Radiationless Transitions • Spin allowed • Spin forbidden Chapters 3 & 5 Principles of Molecular Photochemistry: An Introduction NJT, VR and JCS Transition Between States S0 + hn S1 spin allowed absorption S1 S0 + hn spin allowed emission (fluorescence) S1 S0 + ∆ spin allowed radiationless transition (internal conversation; IC) S1 T1 + ∆ spin forbidden radiationless transition (intersystem crossing; ISC) S0 + hn T1 spin forbidden absorption T1 S0 + hn spin forbidden emission (phosphorescence) T1 S0 + ∆ spin forbidden radiationless conversion (intersystem crossing) ]...)[( ][ 1 1 Skkk Sk iciscf f f +++ =φ 01 11 01 10 SS TS hSS ShS ic isc f abs k k k I !→! !→! +!→! !→!+ ν ν Why radiationless transition matters? Competes with fluorescence and phosphorescence kisc krt kqtkqskrs - hν T1 S1 S0 - hν ' F0. c0. S0 (F1. c1. S1)*1 (F2. c1. S1)*3 • Changes in electronic, vibrational and spin configurations without the help of a photon • Energy redistribution--electronic to vibrational Radiationless Transitions Visualization of vibrational levels within an electronic energy surface Harmonic Anharmonic Relative position of energy surfaces (F1. c1. S1)*1 (F1. c1. S1)*3 F0. c0. S0 Matching vs. Crossing Surfaces For the same energy gap the rates are different for the two types of surfaces The S1 and S0 potentials exhibit small relative displacements. Significant overlaps between their vibrational wave functions are obtained only for small energy separations, ES1−S0. The IC probability decreases exponentially with increasing energy gap. This exponential dependence of the transition probability on E is usually dubbed the Energy Gap Law. Matching surfaces (e.g., polyaromatics) Equilibrium geometries similar S0 Basis of energy gap law during radiationless transition in nested surfaces: Vibrational overlap Nested or matching surfaces: Extent of vibrational overlap depends on the energy gap f ~ exp-DE kIC ~ 1013fn kIC ~ 1013exp-aD Matching (nested) surfaces Vibrational overlap can be off-set by density of states Density of states large Density of states small Large energy gap favors higher density of states as the vibrational levels that overlap would be in the region with have higher density. Thus energy gap and density of states work in opposite direction. Dependence of rate of kIC (S1 to S0) on energy gap Dependence of rate of kISC T1 to S0 on energy gap Overlap between lowest vib level of T1 and high (degenerate) vib level of S0) T1 S0 Conversion of electronic to vibrational energy Three step process: (i) upper vibrational to lower vibrational level in excited state (ii) lower vibrational level to upper vibrational of the lower state (iii) upper vibrational of the lower state to lowest vibrational level Step 1Step i Step ii Step iii Visualization of Electronic Energy to Vibrational Energy Transfer Intramolecular vibrational relaxation (IVR) occurs within 10 to 0.1 ps Intermolecular vibrational energy transfer (VET) from the molecule to the solvent occurs in the time range 100 to 10 ps Crossing surfaces Equilibrium geometries dissimilar S0 Weak Coupling Strong coupling (F1. c1. S1)*1 (F1. c1. S1)*3 F0. c0. S0 Matching vs. Crossing Surfaces For the same energy gap the rates are different for the two types of surfaces Basis of Kasha’s Rule S2 to S1 IC is fast due to possible surface crossing and smaller gap S1 to S0 IC is slow due to matching surface and larger gap S2 to S1 IC can be slow if gap is larger and the surfaces don’t cross Kasha’s Rule All photophysical and photochemical processes usually start in S1 or T1, irrespective of which excited state or vibrational level is initially produced. Energy Gap Law and Azulene Anomaly Fluorescence occurs only from S1 to S0; phosphorescence occurs only from T1 to S0; Sn and Tn emissions are extremely rare (Kasha's rule). S2 to S1 