overall best-practice decision. Is this the perfect way to save the planet? No. Is it the smart way? Yes' (Abbott 2021: 76). ► While we have to rely on others for the provision of toxicology data, the assessment of potential effects on the artwork is the domain of the conservator and cultural heritage scientist. For new or greener-labelled solvents we should question what the potential effects are, both visible and long term, on the artworks and artefacts in our care. Since it is our job to consider this, how can we improve our risk assessment and risk reduction? ► This brings us to the importance of testing both the individual artwork and substrate type. For many of the new or greener-labelled solvents potentially for use within conservation there has been little rigour investigating their short and longer term effects, despite this critical information being vital to a balanced risk assessment. (stEP3'RESEARCH AnFtTstTnGj Importance of research and testing *■ Although in the practical conservation world at large, analytical aid for examining a specific object is often not available, heritage science research and the associated data have been highly beneficial in informing our selection processes and practices. For instance, the information provided over the last 70 years or so by investigations into the effects of traditional solvents on paint films has proved invaluable. ► While it is likely that we will always be limited in the application of solubility models and related research data directly to our conservation practice (since specific interactions and behaviour, even across an apparently homogeneous surface, will vary), their use in conservation and scientific research, and our consideration of these developments, can lead to profound insights. ► With the individuality of each situation there also remains a need for the very small tests we are obliged to carry out on the specific work or samples prior to embarking on solvent-related treatments. These critical observations are key to how we understand an artwork and select the appropriate' solvents and mixtures, and why our own testing is so important. The conservator's active empirical tests provide data for their conceptual modelling, helping to reduce the risks of 56 PRACTICAL STEPS TO GREENER SOLUTIONS solvent use in both removing and applying coatings. They develop our 'heuristic' model of the behaviour of the individual artwork, with the added advantage that, with every new situation, we add to our dataset, thereby enhancing our conceptualized modelling of paint film behaviour in general (we could equally term this our 'experience'). ► In terms of selecting solvents safe for a specific individual work, it is most certainly true that these data collected during treatment are critical. A fundamental consideration is to determine the relative rate of dissolution of the material to be dissolved versus the potential actions on the original materials in the original artwork being treated. Safely increased efficiency of solvent use whereby less is used is inherently greener'. ► A relatively simple system for measuring the solubility of unidentified non-original materials on the surface of the art object has been suggested by extracting microsamples of the material, examining them under the microscope, and then determining the amount of time it takes a sample to swell or not in different solvents (Zumbuhl 2019). ► Approaches such as measuring solvent quantities and timing contact, as in the Solvent Star (Fife 2020), can also clarify solvent efficiency and inform on safety, giving added confidence in both observations and final approach selection. Further considerations and research questions The development, research and testing of new solvents for those that we need to replace within conservation (e.g. petrochemical-derived mixtures, aromatic functionality with problematic CHEM21 rating) is vital. Valid assessment of such (new) green(er) replacement solvents requires both analytical and empirical approaches: ideally combining in-depth research from cultural heritage science, the solubility data of specific conservation materials, and the comparative data collected by conservators from their individual works. It is also hoped that the ultimate introduction of replacement novel solvents (when required) will be facilitated by the open access dissemination possible within the planned Phase 2 of the 'Sustainability in Conservation Greener Solvents' project. Accurate and relevant research 57 GREENER SOLVENTS IN CONSERVATION: AN INTRODUCTORY GUIDE regarding these potential solvents can be provided thereby ensuring their correct application into conservation practice. Continuing work regarding LCA considerations for the diverse and specific applications of solvents within conservation will be helpful in determining their relative impact and refining solvent rankings in our field. A relatively simple but critical aspect regarding greener solvent use is correct waste disposal - for either incineration or recycling this entails the separation of aqueous and organic solvent wastes (with further separation into non-halogenated/halogenated solvents if these are used) in the studio. Figure 4 Potential work set-up. Organic solvents have a higher vapour density than air - an important factor for your work set-up and cleaning any accidental spillages. Consider the air flow direction, increased ventilation and extraction position below the solvent location. 58 PRACTICAL STEPS TO GREENER SOLUTIONS Checklist ► Do I need to use a solvent? ► Can I use less solvent? (For instance by using the solvent most safely efficient for the application and/or adapting the application technique.) ► Is the solvent 'Recommended' on CHEM 21? What is the H number? ► Check with the supplier that the product is actually biomass-based. ► Check the requirements for safe use and the health and safety classifications. ► Have I correctly considered my work set-up? ► What are the considerations for safe storage, correct disposal/recycling? Conclusions Research in conservation has developed our understanding of solvent behaviour and effects, helped the fine-tuning of our organic solvent-based treatment approaches (varnish removals/ applications/ consolidations), and highlighted the importance of reduced quantities and contact. This last is a fundamental truth equally applicable to us and the planet. Health is critical and where we need to use organic solvents (or for scenarios where more traditional approaches pose little risk) we can aim to use less, and in a manner as safely efficient as possible. Avoiding solvent use where possible and eradicating the most hazardous solvents from use through greener alternative solutions should be primary aims and immediately achievable. Despite the critical importance of the climate crisis, proposing disruptive events in our work systems are unlikely to prove a successful approach. Rather it is frequently through the culmination of steady consequential advances, however small, that progress is made, especially if these steps are taken by many. On this basis, it is hoped that you will feel encouraged to dare to open your solvent cupboard and take that first 'greener step' today. 