Bi5444 Analysis of sequencing data Introduction to NGS pipeline Eva Budinska Aims for today • Introduce the general NGS analysis pipeline and touch (almost) all parts of analysis in order to get the general idea • Explain how the raw read files are created and what is their format What we learned so far about NGS data analysis… 1. There are tens to hundreds of different algorithms/SW solutions available for analysis of NGS data 2. There is no “one and the best” way to perform an analysis. The final selection/pipeline you use largely depends on: • Your experiment hypothesis and sample type • The latest review of similar methods for the analysis step you just read • The accessibility and comprehensibility of the algorithm/SW solution (in other words, never use something you do not understand!) • The compatibility of inputs/outputs between algorithms from different steps …. 3. There is NO tool, that can perform every analysis from the very beginning to the end > like in any other analysis 4. Most of the tools are command-line based – many work the best under Linux or MacOS environments 5. Windows is the worst environment you can use 6. The tools are written in many different languages: Python, Java, Perl, C++, R… 7. You do not need to become expert in programming in these languages, however, you need to understand how the tools are installed and used The NGS analysis pipeline Step 0: base calling (image analysis) + base quality control Sequencing by Synthesis Fluorescently labeled Nucleotides (Illumina) • During the process, clustersof same sequences are created Step 0: base calling (image analysis) • The identityof each base of a cluster is read off from sequential images • One cycle -> one image Flow-cell imaging Getting the sequences from clusters • Illuminapipeline Firecrest(image analysis) Locatesclusters and calculates intensity and noise Bustard (base calling) Deconvolutessignaland correctsfor cross-talk, phasing Image analysis data output • 100 tiles per lane, 8 lanes per flow cell, 36 cycles • 4 images (A,G,C,T) per tile per cycle = 115,200 images • Each tiff image is ~ 7 MB = 806,400 MB of data • 1.6 TB per 70 nt read, 3.2 TB for 70 nt paired-end read • Most technologies are erasing intensities as they are sequencing, because of a too high amount of data Step 0: base calling (image analysis) + base quality control Base call quality control • Quality control (QC) of each base call is automatically performed by the sequencing platform • In other words: Foreach letter in a read, we estimatethe probability of it being erroneous(P). • QC per base is specialized for each platform – each platform must solve challenges unique to the underlying sequencing technology Alternative base calling algorithms • Multiple algorithms were proposed reporting improvements in sequence quality with respect to the manufacturer's algorithms • See some reviews: • Cacho, Ashley & Smirnova, Ekaterina & Huzurbazar, Snehalata & Cui, Xinping. (2015). A Comparison of Base-calling Algorithms for Illumina Sequencing Technology. Briefings in bioinformatics. 17. 10.1093/bib/bbv088. • Ledergerber, Christian & Dessimoz, Christophe. (2011). Base-calling for nextgeneration sequencing platforms. Briefings in bioinformatics. 12. 489-97. 10.1093/bib/bbq077. The PHRED score Qphred = - 10 x log10P(error) • The Phred qualityscore is the negative ratioof the error probabilityto the reference level of P = 1 expressed in Decibel (dB). • The error estimate is based on statistical model providing measure of certainty of each base call in addition to the nucleotide itself • These statistical models base their error estimate on: • Signal intensities from the recorded image • Number of the sequencing cycle • Distance to other sequence colonies • Phred score is recoded using ASCII in fastq file Phredscore Probability of incorrect base call Base call 10 1 in 10 90% 20 1 in 100 99% 30 1 in 1000 99.9% 40 1 in 10 000 99.99% 50 1 in 100 000 99.999% 60 1 in 1 000 000 99.9999% Phred score encoding in ASCII FASTA and FASTQ formats • The reads obtained from the sequencer are typically stored in fasta (just the sequences) or fastq (sequences + QC measure) format files. • For paired-end reads, we usually obtain two files. • Reads are not generally grouped by strand, only by the order in which they were sequenced. FASTA format • General format to represent sequences • Two linesper sequence (read) • ID line (startingwith >) • Sequence line • Typical file extension: .fa or .fasta • HWI-ST132 - unique instrument name • 633 - run ID • D17U2ACXX - flowcell ID • 8 - flowcell lane • 1101 - tile number within lane • 14830 - x-coordinateof cluster within tile • 2376 - y-coordinateof cluster within tile • 1 - member of pair(1 or 2). Older versions: /1 and /2 • Y/N - whether the read failed qualitycontrol (Y = bad) • 0 - none of the controlbits are on • CATGCA - indexsequence (barcode) FASTQ format • Combines sequence and base call quality information. • Typical file extension:.fastq • Four lines per sequence (read): • ID (starting with @) • Sequence line • Another ID line (starting with +) • Base qualities(one for each letter in the sequence) Step 1: Read quality control and data filtering Step 1: Read quality control and data filtering • Uses the output file with information about the quality of base calls (.fastq) • Firststep in the pipeline that deals with actual sequencingdata in base or color space • Several metrics are evaluated, not all of them use the Phred score information: • Distribution of quality scores at each sequence, Sequence composition, Per-sequence and per-read distribution of GC content, Library complexity, Overrepresented sequences • Initial overview – already in base calling SW • More quality overview – SW solutions SolexaQA, FastQC Step 1: Read quality control and data filtering • Based on the quality measures, we decide to remove low quality bases and reads • Trimming – removes low quality or unwanted bases from reads, thus