OpenSCAD scale([x,y,z]) 3D TISK V PRAXI 1/49 Bezejmen ny.scad* — Oper SCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor 1 scale([1,1,2]) 2 cube( [10,10,10]) ;| Konzole Darsing design [AST generation).., Saved backup file: /home/pavel/.lntal/share/OpenSCAD/backup&/unsaved-bdt:kup-RLuwsvai.5cad Compiling design (CSQ Tree generation).., Compiling design (CSG Products generation).., Geometries in cache: 1 Geometry cache size in bytes: 72B CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 0 CGAL cache size in bytes: 0 Compiling design (CSG Products normalization),,, formalized tree has 1 elements.1 Compile and preview finished. Total rendering : me: 0:03:03 '.b95 Viewport: translate = [ 2.16 6,99 7.73 I rotate = [ 57.30 0.00 27.10 ], distance = 91,35, fatf = 22.50 [1415x654) OpenSCAD 2021,01 3D TISK V PRAXI 2/49 Bezejmen ny.scad* — Oper SCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor S iff M ŕ-i ř-i 1 $fn=100; 2 3 scale([1,1,2]) 4 sphere{d=20); Konzole Darsing design [AST generation).., Saved backup file: /home/pavel/.lntal/share/OpenSCAD/backup&/unsaved-bdt:kup-RLuwsvai.5cad Compiling design (CSQ Tree generation).., Compiling design (CSG Products generation).., Geometries in cache: 3 Geometry cache size in bytes: 773352 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 0 CGAL cache size in bytes: 0 Compiling design (CSG Products normalization),,, formalized tree has 1 elements.1 Compile and preview finished. Total rendering : me: 0:00:00.026 Viewport: translate = [ -3. 17 -1.26 -0.08 ]r rotate = [ 65.50 0.00 338.80 ]r distance = 113.40r fov = 22.50 (1415x654) OpenSCAD 2021,01 3D TISK V PRAXI 3/49 • module testQ {...} 3D TISK V PRAXI 4/49 Bezejmen ný.scad* — Oper SCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor MM f~> 1 $fn=100; 2 | 3 test(); 4 5 translate([30,0,0]) ^ test(); 6 7?module test{){ 8 9 cube([10,10,20]); 10 ^ } Konzole ti ^ ^ O 9" á) Parsing design [AST generation),,. Saved backup file: /home/pavel/.lotal/share/OperiSCAD/baickup&/uniSdved-backup-RLuw& Compiling design (CSQTree generation]... Compiling design (CSG Products generation)... Geometries in cache: a Geometry cache size in bytes: 774080 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 0 CGAL cache size in bytes: 0 Compiling design (CSG Products normalization),.. Normalized tree has 2 elementsi Compileand preview finished, Total rendering time: 0:00:00.04' Viewport: translate = [ 15.52 -3.26 13.83 ]r rotate = [65.50 0.00 333.80], distance = 113.40, fov = 22.50 (1429x654) OpenSCAD 2021.01 3D TISK V PRAXI 5/49 minkowskiQ { ... cylinder(d=4, h=l); } minkowskiQ { ... sphere(d=4); } 3D TISK V PRAXI Bezejmen ny.scad* — Oper SCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor S iff M ŕ-i ř-i 1 $fn=100; 2 I 3 cube([10,10,1]); 4 cylinder(r=2,h=l); 5 6 Konzole ^arsing design [ASTgeneration),,, Saved backup file: /home/pavel/.lotal/share/OpenSCAD/backup&/unsaved-bat:tup-RLuw&vai.5t:ad Compiling design (CSG Tree generation)... Compiling design (CSG Products generation)... Geometries in cache: 34? Geometry cache size in bytes: 1146224 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 2 CGAL cache size in bytes: 76306304 Compiling design (CSG Products normalization),.. Normalized tree has 2 elementsi Compile and preview finished. Total rendering : me: 0:03:03.324 Viewport: translate = [4.56-1.55 3.92], rotate = [43.10 0.00 19.60 ], distance-= 28.82, fov = 22.50 (124Sx654) QpenSCAD 2021.01 3D TISK V PRAXI 7 / 49 Bezejmen ny.scad* — Oper SCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor S iff M ŕ-i ř-i 1 $fn=100; 2 3 I 4 minkowski() 5f{ cube([10,10,1]); cylinder(d=4, h=l); } Konzole /0> n ^ q o &■ ^arsing design [ASTgeneration),,, Saved backup file: /horne/pavel/.lotal/share/OpenSCAD/backup&/unsaved-bat:tup-RLuw&vai.5t:ad Compiling design (CSG