59 Glossary Aqueous solvents Solutions where water is the solvent are called aqueous solutions. Aromatic Compounds that contain one or more rings with delocalized pi electrons in resonance all the way around them. Atom economy (atom efficiency/percentage) The conversion efficiency of a chemical process in terms of all the atoms involved and the desired products produced. Binary mixture A binary mixture consists of two types of molecules. Bioaccumulation A process of accumulation of chemicals in an organism that takes place if the rate of intake exceeds the rate of excretion. Bio-based material A material intentionally made from substances derived from living (or once-living) organisms. Biorenewable Able to be renewed via biological means; produced by biological organisms. Chemical potential differences The difference in chemical potential between two locations or a chemical potential gradient. It is the driving force for the migration of the corresponding chemical species from high chemical potential regions to lower chemical potential regions. COSMO-RS The COnductor-like Screening MOdel for Realistic Solvents calculates thermodynamic properties of fluids and solutions based on quantum mechanical data. Degradation In chemistry it is the act or process of simplifying or breaking down a molecule into smaller parts, either naturally or artificially. EHS Environmental health and safety. 61 GREENER SOLVENTS IN CONSERVATION: AN INTRODUCTORY GUIDE Empirical testing A research method that employs direct and indirect observation and experience. Globally Harmonized System (GHS) The United Nations uses this as a form of classification and labelling of chemicals. Green solvents Green solvents are traditionally defined as environmentally friendly solvents, or biosolvents, which are derived from the processing of agricultural crops. Greener solvent alternative approach Attempts to eliminate undesirable solvents by seeking structurally related compounds not yet covered/ restricted by the legislative and regulatory measures. Hansen solubility parameters (HSP) Hansen solubility parameters were developed by Charles M. Hansen in his PhD thesis in 1967 as a way of predicting if one material will dissolve in another and form a solution. Hydrocarbons Hydrocarbons are organic compounds that consist of hydrogen and carbon; they can be either saturated or unsaturated. Inorganic Relating to or denoting compounds which are not organic (broadly, compounds not containing carbon). Non-ideal behaviour (in solutions) Ideal solutions are where the interactions between the molecules are identical (or very close) to the interactions between molecules of different components; the forces between the particles in the mixture are exactly the same as those in the pure liquids. This is not the case in non-ideal mixtures which result in various behaviours and effects. Organic solvents Organic solvents are carbon-based volatile compounds. Petrochemicals The chemical products obtained from petroleum by refining. Note that some chemical compounds made from petroleum can also be obtained from other fossil fuels, such as coal or natural gas, or renewable sources such as maize, palm fruit or sugar cane. Polarity In chemistry, polarity is a separation of electric charge leading to a molecule or its chemical groups having an electric dipole moment, with a negatively charged end and a positively charged end. While molecules can be described as 'polar covalent', 'non-polar covalent', or 'ionic', these terms are often relative, with one molecule simply being more polar or more nonpolar than another. The distribution of electric charges in a molecule can also be affected by its surrounding environment. 62 GLOSSARY Polymer solubility window The graphically represented boundary of solubility according to the locations of solvents and non-solvents for a specific polymer. Relative evaporation rate (RER) The rate at which a material will vaporize (evaporate, change from liquid to vapour) compared to the rate of vaporization of a specific known material. Reproductive toxicity A hazard associated with some substances, which interfere in some way with normal reproduction. Such substances are called reprotoxic. They may adversely affect sexual function and fertility in adult males and females, as well as causing developmental toxicity in the offspring. Safety Data Sheets (SDS) Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are important documents in the safe supply, handling and use of chemicals. They help ensure that those who use chemicals in the workplace use them safely without risk of harm to users or the environment. They also provide a specification to help produce risk assessments (COSHH). They are not risk assessments. Solubility The property of a solid, liquid or gaseous chemical substance (called solute) to dissolve in a solid, liquid or gaseous solvent. Solubility is defined as the maximum amount of a substance that will dissolve in a given amount of solvent at a specified temperature. Solvent Star A method for assessing and documenting solvent tests for safe, efficient solvent use and the application of sustainable solvents in conservation (see Fife 2020). Teas chart A graphical representation of fractional parameters derived from Hansen solubility parameters. TMO (2,2,5,5-tetramethyloxolane) A non-peroxide forming ether solvent that can replace common hydrocarbon solvents such as toluene. Toxicology Toxicology is the study of harmful effects of substances on people, animals and other living organisms. Vapour pressure Vapour pressure or equilibrium vapour pressure is defined as the pressure exerted by a vapour in thermodynamic equilibrium with its condensed phases (solid or liquid) at a given temperature in a closed system. Related to the tendency of particles to escape from the liquid (or a solid) the equilibrium vapour pressure is an indication of a liquid's evaporation rate. 63 GREENER SOLVENTS IN CONSERVATION: AN INTRODUCTORY GUIDE Volatile organic compound (VOC) VOCs are organic compounds with a vapour pressure of 0.01 KPa or more at the temperature of 293.15 K. They regroup multiple substances that are not only biogenic (natural) but also anthropogenic. They can cause various environmental and health and safety problems (some VOCs are carcinogenic, mutagenic and/or reprotoxic). They can have a direct impact on ozone creation in the atmosphere which is also responsible for global warming. 64 Bibliography Abbott, S. 2013. Hansen Solubility Parameters. Available at: https://www. and%20Practice.pdf (accessed 20 August 2021). Abbott, S. 2017. Solubility Science: Principles and Practice. Available at: Principles%20and%20Practice.pdf (accessed 20 August 2021). Abbott, S. 2021 Practical Solubility - HSP. 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