4.7 Driving force and entropy production in diffusion 103 Furthermore, 2CO -> 2C 4- 02 (4) is also a dependent reaction. It can be obtained as 2<1) + (2) and thus D4 = 2Dj + D2. The rates of formation of C and 02 wiil be vc = KlDi + KiDi + IKJ),,. = KiDl + K^D^ + D2) + 2K4{2Dt + D2) = (Kt+K3+ 4Ki)Di + (A:3 + 2K^D2; and vQl = K2Dt + K3D3 + K4D4 = K2D2 + K3{Dl + D2) + K4(2£>! + D2) = {K j + 2K4)D2 + (K2 + fC3 + K4)D2. Both cross coefficients are thus equal to K, + 2K4. Exercise 4.6.2 Examine if it is possible that the amount of a species decreases although its driving force is positive. To make the discussion more specific, consider the case of L, M and N in the text. Hint Consider the formation of N. For a single reaction D and d< must have the same sign (usually' + ' by definition) because Dd£ > 0 for a spontaneous reaction. There is no such restriction on the cross coefficients. Solution r vN = K'"Dn + KM,Din. The second term represents the rate of formation of N by the reaction M -* N. Its value and even its sign depends on its driving force. By starting with very little M this reaction would go backwards and consume more N than is produced by L -* N if the amounts of L and N are initially close to their equilibrium. 4.7 Driving force and entropy production in diffusion The kind of chemical reaction considered in Sections 4.5 and 4.6 occurs in a system that is homogeneous at every instant. It occurs in every point and with the same rate everywhere. It is classified as a homogeneous reaction. The opposite case is a heterogeneous reaction occurring at the interfaces in a system of different regions, usually regarded as phases. A heterogeneous reaction often results in the growth of some phase and the shrinkage of another. Such a reaction is also called phase transformation. If the phase transformation does not result in a change of the local composition, then the driving force is easily obtained as the difference in the value of the appropriate characteristic function, A@, between the parent phases and the product phases, counted per mole of atoms, for instance. This case and related ones will be further discussed in Section 6.8. Evaluation and use of driving force In most cases, a heterogeneous reaction is accompanied by a change in composition and occurs under diffusion. Diffusion itself is yet another type of reaction. It may occur in a system of a single phase which initially has differences in composition. In the general case, it occurs everywhere where there is a composition difference but not with the same rate. The result will be that local differences decrease and eventually disappear. In this case one should discuss the progress of the reaction in each point. At any particular point there may be a flux J of diffusing material and the derivative of the flux results in a change dc of the local composition. Phenomenologically this situation is described with Fick's laws. His first law states that „ dc, dy For simplicity we shall introduce the molar content, xs — cJVm and assume that the molar volume Vm is constant. Then we obtain We should now like to interpret this equation thermodynamically by starting with our basic expression, Dd£. In this case it is convenient to consider two large reservoirs, separated by a layer of thickness Ay of the phase in which we are interested. The layer is our system and in this unusual case we have two surroundings and twice as many independent variables as usual. However, if rand P have the same values and are constant in the two reservoirs, then we can formulate the change in a characteristic state function, 6, related to Gibbs energy, d0 = Zn'fiN] + ZtfdiVr - Dd{ where' and " identify the two reservoirs. Of course, there is only one DdS, term because it represents the effect of the process inside the system. There may be diffusion through the system if fi\ and n" are different in the two reservoirs. After a stationary state of diffusion has been established, there will be no further changes inside the system and the value of the characteristic state function will not change with time, d© = 0, and dN\ + dN" = 0. If we further assume that there are only two components, 1 and 2, and they diffuse with the same rate but in opposite directions, Jt + J2 = 0, then we get dA^ = - dJV'2 - - dJVy = dJV'i and [(A«1-P2),-0'i-/'«),Wt=W« The quantity /ix — \i2 was mentioned in Section 3.5 as the diffusion potential. dN\ can be expressed as AJtdt where Jx is the flux of 1 through the layer and A is the area of the cross section. D-dydt = AJvA(fi2 - fti) where A means the difference between the two reservoirs. We could now formulate a kinetic equation using the same scheme as before 4.7 Driving force and entropy production in diffusion 105 However, if we apply this equation to a thin slice of the layer, the result would depend on the thickness. Thus it does not seem very useful to define d£/dt as A3V We would prefer to define it as AJ^ky, yielding the following kinetic equation Ji = K--Z- It could be brought into the form of Fick's law by writing ~ fti) = d(fi2 - ^i) dxt = _ d2Gmdx1 dy dxt dy dx\ dy Inserting this and assuming that K is proportional to xtx2, i.e. K - Lx^, where L is a constant, because x±x2 gives the probability that 1 and 2 are available for an exchange of positions, we get Comparison with Fick's law gives Vm-Lx^ dx\ The derivative d2Gm/dxi2 is often regarded as the thermodynamic factor in diffusion. The interesting question is now to see if we can express the entropy production with the flux and force used in the kinetic equation. For a thin layer we can transform our previous expression, to yield ' But A-Ay is the volume of the system, LV. We may thus express the rate of entropy production per volume with the flux and force from the kinetic equation dtdV dtdV l' dy We may thus identify J1 with d2£/dtdFand D with d{ft2 — ttj/dy. Note that K in our equation has different dimensions than in previous kinetic equations. The present derivation was made under two assumptions that we should now discuss. Firstly, we assumed that Jt + J2 = 0, which is always satisfied if one uses a so-called 'number-fixed frame of reference' for diffusion. However, one can mathematically transform Fick's law to other frames of reference, e.g. the 'lattice-fixed frame of reference' and one gets different expressions for J, and — J2. However, that is just a mathematical operation and the assumption of J, + J2 — 0 does not make our derivation less general. 106 Evaluation and use of driving force Secondly, we assumed stationary conditions. However, the final equation applies to a thin layer and it is no longer limited to stationary conditions. If the composition profile in a non-stationary case is known, then one could evaluate the entropy production by integration. The equation could then be used in three different forms, T