Scientific Revolution The Scientific Revolution is a term commonly referring to the transformation of thought about nature through which the Aristotelian tradition was replaced by so-called "modern" science. Chemical Revolution • The Greek philosopher Democritus began the search for a description of matter more than 2400 years ago. • He asked: Could matter be divided into smaller and smaller pieces forever, or was there a limit to the number of times a piece of matter could be divided? The Greek Philosopher Democritus Democritus c. 460 – c. 370 BC Atomos • His theory: Matter could not be divided into smaller and smaller pieces forever, eventually the smallest possible piece would be obtained. • This piece would be indivisible. • He named the smallest piece of matter “atomos,” meaning “can not be cut.” Democritus Atomos §To Democritus, atoms were small, hard particles that were all made of the same material but were different shapes and sizes. §Atoms were infinite in number, always moving and capable of joining together. The four elements of ancient times (Greek) • All matter is made up of these four elements • The above four elements are transmutable Five interconvertible elements make up the earth Pancha Bhoota (Sanskrit: प"चभूत), five great elements, which, according to Hinduism, is the basis of all cosmic creation. • Prithvi (Sanskrit: पृ+वी:, Earth), • Jal (Sanskrit: अप:, Water), • Agni (Sanskrit: अि1न, Fire), • Vayu (Sanskrit: वायु:, Air), • Akasha (Sanskrit: आकाश, Space ). The Indian View (Taittirīya Upanishad and Aitareya Upanishad, 6th century BC) Even before Aristotle Kashyap (Acharya Kanada) • Vaisheshika school of philosophy • Vaisheshika Sutras • 6th century BC Ancient Indian Atomistic Thoughts Every object of creation is made of atoms (paramāṇu) which in turn connect with each other to form molecules (aṇu). Atoms are eternal, and their combinations constitute the empirical material world. The similarity of the early Indian views of matter with the Greek models have led historians to wonder if communication occurred between the philosophers in these early civilizations. The Greek Philosopher Aristotle • Believed that matter could be continuously divided without end (the “continuous” idea of matter). • There is no need for empty space. • There are no atoms. All matter is made of the natural elements (earth, water, air and fire. 384-322 BC Alchemy (next 1500 years) • Mixture of science and mysticism. • Lab procedures were developed, but alchemists did not perform controlled experiments like true scientists. European and Asian philosophers Alchemists Phlogistonists Modern chemists The Aristotelian tradition and medieval alchemy eventually gave rise to modern chemistry Ancient Greeks: 5th century BC to 17th century Earth, Water, Air and Fire Asians: 5th century BC to 17th century Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Space Middle Eastern: Abu Mus-Hayyan 8th century AD Elements + sulfur + mercury European: Paracelsus (Swiss alchemist) 16th century AD Elements + {sulfur + mercury+salt} Alchemists to Phlogistonists Alchemists laid the groundwork for many chemical processes, such as the refining of ores, the production of gunpowder, the manufacture of glass and ceramics, leather tanning, and the production of inks, dyes, and paints. Alchemists also made the first attempts at organizing and classifying substances so that they could better understand their reactions and be able to predict the products of their experiments. Alchemists 300 BC to 17th century • Transmutation of metals • Philosophers stone • Elixir of life • Interconversion of minerals • Looking for medicines Alchemists attempted to transmute cheap metals to gold. The substance used for this conversion was called the Philosopher's Stone. Arabian origin but was prevalent world over Alchemists: Middle-East, Greeks, Romans, Asia, Europe 300 BC-17th century Johann Joachim Becher Replaced Greek and Paracelsus (Swiss 1635 – 1682 alchemist) elements (4+3) with two, Seven elements became two: earth and water, air used only as a mixer. Proposed that when a substance burned, a combustible earth was liberated. Georg Ernst Stahl Kept the proposals of Becher except changed 1659-1734 the name of flammable earth to phlogiston. Beginnings of Phlogistonists According to the phlogiston theory a colorless, odorless and weightless substance called phlogiston, present in every material was released while it burnt and the ‘ash’ that remained was considered as ‘dephlogisticated’ material. Phlogiston Theory 17 & 18th centuries Georg Ernst Stahl 1659-1734 Johann Joachim Becher 1635 – 1682 In addition to air, earth, water and fire, the materials contain phlogiston. NOW: Fire is a chemical reaction that converts a fuel and oxygen into carbon dioxide and water. What is fire? THEN: Release of phlogiston is the definition of burning. The flame indicates the rapid escape of phlogiston. Questions about Combustion • In early 18th Century, an attempt was made to understand combustion (burning, fire). • Why do some materials burn, while others don’t? • When a piece of wood burned, it turned into ash with much less mass than the original wood. • What happens to the rest of the wood mass? • All combustible substances contain phlogiston. • Non-combustible substances do not contain phlogiston. • The more phlogiston a substance contains, the better and more completely it burns. • When wood burns there is a decrease in weight. • Release of phlogiston results in weight loss. Basics of phlogiston theory • Air is necessary for combustion because it absorbs the escaping phlogiston. • The air becomes saturated with phlogiston – it becomes phlogisticated air. • When a candle burns in a closed jar, it burns for a while before the flame goes out; this is because the air in the jar is saturated with phlogiston. • Observation: Combustion does not occur in a vacuum. • Explanation: There was no air present to carry off the phlogiston. Where is phlogiston going upon burning? Phlogiston Theory