Confounding & Effect modification E2040: Introduction to Epidemiology and Environmental Health 2024 Three major issues in alternative interpretation of observed association: • Chance (random variation) • Bias • Confounding What is confounding? • Another factor (alternative explanation) might be causing an observed association: confounding Confounding Exposure Disease Confounding factor Case-control study of alcohol and lung cancer Alcohol No alcohol Cases 450 300 Controls 200 250 Estimated odds ratio =1.9 The same data stratified by smoking: Non-smokers Alcohol No alcohol Cases 50 100 Controls 100 200 Estimated odds ratio 1.0 The same data stratified by smoking: Non-smokers Smokers Alcohol No alcohol Alcohol No alcohol Cases 50 100 400 200 Controls 100 200 100 50 Estimated odds ratio 1.0 1.0 Alcohol and smoking in controls Alcohol No alcohol Smokers 100 50 Non-smokers 100 200 Non-drinkers: 1 in 5 were smokers, Drinkers: 1 in 2 were smokers. Confounding Alcohol Lung cancer Smoking More explanations of confounding • Confounding refers to a situation in which a non-causal association between a given exposure and outcome is observed due to the influence of a third variable, usually referred to as a confounder. “Confounding is confusion, or mixing, of effects; the effect of the exposure is mixed together with the effect of another variable, leading to bias” -Rothman, 2002 Common confounders • Sex (men have higher mortality and more risk factors) • Age (risk of most chronic diseases increases with age) • Socioeconomic status (more lifestyle and behavioral risk factors, poorer healthcare access at lower SES) • Ethnic group (less healthcare access, higher environmental exposures, more discrimination among under-represented groups) • Smoking • Alcohol consumption • Etc. Another example – birth order and Down Syndrome Maternal age confounds the relationship between birth order and Down Syndrome Stark CR & Mantel N. Effects of maternal age and birth order on the risk of mongolism and leukemia. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1966; 37: 687-98. A variable must meet three criteria to be a confounder 1. Must be associated with the exposure • Maternal age is associated with birth order 2. Must be associated with the outcome • Maternal age is a known risk factor for Down Syndrome 3. Must not be on the causal pathway between exposure and outcome • Birth order does not cause maternal age Down Syndrome Down Syndrome x Solving problems at different stages • At the stage of design • Randomization in RCTs helps reduce confounding by observed and unobserved factors • Restriction • Matching • At the analysis stage • Stratification • Adjustment – add potential confounders to statistical models to control their influence on outcome Design stage Randomization helps distribute confounders among experimental groups Condition A Condition B • If there are enough participants, we hope that randomization will increase the likelihood that the groups will be comparable on characteristics about which we may be concerned (such as sex, age, race, and severity of disease). Restriction • Restricting entry into the study to individuals who have the same value for a particular variable • E.g., Restricting study entry to non-smokers • E.g., Restricting study entry to women only • Very effective method for preventing confounding in any type of study design, though has important implications for generalizability of results. Eligibility criterion Matching Select variables that could act as confounders 1 Create matched pairs or groups of participants (cases & controls) similar on those variables 2 Conduct study/analysis on pairs/groups 3 25-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 Down Syndrome Analysis stage First, detect if confounding is present Crude effect estimate Does not account for any confounding variable(s) Adjusted effect estimate Accounts for confounding variable(s)/potentially confounding variables Empirical assessment of confounding: Crude effect estimate ≠ Adjusted effect estimate Stratification The objective of stratified analysis is to set the level of the confounding variable and produce groups within which the confounder does not vary Then, we evaluate the exposure-disease relationship within each stratum of the confounder ? ? Yes No There are limits to stratification • Can only stratify on categorical variables • Numerous strata can be problematic • Sparse data and imprecise estimates • Impractical to adjust for multiple confounding variables • Controlling for age and gender, if gender is measured with 2 categories and age is measured with 5, end up with 10 strata Standardization • A statistical approach to remove confounding by a common characteristic • Age • Sex • Marital status • Education • The most common standardization is carried out for mortality or disease incidence rates for age & sex • Over time • Across countries/geographical areas What do you observe about crude and agestandardized rates of DM in China? Another example—compare all-cause mortality between Sweden & Panama Another example—compare all-cause mortality between Sweden & Panama How can this be? Another example—compare all-cause mortality between Sweden & Panama How can this be? Sweden has an older population (17% vs. 5% of people older than 60 years) and mortality increases with age. Adjustment • If the number of potential confounders is large, multivariate analyses (regression analysis) offer the only real solution • Can handle several confounders simultaneously • Uses statistical regression models • Always done with statistical software (SAS, Stata, R) Residual confounding • Unmeasured confounders or error in the measurement of observed confounders may lead to “residual” confounding • Confounding remains or is imperfectly accounted for • Possibility of residual confounding cannot be completely eliminated in observational studies Effect modification When are we concerned with an interaction? • When we have TWO exposures we are interested in and want to see if the joint effect of these two exposures on the outcome differs from the effect of either exposure independently • E.g., Drinking and driving are independent causes for injury, but together they increase the risk more than either exposure independently • Synergistic – effect of the two is more potent than either one alone • Antagonistic – effect of one is diminished by the other Factor 1 Factor 2 Identifying interactions – what is the combined effect of factors A & Z on outcome Y? • Interaction = joint effect of two exposures • When the rate of disease in the presence of two or more risk factors differs from the rate expected to result from their individual effects. • Positive interaction: The effect of two risk factors combined is greater than what we would expect (also called synergism) • Negative interaction: The effect of two risk factors combined is less than what we would expect from either risk factor independently (also called antagonism). Effect measure modification (EMM) is a similar concept • We are concerned with EMM when we have an exposure and outcome and wish to examine whether the relationship between the two differs by levels (strata) of a third variable • Effect modification occurs when the effect of a risk factor (X) on an outcome (Y) differs in strata formed by a third variable (Z) • Effect of exposure on disease is modified depending on the value of a third variable called an “effect modifier” • Effect measure (e.g., risk difference, risk ratio) differs across different levels/strata of the third variable Effect measure modification (EMM) + Predisposing gene - Predisposing gene Example of EMM Women Men 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0.5 <60 y ⩾60 y <60 y ⩾60 y Jakobsen MU et al. Dietary fat and risk of coronary heart disease: possible effect modification by gender and age. American Journal of Epidemiology 2004; 160: 141-9. HazardRatio(HR)ofcoronaryheart diseaserelatedtototalfatintake Other examples of effect modification • Example 2 • Exposure to the antibiotic tetracycline is related to the discoloration of teeth • This discoloration occurs when children up to 8 years of age take tetracycline • Discoloration is not observed when adults take tetracycline • Example 3 • Individuals exposed to the measles virus will develop measles infection • Unless they have prior history of measles • Unless they have been vaccinated Notation in epidemiology to represent EMM Exposure Disease Exposure Disease Going back to our examples • Example 1 • Age is the effect-modifier Antibiotic Tooth color Age • Example 2 • Immune status is the effect-modifier Virus Measles Immune protection Stratification aids in understanding interaction/ EMM • Stratification is essential to understanding interaction and EMM • Creating 2x2 tables (“crosstabulating”) for the exposuredisease relationship by categories of another variable • E.g., young/old, smokers/nonsmokers Yes No Yes No Yes No CHD, smoking and age in British doctors study (rates per 100,000) Non-smokers Heavy smokers Rate Rate RR <45 7 104 14.9 45-54 118 393 3.3 55-64 531 1025 1.9 Positive and negative effect modification • Positive: • “susceptibility factor” or “vulnerability factor”, • its presence (or higher values) strengthens the association between exposure and disease. • Negative: • “resiliency factor” or “buffering factor” • its presence (or higher values) weakens the association between exposure and disease CHD, smoking and age in British doctors study (rates per 100,000) Non-smokers Heavy smokers Rate Rate RR <45 7 104 14.9 45-54 118 393 3.3 55-64 531 1025 1.9 Reciprocal nature of effect modification • For any given outcome and two predictor variables, it is a purely arbitrary decision which predictor variable will be the exposure, and which the potential effect modifier. • Effect modification is reciprocal. In any of examples, the exposure and other factor (or variable) could have be labelled the other way round, and the same effect would still have been seen. 42 CHD, smoking and age in British doctors study (rates per 100,000) Non-smokers Heavy smokers Rate Rate RR <45 7 104 14.9 45-54 118 393 3.3 55-64 531 1025 1.9 CHD, smoking and age in British doctors study (rates per 100,000) Non-smokers Heavy smokers Rate Rate <45 7 104 45-54 118 393 55-64 531 1025 RR 75.9 9.9 How does interaction/EMM differ from confounding? • Confounding • An alternative explanation for observed relationship • Distorts the “truth” • Epi attempts to remove it to get nearer to the truth • When it is present, stratumspecific effects are similar to each other but different from overall crude effect • Interaction / EMM • One effect modifies the effect of another factor • It is genuine, not an artefact • Property of the relationship between factors • We should detect and describe it but not remove it. Interaction vs. confounding Let’s work through an example Question: Does fat consumption modify the association between smoking and the risk of myocardial infarction (heart attack)? Smoking status Heart Attack No Heart Attack Total Smokers 42 158 200 Non-Smokers 21 175 196 Total 63 333 396 Calculate the Odds Ratio (OR), what is it? Step 1: calculate crude measure of association Let’s work through an example Smoking status Heart Attack No Heart Attack Total Smokers a=42 b=158 200 Non-Smokers c=21 d=175 196 Total 63 333 396 𝑂𝑅 = 𝑎𝑑 𝑏𝑐 𝑂𝑅 = 2.22 [95% 𝐶𝐼: 1.26, 3.91] Let’s work through an example Question: Does fat consumption modify the association between smoking and the risk of myocardial infarction (heart attack)? Smoking + Heart Attack - Heart Attack Total Smokers 12 133 145 Non-Smokers 11 123 134 Total 23 256 279 Step 2: calculate associations within strata 1: Dietary fat intake <30% of calories 2: Dietary fat intake >30% of calories Smoking + Heart Attack - Heart Attack Total Smokers 30 25 55 Non-Smokers 10 52 62 Total 40 77 117 1.01 [95% 𝐶𝐼: 0.43, 2.37] 6.29 [95% 𝐶𝐼: 2.64, 14.75] What does this mean? Crude OR = 2.22 Stratum specific ORs Dietary fat <30% = 1.01 (0.43, 2.37) Dietary fat >30% = 6.29 (2.64, 14.75) Is there effect measure modification? Is there confounding? Heterogeneity vs. homogeneity of effects When effect estimates are different in strata of the potential effect modifier → heterogeneity is present Strata 1: OR=1.8 Strata 2: OR=5.7 When effect estimates are similar in strata of the potential effect modifier → homogenous effect estimates Strata 1: OR=2.3 Strata 2: OR=2.5 What have we learnt today? • Principle of confounding • Principles of effect modification • Step-by-step method of tidentifying confounding and effect modification by stratification • Interpretation of results involving confounding and effect modification