AGN 2 AGN at different scales from 1 Mpc to 10-4 pc at different scales 1 Mpc to 10-4 pc AGN at different scales from 1 Mpc to 10-4 pc AGN-1: HR-2007 AGN at different scales from 1 Mpc to 10-4 pc AGN at different scales from 1 Mpc to 10-4 pc AGN at different scales from 1 Mpc to 10-4 pc AGN-1: HR-2007 p. 56 Accretion disk • Geometrically thin, optically thick accretion disks • Inflow due to viscosity, but: • must be turbulent viscosity, proportional to lturb vturb • Geometrically thick optically thin models, where radiation is advected into the black hole (radiative efficiency is small) Formation of jets Jets • Not well understood • Emitted from axis of rotation • Acceleration through magnetic fields • Acceleration of charged particles from strong magnetic fields and radiation pressure • Synchrotron Radiation – Produces radiation at all wavelengths especially at Radio wavelengths • Possible source of Ultra high energy cosmic rays and neutrinos Superluminal motions These projection effects explain: § the apparent superluminal motion § the asymmetry between the two jets, also the flux of the approaching and receding components are affected by projection (Doppler Boosting) These are among the methods used to find out the orientation of a source Superluminal motions JETTO COUNTER JET RATIOS: BOOSTING & DE-BOOSTING How to make sense of this ZOO of AGN??? How can we bring all of these types of AGN into a (single) framework? •The observed differences might be due to: – Orientation –Time evolution – Black hole mass – Black hole spin – Availability of fuel – Interaction ambient medium Unification 1 •Radio observations: Radio loud/quiet Physics: BH mass + accretion mode(?) •Spectroscopy: Narrow-line/broad-line/featureless Physics: orientation •Optical Images: dominance of AGN over the galaxy Physics: degree of central activity: BH mass + Food The Unified Model of AGNs • Radio galaxies, quasars, blazars, Seyferts, etc. are the same type of object with different accretion modes viewed from different angles. • Centre of a galaxy is a black hole surrounded by an accretion disk, clouds of gas and a dusty torus. • The energy output comes from accretion of material onto the black hole. black hole St Mary’s The standard model of AGN Components: • Accretion disk: r ~ 10−3 pc, n ~ 1015 cm−3, v ~ 0.3c • Broad Line Region (BLR): r ~ 0.01 − 0.1 pc, n ~ 1010 cm−3, v ~ few x 103 km s−1 •Torus: r ~ 1 − 100 pc, n ~ 103 − 106 cm−3 • Narrow Line Region (NLR): r ~ 100−1000 pc, n ~ 103 − 106 cm−3, v ~ few x 100 km s−1 Model for the central region of an active galaxy.A super-massive black hole in the center of the galaxy is surrounded by an accretion disk of infalling material. If conditions are right, the galaxy may also possess a magnetically-confined jet which could be the source of radio emission. Effects of the orientation to AGN Support for unification: hidden emission lines Some Sy2s show broad lines in polarized light Hot electrons scatter photons from the BLR near the nucleus to the observer. Dust torus shield direct line-of-sight to the nucleus Hence, Sy2 look a bit like Sy1 in polarized light Support for unification: hidden emission lines Scattered photons Support for unification: hidden emission lines Support for unification: ionization cones The ultraviolet emission comes from the accretion disk, lighting up a cone of glowing gas in the galaxy to the left. Only the cone of ultraviolet light can escape from the cavity in the accretion disk where the black hole lies; in other directions, the light is absorbed by the disk. (From STScI, modified by G. Rieke) (Veilleux, Goodrich & Hill 1997) 25% of Sy2s show some broad component in the IR There are searches for broad-recombination lines in the near-IR spectrum of Sy 2s, where the extinction affects the emitted spectrum less. λ (µm) Support for unification: broad IR lines Support for unification: IR and NH excess (Risaliti et al. 1999) The column of neutral H that absorbs the soft Xrays emitted by the nucleus is associated with the dust in the molecular torus, and thus provides a