explained why things stopped burning Phlogiston theory of burning. (A) When an object burns, it gives off a substance calledphlogiston. (B) When the space surrounding the burning object is filled with phlogiston, the object will no longer be able to burn. (A) phlogiston Do you support or refute the hypothesis? Modern theory of burning • When an object burns, it uses up a substance (oxygen) in the surrounding space. • When the space surrounding the burning object has too little oxygen in it, the object will no longer be able to burn. Metals don’t burn but get rusted Metal to metal calx W Wood Ash + Phlogiston Metal Calx + Phlogiston • Typically, metal calx weighed more than the original metal. • How can this be if the calcification process drives off the phlogiston in the metal? • Answer: Phlogiston possesses levity; i.e., it is lighter than nothing; it has negative weight (?) Fire to Rust: Minor hitch in the theory Levity is an ancient idea • Levity, or inherent lightness, is an idea invented by Aristotle. • Air and fire rise because they possess levity, while earth and water fall because they possess heaviness. • These are qualitative notions. They do not fit in quantitative, mechanist explanations. The logic of phlogiston Place an empty balloon, about 10 cm of string and a few centimetres of sticky tape on a toppan balance. Tare the balance to read zero. Fill the balloon with ‘phlogiston’ (flamable hydrogen), tie the neck and tape it down onto the balance pan. The balance will now show a negative reading; ie the mass of phlogiston added to the balloon is negative. Metal calx to metal Metal calx are powders, like ash, resulting from heating metals in a fire. Mercury Mercury calx + phlogiston Stahl’s idea was that phlogiston was driven out of the metal when the calx was produced. Mercury reacts with oxygen to form mercuric oxide Mercury calx + Phlogiston Mercury Charcoal If calx is reheated in an oven filled with charcoal the calx turned back into the original metal. An excellent source of phlogiston is charcoal, which therefore could reconvert a calx to its metal. Charcoal absorbs the released oxygen and reacts to form carbon dioxide Dephlogisticated air • Joseph Priestley produced different gases by performing chemical reactions and collecting the gases produced with a pneumatic trough. • He produced a new gas by heating mercuric calx by concentrating the sun’s rays on it. Joseph Priestley 1733 – 1804 Mercury calx + Phlogiston Mercury Air Left out air “dephlogisticated air” No charcoal Priestley declared: "I could not doubt but that the calx was actually imbibing something from the air; and from its effects in making the calx into metal, it could be no other than that to which chemists had unanimously given the name of phlogiston." Dephlogisticated air Dephlogisticated air • Mercury calx + Phlogiston Mercury Air • According to phlogiston theory, he was reimpregnating the mercury calx with phlogiston, taken from the surrounding air. • Hence, the air that remained was deficient in phlogiston. He called it “dephlogisticated air”. • Earlier charcoal was used instead of air as a source of phlogiston. Dephlogisticated air • Experimenting with his new air, Priestley found that: • A candle burned brighter in it. • A mouse put in a closed flask of the air lived longer than one in a flask with ordinary air. • He tried breathing it himself, and it made him feel great. All air are not the same Parallel to phlogiston theory, another concept entered chemistry about the same time: the notion of “air” and that “air” is not just one thing, but that there are different kinds of air (many many air?)” Stephen Hales (1677 –1761) Pneumatic troughs Hales’s Priestly’s New air(s) • Joseph Black identified several new gases, giving them names consistent with phlogiston theory. • “fixed air,” carbon dioxide • Other researchers identified other new “airs.” • “flammable air” hydrogen Joseph Black 1728-1799 Antoine Lavoisier The Father of Modern Chemistry 1743–1794 kuHKoitE • Four elements theory is accepted for want of a better one. • Boyle’s definition of element did not get accepted; so, fire, water, air and earth are still the basic elements. • The phlogiston theory dominated chemical philosophy. • The composition of air and water unknown. • Hydrogen and oxygen are yet to be discovered. • The mechanism of respiration and metabolism understood in the context of phlogiston. Status of chemistry during the lifetime of Lavoisier (1743–1794) Some materials burn because they contain phlogiston. Phlogiston is released into the air when material burns. Major flaw…some materials weigh more after they are burnt. Wood à Ashes + Phlogiston; ashes weigh less…okay… But…Iron à Rust + Phlogiston; rust weighed more than the iron Lavoisier noticed the inconsistencies of the phlogiston theory and came up with a better explanation of combustion. Phlogiston Theory – no longer valid! • Established concepts as needed. • Performed quantitative experiments to study chemical reactions, including combustion process. • Built a self-financed well-equipped laboratory. Lavoisier saw the opportunity • Invented and invested on new instruments: a burner that used ‘amplified Sunlight’ (heater), calorimeter, analytical balances, etc. Ø In 1768, at a young age of 25, he accepted office as a Farmer–General of Taxes, and as a chemist at the Royal Academy of Sciences, the most elite science society. Ø Accepting Farmer-General of Taxes; he used his income to finance his experiments. Ø A few years later he married the daughter of another tax farmer, Marie Anne who was only 13 at the time. Ø Antoine Lavoisier was appointed regional inspector for the Tobacco Commission. Ø Lavoisier became an important landowner by successive acquisition of land, in 1778. Personal Life of Lavoisier She also translated her husband’s work from French into English so he could share his ideas. Her sketching skills were used to produce engravings of the apparatus and methods he used. Marie-Anne would translate