Week 13 Critical evaluation of research studies Practicum Create groups of 4 people maximum in each. Please read the article “Early-life exposure to economic stress and metabolic risks in young adulthood: the children of the reunification in East Germany”. Then, you will provide a description and evaluation of the article using the aspects below. Each member of the group will submit this worksheet. Name: Group number: What was the research question? Is the research question clear? What was the study design? Is the study design appropriate? What was the studied population? What were the exclusion/inclusion criteria? What was the exposure? How was it measured? Any problems with operationalization? What was the outcome? How was it measured? Any problems with operationalization? What are the main results? How strong was the association between exposure and the outcome? Was it statistically significant? Were there any subgroup analyses done? How were the results interpreted? Was there any bias? Was there any confounding? Were there any ethical issues? Did all participants provide informed consent? What about the generalizability of the findings? What is your overall impression?