6 1 Fluorescence methods in life sciences Ctirad Hofr Fluorescence anisotropy 6 2 The phenomenon of anisotropy • When excitation is caused by light vibrating in one plane, it is linearly polarized, fluorescence emission becomes polarized. • The level of emission polarization is described by anisotropy (heterogeneity). Substances that show certain degree of heterogeneity emit polarized fluorescence. • Why is emitted light polarized? Anisotropy around us: monitor • Anisotropy occurs in LCD monitor • What does cause it? 6 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imQnWrLW2i0 6 4 Transition dipole moment • Transition dipole moment is a quantum mechanical issue. It is not a real dipole moment. It is given by immediate state of electron shell of the molecule. The size of the dipole moment of transfer indicates the ability of the given molecule state to absorb or emit the light. The direction of the dipole moment of transfer indicates the direction in which the light is preferably absorbed or emitted by the molecule. • The molecules preferentially absorb the light whose electric component oscillates in the same plane as absorption transition dipole of electron into a higher energetic level. • Molecules preferably emit light in the same plane as the emission transition dipole of electron transition into a lower energetic level. Absorption Emission 6 Photoselection • If solution of fluorophores is excited by linearly polarized light then molecules with nonzero projection of their absorption transition moment into the direction of polarization of excitation radiation will be excited 6 6 Fluorescence anisotropy polarizer analyzer detector ⊥ ⊥ + − = 2II II r ΙΙ ΙΙ 6 7 Intensity of fluorescence The theory of depolarization of fluorescence shows that the fluorescence intensity observed using the analyzer, which is rotated by an angle and from the direction of parallel polarization is Iα(t) = cos2α III (t) + sin2α Iv(t) polarizer analyzer α 6 8 At what angle of polarizer rotation α can we measure the total fluorescence intensity of rotation? Total intensity of fluorescence ⊥+= 2III ΙΙtotal ⊥⋅+⋅= III ΙΙ ααα 22 sincos 1cossin 22 =+ αα 3 1 cos =α α = 54,7 ° 2 1 sin cos 2 2 = α α 6 9 The total intensity is measured at the magic angle Total intensity I(t) = III (t) + 2 Iv(t) depends on the rotational motion of the fluorophore and is measured under "magic" angle of 54.7 ° 6 10 The time dependence of polarized fluorescence and for time dependence of anisotropy we apply r(t) = (3 cos2 γ(t) – 1)/5 γ is – a dipole reorientation angle at time from 0 to t – an angle between the dipole moment of absorption and emission γ Absorption Emission Dipol moments τ 6 11 The maximal value of anisotropy From the equation, it follows that in the absence of depolarization (e.g. in dilute frozen solutions in the absence of depolarizing mechanisms and assuming that the transition moments of absorption and emission are parallel) the limit value of anisotropy of fluorescence excited by polarized radiation is given only by photoselection 5 )1cos3( 2 0 − = γ r r0 max = 2/5 = 0.4 Anisotropy of frozen sample 6 12 http://thelab.photophysics.com/circular-dichroism/fluorescence-polarization-darkness-visible 6 13 Anisotropy measurements at steady-state fluorescence • Anisotropy – measures polarized emission • The polarizer is on the track of the excitation light and makes it plane polarized • Polarizer - analyzer is in the path of emitted light – fluorescence • We measure the fluorescence intensity at rotation of both the polarizer and the analyzer vertically (VV), then at rotation of the polarizer vertically and the analyzer horizontally (VH) • The value of anisotropy is calculated from measured intensities VHVV VHVV II II r ⋅+ − = 2http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imQnWrLW2i0 6 14 L and T measurement arrangements 6 15V H V x z y IVV IVH Measurement of fluorescence anisotropy r= IVV IVH - +2 x x Provided by Horiba Jobin Yvon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTpWDp_3W_4 3rd minute http://www.nordskip.com/vfog.html Who did use the anisotropy of light for the first time? 6 17 The principle of monitoring of macromolecule binding Excitation low anisotropy high anisotropy t ~ ns Emission 6 18 AF detection of protein-DNA interaction KD = 2 . 