these English papers into French for her husband to be able to understand them Madam Lavoisier Home built laboratory equipments Helped to make sketches and take notes. She has drawn herself taking notes at the right-hand table. Married Marie-Anne in 1771 Lavoisier’s ideas • Lavoisier viewed heat as one of the elements, “caloric.” • Air he thought was a compound of different substances. • He thought that Priestley’s “dephlogisticated air” was actually an element. Lavoisier’s classic experiment-1 • Lavoisier took mercury and a measured volume of air and heated them together. • This produced a mercuric calx and reduced the volume of the air. Lavoisier’s classic experiment-2 • He then reheated the mercuric calx by itself at a lower temperature and saw it go back to mercury. • In the process it produced a gas, equal in volume to the amount lost from the first procedure. Lavoisier’s classic experiment-3 • Observation: water is raising in the tube indicating the amount of air decreasing as mercury goes to calx • Lavoisier concluded that instead of the original heating driving off phlogiston from the mercury, the mercury was combining with some element in the air to form a compound, which was the mercuric calx. • He called that element “oxygen,” meaning “acid maker.” • He classified all acids to contain oxygen; (wrong generalization). Oxygen displaces phlogiston • Phlogiston theory had everything upside down. • Instead of driving off phlogiston during combustion, burning causes a compound to combine with the gas oxygen. • In the case of a metal, the compound is the calx produced (weight increases). • In the case of wood (rich in carbon) the weight decreases because carbon combines with something in the air and leaves. (Carbon plus oxygen is converted to carbon dioxide). ...even modern scientific theories are just theories, not absolute fact Oxygen vs Phlogiston “All the facts of combustion and calcination are explained in a much simpler and much easier way without phlogiston than with it. I do not expect that my ideas will be adopted at once; the human mind inclines to one way of thinking and those who have looked at Nature from a certain point of view during a part of their lives adopt new ideas only with difficulty - - -.” Lavoisier Lavoisier announced in 1775 that he has discovered a new gas resulting upon decomposition of Hg calx and Pb calx. He named it oxygen (meaning ‘acid maker’). Lavoisier demonstrated (1779) its importance in respiration and glowing of candles and the left-over part of air being toxic to animal. Thus, he established for the first time that air is made up of two elements (one essential and another toxic for life). Discovery of Oxygen Carl Scheele 1742 - 1786 Swedish chemist Scheele, identified it several years before Priestley (1770- 1773). Unfortunately, his scientific report sat in a printer’s office for two years and got published in 1777. Priority dispute: Who discovered oxygen? Joseph Priestley 1733 – 1804 He mentioned to Lavoisier in 1774 about the discovery during a visit to Paris. Published the results in 1775. Antoine Lavoisier In 1775 Lavoisier announced to the Academy of Science in Paris that he had isolated a component of air that he called "eminently breathable air" by decomposition of mercuric oxide. 1743—1794 Carl Scheele 1742 - 1786 A great chemist, discovered 7 elements. Slow in publishing results. Who discovered oxygen? Do you really need three? Joseph Priestley 1733 – 1804 Furious free thinker and scholar. Published every observation. His mind was inflexible with respect to phlogiston. Antoine Lavoisier Brilliant economist, great and meticulous scientist. Mind was flexible to discard old ideas. Lacked professional integrity. 1743—1794 On an evening in October 1774, Antoine Lavoisier, the architect of the chemical revolution, learned that the Unitarian English minister, Joseph Priestley, had made a new gas. Within a week, a letter came to Lavoisier from the Swedish apothecary, Carl Wilhelm Scheele, instructing the French scientist how one might synthesize this key element, the life-giver oxygen. Scheele’s work was carried out years before but remained unpublished until 1777. Scheele and Priestley fit their discovery into an entirely wrong logical framework—the phlogiston theory—that Lavoisier is about to demolish. How does Lavoisier deal with the Priestley and Scheele discoveries? Does he give the discoverers their due credit? And what is discovery after all? Does it matter if you do not fully understand what you have found? Or if you do not let the world know? A popular Broadway play The Law of Conservation of Matter By paying close attention to the weights of his experimental ingredients, Lavoisier made the Conservation of Matter a fundamental principle of chemistry. The Law of Conservation of Mass Total mass is the same (Reactants) (Products) Magnesium + oxygen = magnesium oxide Explain how the experiment in this picture demonstrates the Law of Conservation of Mass. Air is not an element but a mixture. • Lavoisier was sure that air contained more than one element. • Determined the amount of the “reacting component” in the air. He named this reacting component oxygen. What is an element? Robert Boyle’s (1627-1691) definition of element “An element is a substance that cannot be decomposed into anything simpler” Cavendish: “When inflammable and common air are exploded in a proper proportion, almost all the inflammable air, and near one-fifth of the common air, lose their elasticity, and are condensed into dew (water).” (Done in 1781 and Published in 1784). Water is not an element. It is a mixture. Lavoisier (1783) • Combustion of inflammable air with oxygen carried out in a closed vessel yielded water in a very pure state. • Water can be decomposed to inflammable air (hydrogen) and oxygen. Iron filings in water rusted and released inflammable air. Rusting occurred through the reaction of released oxygen with iron filings. • Thus, water can be decomposed to two elements and can also be