Tvorba 3D modelů - OpenSCAD různé operační systémy zdrojový kód manuály příklady videa s návody Ovládání F5 - rychlý náhled F6 - renderování F7 - export 3D modelu do formátu STL menu 3D TISK V PRAXI 2/22 Příkazy cube(30); cube([30,20,10]); 3D TISK V PRAXI 3/22 Bezejmen ny.scad* — Oper SCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor S iff M ŕ-i ř-i 1 cube(30); >> Konzole n ^ ^ o Parsing design (AST generation;... Saved backup file; /home/pavel/.lotal/share/OpenSCAD/backups/unsaved-backup-yRtBDQMg.scad Compiling design [CSG Tree generation]... Rendering Polygon Mesh using CGAL... Geometries in cache: 1 Geometry cache size in bytes: 72E CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 0 CGAL cache size in bytes: 0 Total rendering time: 0:00:00.015 Top level object is a 3D object; Facets: 6 Rendering finished, Viewport: translate = [ 20.46 19.85 13.35 ]r rotate = [ 55,00 0.00 25.00 ]r distance = 213.38, fov = 22.50 (111 0x654) QpenSCAD 2021,01 3D TISK V PRAXI 4/22 Bezejmen ny.scad* — Oper SCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor 1 cube([30,20,10]); >> Konzole n % ^ O & á) Parsing design (AST generation)... Saved backup file; /home/pavel/.local/share/OpenSCAD/backups/unsaved-backup-yRtBDQMg.scad Compiling design [CSG Tree generation]... Compiling design [CSG Products generation)... Geometries in cache: 2 Geometry cache size in bytes; 1456 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 0 CGAL cache size in bytes: 0 Compiling design [CSG Products normalization]... Normalized tree has 1 elements! Compile and preview finished, Total rendering time: 0:00:00,017 Viewport: translate = [ 11.03 10.05 6,35], rotate = [ 55.00 0.00 25.00 J, distance = 113.40r fov = 22.50 (1110x654) OpenSCAD 2021,01 3D TISK V PRAXI 5/22 cylinder(d=20, h=20); cylinder(r=10, h=20); cylinder(d=20, h=20, $fn=6); cylinder(dl=30,d2=10, h=20); g ► •< ^ ► < 1 ► 1 «00,0 3D TISK V PRAXI Bezejmen ny.scad* — Oper SCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor M M ř"i cylinder(d=20, h=20); Konzole Parsing design (AST generation;... Saved backup file; /home/pavel/.lotal/share/OpenSCAD/backups/unsaved-backup-yRtBDQMg.scad Compiling design [CSG Tree generation]... Rendering Polygon Mesh using CGAL... Geometries in cache: 3 Geometry cache size in bytes: 5928 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 0 CGAL cache size in bytes: 0 Total rendering time: 0:00:00.013 Top level object is a 3D object; Facets: 32 Rendering finished, Viewport: translate = [ -0.79 5.46 7,54 ], rotate = [ 55.00 0.00 25.00 ], distance = 113,40, fov = 22.50 (1110x654] OpenSCAD 2021,01 3D TISK V PRAXI 7/22 Bezejmen ny.scad* — Oper SCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor cylinder(r=10, h=20); >> Konzole Parsing design (AST generation;... Saved backup file; /home/pavel/.lotal/share/OpenSCAD/backups/unsaved-backup-yRtBDQMg.scad Compiling design [CSG Tree generation]... Rendering Polygon Mesh using CGAL... Geometries in cache: 3 Geometry cache size in bytes: 5928 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 0 CGAL cache size in bytes: 0 Total rendering time: 0:00:00.015 Top level object is a 3D object; Facets: 32 Rendering finished, Viewport: translate = [ -0.79 5.46 7,54 ], rotate = [ 55.00 0.00 25.00 ], distance = 113,40, fov = 22.50 (1110x654] OpenSCAD 2021,01 3D TISK V PRAXI Bezejmen ny.scad* — Oper SCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor 1 cylinder(d=20, h=20, $fn=6); Oj ^7 'H > 'i': £5 ^ O 9- ô <9 •© e t» |c Konzole Parsing design (AST generation;... Saved backup file; /home/pavel/.lotal/share/OpenSCAD/backups/unsaved-backup-yRtBDQMg.scad