Useful relations We are working in a metric with a "mostly minus" or "west-cost" signature g^v = diag(+l, —1, —1, —1). The gamma matrices are 4x4 matrices where ctj are the Pauli matrices. It is easy to check that {7m,71'} = 2g^v. The Dirac equation in momentum space can be written — m)u = 0 where ^ = 7^fcM. There are 4 independent solutions which can be written as m ( \ ( m(2) = VE + m E+m _P±_ E+m J ( ~ \E\+m \ \ „(1) = V\E\ + m \E\+m 0 V -i J „(2) = VW\ + m E+m \ E+m / / P3 \ I \E\+m \ \E\+m 1 V o ) where p± = Pi ± ip2, E = \Jp2 + m2 and the first two solutions represents spin up/down electrons and the last two solutions represents spin up/down positrons. Using these solutions it is possible to show that u^'uj1' + u^u^ = (tf + m)^ and v^v^ + v^v^ = (jf> - m)ab Here are some useful gamma matrix relations: Tr(7«) = TrWf) = Tr (Wt V) = 7m7m = 7„7v = 7„7c*7/V = 7m7"7/3777m = Tr (7M7V) = Tr (-y^Y^Y-y6) = ^{g^g^ -gmgvp + g^gva) 4 -27" AgaP = 0 Feynman rules • Do everything in momentum space. • The basic vertices can be found from the interaction Hamiltonian. In pure QED we have — ie J d4xtpfiip so the basic vertex can be drawn as 1 and it comes with a factor —icy^(2Tr)4S4(p + q + k). • Since each vertex has a factor of the electric charge e which is small (e2 = the calculation can be done as an expansion in the number of vertices. That is, for a given process, draw all possible (connected) diagrams that can contribute and that contains less than a certain fixed number of vertices. • Be careful when counting the number of vertices. If you are drawing a diagram with n vertices there is a factor of from the expansion of the Texp(—i J H) operator. Then one draws all possible diagrams but some of them are the same because the integration over the positions of the vertices. • Here one should also be careful about relative signs between different diagrams coming from anticommutation of fermionic operators. • Every outgoing electron comes with a wavefunction factor of , J 6 6 y/2VE(p) Every incoming electron comes with a factor of ^vEi )" ^ver^ outgoing positron comes with a factor of ^ve( ) anc^ ever^ mcoimng positron comes with a factor of . y/2VE(p) Every outgoing photon comes with a factor of-, F and every in- coming photon comes with a factor of —, F where a = 1,2 since only physical polarizations are allowed for external photons. Every internal electron/positron line comes with a propagator d4p {j> + m)ab (2tt)4 p2 - m2 + it Every internal photon line comes with a propagator rf4fc 47TffMt, -7 (2tt)4 k2 + it • The easiest way to write down the expression for a diagram is to follow the electron/positron backwards in time. First you have an outgoing 2 electron/positron and you need to write down the wavefunction (as given above). Then there is a vertex so you need the — icy and the momentum conserving delta function as given above. Next is either an incoming electron/positron and you write down its wave function and you are ready, or there is a propagator which you write down as given above and then there is a new vertex which gives you a new factor of — icy and so on and so on. After you have written down the electron/positron lines you fill in the photons. If they are external you get wavefunctions and if they go between two different electrons you get propagators connecting the gamma matrices. Calculation of cross sections • Calculate the probability amplitude for some event using the Feynman rules given above. • To calculate the probability one has to take the absolute value squared of the probability amplitude. Since one always have a delta function expressing the conservation of total momentum (27r)4