Ternary eutectic 60 % A Gibbsův trojúhelník 10% c 30% B Fig. 1.40 The Gibbs triangle. Stainless Stee 10 A 90 Ternary phase Diagram 20/ 30 ^ , -7,-K-ft-K-7,-T,-A- 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 How to read a ternary diagram. c 100 C is determined from zero on the upper right to 100% at the lower left. 50% B B is determined from zero on the upper left to 100% k art the lower right. 40% A A is determined from zero on the bottom to 100% atthetop. Ternární projekce j| ^^^^ Eutectic point for Si03, CaO, Ai2q Figure B B + L Á_ \iiac VlQOQ \ / D+B / B+L \ □+Lj 'V A + L V .SGD D+L Quaternární diagram - čtení složení Cu2SnS3 Cu3SnS^ CuS Plochy Gibbsových energií fází U vyšších soustav hyperplochy (a) F'g- 1.41 (a) Free energies of a liquid and three solid phases of a ternary system. Protínání ploch Gf Fig. 1.41 (Cont.) (b) A tangential plane construction to the free energy surfaces: defines equilibrium between s and / in the ternary system, (c) Isothermal section| through a ternary phase diagram obtained in this way with a two-phase region (L+Sj and various tie-lines. The amounts of I and s at point x are determined by the lever rule. (After P. Haasen, Physical Metallurgy , Cambridge University Press, Cambridge^ 1978.) FD soustav a podsoustav FIG. 10. Isothermal section showing the phase equilibrium relationships of a ternary system composed of three eutectic binary subsystems under isobaric circumstances -1100 FIG. 11. Ternary system composed of three 1T4-dihaiobenzenes forming mixed crystals. Isothermal section (t = 70 °C) of ternary (solid-liquid) equilibrium, calculated from the information available for the binary subsystems Moerkens et al. 1983) Plocha liquidu Fíg. L43 A projection of the liquidus surfaces of Fig. 1.4+ onto the Gibbs triangle. Fig. 1 44 The equilibrium solification of alloy X. (After A. Prince, Alloy Phase bqwltbria, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1966.) Isokoncentracni fezy FD it >r z2 A vertical section between points 1,2 and Xin Fig. 1.44. (After A. Prince, iiibrk, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1966.) Weight percent chromium FIG. 10-2S An isothermal plot at 12500C for the nickel-chromium-molybdenum ternary Jiné typy řezů: T=konst Diskuse a další info http://slideplayer.com/slide/8650075/ CHANGING THE PRESSURE As the pressure changes within the stated limits, the bubble-point and dew-point surfaces move through the tetrahedron so as to show how the compositions of the equilibrium phases depend (isothermally) upon the pressure. By looking at an animated series of such drawings, one might get a sense of the four-dimensional pressure-composition functions [P=f(XATXB,Xc>fiDPc,BP]that characterize these equilibria. lie lines T = 298.2 K P = 0.5 bar dew-point surface acetone As the pressure falls to the vapor pressure of acetone (0.29 bar) the red and green surfaces join at the acetone vertex, and at still lower pressures they retract from that point toward the benzene vertex in the form of separate, three-sided surfaces, with binary VLE remaining along only three of the six edges. n-pentane bubble-point surface benzene 49