formed from the same two elements. Water is not an element, it is a compound. Water and air are not elements: Four element theory is not valid Lavoisier: “There was no principle of scientific conduct that forbade him to give better explanations of other men's discoveries than those they could provide themselves, an attitude to which no man of science could take exception. This theory is not, as I hear it called, the theory of the French chemists. It is mine. It is a right that I claim by the Judgment of my contemporaries and at the bar of history.” Cavendish’s experiments were done in 1781 and published in 1784. In the meantime, his assistant Blagden visited Paris in 1783 and mentioned about Cavendish’s results to Lavoisier. The latter published the water results in 1783. There was some feeling that Lavoisier might have used the information given to him by Blagden to anticipate the publication of a discovery made by Cavendish. Priority disputes and Lavoisier’s reaction Lavoisier recognized the opportunity “The importance of the end in view prompted me to undertake all this work, which seemed to me destined to bring about a revolution in . . . chemistry. An immense series of experiments remains to be made.” Lavoisier, Lab Notebook entry dated Feb. 20, 1773 30 yrs old Law of the conservation of Mass Law of the indestructibility of matter applied to chemical change In every operation an equal quantity of matter exists both before and after operation. Antoine Lavoisier 1789 Established a system of nomenclature Conceived oxygen-based acid principle Established the field of thermochemistry Order in chaos Marie had spent her teen years studying chemistry and learning to read English. She also learned art from the revolutionary painter David. As Roald Hoffmann traces old records, he finds Marie managing the schedule of her husband's laboratory and creating fine detailed drawings of apparatus. She receives no credit, ----- Was she the perfect secretary or a scientific collaborator? Marie-Anne Paulze Lavoisier Antoine Lavoisier – Sad Ending A landmark portrait presents a modern, scientifically minded couple in fashionable but simple dress, their bodies casually intertwined. Antoine Laurent Lavoisier is often referred to as the “father of modern chemistry” and Marie Anne Lavoisier is known as a key collaborator in his experiments—aspects of the couple’s personality that have been well served by this famous image. (Marie Anne Pierrette Paulze, 1758–1836) MET, NewYork Collection "It took them only an instant to cut off that head, and a hundred years may not produce another like it." Joseph-Louis Lagrange Despite his eminence and his services to science and France, he came under attack as a former farmer-general of taxes and was guillotined in 1794 (51 yrs old). Priestley fled to the U.S. • Priestley was an enthusiastic supporter of the American and French revolutions. His outspoken radical views enraged a mob that burned down his house and library. Priestley escaped to the United States where he lived for the remainder of his life. Antoine Lavoisier, Douglas McKie, 1952 An International Historic Chemical Landmark, The Chemical Revolution, ACS, pamphlet, 1999 Antoine Lavoisier, H. Hartley, Proc. Royal Soc. A, 189, 427-454, 1947 Readings “Well, certainly, Lavoisier was one of the great, great masters of all time.” Humphry Davy “Well, certainly, Lavoisier was one of the great, great masters of all time.” Humphry Davy Antoine Lavoisier 1789 Humphry Davy 1778-1829 Humphry Davy: Chemistry’s First Showman The Age of Wonder, Ch 6 & 8, R. Holmes, 2010 “I have neither riches, nor power, nor birth to recommend me. Yet if I live, I trust I shall not be of less service to mankind and my friends, than had I been born with these advantages” Notebook entry at age 17 Beginning “Fortune had smiled on Davy, perhaps too kindly in his younger years, and left him eager for praise, jealous of rivals and anxious to shine in every field. Those were his failings, but withal his romantic genius made an enduring mark.” H. Hartley, Humphry Davy, Nelson, London, 1966 End “There is now before us a boundless prospect of novelty in science; a country unexplored, but noble and fertile in aspect; a land of promise in philosophy.” When Davy started his exploration electricity was popularly regarded as an invisible and volatile fluid stored in glass Leyden jars, ever ready to leap out with a bang. A land of promise Born in Penzance on Dec 17, 1778 John Tonkin, Family benefactor John B. Borlase, Local doctor Thomas Beddoes opens ‘The Pneumatic Institute’ in Bristol, Appoints Davy (19 yrs old) as Laboratory Operator. • Gas research 1798 – 1801 Royal Institution, London, 1801- 1825, Director • Electrochemistry, Isolation of elements, Davy Lamp invention The Pneumatic Institute Thomas Beddoes Davy has actually invented a new pleasure, for which language has no name. Oh Tom! I am going for more this evening; it makes one strong, and so happy!…Tom, I am sure the air in heaven must be this wonder-working gas of delight!— Letter to Thomas Southey, July 12, 1799 NH4NO3 → N2O+2H2O Priestly, 1772 Nitrous oxide N2O Session Humphry Davy “We are going on gloriously. Our palsied patients are getting better; and to be a little conceited. I am making discoveries everyday.” Nitrous oxide parties, early 18th century Humphry Davy invited friends to try laughing gas so he could observe their responses. "Give me more, give me more; this is the most pleasurable thing I've ever experienced." Davy’s failure to capitalize on his discovery of anesthesia doomed thousands to needless surgical pain. Davy never followed up on the idea that nitrous oxide could be an anesthesia, his attention was diverted by Volta’s discovery of the battery. Missed opportunity “As nitrous oxide appears capable of destroying physical pain, it may probably be used with advantage during surgical operations ----.” Humphrey Davy Moves on from nitrous oxide to carbon monoxide Animal electricity and Battery (1791) Luigi Galvani 