Tree generation)... Compiling design (CSG Products generation)... Geometries in cache: 354 Geometry cache size in bytes: 2679624 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 2 CGAL cache size in bytes: 76306304 Compiling design (CSG Products normalization),.. Normalized tree has 1 elements.1 Compile and preview finished. Total rendering : me: 0:00:03.323 Viewport: translate = [7.94-2.30 7.64], rotate = [44.50 0.00 29.40 ], distance = 28.82, fov = 22.50 (124Sx654) QpenSCAD 2021.01 3D TISK V PRAXI Bezejmenný.scad* — OpenSCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window fjápověda Editor ar M o ni ž* *g 1 $fn=100; 2 3 4 minkowskif) 5?{ cube([10,10,1]); sphere{d=4); } ... -v •o Konzole n ^ ^ o a- * Parsing design (AST generation).., Saved backup file: /homeVpavel/.localyshare/OpenSCAD/backup&/unsdved-bac:k:up-RLuw&vai.s:ad Compiling design (CSGTree generation)... Compiling design (CSG Products generation)... Geometries in cache: 354 Geometry cache size in bytes: 2679624 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 2 CGAL cache size in bytes: 76306304 Compiling design (CSG Products normalization),.. Normalized tree has 1 elements! Compile and preview finished. Total rendering time: 0:00:00.029 Viewport: translate = [ 9.59 -5.91 3.75 ], rotate = [ 66.90 0.00 28.00 ], distance - 28.82, fov = 22.50 (1248x654) OpenSCAD 2021.01 3D TISK V PRAXI □ s 9/49 } 3D TISK V PRAXI 10 / 49 75 Bezejmen ny.scad* — Oper SCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor S iff M ŕ-i ř-i 1 $fn=100; 2 3?hull() { translatef[15,10,0]) circle(10); circle(10); } :3a Konzole ^arsing design [AST generation),,, Saved backup file: /home/pavel/.lotal/share/OpenSCAD/backups/unsaved-bacrCup-RLuwsvai.scad Compiling design (CSG Tree generation)... Compiling design (CSG Products generation)... Geometries in cache: 357 Geometry cache size in bytes: 26B4696 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 2 CGAL cache size in bytes: 76306304 Compiling design (CSG Products normalization),.. Normalized tree has 1 elementsl Compile and preview finished. Total rendering : me: 0:03:03.32' Viewport: translate = [ 5.53 -3.95 11.05 ], rotate = [42.40 0.00 5.60 ], distance = 91.85, fov = 22.50 (124Sx654) OpenSCAD 2021.01 3D TISK V PRAXI 11 / 49 Bezejmenný.scad* — OpenSCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor S iff M ŕ-i ř-i 1 $fn=100; 2 3?hull() { translatef [20,|0,0]) sphere(10); sphere(10); } ■ Konzole ^arsing design [AST generation),,, Saved backup file: /home/pavel/.local/share/OpenSCAD/backups/unsaved-bactup-RLuwsvai.scad Compiling design (CSG Tree generation)... Compiling design (CSG Products generation)... Geometries in cache: 361 Geometry cache size in bytes: 5574328 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 2 CGAL cache size in bytes: 76306304 Compiling design (CSG Products normalization),.. Normalized tree has 1 elementsl Compile and preview finished. Total rendering : me: 0:03:0 1.133 Viewport; translate = [ 13.75 -3.36 11.92 ]r rotate = [43.00 0.00 37.80 ]r distance = 113.40, fov = 22.50 (1248x654) OpenSCAD 2021.01 3D TISK V PRAXI 12 / 49 Bezejmen ny.scad* — Oper SCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor M M ř"i 1 $fn=100; 2 3?hull() { translate*[20,0,0]) sphere(10); sphere(10); translatef[0,20,0]) sphere (10|); 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 } ■ Konzole ^arsing design [AST generation),,, Saved backup file: /home/pavel/.lotal/share/OperiSCAD/backup&/urisaved-bacrCup-RLuw&vai.5cad Compiling design (CSG Tree generation)... Compiling design (CSG Products generation)... Geometries in cache: 363 Geometry cache size in bytes: 7024328 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 2 CGAL cache size in bytes: 763063-04 Compiling design (CSG Products normalization),.. Normalized tree