12 1 Fluorescence microscopy Fluorescence methods in life scienses Ctirad Hofr 12 2 Specimen labeling direct fluorescence and immunofluorescence Direct fluorescence - fluorophore binds directly biomolecule of our interests (BOI), typically DNA (DAPI, ethidium bromide, Hoechst). Immunofluorescence is used for visualization of most molecules and structures in cell. Direct immunofluorescence uses antibody raised against BOI. The antibody is labelled fluorescently by a fluorophore. Indirect immunofluorescence uses two antibodies. We raise a primary antibody against BOI in rabbit or other species. The primary antibody is allowed to bind in our specimen to BOI. After rinsing and washing out the excess of the primary antibody, the fluorescently labeled secondary antibody(raised in e.g. mouse against rabbit antibodies) is allowed to bind to primary antibody. Secondary antibody label primary antibody and thus BOI. Naturally, indirect immunofluoresce shows lower specificity then direct methods of labeling. Biotin-avidin immunofluorescence employs the strong affinity between biotin and basic glycoprotein avidin. Primary antibody is biotinylated. Fluorophore linked with avidin labels primary antibody. https://www.thermofisher.com/cz/en/home/life-science/cell-analysis/cell-analysis- learning-center/molecular-probes-school-of-fluorescence/labeling-your- samples/immunolabeling.html Direct fluorescence A B Biotin-avidin immunofluorescence 12 3 Fluorescence microscope 12 4 Possible arrangements Transmitted light microscopyEpi fluorescence microscopy 95% of all fluorescence microscopes 12 5 Epi-fluorescence microscopy (Reflected light fluorescence microscope) •excitační světlo prochází objektivem, dopadá na preparát a emisní světlo se vrací zpět do objektivu •nutno použít zvláštní typ zrcadla, které odráží excitační světlo do objektivu a propouští emisní světlo do okuláru •používá se dichroické zrcadlo, které propouští a odráží světlo podle toho, jakou má vlnovou délku. Používá se tedy vždy takový typ zrcadla, který maximum excitačního světla odráží a maximum emisního světa propouští. •epifluorescenční typ mikroskopu je v současnosti více oblíbený než transmisní typ 12 6 Excitation and barrier (emission) filter We use two filters to observe fluorescence emission whose intensity is 100-fold lower than the intensity of excitation light. Without filters our eyes would not be able to see the florescence. Excitation filter transmits only light wavelengths that are best for excitation of our fluorophore. Additionally, EF blocks other light wavelengths that could cause intrinsic fluorescence of specimen and increase background fluorescence. Barrier (emission) filter transmits only light wavelengths of fluorescence emission coming from molecule of our interest. BF blocks excitation light that might be reflected to the detectors. http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/primer/java/fluorescence/opticalpaths/index.html Microscope anatomy http://zeiss-campus.magnet.fsu.edu/tutorials/axioobserver/index.html 12 7 12 8 Mysterious dichroic mirror • Dichroic mirror reflect light with lower wavelengths but transmit longer wavelengths. Thus, dichroic mirror reflects maximum of excitation light let go through maximum of emission light used for a particular fluorophore. 12 9 3 filters make a filter cube A proper combination of dichroic mirror, excitation and emission filter for a given fluorophore makes a filter block called as a filter cube. Two sides are filters and diagonal is dichroic mirror. Cubes are in a carousel and are exchanged by carousel rotation. http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/primer/java/lightpaths/fluorescence/index.html Selection of a proper filter set (cube) for your fluorophore http://www.microscopyu.com/tutorials/flash/spectra lprofiles/index.html12 10 http://www.olympusmicro.com/primer/java/fluores cence/matchingfilters/index.html 12 11 Transmitted light fluorescence microscope Excitation light goes through excitation filter and comes from below as in case of a classical wide-field microscope. The most important part here is darkfield condenser that adjusts excitation light path so the light illuminate specimen from sides. Thus, only fluorescence emission goes in objective and is observed through objective. Excitation light is reflected so does not enter objective. 12 12 Confocal microscopy • High signal:noise ratio • Light source is laser, • Two pinholes in light path. Light goes through the source pinhole. The beam of light is focused into a single point. • On the light path from specimen to detector, there is the detector pinhole. • Only light from focus plane is detected => sharp image • One point in time is detected => scanning microscopy http://www.olympusconfocal.com/java/confocalsimulator/index.html 12 13 Virtual microscopy http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/primer/virtual/fluorescence/index.html http://www.microscopyu.com/tutorials/java/kohler/index.html 12 14 Practical demonstration of fluorescence microscopy