shortening them. Is applied to increase the number of mappable reads. • Filtering – removes whole reads that do not meet quality standards (e.g. too short etc) Step 2: Alignment (mapping) Step 2: Alignment (mapping) • To know, where the short reads (in our filtered .fastq file) come from (which part of the genome or transcriptome do they represent) they need to be (in most instances) aligned to a referencesequence Reference sequence • The reference sequence can be a genome, a transcriptome or a collection of specific sequences. • Typically, the reference sequence(s) is given in a .fa or .fasta file • An alternative is the GTF (gene transfer format) - stores gene structure • BED format (designed for annotation tracks in genomic browsers) (we will learn about where to get the reference sequences in one of the next lectures) Step 2: Alignment (mapping) • Intuitively an easy task • However, trying all the possible options (alignments), is very time consuming! • Efficient algorithms (aligners) exist • The result of mapping is stored by many algorithms in the Sequence alignment/map (SAM) format • We will talk about mapping a in one of the future lectures Step 3: Post-alignment QC and visualization Step 3: PostalignmentQC and visualization • Necessary in order to see the efficiency of the alignment. • During the alignment, not all the reads are aligned – but what proportion? • If they were aligned – are there any errors? • How well is the reference genome covered? • Important in determining whether: • we can proceed with the analysis or some pre-processing needs to be done • we need to possibly redo the alignment • or we need to realign those unaligned reads Step 3: Postalignment QC and visualization Allows us to get a detailed look on the coverage of a given region. IGV genome browser Alternative step 2: Genome/transcript (de-novo) assembly Alternative step 2: Genome/transcript (de-novo)assembly • When the reference sequence does not exist • Alignment is dependent on the existence of reference sequence. • However – sometimes this reference does not exist! – de novo genome assembly – we need to practically create the reference genome. • The assembly is sometimes preferred in order to identify large structural rearrangements even when reference genome is known. In transcriptomics we can use it to detect alternative splicing events Step 4: Feature detection (quantification) Step 4: Feature detection (quantification) • Creates the final table with read counts for further statistical analyses • A feature of interest differs based on the experiment: • gene, exon, intron… (WGS, WES) • transcript, isoform (RNA-seq) • variant - SNP, insertion, deletion, CNV - (WGS, WES, targeted sequencing) • promotor sequence (ChIP-Seq) • In transcriptomics NGS experiments, the emphasis is on quantification of known transcripts (unless the aim is to get new isoforms) – we quantify the abundanceof the RNA. • In genomic NGS experiments, the emphasis is more on the detection of structural changes (the quantification is the % of alternative alleles found). Step 4: Feature detection (quantification) • Creates the final table with read counts for further statistical analyses • The final output of this step is always a matrix with: • Information about the feature (ID, name, variant…) • Quantification of this feature in each of the samples Step 5: Statistical data analysis Step 5: Statistical dataanalysis • The final matrix is input to four main analysis types: Group comparison(between groups of samples or groups of features) •Differential gene expression / splicing •Differential variantsdetection Group discovery (within samples or features) •Clustering of patientsinto unknown subtypes based on their sequencing profiles •Searching for genes with similar expression Group prediction (usuallyfor samples) •Finding genes for diagnosis… Special analyses: pathwayanalysis,construction of gene networks, analysisof survival,… Analyzing and writing the code You cannot NGSanalyze without scripting(writingofcommands)and keeping track of it ! Why scripting and keeping track? 1. Reproducibility (you or anyone else must be able to reproduce your analysis step by step) 2. Time saving (if something in your data changes, you can simply run all the scripts again on new dataset) 3. No one-size-fits-all solutions (i. no program can cover all the possible combinations of tools; ii. it is easier to change something in the existing script than write it all over again) 4. Batch-execution of commands (high-performance cloud and cluster computing requires commands in batches) Examples of scripts for different analysis steps • Quality control (using prinseq) $ perl -fastq file1.fastq -graph_data -out_good null -out_bad null • Alignment (using bwa) $ bwa sampe -P hg19.fa file1.sai file2.sai \ file1.fastq file2.fastq > file_bwa.sam • Variant calling $ java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T HaplotypeCaller \ -R hg19.fa \ -I file1.bam -I file2.bam -I file3.bam -I file4.bam \ -stand_call_conf 30 -stand_emit_conf 10 \ -o output.raw.snps.indels.vcf Conversion, conversion, conversion • … be prepared for never-ending format conversions … (wrong format of input file is usually one of the most common reasons of errors) • SAM to BAM, • BAM to SAM, • sorted SAM to BAM, • BAM to sorted SAM, • BAM to indexed BAM, • aligned, realigned, indexed, …. Conversion, conversion, conversion • … be prepared for never-ending format conversions … (wrong format of input file is usually one of the most common reasons of errors) • SAM to BAM, • BAM to SAM, • sorted SAM to BAM, • BAM to sorted SAM, • BAM to indexed BAM, • aligned, realigned, indexed, …. Small first example 1. Download the toy example .fastq file $ wget 2. Unzip the file $ gunzip SRR014849_1.fastq.gz 3. See the header of the file: $ head SRR014849_1.fastq 4. Calculate total number of lines $ wc -l SRR014849_1.fastq 5. Calculate total number of reads $ wc -l SRR014849_1.fastq | awk '{print $1/4}'