has 1 elementsl Compile and preview finished. Total rendering : me: 0:03:01.330 Viewport: translate = [ 13.75 -3.36 11.92 ]r rotate = [43.00 0.00 37.80 ]r distance = 113.40, fov = 22.50 (1248x654) OpenSCAD 2021.01 3D TISK V PRAXI 13 / 49 polygon (poi nts= [[xl ,y 1], [x2 ,y2],...]); 3D TISK V PRAXI 14 / 49 Bezejmenný.scad*—OpenSCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor fl. ji 1 $fn=100; 2 3 polygon( points=[[0,0],[4,0],[ ^ [0,5]] ); 4,2], 4 5 6 7 8 -4 5 5 7 R ii|iiiiuin|iiimiiminuinjrrr Konzole Parsing design (AST generation)... Saved backup file: /home/pavel/.local/share/OpenSCAD/backups/unsaved-backup-RLuwsvai.scad Compiling design (CSG Tree generation).., Compiling design (CSG Products generation)... Geometries in cache: 377 Geometry cache size in bytes; 10825056 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 2 CGAL cache size in bytes: 76306304 Compiling design (CSG Products normalization).,, Normalized tree has 1 elements! Compile and preview finished, Total rendering time: 0:00:00.043 Viewport: translate = [ 2.05 0.14 8.10 ], rotate ^ [ 15.10- 0.00 1.40 ], distance = 9.05, fov = 22.50 [1243x654) OpenSCAD 2021.01 3D TISK V PRAXI 15 / 49 polyhedron(points = [ [x, y, z], ... ], faces = [ [pl, p2, p3..], ... ]); 3D TISK V PRAXI 16 / 49 Bezejmenný.scad* — OpenSCAD Sou bor Editor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda if N n a 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 $fn=100; ?polyhedron( points=[ [10,10,0] f [10,-10,0 :>44 Viewport: translate = [ 2.33 -0,53 -1.31 ]p rotate = [41.00 0.00 13.30 ]r distance = 74.40, fov = 22.50 (1198x654) OpenSCAD 2021.01 3D TISK V PRAXI 17 I 49 Iinear_extrude(height=10)() { 3D TISK V PRAXI 18 / 49 Bezejmen ny.scad* — OpenSCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor S iff M ŕ-i ŕ-i 1 $fn=100; 2 3 linear_extrude(height=10) 4 text("22"); 5 6 Konzole Parsing design (ASTgeneration),,, Saved backup file: /home/pavel/.local/£hare/OpenSCAD/backup&/unsaved-bacrCup-RLuw&vai.5cad Compiling design (CSG Tree generation)... Compiling design (CSG Products generation)... Geometries in cache: 36E Geometry cache size in bytes: 9348440 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 2 CGAL cache size in bytes: 763063-04 Compiling design (CSG Products normalization),.. Normalized tree has 1 elementsl Compile and preview finished. Total rendering : me: 0:00:00.032 Viewport: translate = [ 1131 0.56 11.63 ], rotate = [ 27.00 0.00 11.20 J, distance = 43.93, fov = 22.50 (1243x654) OpenSCAD 2021.01 3D TISK V PRAXI 19 / 49 Bezejmen ny.scad* — OpenSCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor 1 $fn=100; 2 I 3 linear_extrude(height=10) 4f {hull(){ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 circle(r=5); translate([10,0,0]) circle{r=2); } }; n ^ q o a- * Konzole ^arsing design (ASTgeneration)^, Saved backup file: /horne/pavel/.local/share/OperiSCAD/backups/urisaved-backiup-RLuwsvai.scad Compiling design (CSG Tree generation)... Compiling design (CSG Products generation)... Geometries in cache: 373 Geometry cache size in bytes: 93B4432 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 2 CGAL cache size in bytes: 76306304 Compiling design (CSG Products normalization)... Normalized tree has 1 elements! Compile and preview finished. Total rendering : me: 0:03:03.328 Viewport: translate = [ 8.3S -2.72 6.85], rotate = [ 50.10 0.00 23.00 ], distance = 54.24, fou = 22.50 (1248x654) OpenSCAD 2021.01 3D TISK V PRAXI 20 / 49 rotate_extrude(height=10)() { ... } 3D TISK V PRAXI 21 / 49 Bezejmen ny.scad* — OpenSCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor S iff M ŕ-i ř-i 1 $fn=100; 2 3 rotate_extrude() 4^ { translate*[10,0,0]) circle{r=2); } Konzole n % ^ o ^arsing design [AST generation),,, Saved backup file: /horne/pavel/.lotal/share/OperiSCAD/backup&/unisaved-bacrCup-RLuw&vai.5cad