1737-1798 In 1791 Luigi Galvani announced that the contact of two different metals with the leg muscles of a skinned frog resulted in the leg to twitch. Galvani interpreted that as a new form of electricity found in living tissue, which he called “animal electricity.” Lucia Galvani Galvani believed such occurrences suggested the existence of “animal electricity,” a phenomenon related to “artificial electricity” (produced by an electrostatic machine or simple friction) and “natural electricity” (associated with lightning, electric eels, etc.). In 1786 Luigi Galvani hung the legs of a dead frog on a railing in a thunderstorm to see if lightning would make them twitch…. Frogs and Animal Electricity Frogs and Animal Electricity However, one day Galvani made the legs twitch without any charge. Galvani believed he had created “Animal Electricity” – and many people began to believe that this was the secret of life itself. By creating a static charge, he and other scientists could get the dead frog’s legs to twitch… later on dead people too! Volta believed the brass hooks on which the legs hung were reacting chemically with an iron stand to create an electric current. Volta made the first battery in 1800. Alessandro Volta’s Response (ca.1800) Alessandro Volta 1745-1827 Alessandro Volta realized that most of the unusual electrical behavior observed by Galvani involved two different types of metals, such as the iron of a scalpel and the brass of a hook. This led him to suggest that the animal tissue was not necessary; any moist material between different metals would produce electricity. Instead of “animal electricity,” Volta believed in “metallic electricity.” Three Parts of an Electric Circuits 1. Source of electrical energy 2. Closed path 3. Device to use electrical energy The voltaic pile, invented by Alessandro Volta in 1800, was the first device to provide a steady supply of electricity. Volta’s pile (1800) Volta’s pile (1800) Cu Zn “couple” 1.1 v 301v 26 v 110 v 165 v In 1800, Alessandro Volta (1745 – 1827, an Italian physicist) discovered that chemical reactions could be used to create positively charged anodes and negatively charged cathodes. In 1800 A. Volta invented the voltaic pile, which was one of the first electric batteries. It was essentially a stack of alternating metal discs separated by brinesoaked material that helped make them more conductive. Volta demonstrated his battery for the French leader Napolean and promptly earned a nice gold medal, ----- Volta’s pile, the first battery “…though there was a high intensity of action, the water of the solutions alone was affected, and hydrogen and oxygen disengaged with the production of much heat and violent effervescence.” (electrolysis of water) Humphry Davy built his own Voltaic pile and experimented Birth of electrochemistry Li Be B Na Mg Al K Ca Ga Rb Sr In Cs Ba Te Davy’s excitement on elemental discoveries “. . . when he saw the minute globules of potassium burst through the crust of potash, and take fire as they entered the atmosphere, he could not contain his joy– he actually bounded about the room in ecstatic delight; and . . . some little time was required for him to compose himself sufficiently to continue the experiment” Edmund Davy, Cousin who watched the expt. 1807 Na Davy used electricity to split up compounds to form elements Davy’s view of a chemical bond: The ions make a bond Using this set-up, Davy showed that a precipitate of BaSO4 was formed in the middle compartment, thus proving that barium ions migrated towards the negative electrode and sulphate ions towards the positive one. Davy’s view of chemical bonding Opposite charges attract 1807-8 Humphry Davy Big Science at London’s Royal Institution ~650 v Battery of Berzelius Napoleon’s Response (via Gay-Lussac) 600 ´ 1 kg Cu plates 600 ´ 3 kg Zn plates 2.6 tons of metal • The first preparation of nitrous oxide in a pure form; Davy was also the first to recognize its anesthetic properties. • The isolation of metallic potassium, sodium, barium, strontium, calcium, magnesium, and boron. • Davy was the first to argue that if electricity could be generated by chemical action then, conversely, electricity could decompose compounds into their fundamental elements (birth of electrochemistry) • The realization that chemical forces were, fundamentally, electrical in nature (birth of the Nature of a chemical bond) Davy Makes Science Fashionable Forgotten Davy lamp • Enormous coal mine explosions in England during 1800s. • Each miner carried a wax candle stub on his helmet or in his hand. • The open flame ignited the gases (methane) killing a large number of miners every year. • The miners approach Davy at the Royal Institute SIR, I had the honour of receiving the letter which you addressed to me in London at this place, and I am much obliged to you for calling my attention to so important a subject. It will give me great satisfaction if my chemical knowledge can be of any use in an inquiry so interesting to humanity, and I beg you will assure the Committee of my readiness to co-operate with them in any experiments or investigations on the subject. I shall be here ten days longer, and on my return south will visit any place you will be kind enough to point out to me where I may be able to acquire information on the subject of the coal-gas. Your obedient, humble servant, H. DAVY. Davy’s life holds some lessons for ethics and science today August 3rd, 1815. Chief Mining Engineer John Buddle Approaches Davy at the behest of miners ‘After a great deal of conversation with Sir Humphry Davy, and he making himself perfectly acquainted with the nature of our mines and what was wanted,------ he said “ Do not despair, I think I can do something for you in a very short time”.’ John Buddle 1773-1843 • Studied the problem for three weeks in Durham, visiting mines and talking to miners; • Went back to the lab for three months. • Built a working prototype lamp what would be known as the Davy Lamp. • Returned to the mines. He spent hours underground, teaching safety techniques, refining the design. Invention of Davy lamp Invention of miner’s lamp, Davy Lamp Training miners with Davy Lamp John Buddle: “We have at last subdued this monster”. In September 1816 ‘we, the undersigned miners at the Whitehaven Collieries' thanked Davy for his 'invaluable discovery of the safe lamps, which are to us life preservers'. Davy lamp is still popular world over Davy's high-minded claims produced a bitter priority dispute. In the spring of 1816 the engineer at the Killingworth mine, just north of Newcastle, George Stephenson, challenged Davy's precedence, and accused him of plagiarising of his own 'Geordie Lamp'. Priority Dispute: Davy lamp Buddle urged Davy to take out a patent, pointing out that he could not only make his fortune but control the quality of the lamps issued to miners. Davy consistently refused, although he knew his colleague Wollaston had made a fortune with a patent on processing platinum. Yet Davy was hugely proud of his achievement and was never modest about it. Priority dispute on the discovery of iodine with the gifted young chemist Joseph GayLussac. Gay-Lu sac, Davy's exact contemporary. Gay-Lussac's short paper was actually presented and published first, on 12 December. Davy, taken by surprise, presented his to the Academie on 13 December, but antedated it to 11 December, and had it published as such in the Journal de Physique. He claimed, perhaps justly, that he had previously shared his key ideas with Gay-Lussac. Davy's surprising sharpness in a 'priority' controversy was noticed by Faraday. Priority Dispute: Iodine Two not-so-well-known chemists, N. Clément and C. B. Desormes had reported that a strange new substance had been discovered in seaweed. Gay-Lussac was assigned to review their experiments and repeat them to make sure the results were correct. Six days before the announcement of the results by Gay-Lussac, Ampère, Clément, and Desormes paid a visit to Davy and showed him the sample. Davy immediately isolated and identified the element as iodine. ChemMatters, December 2006, p. 18 Outstanding Lecturer & Performer The first one-way street in the world The Age of Wonder: Communication with the public “I was made to write out the first lecture entirely, and Davy took me into the lecture hall the evening before I was to talk and made me read it all out while Davy sat in the furthest corner and listened; and then Davy read the lecture while I listened. Next day I read it to an audience of about 150 to 200 people and they gave me a very generous plaudit at the conclusion.” John Dalton on his first lecture at Royal Institution in 1803 Davy’s advice on giving on lectures Davy trusted the experiments more than his brain “One good experiment is worth more than the ingenuity of a brain like Newton's." Recipe for Research “Observation, Experiment and Analogy” • Observe to formulate a problem • Experiment to gain an understanding • Compare the results with known to generate a hypothesis Readings The Age of Wonder, R. Holmes, 2008, Ch 6 and 8 Sir Humphry Davy: Boundless Chemist, Physicist, Poet and Man of Action, JM. Thomas, PP. Edwards, and VL. Kuznetsov, ChemPhysChem, 2008, 9, 59 Sir Humphry Davy: natural philosopher, inventor, discoverer, poet, man of action. JM. Thomas, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. 2013, 157, 143. Sir Humphry Davy and the coal miners of the world: a commentary on Davy (1816) ‘An account of an invention for giving light in explosive mixtures of fire-damp in coal mines’, JM Thomas, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 2014, 373: 20140288. Humphry Davy 1778-1829 Humphry Davy: Chemistry’s First Showman • Nitrous oxide • Elements Na, K, Cl, Br, I, etc. • Basis of electrochemistry • Davy lamp • Lead the Royal Society • Connected science to society • Encouraged and mentored Faraday The Greatest Discovery of Davy: Michael Faraday The Electric Life of Michael Faraday, A. Hirshfield, 2006 Faraday, Maxwell, and the Electromagnetic Field: How Two Men Revolutionized Physics, N. Forbes and B. Mahon, 2014. Faraday Rediscovered, D. Gooding and F. A. J. L. James, 1985 Michael Faraday, L. Pearce Williams, 1964 • Born near London on Sep 22 1791, three siblings • Father a blacksmith, mostly unemployed and unhealthy • Mother from a family of farmers • Deeply religious, Sandemanian sect of Christianity • Educated in rudimentary reading, writing and arithmetic, age 5-13 The Beginning • To support the family took up a job at age 13 as an errand-boy for a local shopkeeper • At the age of 18 he became an assistant to a book binder • While he was a book binder a French roommate taught him to draw three dimensional drawings and French • Took courses on elocution • As a book binder he came across two important books The Beginning •The Encyclopedia Britannica – his source for electrical knowledge and much more •Conversations on Chemistry – 600 pages of chemistry for ordinary people written by Jane Marcet based on Davy’s lectures at the Royal Institution Faraday, a bookbinder's apprentice at the time, attended around 13 lectures by silversmith John Tatum (1772-1858) between February 1810 and September 1811. The notes Faraday made from these lectures formed four volumes and 300 pages and helped him start his career in science. John Tatum’s lectures (1772-1858) exposed Faraday to science Tatum founded the City Philosophical Society in 1808 where Faraday and other scientists received inspiration. Building Confidence “When I questioned Mrs. Marcetʼs book (Conversations on Chemistry) by such little experiments as I could perform, and found it true----, I felt I got hold of an anchor of chemical knowledge---.” Michael Faraday Jane Marcet, 1769-1858 The book that recorded Davy’s lectures at RI “My desire to escape from trade, which I thought vicious and selfish, and to enter into the service of Science, which I imagined made its pursuers amiable and liberal, induced me at last to take the bold and simple step