rough estimate of the dust content and the attenuation this provides. Sy2s have the largest absorption columns: The medium is Compton thick, so that X-rays are suppressed below 10 keV Sy 2s also have colder IR colours than Sy1s: Explained if the torus is partially thick at mid-IR wavelengths. (Pérez-García et al. 1998): TSy2=112 – 136 K TSy1≈ 150 K Support for unification: direct imaging of torus? General Summary • AGN come in many forms and shapes. However, some of their properties cross AGN-type “boundaries” •This has led to a “Standard Model” of AGN - In the centre of the AGN host is a black hole surrounded by an accretion disk, clouds of gas and a dusty torus, from which (sometimes) a jet emanates. • AGN types are the results of mostly their orientation but also different physical circumstances (why a jet?) Galactic bulges and black holes grow up together MBH=0.78x108MSun(LB,bulge/1010LB,Sun)1.08 MBH=1.66x108MSun(σ/200kms-1)4.86 AGN Warm Absorbers NGC 3783 Blustin et al. 2002 AGN ULTRA-FAST OUTFLOWS PDS 456 Nardini et al. 2015 11 12 13 14 15 Log(halo mass) [MO•] 0.001 0.010 0.100 Stellarmass/halomass(average) 0.6% 6% 60% Baryontostarsconversionefficiency Mstellar~2×1010 MO• Star formation feedback AGN impact No feedback SF feedback (no AGN) SF+AGN (fiducial model) Semi-empirical relationship (Moster+13) 11 12 13 14 15 0.001 0.010 0.100 by Robert Gendler NASA, ESA, Hubble Heritage (STScI/AURA) NASA/CXC/A.Hobart M87 / Virgo NGC1275 / Perseus Hydra A MS0735.6+7421 AGN feedback cavities: radio bright; X-ray faint shocks: high temperature; high pressure filaments: X-ray bright; low temperature; metal rich Million et al. 2010 PRESSURE (nkT) MAP IMPLICATIONS OF EARLY METAL ENRICHMENT • all massive clusters should show a similar, uniform level of enrichment at 1/3 of the Solar metallicity. • galactic winds during the period of peak star formation and AGN activity probably played an important role in getting the metals out of the galaxies early on (z~2) • many type Ia supernovae (SNIa), which are the main sources of Fe, must have exploded shortly after the epoch of peak star-formation.This is consistent with recent findings based on SNIa delay time distributions (Maoz et al. 2012). • this scenario predicts that the warm-hot intergalactic medium in large-scale structure filaments connecting to massive clusters is also metal-rich, and can be detected in lineemission with future high-grasp, high-spectral resolution missions. • if the material currently falling into massive clusters is iron-rich, iron nuclei are likely to be accelerated as they pass through the accretion shocks, providing an important source of the highest energy cosmic rays. PRESSURE MAP: SPHERICAL SHOCKS Million et al. 2010 50 100 150 200 250 350 ENTROPY (kT/n2/3) MAP Million et al. 2010 Buoyantly rising relativistic plasma • 6-9x108 Msun of gas in arms • similar to total gas mass within 3.8 kpc radius • galaxy stripped of its lowest entropy gas • AGN feedback in action, preventing star formation 200 400 60 10.0 05.0 12:31:00.0 55.0 50.0 45.0 30:40.0 35.0 26:00.0 25:00.0 24:00.0 23:00.0 22:00.0 21:00.0 12:20:00.0 19:00.0 18:00.0 10 kpc Werner et al. 2010 GAS UPLIFT OUTBURSTS NEAR AND FAR 200 kpc X-ray: NASA/CXC/Univ.Waterloo/B.McNamara; Optical: NASA/ESA/STScI/Univ.Waterloo/B.McNamara; Radio: NRAO/Ohio Univ./L.Birzan et al. X-ray: NASA/CXC/Univ.Waterloo/B.McNamara; Optical: NASA/ESA/STScI/Univ.Waterloo/B.McNamara; Radio: NRAO/Ohio Univ./L.Birzan et al. Hitomi FWHM 4.9 eV CCD FWHM ~120 eV First Hitomi (ASTRO-H) Observation Resolved X-ray spectrum of the core of Perseus cluster [on behalf of Astro-H collaboration, Takahashi+16, Nature, submitted] Velocity broadening for gas motions on small spatial scales we expect significant line-of-sight velocity dispersion σ, resulting in line broadening, but no centroid shifts if the spatial scale of motions is large, then we expect significant centroid shifts Turbulent and bulk motions First DirectVelocity Measurements line broadening [On behalf of the Hitomi collaboration, PASJ 2018] [km/s] Eturb/Etherm ~ 2–6%