Compiling design (CSG Tree generation)... Compiling design (CSG Products generation)... Geometries in cache: 374 Geometry cache size in bytes: 1QB24584 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 2 CGAL cache size in bytes: 763063-04 Compiling design (CSG Products normalization),.. Normalized tree has 1 elementsl Compile and preview finished. Total rendering : me: 0:00:03.344 Viewport: translate = [ 8.33 -2.72 6.85], rotate = [ 50.10 0.00 23.00 ], distance = 54.24, fov = 22.50 (1243x654) OpenSCAD 2021.01 3D TISK V PRAXI 22 / 49 Bezejmen ny.scad* — OpenSCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor S iff M ŕ-i ŕ-i 1 $fn=100; 2 3 rotate_extrude(|) polygon ( points=[[0f0]([2,l],[l,2 ],[1,3],[3,4],[0,5]] ); 4 5 6 7 8 3 í$ !S ^ ^ O 9 i í1 € D 8 1 S 0@n Konzole Parsing design [AST generation),,. Saved backup file: /home/pavel/.lotal/share/OpenSCAD/backups/unsaved-backup-RLuw&vai.scad Compiling design (CSG Tree generation]... Compiling design (CSG Products generation)... Geometries in cache: 37E Geometry cache size in bytes: 10582808 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 2 CGAL cache size in bytes: 763063-04 Compiling design (CSG Products normalization),.. Normalized tree has 1 elementsi Compileand preview finished, Total rendering : Tie: 0:00:03.342 Error-Log Group Viewport: translate = [ -0.55 -2.34 2.94 ], rotate = [ 81.60 0.00 329.20 ], distance = 13.79, fov = 22.50 (1243x654) OpenSCAD 2021.01 3D TISK V PRAXI 23 / 49 Bezejmen ný.scad* — OpenSCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor MM f~> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 $fn=100; rotate_extrude(angle=90) translate![10,0,0]) circle(r=2|); Konzole Parsing design [AST generation),,. Saved backup file: /home/pavel/.lotal/share/OpenSCAD/baickups/unsaved-bacrCup-RLuwsvai.scaid Compiling design [CSG Tree generation]... Compiling design [CSG Products generation)... Geometries in cache: 380 Geometry cache size in bytes: 11272200 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 2 CGAL cache size in bytes: 76306304 Compiling design [CSG Products normalization),.. Normalized tree has 1 elementsi Compileand preview finished, Total rendering : me: 0:00:00.03' Error-Log Group d EE Viewport: translate = [4.86 2,74 1.28 I rotate = [ 53.60 0.00 28.00 ], distance = 39,54, fov = 22.50 [1243x654) OpenSCAD 2021,01 3D TISK V PRAXI 24 / 49 Závity V-thread American National th Whitworth Square thread Acme thread Buttress thread Knuckle thread Edison thread Bezejmen ný.scad* — Oper SCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor a iff M *-i fi 1 $fn=100; 2 3 include; 4 5 // 6 7 8 G 1/4 english_thread (diameter=0.518, threads_per_inch=19, length=l); 3 -—-Sa"" " z 1 v -4 Konzole n q, ^ o » Geometry cache size in bytes: 113Q944 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 2 CGAL cache size in bytes: 763G&3Q4 Total rendering time: 0:01:56.IOC Top level object is a 3D object: Simple: yes Vertices: 27476 Halfedges: 85430 Edges: 42715 Halffacets: 30482 Facets: 15241 Volumes: 2 herder ng finishec Viewport: translate = [ -3.33 0.60 9.56 ], rotate = [ 65.50 0.00 164.50 ], distance = 113.40r fov = 22.50 (955x654) OpenSCAD 2021.01 3D TISK V PRAXI 27 / 49 75 if( podmínka ){■■■} else { import("test.stl"); surface(file=" test.dat"); 3D TISK V PRAXI 28 / 49 Beiejmenný.scad* — OpenSCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor ■ 1$ 9I& 4 M M ř"i 1 |// example010.dat generated using octave: 2 // d = (sin(l:0.2:10)' * cos(l:0.2:10)) * 3 // save("example010.dat", "d"); 4 surface(file = "example010.dat"); 10; n ^ ^ Konzole Parsing design [AST generation),,. Saved backup file: /home/pavel/.local/share/OpenSCAD/backups/unsaved-backjp-BAyoOKd.scad Compiling design [CSG Tree generation],.. Rendering Polygon Mesh using