of writing to Sir H. Davy, expressing my wishes, and a hope that if an opportunity came in his way he would favor my views; at the same time, I sent the notes I had taken of his lectures.” (1812) Based on the letter Faraday wrote about the experience later in life after Davy’s death to J.A. Paris. (1829) Getting Started “Sir,– I am far from displeased with the proof you have given me of your confidence, and which displays great zeal, power of memory, and attention. I am obliged to go out of town and shall not be settled in town till the end of January; I will then see you at any time you wish. It would gratify me to be of any service to you; I wish it may be in my power. I am, Sir, your obedient humble servant, H. Davy.” Davy’s encouraging reply to Faraday Faraday was grateful to Davy till the end of his life A revealing letter where Davy cautions “At the same time that he thus gratified my desires as to scientific employment, he still advised me not to give up the prospects I had before me, telling me that Science was a harsh mistress, and in a pecuniary point of view but poorly rewarding those who devoted themselves to her service. He smiled at my notion of the superior moral feelings of philosophic men and said he would leave me to the experience of a few years to set me right on that matter.” A letter written to a friend by Faraday in 1829 Getting the foot in the hole, Apprentice as a chemist Lady Davy in front of guests ordered Faraday to take his meal in the kitchen with the servants. Faraday’s tough time with Lady Jane Davy “Alas!, how foolish perhaps was I to leave home, to leave those whom I loved and who loved me ----. And what are the boasted advantage to be gained? Knowledge. ---- What a result is obtained from knowledge and how much must the virtuous human mind be humiliated --- Ah Ben, I am not sure that I have acted wisely in leaving a pure and certain enjoyment for such a pursuit.” Faraday to his hometown friend, Hans Christian Ørsted, 1777-1851 First to establish a connection between electricity and magnetism André-Marie Ampère 1775-1836 Early observations on the connection between magnetism and electricity An unexpected turn in the life of MF William Hyde Wollaston 1766 –1828 Davy was trying to re-create a famous electromagnetism experiment of Ørsted with fellow chemist William Wollaston, wondering why applying an electric current to a wire caused that wire to behave like a magnet. He could not make the experiment work. He teasingly told Faraday to try his hand at it after he was done cleaning the lab. Faraday figured it out, and the result was the first induction motor, which converts electrical current into continuous mechanical motion. Humphry Davy 1778-1829 World’s First Electric Motor-1821 Electromagnetic rotation experiment of Faraday Wire fixed Magnet free Magnet fixed Wire free World’s First Electric Motor-1821 Electromagnetic rotation experiment of Faraday Wire fixed Magnet free Magnet fixed Wire free Gift model Exploratory Experiments, Ampere, Faraday and the Origins of Electrodynamics, F. Steinle & A.Levine, 2005 Magnetic Effects from Electricity The publication that created excitement and problems On Some New Electromagnetic Motions and the Theory of Electromagnetism M. Faraday, Quarterly Journal of Science, 1821-23 (three articles) Faraday published without acknowledging Davy and Wollaston. Davy and Wollaston accused Faraday of plagiarizing their idea. Public liked the little and pocket-sized motor that were gifted and sold. But, Faraday was out of favor with the old guards of British scientific establishments. They were unsure of his knowledge to make such an important discovery. Public and old guards were not aware that Faraday is the author of an authoritative review on electromagnetism published in Annals of Philosophy under a pseudo- name. (US$ 4,060.35) Science is a human endeavor, driven by hopes, dreams and aspirations. They may be brilliant, even geniuses. But as human beings they may also be seriously flawed. Mentor and mentee relationship was complex Michael Faraday 1791-1867 Sir Humphry Davy 1778-1829 Occasionally, science can take on personal, almost vindictive quality. "I am compelled to say I have not found that kindness, candor and liberality at home which I have now on several occasions uniformly experienced from the Parisian men of Science ... Considering the very subordinate position I hold here and the little encouragement which circumstances hold out to me I have been more than once tempted to resign scientific pursuits altogether ... I struggle on in hopes of getting results at one time or another that shall by their novelty or interest raise me into a more liberal and active sphere." To Ampere, Faraday privately complained Faraday finds a trusted friend in Ampere ---- believe me there is no one more interested in your success & welfare than your sincere well wisher & friend, H. Davy." Complex relationship between Davy and Faraday Davy to Faraday, "I think you are a better chemist than Donovan." Compliments Faraday's nomination to the Royal Society was announced at ten successive Royal Society meetings and, at the eleventh, on January 8, 1824, secret ballots were cast. Faraday was electedwith one dissenting vote by Davy. Davy tried to block his own protege from "rising to the light.” Complex relationship Recommended Faraday to be the Director of RI and assigned him on an uninteresting project on glass (1825- 1831). Humphry Davy dies in 1829. First Electromagnetic Induction Electricity to Magnetism Series of pioneering discoveries 1831Magnetism to Electricity Transformer Twitches only when the switch goes on-off • Faraday presented the discovery to Royal Society on November 24, 1831 • Faraday informed French physicist J. N. P. Hachette • J. N. P. Hachette passed on the information to Francois Arago • Arago presented the work to Academy of Sciences on December 26, 1831 • Two Italian scientists came to know of this and published as their own on January 1832, with the date