Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Lukáš Žídek Lukáš Žídek F9070 1/65 Principles of NMR Lukáš Zídek F9070 2/65 I Lukáš Žídek F9070 5/65 lecular rotation reproduced from M. H. Levitt: Spin Dynamics nuclear spin flow of electrons induced field Lukáš Zídek F9070 6/65 x reproduced from M. H. Levitt: Spin Dynamics Lukáš Žídek F9070 11/65 agnetic moments lecular rotation reproduced from M. H. Levitt: Spin Dynamics nuclear spin flow of electrons induced field Lukáš Zídek F9070 13/65 x reproduced from M. H. Levitt: Spin Dynamics Lukáš Žídek F9070 15/65 Lukáš Žídek F9070 16/65 Fourier transformation of ideal signal. Lukáš Zídek F9070 17/65 Lukáš Žídek F9070 18/65 rons Lukáš Žídek F9070 19/65 • Solvent (water) suppression • Simplification of spectra • Resolution improvement • Obtaining chemical/biological information structure, dynamics, interactions Lukáš Žídek F9070 20/65 Transmitter on Transmitter off Receiver on Receiver off Lukáš Žídek F9070 21/65 Lukáš Žídek F9070 22/65 mm R experiments HSQC H N I I ll I I I I I II I x-xj. f * y II I I I GARP gra i li i Lukáš Zídek F9070 < □ ► 4 ^ > 4 = t 4 = > = ^0 Q, O 23/65 R experiments Lukáš Žídek F9070 24/65 R experiments 10 5 0 ô(1H)/ppm Lukáš Žídek F9070 25/65 9.0 8.5 8.0 7.5 7.0 6.5 i i i i i i i ■ i i i i i i i i i ■ i i i i i i i i i ■ i i 0.5H 1.0H E 1-5H Q. Q. 2.0H 2M 3.0H C02-15N : 113.721 (ppm) 0 o O ■0.5 1.0 ■1.5 ■2.0 ■2.5 ■3.0 9.0 8.5 8.0 -i-1-1- 7.5 7.0 6.5 C03-1H (PPm) Lukáš Žídek F9070 26/65 Lukáš Žídek F9070 27/65 Biomolecular applications Lukáš Zídek F9070 28/65 • No special sample requirements • Low energy non-destructive x low sensitivity high concentration, high magnetic field, isotope labeling long measurement time • Atomic resolution o Many atoms described by single measurement high information content x complexity of data correlated spectroscopy, selective labeling Assignment of spectra is demanding Lukáš Žídek F9070 29/65 Lukáš Žídek F9070 30/65 Lukáš Žídek F9070 31/65 JCH-R [ C=0 -A" H^—SN ^CH-R' C=0 /CTI 0 e 0 3 g 3 1 13 133 1332 13322 113322 4113322 44113322 Lukáš Zídek F9070 32/65 in NMR spectrum 3 2R2 t: 1/Ä2 1 \ ft —y structure fľ2 —> dynamics Area —> (relative) concentration Lukáš Zídek F9070 □ ť3? - = 33/65 Lukáš Žídek F9070 34/65 ser effect reproduced from M. H. Levitt: Spin Dynamics Lukáš Žídek F9070 35/65 Lukáš Žídek F9070 36/65 Lukáš Žídek F9070 37/65 ser effect _S_ = /A>ef\6 Sref V r ) Calibration: Reference protons distance geminal in methylene H-C-H 0.17 nm vicinal in an aromatic ring H-C=C-H 0.25 nm meta in an aromatic ring H-C=CH-C-H 0.42 nm Lukáš Žídek F9070 38/65 Lukáš Žídek F9070 39/65 15 8 ig LU 5 O -5 Lukáš Žídek F9070 41/65 Lukáš Žídek F9070 42/65 xperiments 3 I/R2 í 216 D.M. Korzhnev et al. / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 38 (2001) 197-266 a 1H III 1 § 1 § 1 1 cj>l y 15N I 1 1Tb 1Xb 1 if! <()3 (|)4 |ťb| t1/2 Tb t1/2 J g1 g2 g2 g3 g3 g4 Gz ------ g5 g6 g7 n 1 n RiP 15Nf T j Ta j Ta j Ta j Tc I y I I I Acquisition Broadband decoupling g7 g7 g8 g8 99 JL 2N Lukáš Zídek F9070 44/65 I ration Lukáš Žídek F9070 45/65 • Does it bind? How many molecules? Stoichiometry In how many steps? Mechanism • Where? Structure • How strongly? Affinity • How fast? Kinetics CD CD CD CD 1 1 AG*off \ / Jag , Ay Free Bound Binding coordinate Lukáš Žídek F9070 46/65 • Ligand saturation transfer difference (STD), transferred NOE features of bound-ligand reflected in free-ligand spectra not limited by the size of the protein • Protein usually more structural details H H selective saturation i ±1 off-resonance on-resonance difference spectra Lukáš Zídek F9070 48/65 k,,,, = 0.2 s' Kd = koff/kon=0.01 Cp Ato(ligand) = 200 rad s"1 Ato(protein) = 200 rad s"1 R2(free ligand) = 2 s"1 R2(bound ligand) = 10 s"1 R2(free protein) = 10 s"1 R2(bound protein) = 10 s"1 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 CL/Cp free ligand Titration with ligand aliquots of cL = 