CGAL... Geometries in cache: 3 Geometry cache size in bytes: 1244328 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 0 CGAL cache size in bytes: 0 Total rendering time: 0:00:00,038 Top level object is a 3D object: Facets: 8633 Rendering finished. Viewport: translate = [ 27.52 26.05 -1.76 ]r rotate = [41.00 0.00 B5.20 ]r distance = 140.00, fov = 22.50 (1055x654) OpenSCAD 2021.01 3D TISK V PRAXI 29 / 49 s.scad* — OpenSCAD □ x Soubor Editor Jpravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda H ^ ^ ^ 4=ľ » $ ĚLrJ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 $fn=200; difference{){ union(){ for ( z = [1:640]) {rotate(-z*2) translate([0,0,z*.1]) rotate([90,0,0]) cube(size = [12,7,1]);} cylinder(h=7, r=12); cylinder(h=75,r:=5); cylinder(h=75, r=2.5); Konzole Geometry cache size in bytes: 1020152 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 3 CGAL cache size in bytes: 3187332S Total rendering time: 0:01 ;15,765 Top level object is a 3D object: Simple: yes Vertices: SS54 Halfedges: 26576 Edges: 13288 Halffacets: 8372 Facets: 4436 Volumes: 2 Rendering finished. Viewport: translate = [ -S.3S 13.71 22.80 ]r rotate = [55.00 0.00 25.00 ]r distance = 237.09, few = 22.50 (1055x654) OpenSCAD 2021.01 3D TISK V PRAXI 30 / 49 Knihovna - BOSL2 2D tvary 3D tvary ozubená kola závity 3D TISK V PRAXI □ 31 / 49 Bezejmen ny.scad* — OpenSCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor M M ř"i Sl 4 3 right_triangle([40,30]); include 1 I i 1 III I \ \ II \ I \ w \ \ w \ \TTT Konzole Parsing design (AST generation)... Saved backup file; /home/pavel/.local/share/OpenSCAD/backups/unsaved-backup-SfJoGzeW.scad Used file cache size: 1 files Compiling design [CSG Tree generation],.. Compiling design [CSG Products generation)... Geometries in cache: 1 Geometry cache size in bytes: 12E CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 0 CGAL cache size in bytes: 0 Compiling design [CSG Products normalization)... Normalized tree has 1 elementsi Compileand preview finished, Total rendering time: 0:00:00.147 Error-Log Viewport: translate = [ 16.05 9,29 3,29], rotate = [ 31.20 0.00 359.10 J, distance = 91.85, fov = 22,50 (1055x554] OpenSCAD 2021,01 3D TISK V PRAXI 32 / 49 Beiejmenný.scad* — OpenSCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor a? N r, rn :f ■?: include 2 star(n=5, r=50, ir=25); 0 7] As n Konzole Parsing design [AST generation),,. Saved backup file: /home/pavel/.lotal/share/OpeniSCAD/backups/un&aved-backjp-SfJoGzeW.scad Compiling design [CSGTree generation],.. Compiling design [CSG Products generation)... Geometries in cache: 2 Geometry cache size in bytes: 36E CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 0 CGAL cache size in bytes: 0 Compiling design [CSG Products normalization]... Normalized tree has 1 elementsi Compileand preview finished, Total rendering time: 0:00:00.166 Viewport: translate = [ -0.02 -2.90 3.93 ], rotate = [28,40 0.00 341.60 ], distance = 237.09, few = 22,50 (1055x654) OpenSCAD 2021,01 3D TISK V PRAXI 33 / 49 Beiejmenný.scad* — OpenSCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor a? N r, rn :f ■?: include 2 cuboid([30,40,50], rounding=10, teardrop=true); Konzole Parsing design [AST generation),,. Saved backup file: /home/pavel/.lotal/share/OpenSCAD/backups/unsaved-backjp-SfJoGzeW.scad Compiling design [CSG Tree generation],.. Compiling design [CSG Products generation)... Geometriesin cache: 12 Geometry cache size in bytes: 196072 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 0 CGAL cache size in bytes: 0 Compiling design [CSG Products normalization),.. Normalized tree has 1 elements! Compileand preview finished, Total rendering time: 0:00:00.137 Viewport: translate = [ 3.06 -1.45 0,86 ], rotate = [ 64.10 0.00 33.30 ], distance = 192,04, fov = 22.50 (1055x654) OpenSCAD 2021,01 3D