rate vs Energy Gap Role of vibrational level (nn) on radiationless process Bond Type Vibrational Frequency Type C=C stretch 2200 cm-1 C=O stretch 1700 cm-1 C=C stretch 1600 cm-1 N=N stretch 1500 cm-1 C-H bend 1000 cm-1 C-C stretch 1000 cm-1 C-C bend 500 cm-1 C-H stretch 3000 cm-1 C-D stretch 2100 cm-1 Electronic to Vibrational Energy Transfer High frequency vibrations are important in radiationless transitions. Vibrational level to match the gap is of lower # with high frequency vibrations. C-H stretch 3000 cm-1 C-D stretch 2100 cm-1 Higher vibrational level needed to match; poor overlap, slow decay, large FP Isotope Effect on Rate of T1 to S0 T1 S0 Effect of deuteration on radiationless process (T1 to S0) Birks book perprotonated q perdeuterated Mikkel Bregnh.j, Michael Westberg, Frank Jensen and Peter R. Ogilby, Phys. Chem. Chem.Phys., 2016, 18, 22946 Decay of singlet oxygen depends on solvent and deuteration Vibrational effects on singlet oxygen lifetime In aromatics because of the large S1 to S0 energy gap internal conversion does not compete with kISC and kF (exception) For large aromatic molecules the sum of the quantum yields of fluorescence and ISC is one i.e., rate of internal conversion is very slow with respect to the other two (Ermolaev’s rule). (F1. c1. S1)*1 (F1. c1. S1)*3 F0. c0. S0 Internal conversion in matching vs. crossing surfaces For the same energy gap the rates are different for the two types of surfaces Breakdown of Born-Oppenheimer Approximation Mixing of surfaces For the same nuclear configuration there are two electronic configurations with identical energies. Under favorable conditions this would lead to mixing resulting in avoided crossing. Two surfaces with different electronic or spin configurations Energy is fine, but orbitals don’t overlap Breakdown of Born-Oppenheimer Approximation Vibronic mixing enables surface mixing Intersystem crossing in carbonyl compounds (np*) Intersystem crossing in aromatic molecules (pp*) and and olefins (pp*) Intersystem Crossing in Diradicals and Radical Pairs Spin forbidden transitions R(S0) + hν → *R(S1) R(S0) + hν → *R(T1) *R(T1) → R(S0) + hν *R(T1) → R(S0) + heat *R(S1) → R(T1) + heat T1 S1 S0 kisc kisc kP Intersystem crossing in molecules with np* and pp* states O Singlet-Triplet Transitions Role of Spin-Orbit Coupling T1 S1 S0 T1 + λ S1 Spin-Orbit coupling mixes the states, no longer pure states S1 S0 Breakdown of Born-Oppenheimer Approximation Spin-Orbit coupling enables surface mixing For the same nuclear configuration there are two spin configurations. Coupling between the two surfaces could lead to mixing and result in avoided crossing. Two surfaces with different spin configurations. Breakdown of Born-Oppenheimer Approximation Spin-orbit coupling facilitated by vibronic mixing enables surface mixing Two spins of ½: S = 1 Spin multiplicity= 2S+1 = 3 a b MS=0 αβ−βα a a b b a b MS=1 MS=-1 MS=0 Ms1 Ms1 Ms1 Ms2 Ms2 Ms2 αα ββ αβ+βα Two spins of ½: S = 0 Spin multiplicity = 2S+1 = 1 Angular momentum vector representations of two electron system: Singlet and Triplet Spin interconversion in one spin system Sz a q Sz b q Sz a Sz b q q z S1a Hi z S1a Hi z S1a Hi S1 and Hi uncoupuled S1 and Hi coupuled to yield the resultant S1 + Hi S1 and Hi precess about resultant z S1a Hi z S1b Hi Hx or Hy Zero Field a b a b High Field b a b a D- D+ D- D+ Spin interconversion in one spin system in zero and high magnetic field Spin interconversion in two spin system High Field X T- T0 T+ S X T+ S T- T0 T+ S Spin interconversion in two spin system High Field T- T0 T+ T- T+ ST0 S S1 S2 S1 S2 S2 S1 triplet,T0 singlettorques producing a rotation of S2 about z Z axis Z axis S1 S2 tightly coupled loosely coupled tightly coupled Hz Spin interconversion in two spin system (Spin rephasing) S1 S2 S1 S2 S2 S1 triplet,T+ singlet,Storques producing a rotation of S2 about x or y S1 S2 tightly coupled loosely coupled tightly coupled Hx (or Hy) X, Y axis Spin interconversion in two spin system: Spin flipping Available Internal Magnetic Fields An external magnetic fields cannot be responsible for the singlettriplet transition, because it would act equally on both spins. External and Internal Magnetic Fields spin orbital Angular momentum Magnetic moment Precession and Spin-Orbit coupling Besides an external magnetic field another source of coupling is the spin-orbit coupling: if L is coupled to S, they both precess around their resultant. The rate of precession about an axis is proportional to the strength of the coupling of the spin to the new magnetic field. The power of the magnetic field generated is proportional to the rate of precession. When L and S are strongly coupled it is difficult for other forces to break the coupling • The strength or energy (ESO) of spin-orbit coupling is directly proportional to the magnitude of the magnetic moment due to electron orbital motion, µL (a variable quantity depending on the orbit), and the electron spin, µS (a fixed quantity). • Spin-orbit coupling in organic molecules will be effective in inducing transitions between different spin states if one (or both) of the electrons involved approaches a “heavy” atom nucleus that is capable of causing the electron to accelerate and thereby create a strong magnetic moment as the result of its orbital motion for a one electron atom, zSO ~ Z4). • For maximum effect of the nuclear charge, the electron must be in an orbital that approaches the nucleus closely, i.e., an orbital with some scharacter, since s-orbitals have a finite probability of being located near or even in the nucleus! More on Spin-Orbit Coupling S µS z S µS z The electron possesses a spin magnetic moment due to its charge and spin. The magnetic moment µs is quantized in magnitude and orientation as the angular momentum S from which it arises Magnetic moment due to spin Magnetic moment of an orbiting electron An electron in a Bohr atom is modeled as a point charge rotating about a fixed axis centered in the nucleus. Then it possesses an orbital magnetic moment: µL= -(e/2m) L nucleus spin Field at a molecular level is generated from the orbital motion of the electron around the nucleus. € ˆHSO = ζl⋅ s ζn,l ∝ Z4 n3 l(l +1/2)(l +1) The Spin-Orbit coupling constant depends on the fourth power of the atomic number and its effect is very large for heavy atoms. Spin-Orbit Coupling and Heavy Atom Effect Spin-orbit coupling energies for selected atoms Spin-orbit coupling parameter is related to atomic number The heavy atom effect on spin transitions The “heavy atom” effect is an “atomic number” effect that is related to the coupling of the electron spin and electron orbital motions (spin-orbit coupling, SOC). Most commonly, the HAE refers to the rate enhancement of a spin forbidden photophysical radiative or radiationless transition that is due to the presence of an atom of high atomic number, Z. The heavy atom may be either internal to a molecule (molecular) or external (supramolecular). Internal Heavy Atom Effect: Spin forbidden absorption I I Cl Cl CCl4 Pure liquid C2H4Br2 C2H5I External Heavy Atom Effect: Spin forbidden absorption 400 λ (nm) ε 0.15 350 CH3 CH2 Ι solvent 450 500 T1(π, π*)S0 High pressure of xenon Cl 0.10 0.05 External Heavy Atom Effect: Spin forbidden absorption Influence of Heavy Atom Effect on ISC and phosphorescence F. Wilkinson in Organic molecular physics, J. B. Birks (ed.), Wiley, 1975. p. 126 Turro et. al., JACS, 93, 1032, 1971 Non-Radiative decay from T1 Radiative decay from T1 M Zander, G Kirsch - Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, 1989, 205 Intersystem crossing in carbonyl compounds and