10-6 M 0.17 0.22 0.27 0.32 0 5 10 15 protein (µM) FluorescenceAnisotropy KD 6 19 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 [Protein], µM Anisotropy,r Monomers: Small Rapid rotation Unhindered Low anisotropy Depolarized emission Dimers: Larger Slow rotation Hindered by Viscosity High anisotropy Polarized emission Poskytnuto Horiba Jobin Yvon 6 20 Monitoring of DNA unwinding 6 21 Repressor binding to DNA • TRP repressor binds to DNA after activation by tryptophan and controls the synthesis of tryptophan. • Anisotropy increases upon binding of TR to fluorescently labeled DNA • At increasing concentrations of tryptophan, TRP repressor binding to DNA increases and prevents further synthesis of tryptophan 6 22 Time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy • Measurement of time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy upon the pulse excitation gives much more information about rotational motion of the fluorophore than steadystate fluorescence. • The steady-state fluorescence provides averaged values of the measured parameters and for their interpretation it is necessary to perform a number of measurements at different temperatures. In contrast, the method of timeresolved fluorescence anisotropy provides necessary information from measurement at a constant temperature • When using the method of time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy, time-dependent intensity components III (t) and Iv(t) are measured. Total intensity I(t) = III (t) + 2 Iv(t) does not depend on the rotational motion of the fluorophore and is measured under a "magic" angle 54.7 ° 6 23 What kind of information can timeresolved fluorescence anisotropy provide? • If the time decay of fluorescence τ is comparable with molecular reorientation rate, then the fluorescence polarization is modulated by molecular motion and analysis of time dependence of emission anisotropy will provide information about the anisotropy of the system where the fluorophore is located. • Measurement of fluorescence polarization provides information about the molecular orientation and mobility and processes that are modulated by them, e.g.: 1. protein-DNA interaction 2. ligand-receptor interaction 3. biopolymers flexibility 4. fluidity of membranes 5. proteolysis 6. muscle contractions 7. activity of protein kinases 6 24 Perrin equation for the relationship of anisotropy and rotation of spherical molecules     + = >< φ τ1 1 0r r r0 anisotropy at time 0 τ fluorescence decay time φ rotational correlation time – describes the rotation of molecules the time in which the molecule rotates by 1 radian ~ 57.3° 6 25 When can time-resolved anisotropy give us information about the movement of molecules? τ = 10 ns φ1 = 0.1 ns φ2= 10 ns φ3 = 1000 ns     + = >< φ τ1 1 0r r ? 0 = >< r r When the motion of molecules is happening at a time comparable with the time decay of fluorescence φ ~ τ 0.0009 0.5 0.99 6 26 Use of Perrin equation for determination of molecule properties r0 anisotropy at time 0 τ fluorescence decay time φ rotation correlation time Dr rotation diffusion constant V volume of a molecule η viscosity of environment k Boltzman constant (=1.38 .10-23JK-1) T absolute temperature in Kelvin η τ τ φ τ V kT D r r r +=+=     + = >< 161 1 1 0 6 27 The time dependence is more complex for molecules with complex shapes 6 28 Time-resolved anisotropy • Dependence of anisotropy is calculated from the time dependence of the vertically and horizontally polarized emission • In the case that the absorption and emission transition moments are parallel, initial anisotropy is r0=0.4 • Vertically polarized emission decreases faster because the number of molecules emitting in the direction decreases by rotation and decay. • Horizontally polarized emission decreases slower, because the population of molecules is increased by molecules that change their position from vertical to horizontal arrangement by rotation. 6 29 Measurement of time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy • The sample is excited by short pulses with durations much shorter than the decay time τ 6 30 Change of rotational correlation time during multimer formation • The time dependent fluorescence anisotropy can be used to monitor changes in the dynamics of molecules • Monitoring of formation of mutlimers by phosphofructokinase 0 10 20 30 40 Čas (ns) θ = 5 ns θ = 20 ns M T logr(t) 6 31 DNA flexibility • How does the flexibility of DNA depend on environmental conditions? • What is the smallest pore diameter which can the DNA pass? http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/nanopore/ PICTURES/ds2.0-V3.2.mpg 6 32 Monitoring of the movement of DNA after intercalation of EtBr • After increasing the ionic strength (dashed) the structure of DNA is more rigid. • The first part of the curve of the fluorescence decay describes torsional movement of DNA • The latter part of the curve describes the bent of DNA structures 6 33 Comparison of steady-state and time-resolved intensity and fluorescence anisotropy IntensityI Wavelength λ Anisotropyr Time (min) logI(t) Steady-state Time-resolved More information! Time (ns) logr(t) Time (ns) pulse excitation 6 34 Literature • Lakowicz J.R.: Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy. Third Edition, Springer + Business Media, New York, 2006. • Fišar Z.: FLUORESCENČNÍ SPEKTROSKOPIE V NEUROVĚDÁCH http://www1.lf1.cuni.cz/~zfisar/fluorescence/Default.htm Graphics from the book of Principles of Fluorescence for the purpose of this lecture was kindly provided by Professor JR Lakowitz. Acknowledgment