TISK V PRAXI 34 / 49 Beiejmenný.scad* — OpenSCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor ar N r, rn :f ■?: include 2?cuboid( 3 4 5 6 [30,40,50], rounding=5, edges=[TOP+FRONT,TOP+RIGHT, FRONT+RIGHT], $fn=24 L. '^7 n ^ ^ o & * Konzole Parsing design [AST generation),,. Saved backup file: /home/pavel/.local/share/OpenSCAD/backups/unsaved-backjp-SfJoGzeW.scad Compiling design [CSG Tree generation],.. Compiling design [CSG Products generation)... Geometries in cache: 43 Geometry cache size in bytes: 310232 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 11 CGAL cache size in bytes: 476048 Compiling design [CSG Products normalization],.. Normalized tree has 1 elementsi Compileand preview finished, Total rendering time: 0:00:00.375 Viewport: translate = [ 2.63 -1.78 0,42 ], rotate = [ 65.00 0.00 19.40 ], distance = 172,84, fov = 22.50 (1055x654) OpenSCAD 2021,01 3D TISK V PRAXI 35 / 49 Beiejmenný.scad* — OpenSCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor a? N r, rn :f ■?: include 2 prismoid(size2=[100,75], h=30, xang ^3 =[50,60], yang=[70,40]); n ^ ^ o & * Konzole Parsing design [AST generation),,. Saved backup file: /home/pavel/.lotal/share/OpenSCAD/backups/unsaved-backjp-SfJoGzeW.scad Compiling design [CSG Tree generation],.. Compiling design [CSG Products generation)... Geometries in cache: 44 Geometry cache size in bytes: 311243 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 11 CGAL cache size in bytes: 476048 Compiling design [CSG Products normalization]... Normalized tree has 1 elementsi Compileand preview finished, Total rendering time:fl:D0:Q0.176 Viewport: translate = [ 16.59 16.23 16.B0 ]r rotate = [34,00 0.00 157.50], distance = 446.13, fov = 22.50 (1055x654) OpenSCAD 2021,01 3D TISK V PRAXI 36 / 49 Beiejmenný.scad* — OpenSCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor ar N r> rn :f ■?: include 2 prismoid(100, 80, rounding=10, h=30); Konzole Error-Log Parsing design [AST generation),,. Saved backup file: /home/pavel/.local/share/OpeniSCAD/backups/unsaved-backjp-SfJoGzeW.scad Compiling design [CSG Tree generation],.. Compiling design [CSG Products generation)... Geometries in cache: 45 Geometry cache size in bytes: 321480 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 11 CGAL cache size in bytes: 476048 Compiling design [CSG Products normalization]... Normalized tree has 1 elementsi Compileand preview finished, Total rendering time: 0:00:00.296 Viewport: translate = [ 13.37 18.09 18.47 ], rotate = [49,40 0.00 126.001, distance = 263.43, fov = 22.50 (1055x654) OpenSCAD 2021,01 3D TISK V PRAXI 37 / 49 Beiejmenný.scad* — OpenSCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor a? N r* ľ*- -ti ^ 1 include 2 include 3 spur_gear(circ_pitch=5, teeth=20, thickness=8, shaft_diam=5); 4>: £5 ^ ^ Konzole Error-Log Parsing design [AST generation),,. Saved backup file: /home/pavel/.local/share/OpenSCAD/backups/unsaved-backjp-SfJoGzeW.scad Compiling design [CSG Tree generation],.. Compiling design [CSG Products generation)... Geometries in cache: 50 Geometry cache size in bytes: 515504 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 11 CGAL cache size in bytes: 476048 Compiling design [CSG Products normalization)... Normalized tree has 1 elementsi Compileand preview finished, Total rendering time: 0:00:00.400 Viewport: translate = [ 16.87 1 2.00 1 9.22 ]r rotate = [44,50 0.00 116.201, distance = 74.40, fbv = 22.50 (1055x654) OpenSCAD 2021,01 3D TISK V PRAXI 38 / 49 Beiejmenný.scad* — OpenSCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor a? N r, rn :f ■?: 1 include 2 include 3^spur_gear( circ_pitch=5, teeth=20, thickness=10, shaft_diam=5, helical=-30, slices=12, $fa=l, $fs=l ) 3 3 Konzole Parsing design [AST generation),,. Saved backup file: /home/pavel/.lotal/share/OpeniSCAD/backups/unsaved-backjp-SfJoGzeW.stad