Compiling design [CSG Tree generation]... Rendering Polygon Mesh using CGAL... Geometries in cache: 4 Geometry cache size in bytes: 5944 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 0 CGAL cache size in bytes: 0 Total rendering time: 0:00:00.014 Top level object is a 3D object; Facets: 8 Rendering finished, Viewport: translate = [ -0.79 5.46 7,54 ], rotate = [41.70 0.00 23.60 ], distance = 113,40, fov = 22.50 (1110x654] OpenSCAD 2021,01 3D TISK V PRAXI 9/22 Bezejmen ny.scad* — Oper SCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor 1 cylinder(dl=30,d2=10, h=20); Konzole ÍÍ^^O fir" Ô "© Parsing design (AST generation;... Saved backup file; /home/pavel/.lotal/share/OpenSCAD/backups/unsaved-backup-yRtBDQMg.scad Compiling design [CSG Tree generation]... Rendering Polygon Mesh using CGAL... Geometries in cache: 5 Geometry cache size in bytes: 12B56 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 0 CGAL cache size in bytes: 0 Total rendering time: 0:00:00.032 Top level object is a 3D object; Facets: 62 Rendering finished, Viewport: translate = [ 132-2.07 0,64 ], rotate = [41.70 0.00 23.60 ], distance = 113,40, fov = 22.50 (1110x654] QpenSCAD 2021,01 3D TISK V PRAXI 10 / 22 translate([20,20,20]) rotate([45,0,0]) 3D TISK V PRAXI 11 / 22 Bezejmen ný.scad* — Oper SCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor MM f~> 1 translate([20,20,20]) 2 cube(10); Parsing design (AST generation;... Saved backup file; /home/pavel/.lotal/share/OpenSCAD/backups/unsaved-backup-yRtBDQMg.scad Compiling design [CSG Tree generation]... Rendering Polygon Mesh using CGAL... Geometries in cache: 7 Geometry cache size in bytes: 14312 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 0 CGAL cache size in bytes: 0 Total rendering time: 0:00:00.014 Top level object is a 3D object; Facets: 6 Rendering finished, Viewport: translate = [ 20.54 20.57 12.27 ]r rotate = [57,10 0.00 57.90 ]r distance = 213.38, fov = 22.50 (111 0x654) QpenSCAD 2021,01 3D TISK V PRAXI 12 / 22 Bezejmen ný.scad* — Oper SCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor MM f~> 1 rotate([45,0,0]) 2 cube(10); Parsing design (AST generation;... Saved backup file; /home/pavel/.local/share/OpenSCAD/backups/unsaved-backup-yRtBDQMg.scad Compiling design [CSG Tree generation]... Compiling design [CSG Products generation).,. Geometries in cache: 8 Geometry cache size in bytes; 1 5040 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 0 CGAL cache size in bytes: 0 Compiling design [CSG Products normalization]... Normalized tree has 1 elements! Compile and preview finished, Total rendering time: 0:00:00,017 Viewport; translate = [ 7.22 -0.71 8.80 ], rotate = [ 67.60 0.00 120.20 ]r distance = 91,85, fov = 22.50 (1110x654] OpenSCAD 2021,01 3D TISK V PRAXI 13 / 22 union()... differenceQ 3D TISK V PRAXI 14 / 22 Bezejmen ny.scad* — Oper SCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor M M ř"i 1 2 3 4 5 6 union(){ cube([30,30,10]); cylinder(d=20, h=20); } Konzole n ^ ^ o & Geom^ry c=chs size ir oytes: 1 57§& CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 1 CGAL cache size in bytes: 93736 Total rendering time: 0:00:00,548 Top level object is a 3D object: Simple: yes Vertices: 69 Halfedges: 208 Edges: 104 Halffacets: 74 Facets: 57 Volumes: 2 Rendering finished. Viewport: translate = [ 10.01 5.80 4.26 ], rotate = [42.40 0.00 69.10 ], distance = 14C.0O, fov = 22.50 (1110x654) OpenSCAD 2021.01 3D TISK V PRAXI 15 / 22 Bezejmen ny.scad* — Oper SCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor í 1 ^ O 1 