Pulsating Am stars • Introduction to Am Stars • Am stars are chemically peculiar A-type stars. • The "Am" stands for metallic-lined stars. • Display peculiar abundance of metals like zinc, strontium, and barium. • Slower rotation compared to normal A-type stars, leading to unusual chemical distribution. What Are Pulsating Stars? Stars that undergo periodic expansion and contraction due to internal instability. Pulsations lead to observable brightness variations. Common pulsating variables include Cepheids, and RR Lyrae, RV Tauri, Long-Period Variables (LPVs) stars. The Instability Strip and its important Pulsating Stars in the Instability Strip • Stars in this region are subject to pulsations caused by the partial ionization of helium in their outer layers. This ionization creates pressure that causes the star to expand and contract in cycles, leading to brightness variations. • Delta Scuti variables are one of the main types of stars found in this part of the instability strip. These are Aand F-type stars that are slightly evolved or near the end of their mainsequence life. Their internal structure makes them unstable to pulsations, causing them to vary in brightness on short timescales (hours to minutes). Am Stars and Their Slow Rotation • Am stars rotate slower than typical A-type stars. • Slow rotation allows for atomic diffusion, leading to chemical peculiarities. • Tidal forces in close binary systems can cause this slow rotation, influencing pulsation behavior. Pulsating Am Stars • Pulsating Am stars challenge the traditional view that Am stars don't pulsate due to slow rotation. • Not all Am stars pulsate, but some are found to pulsate, often exhibiting Delta Scuti-like behavior. Delta Scuti Stars and Am Stars • Delta Scuti stars are pulsating variables found near the instability strip. • Some Am stars show similar pulsations, behaving like Delta Scuti variables • Pulsations typically have periods of a few hours and small brightness variations. Am stars in Kepler field • SuperWASP survey overlaps with a large fraction of the Kepler field. • amplitudes >∼1 mmag • the amplitudes found using SuperWASP lightcurves are slightly higher than those from Kepler pulsation modes of Am stars are low radial order pulsation amplitude increases with height and decreases with depth. In Am stars, the microturbulence velocity is also peculiar The photometric amplitudes found in Am stars are consistent with atmospheric pulsation radial velocity amplitudes of a few km s−1. The loss of helium by gravitational settling from the He ii ionisation zone reduces driving, but does not suppress it entirely. • high-frequency (>∼20 d−1) pulsations Am/Fm star categories • – γ Doradus pulsators • – δ Scuti pulsators • – Hybrid pulsators • – Eclipsing binaries • – Constant • – Other variability The typical uncertainties for Teff and luminosity are shown in the lower part of the plot LAMOST sample of Am/Fm stars Discussion