Compiling design [CSG Tree generation],.. Compiling design [CSG Products generation)... Geometries in cache: 54 Geometry cache size in bytes: 1621912 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 11 CGAL cache size in bytes: 476048 Compiling design [CSG Products normalization)... Normalized tree has 1 elementsi Compileand preview finished, Total rendering time: 0:00:00.279 Viewport: translate = [ 21.49 7,83 11,25 ], rotate = [ 55.00 0.00 106.40 ]r distance = 74.40r fov = 22.50 (1055x654) OpenSCAD 2021,01 3D TISK V PRAXI 39 / 49 Bezejmen ny.scad* — OpenSCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor — M ona 1 include 2 include 3 ring_gear(circ_pitch=5, teeth=48, ^ thickness=10, profile_shift=0.5 <] ); E! ^ ^ O Konzole Parsing design [AST generation),,. Saved backup file: /home/pavel/.lotal/share/OpenSCAD/backups/un&aved-backjp-SfJoGzeW.scad Compiling design [CSG Tree generation],.. Rendering Polygon Mesh using CGAL... Geometries in cache: 70 Geometry cache size in bytes: 6946856 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 4 CGAL cache size in bytes: 103126160 Total rendering time: 0:00:00,407 Top level object is a 3D object: Facets: 6264 Rendering finished. Viewport: translate = [ 13.28 -5.58 19.78 ]r rotate = [24.20 0.00 70.00 ]r distance = 213.38, few = 22,50 (1055x654) OpenSCAD 2021,01 3D TISK V PRAXI 40 / 49 Beiejmenný.scad* — OpenSCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor ar N r, rn :f ■?: 1 include 2 include 3 rack(pitch=5, teeth=10, thickness=5); -la ■:ru ■■a n ^ ^ o & & -©ca 1*1 n Konzole Parsing design [AST generation),,. Saved backup file: /home/pavel/.local/share/OpeniSCAD/backups/unsaved-backjp-SfJoGzeW.scad Compiling design [CSG Tree generation],.. Compiling design [CSG Products generation)... Geometries in cache: 74 Geometry cache size in bytes: 7002064 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 4 CGAL cache size in bytes: 103126160 Compiling design [CSG Products normalization]... Normalized tree has 1 elementsi Compileand preview finished, Total rendering time: 0:00:00.221 Viewport: translate = [ -5.75 -11.77 -1.09 1, rotate = [70.40 0.00 347.40], distance = 82.67r fov = 22.50 (1055x654) OpenSCAD 2021,01 3D TISK V PRAXI 41 / 49 Beiejmenný.scad* — OpenSCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor a? N r, rn :f ■?: 1 include 2 include 3 threaded_rod(d=25, height=20, pitch <] =2, $fa=l, $fs=l); £5 % q O a- ô Konzole Parsing design [AST generation),,. Saved backup file: /home/pavel/.local/share/OpenSCAD/backups/un&aved-backjp-SfJoGzeW.scad Compiling design [CSG Tree generation],.. Rendering Polygon Mesh using CGAL... Geometries in cache: 7? Geometry cache size in bytes: 9391734 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 4 CGAL cache size in bytes: 103126160 Total rendering time: 0:00:00,357 Top level object is a 3D object: Facets: 6635 Rendering finished. Viewport: translate = [ -5.17 -11.36 -0.66 J, rotate = [ 74.60 0.00 339.70 ], distance = 66.96r fov = 22.50 (1055x654) OpenSCAD 2021.01 3D TISK V PRAXI 42 / 49 Bezejmen ny.scad* — Oper SCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor — M ona 1 include 2 include 3 trapezoidal_threaded_rod(l=25, d=10 , pitch=2, starts=3, $fa=l, $fs =1, bevel=true, orient=RIGHT, anchor=B0TT0M); 4 u n 2 tex = texture("hex_grid", border=0.4); 3^1inear_sweep( rect(30), texture=tex, h=30, tex_size=[10,10] ); k n % ^ o ©■ Konzole Parsing design [AST generation),,. Saved backup file: /home/pavel/.local/share/OpenSCAD/backups/unsaved-backjp-SfJoGzeW.scad Compiling design [CSG Tree generation],.. Compiling design [CSG Products generation)... Geometries in cache: 85 Geometry cache size in bytes: 10949336 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 4 CGAL cache size in bytes: 103126160 Compiling design [CSG Products normalization)... Normalized tree has 1 elementsi Compileand preview finished, Total rendering time: 0:00:01.366 -fi c a Viewport: translate = [ -3.33 -5.45 9.14 ], rotate = [64,80 0.00 45.50 ]r distance = 140.00, fov = 22.50 (1055x654) OpenSCAD 2021,01 3D TISK V PRAXI 44 / 49 Bezejmen ny.scad* — OpenSCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor 1 include 2 include 3 linear_bearing_housing{d=19, 1=29, wall= 2, tab=8, screwsize=2.5); I z k. £5 q. q O & -©ca & s 0@n Konzole Parsing design (AST generation)... Saved backup file; /home/pavel/.local/share/OperiSCAD/backups/iinsaved-backup-ojSLMDMa.scad Used file cache size: 1 files Compiling design [CSG Tree generation],.. Compiling design [CSG Products generation)... Geometries in cache: 8 Geometry cache size in bytes: 22816 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 0 CGAL cache size in bytes: 0 Compiling design [CSG Products normalization]... Normalized tree has 1 5 elementsl Compileand preview finished, Total rendering time: 0:00:00.833 Error-Log Viewport: translate = [ -2.44 5.18 7,44 ], rotate = [ 60.60 0.00 34.10 ], distance = 113,40, fov = 22.50 (1055x654] OpenSCAD 2021,01 3D TISK V PRAXI 45 / 49 Bezejmen ný.scad* — OpenSCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor í I O ni 1 include 2 include 3 $fn=32; 4 cuboid{[2,40,15]) 5 position(TOP+RIGHT) orient( ^ anchor=RIGHT) knuckle_hinge{length=35, segs ^ =9, offset=3, arm_height=l); ECHO: durante = C ECHO: clearance = C ECHO: clearance = a ECHO: clearance = C Compiling design (CSG Products generation)... Geometries in cache: 33 Geometry cache size in bytes: 5372E CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 0 CGAL cache size in bytes: 0 Compiling design (CSG Products normalization). formalized Iree has 6 elements.1 Compile and preview finished. Total rendering : me: 0:03:03.323 Group Viewport: translate = [ -1.66 0.70 -1.22 ], rotate = [48.00 0.00 29.90 ]r distance = 91.85, fov = 22.50 (1174x654) OpenSCAD 2021,01 3D TISK V PRAXI 46 / 49 Bezejmen ny.scad* — OpenSCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor M M ř"i Sl 4 1 include 2 include 3 sparse_wall{h=40, 1=100, thick=3); Konzole /x A A A A 4 V\ A AAA -BD ^arsing design [AST generation),., Saved backup file: /home/pavel/.lctal/share/OpenSCAD/backups/urisaved-backup-qjSLMDMa.scad Compiling design (CSG Tree generation)... Compiling design (CSG Products generation)... Geometries in cache: 51 Geometry cache size in bytes: 78664 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 0 CGAL cache size in bytes: 0 Compiling design (CSG Products normalization),., Normalized tree has 1 elements.1 Compile and preview finished. Total rendering : me: 0:03:03.23? Error-Log Group - EE Viewport: translate = [ -2.60 -10.71 4.55 ]r rotate = [ 307.90 0.00 270,401 distance = 192.04, fov = 22.50 [11935(654) OpenSCAD 2021,01 3D TISK V PRAXI 47 / 49 Bezejmen ny.scad* — OpenSCAD Soubor Upravit Design Zobrazit Window Nápověda Editor 1 include 2 include 3 hex_panel([50, 100, 5], strut= 1.5, spacing=10); 0^ Konzole ^arsing design [AST generation),., Saved backup file: /home/pavel/.lccal/share/OpenSCArj/backup&/urisaved-bat:kup-qjSLMDMa.&cad Compiling design (CSGTreegeneration)... Compiling design (CSG Products generation)... Geometries in cache: 53 Geometry cache size in bytes: 22S176 CGAL Polyhedrons in cache: 0 CGAL cache size in bytes: 0 Compiling design (CSG Products normalization),., Normalized tree lias 1 elementsl Compile and preview finished. Total rendering : me: 0:03:03 24" Error-Log Group M 01 Viewport: translate = [ 14.34 -6.44 15.25 ]r rotate = [ 216.20 0.00 354,40], distance = 237.09, fov = 22.50 [1193x654) OpenSCAD 2021,01 3D TISK V PRAXI 48 / 49 OpenSCAD - závěr jednoduché ovládání příklady knihovny u složitějších modelů delší doba renderování