0.5 cP: 1 1 1 1 JL JL. JU JU 1 X-k. 1 free protein <□► 4 ^ > 4 = t 4 = > = ^0 Q, O Lukáš Žídek F9070 49/65 k = 0.5 x 103s1 k= 1.0x 10V i— -3 kHz 0 k = 2.5x 103s~1 k = 3.5x 103s1 k = 6.3x103s~1 —i +3 kHz Q/2% reproduced from M. H. Levitt: Spin Dynamics k = 6.3 x 103s1 k= 10 x 103s1 k = 20x 103s1 k = 30 x 103s1 A k = 50x 103s1 i-1-1 -3 kHz 0 +3 kHz £1/2% Lukáš Žídek F9070 50/65 ion experiments 1H 2H _LL1 I I SPINLOCK II I y 41 11 n 1 o2 A. ■ A. WALTZ-16 1 II I WALTZ-1S 1 91 g2 g2 g3 g4 g5 g5 g6 g7 g8 g8 Lukáš Zídek F9070 <□► 4 ^ > 4 = t 4 = > = ^0 o, O 51/65 Interacting molecules: • Receiver domain of plant sensory histidine kinase CKI1 (from Arabidopsis thaliana) Mg 2+ ions fosmotic stress _' cytokinin AHK1 cytokinin cytc A-fAAAAAAAAAAl.44jlÍAAAAAAAAAAAWA4AiAAAAA!-A-U4AiAAlAAj aIaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'IAAAAA \ |AHK3 / AHK4 f aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaiaJaIaaj Jit II cytoplasm AHP1-6 O—O o—o o—o o—o o—o 0—0 o—o o—o endoplasmic reticulum . ethylene — ethylene ooo^oo •o ^ mo- LI nucleus v AHHo-y, 15-1/ ^^Vcj AAAAAAAAAAAAAlMAJAyAAAAAAl^AlMAAAAAAAAAA • - % Tilt target proteins Oj jjO n target proteins EIRS1 ARR1,2,10-14,18-21 Pekařova et al., Plant J. 67 (2011) 827 Otrusinova et al., J. Biol. Chem. 292 (2018) 17525 Lukáš Zídek F9070 52/65 Lukáš Žídek F9070 53/65 0.4 0.3 : Q. Q. OvJ OvJ I to LO OJ + OJ Z to 0.2 F 0.1 ŕ- 0.0 : Free + Mg2+ ^ Bound -j-1-1-1-1-r- -1-1-1-1-j-1-1-1-1-r 3 8 ß -1-1-1-1-j-1-1-1-1-r —i-1-1-1-j— - ■ 0 10 20 30 cMg2+ / m M Kd = 0.43 ± 0.06mM (data for Q92) Lukáš Žídek F9070 54/65 Lukáš Žídek F9070 55/65 Interacting molecules: • Mouse major urinary protein I o male pheromone 2-sec-butyl-4,5-dihydrothiazole (estrus synchrony and puberty acceleration in females) Zidek et al., Biochemistry 38 (1999) 9850 Lukáš Žídek F9070 57/65 i 1 I a t-H i s • ř 1.00 — ■ \ T t -A- f -A— 0.80 \ t t » f i r v I # 0.60 m » 'A 0,40 M 0.20 f 1 t t * > / v i 0.00 i t r -f- i i 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 Molar ratio of added pheromone to total protein stoichiometry = 1.0 ± 0.1 /xM Too strong for NMR Determined by equilibrium diffusion/gas chromatography ft 1 O I ft o 0.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 [free pheromone] (pM) 4.00 Kd = 1.3±0.1/iM Lukáš Žídek F9070 59/65 MUPI.pdb Lukáš Žídek F9070 60/65 Lukáš Žídek F9070 61/65 OE A B D 13C.1H<__>1H.12C .í ♦ pi 8a$ 9a/b r * 5« n t 4$ # 4*' ° B o £X -n o .y x: U U CM O ffi cm Figure 7: Representative strips from 13C Fl-filtered, F3-edited NOESY—HSQC spectra of free (right strips) and 2-^c-butyl-4,5-dihydrothiazole-complexed (left strips) rMUP-L The strips were taken from the 3D spectra at chemical shift values corresponding to (A) Leu 40<5i, (B) Leu 105du (C) Tyr 120e2, and (D) Tyr 84(32. The NOE cross-peaks are labeled with the corresponding ligand proton numbers. Lukáš Žídek F9070 62/65 OE Table 3: Intermolecular NOEs between 2-sec-Butyl-4,5-dihydrothiazole and MUP-P ligand dihydrothiazole sec-butyl chain protons^ ring protons^ protein 9a/b 8a 8b 7a 7b 7a77b' 5 5' 4 4' Leu 42Ó1 wc x x m x md Leu 42Ó2 m s m Ala 103/3 vsd wc wc x x Leu 54ói X wc x m' m Leu 54ó2 X wc sd x x x Tyr 120e2 m m Phe 90Ó2 m wc Phe 90e2 m Phe 56e2 w md m Phe 56£ m wc m md md Leu 105ói x x x x w m m w Leu 40ói x x m m s s Val 82y! x x x x x x m m Met 69e x x x x x x s w w m Tyr 84Ó2 m wc a Strength of the NOEs is expressed in a semiquantitative manner (vs, very strong; s, strong; m, medium; w, weak; and x, obscured by background). b The symbols a and b in the proton labels refer to individual sec-butyl spin systems and diastereotopic protons are distinguished with a prime as indicated in Figure 6B. c Possible weak signal obscured by a close intense NOE peak. d Medium or intense peaks close to an area of high background. •<[fj1^ < ^ > ^ ^0 Q, O Lukáš Žídek F9070 63/65 Lukáš Žídek F9070 64/65 <□► 4 ^ > 4 = t 4 = > = ^0 Q, O Lukáš Zídek F9070 65/65