rotate([0,45,0]) 2funion(){ cube([30,30,10]); cylinder(d=20, h=20); 3 4 5 6 7 > Konzole n ^ o & -©ca Geom^ry c=chs size ir oytes: 1 57§& CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 3 CGAL cache size in bytes: 220320 Total rendering time: 0:00:00,034 Top level object is a 3D object: Simple: yes Vertices: 69 Halfedges: 208 Edges: 104 Halffacets: 74 Facets: 37 Volumes: 2 Rendering finished. Viewport: translate = [ 11.57 13.31 3.27 ], rotate = [ 66.90 0.00 39.00 Jr distance = 2133Br fov = 22.50 (1110x654) QpenSCAD 2021.01 3D TISK V PRAXI 16 / 22 Bezejmen ny.scad* — Oper SCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor M M ř"i 1 2 3 4 5 6 difference (){ cube([30,30,10]); cylinder(d=20, h=20); Konzole n ^ ^ o & -©ca Geom^ry c=chs size ir oytes: 1 57§& CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 2 CGAL cache size in bytes: 126584 Total rendering time: 0:00:00,085 Top level object is a 3D object: Simple: yes Vertices: 24 Halfedges: 72 Edges: 36 Halffacets: 28 Facets: 14 Volumes: 2 Rendering finished. Viewport: translate = [ 10.01 5.80 4.26 ], rotate = [41.00 0.00 32.70 ], distance = 140.00, fov = 22.50 (1110x654) OpenSCAD 2021.01 3D TISK V PRAXI 17 / 22 Bezejmen ny.scad* — OpenSCAD □ x Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor l?difference(){ 2 cube([30,30,10]); 3 //prvni valec cylinder(d=20, h=20); 5 //druhy valec 6 7 8 } 9 10 translatef[30,30,5]) cylinder(d=20,h=20); >> Konzole n ^ ^ o Geom^ry c=chs iize ir oytes: 23240 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 4 CGAL cache size in bytes: 277360 Total rendering time: 0:00:00,014 Top level object is a 3D object: Simple: yes Vertices: 42 Halfedges: 126 Edges: 63 Halffacets: 46 Facets: 23 Volumes: 2 Rendering finished. Viewport: translate = [ 15.62 1 4.83 6.50 ], rotate = [ 53.60 0.00 52.30 Jr distance = 113.40r fov = 22.50 (1110x654) OpenSCAD 2021.01 3D TISK V PRAXI 18 / 22 ere(d=20); 3D TISK V PRAXI 19 / 22 Bezejmen ny.scad* — OpenSCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor 1 sphere(d=20); k > j': n ^ ^ o 9- $> <9 •© e a [t Konzole Parsing design (AST generation)... Saved backup file; /home/pavel/.local/share/OpenSCAD/backups/unsaved-backup-nyntFeuu.scad Compiling design [CSG Tree generation]... Rendering Polygon Mesh using CGAL... Geometries in cache: 1 Geometry cache size in bytes; 52072 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 0 CGAL cache size in bytes: 0 Total rendering time: 0:00:00.032 Top level object is a 3D object; Facets: S42 Rendering finished, Viewport: translate = [ 1.21 -1.32 -2.44], rotate = [ 63,40 0.00 52.30 ]r distance = 91,85, fov = 22.50 (1110x054) OpenSCAD 2021,01 3D TISK V PRAXI 20 / 22 for(i=[0:l:5]) ...; 3D TISK V PRAXI 21 / 22 Bezejmen ny.scad* — OpenSCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor M M ř"i 1 for(i=[0:l:5]) 2 translate( [i*30,i*30,l|0]) 3 sphere(d=20); ^ ^ * » 'i': £5 ^ 3, O & & 9 •© c 9 | _ď| 0 0@ Konzole Parsing design (AST generation)... Saved backup file; /home/pavel/.local/share/OpenSCAD/backups/unsaved-backup-nyntFeuu.scad Compiling design [CSG Tree generation]... Compiling design [CSG Products generation)... Geometries in cache: 4 Geometry cache size in bytes; 248288 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 1 CGAL cache size in bytes: 3252960 Compiling design [CSG Products normalization]... Normalized tree has 6 elements! Compile and preview finished, Total rendering time: 0:00:00,021 Viewport: translate = [ 69.S2 55.20 -13.23 ]r rotate = [ 73.20 0.00 26.401, distance = 401.52, fov = 22.50 (11 10x654) OpenSCAD 2021,01 3D TISK V PRAXI 22 / 22