of November 1831. • Faraday did not publish the work till early 1832 • Finally sorted out, French and Italian workers agreed that the original discovery was due to Faraday and apologized • Faraday learnt the lesson: ‘never publicize till you publish’ Never publicize till you publish Induced currents) • When a current is turned on or off in coil A, a magnetic field is produced which also passes through coil B. • A current then briefly appears in coil B • The current in coil B is called an induced current. • The current in B is only present when the current in A is turned on or off, that is, when the current in A is changing A magnetic field lines current indicator switch battery B A magnet moved in or out of a helical coil of wire produces an electric current in the coil. The transformer The voltage on the secondary depends on the number of turns on the primary and secondary. Step-up à the secondary has more turns than the primary Step-down à the secondary has less turns than the primary Induced currents a) No current is induced if the magnet is stationary. b) When the magnet is pushed toward the coil or pulled away from it an induced current appears in the coil. c) The induced current only appears when the magnet is being moved (a) (b) (c) Electric Generators When a coil is rotated in a magnetic field, an induced current appears in it. This is how electricity is generated. Some external source of energy is needed to rotate the turbine which turns the coil. Faraday’s breakthroughs propelled our society to a new level of knowledge • We use motor in thousands of applications: disk drive, video machine, fan, pump, washing machine, refrigerator, air conditioner, aeroplane … • We need generator to produce electricity • We need transformer for long-range electricity delivery and in some devices • Faraday’s inventions compose the frame of our electric world When Faraday was nearly fifty-four years old, attempted, for the sixth time, to discover a connection between light and electricity. He repeated the experiments to vary the polarization of a beam of light by passing it through an electrolyte transmitting a current. Then he tried passing the beam through powerful electrostatic tension by electrical machines but was unable to observe any effect. After a fortnight, he tried the effect of powerful magnetic fields. He laid a piece of heavy glass across the poles of the electro-magnet and passed a beam of polarized light through it longitudinally. He found that the polarization of the beam had been affected; "thus magnetic force and light were proved to have relations to each other." Effect of Electricity and Magnetism on Light Faraday Effect: Magnetic field rotates plane polarized light Light is an electromagnetic wave In 1845, Michael Faraday discovered that the plane of polarization of linearly polarized light is rotated when the light rays travel along the magnetic field direction in the presence of a transparent dielectric, an effect now known as Faraday rotation Michael Faraday 1791-1867 “I happen to have discovered a direct relation between magnetism and light, also electricity and light---and the field it opens is so large & I think rich that I naturally wish to look at it first” To Ampere, Nov 1845 What is light? A link between magnetism, electricity and light established Michael Faraday 1791-1867 Nanoscience 150 years old gold nanoparticles of Faraday on display at RI Faraday’s gold colloidal solution on display at RI, 1856 Stained glass vessels of ancient times, BC Faraday-Tyndall effect Faraday realized that this cone effect was made because the fluid contained suspended gold particles that were too small to see with the scientific apparatus of the time but which scattered the light to the side (Faraday-Tyndall effect). Beginnings of Nanoscience Faraday-Tyndall effect Faraday is the father of modern nanoscience and nanotechnology. Gold chloride + Phosphorous = Gold nanoparticle “No dissolved gold, only diffused gold” 1866, Mrs. Faraday: “Don’t you remember those beautiful gold experiments that you made?” Faraday: “Oh yes, beautiful gold, beautiful gold” 8-25-1867, Faraday died while sitting in his chair at the age of 75 Faraday’s age, health and laboratory safety issues caught up with him “Tyndal, I must remain plain Michael Faraday to the last” Discoveries with no mathematical equations Electromagnetic induction ------Electrical engineering Transformer and dynamo ------ Industrial revolution Theory of electricity and magnetism: not liquids but fields Magneto-optical effect or Faraday effect; Provided a common thread between electricity, magnetism and light Electromagnetic theory of light Interaction between electrical & magnetic forces and molecules Dielectrics, para-magnetism and dia-magnetism Theory of electrolysis Electrochemistry Discovery of benzene Dye industry Gold nanoparticles Nanoscience "Brothers in intellect, Davy and Faraday, however, could never have become brothers in feeling; their characters were too unlike. Davy loved the pomp and circumstance of fame; Faraday the inner consciousness that he had fairly won renown. They were both proud men. But with Davy pride projected itself into the outer world; while with Faraday it became a steadying and dignifying inward force." John Tyndall 1820-1893 "A father is not always wise enough to see that his son has ceased to be a boy, and estrangement on this account is not rare; nor was Davy wise enough to discern that Faraday had passed the mere assistant stage and become a discoverer." Similar yet dissimilar Davy’s pure scientific method: Observation, Experiment, Analogy Secret of Faraday’s success as a scientific investigator Work, Finish, Publish. If I could live my life over again I would study mathematics; it is a great mistake not to do so, but it is too late now (Faraday 1857) Listen to the pioneers European and Asian philosophers Alchemists Phlogistonists Modern chemists The Aristotelian tradition and medieval alchemy eventually gave rise to modern chemistry