others with np*) Spin-orbit coupling in organic molecules will be effective in inducing transitions between states of different spin if a “px ® py” orbital transition on a single (the same) atom is involved in the electronic transition. This orbital transition provides both a means of conserving total angular momentum during the transition and also a means of generating orbital angular momentum that can be employed in spin-orbit coupling. This works in the case of np* state. Conservation of energy and angular momentum (spin & orbit coupling) Spin change will occur at a place where the energies of singlet and triplet are identical. Occurs at curve crossing. • The electron spin must either remain unchanged or change by one unit of angular momentum, (say, +1/2  ® -1/2 ). • A spin change is exactly compensated by an equal and opposite change of angular momentum which occurs from some other (coupled) interaction with another source of angular momentum. • In a spin-flip, induced by the spin-orbit interaction, the conservation of angular momentum is guaranteed from the magnetic orbital quantum number ml. py Dml=0;Dms=1 px Dml=1;Dms=0 Energy and angular momentum conservation px Dml=1;Dms=1 allowed Energy is fine, but orbitals don’t overlap, remain perpendicular Breakdown of Born-Oppenheimer Approximation Vibronic mixing enables surface mixing Vibronic mixing enables overlap of n and p orbitals Vibration and SO helps ISC py px Dml=1;Dms=1 Spin flip Conservation of spin and orbital angular momentum favors ISC The Effect of Spin-Orbit Coupling on Intersystem Crossing from S1 (pp*) to T1 in carbonyls π π* n π n n π π* n π π* n π π* n π π* The Effect of Spin-Orbit Coupling on Intersystem Crossing from S1 (np*) to T1 π π* n π n El-Sayed’s Rule Intersystem crossing is likely to be very slow unless it involves a change of orbital configuration. Chem. Rev., 1966, 66, 199-241 S1 T2 T1 DEST kST=1011s-1 DEST = 5Kcal/mol O kST=108s-1 DEST = 5Kcal/mol S1 T2 T1 DEST O O ≅ Thus, for ketones with T1 (n, p*), the only mechanism to undergo a Singlet-Triplet ISC is going through a T2 (p, p*) followed by internal conversion to T1 (n, p*) S1 T1 n,p* T2 p,p* n,p* Thus, the ISC crossing rate depends whether or not it is allowed and on the energy gaps involved. S1 T1 n,p* T2 p,p* n,p* El-Sayed’s Rule Intersystem crossing is likely to be slow unless it involves a change of orbital configuration. Summary kisc krt kqtkqskrs - hν T1 S1 S0 - hν ' kST kP K2[Q]kF k1 Room Temperature Phosphorescence Strategy to record phosphorescence at room temperature through supramolecular approach Make more triplets through the heavy atom effect Stage 1 Make triplets emit faster in competition with quenching processes Stage 2 Crown ethers, micelles and zeolites contain cations Phenanthrene@Cyclodextrin: effect of CH2Br2 as co-guest Cyclodextrins as hosts Induced Intersystem Crossing Depends on the SOC: Cations as the heavy atom pertuber Atom Ionic Spin-Orbit Radius of Coupling ζ cm-1 the Cation (Å) Li 0.86 (+) 0.23 Na 1.12 11.5 K 1.44 38 Rb 1.58 160 Cs 1.84 370 Tl 1.40 3410 Pb 1.33 (2+) 5089 External heavy atom effect: Crown ether approach Tl: Z = 81Na: Z = 11 Naphthalene@SDS micelle: effect of heavy atom counterions Micelles as hosts Heavy atom produces more triplets and the triplets produced phosphoresce at a faster rate kisc krt kqtkqskrs - hν T1 S1 S0 - hν ' Cation Effect Heavy Cations Enhance the S1 to T1 Crossing T h e p i c t u r e c a n ' t b e d i s p l a y e d z x y Emission Spectra of Naphthalene Included in MY Zeolites Room temperature phosphorescence Phosphorescence from Diphenyl Polyenes Phosphorescence from Azo Compounds in TlY at 77 K np*– np* crossing N N KubelkaMunK Wavelength/ nm RelativeIntensity Absorption Phosphorescence Excitation So to S1 So to T1 So to S2 S1 T1 S0 nπ* nπ* S2 ππ* ππ*T2