Waves and instabilities Starting from the simplest Jiˇr´ı Krtiˇcka Masaryk University Sound waves Sound waves Let us assume that the hydrodynamical equations ∂ρ ∂t + ∇ · (ρv) = 0, ρ ∂v ∂t + ρv · ∇v = −∇p + ρg, have static solution ρ0 = const. with g = 0. 1 Sound waves Let us search for a small perturbation δρ ≪ ρ0 of the static solution in a form of ρ = ρ0 + δρ and v = δv, which fullfills the hydrodynamical equations: ∂(ρ0 + δρ) ∂t + ∇ · ((ρ0 + δρ)δv) = 0, (ρ0 + δρ) ∂δv ∂t + (ρ0 + δρ)δv · ∇δv = −∇(p0 + δp). Neglecting second-order terms we derive ∂δρ ∂t + ρ0∇ · δv = 0, ρ0 ∂δv ∂t + ∇δp = 0. Derivating the first equation with respect to t, inserting from the second one and rewritting δp = dp dρ δρ ≡ a2 δρ we arrive at the wave equation ∂2 δρ ∂t2 − a2 ∇2 δρ = 0. 2 The sound speed The constant in the wave equation is the sound speed: a = dp dρ . For isothermal perturbations we derive from the perfect gas equation of state a = dp dρ = dp dρ T = kT µmH , where µ is the mean molecular weight and mH is the mass of hydrogen atom. For fully ionized hydrogen µ = 1 2 and a = 2kT/(mH). For adiabatic perturbations we have a = dp dρ = dp dρ S = κkT µmH , where κ is the specific heat ratio. For fully ionized hydrogen a = 10kT/(5mH). 3 Sound waves revisited: acoustic cutoff Let us again study the sound waves in an atmosphere, but this time the atmosphere is statified in a homogeneous gravitational field directioned along the z axis with g as gravity acceleration. Corresponding hydrodynamical equations are ∂ρ ∂t + ∂ ∂z (ρv) = 0, ∂v ∂t + v ∂v ∂z = − 1 ρ ∂p ∂z + g, In an isothermal atmosphere p = a2 ρ. The static density distribution follows the barometric law ρ0 ∼ e−z/H with the density scale-height is H = a2 /g. Again, we shall consider small perturbations of the stationary solution in the form of ρ = ρ0 + δρ and v = δv. However, this time we will assume that the wavelength of perturbations can be comparable with H. Therefore, we shall also take care of vertical derivative of the density. 4 Sound waves revisited: the dispersion relation Assuming for simplicity just the vertical variations gives δ ˙ρ + ρ0δv′ − ρ0δv H = 0, ρ0δ ˙v = −a2 δρ′ − gδρ. Derivating the Euler equation with respect to time and inserting from the continuity equation (twice) gives δ¨v = a2 δv′′ + gδv′ . For g = 0 we recover the ordinary sound waves. Inserting the harmonic waves δv ∼ ei(ωt−kz) gives the dispersion relation ω2 − a2 k2 + igk = 0. 5 Acoustic cutoff frequency The dispersion relation shall be solved assuming ω ∈ R and k ∈ C. Setting the imaginary part of the dispersion relation to zero gives Im(k) = g 2a2 = 1 2H . The real part of the dispersion relation now requires ω2 − a2 Re2 (k) − ω2 a = 0, where ωa = a/(2H) is the accoustic cutoff frequency. For Earth’s atmosphere 2π/ωa ≈ 7 min. Inserting this in the expression for δv gives δv ∼ e z 2H . Therefore, the velocity perturbation grows with height eventually steepening into the shock. This contributes to the heating of the upper atmosphere. Moreover, from the real part of the dispersion relation follows that waves can propagate vertically only for ω > ωa. 6 Characteristics of differential equations Characteristic direction Let us assume that f = f (x, y). Then a linear combination afx + bfy (where fx = ∂f /∂x) is a directional derivative of f along the direction dx : dy = a : b. If (x(σ), y(σ)) is a curve parameterized by σ, xσ : yσ = a : b, then afx + bfy is a directional derivative along the curve. Let us consider system of 2 equations for two functions u(x, y), v(x, y): L1 ≡ A11ux + B11uy + A12vx + B12vy + C1 = 0, L2 ≡ A21ux + B21uy + A22vx + B22vy + C2 = 0. We ask for a linear combination L = λ1L1 + λ2L2 so that in the differential expression L the derivatives of u and v combine to derivatives in the same direction. Such direction is characteristic. 7 Characteristic relations Suppose that the characteristic direction is given by the above ratio xσ : yσ. Then the condition that u and v are differentiated in L in the same direction is λ1A11 +λ2A21 : λ1B11 +λ2B21 = λ1A12 +λ2A22 : λ1B12 +λ2B22 = xσ : yσ. This gives the system of equations for λ1 and λ2 ˆM λ1 λ2 = 0, where ˆM = A11yσ − B11xσ A21yσ − B21xσ A12yσ − B12xσ A22yσ − B22xσ leading to characteristic relations. The system has a non-trivial solution if det ˆM = 0. This gives equation in a form of ay2 σ − 2bxσyσ + cx2 σ = 0. For ac − b2 > 0, this cannot be satisfied by any direction. Such equations are called elliptic. For ac − b2 < 0 we have two characteristic directions. Such systems are called hyperbolic. There are two sets of equations dy dx = ξ+ and dy dx = ξ− defining two sets of characteristics C+ and C−. 8 Characteristic relations for 1D flow For 1D flow ρ = ρ(x, t) ≡ u and v = v(x, t) the corresponding system is L1 ≡ ρt + vρx + ρvx = 0, L2 ≡ vt + v vx + a2 ρ ρx = 0. This gives (t ≡ y) ˆM = vtσ − xσ a2 ρ tσ ρtσ vtσ − xσ . From det ˆM = 0 the characteristic relation is (vtσ − xσ)2 − a2 t2 σ = 0, or (v ± a)tσ = xσ. The characteristics correspond to sound waves. 9 Characteristic relations for 1D flow The relation between λ1 and λ2 can be derived, e.g., from the first equation of the system ˆMλ = 0 (vtσ − xσ)λ1 + a2 ρ tσλ2 = 0, which, after insterting the characteristic relation, simplifies to λ1 = ± a ρ λ2. Therefore, the linear combination of hydrodynamical equations is L = λ1L1 + λ2L2 = a ρ [±ρt + (a ± v)ρx ] + vt + (v ± a)vx = 0, where we further selected λ2 = 1. As we can see, ρ and v are differentiated in the same direction. 10 Transformation to ordinary differential equation Because ρσ = ρttσ + ρxxσ = [ρt + (v ± a)ρx ] tσ from the characteristic relation, by doing the linear combination we have transformed the original system of partial differential equations to a system of ordinary differential equation with new variables α ≡ σ (for + root) and β ≡ σ (for − root) a ρ ρα + vα = 0, − a ρ ρβ + vβ = 0, 11 Domain of dependence The solution of hydrodynamical equations define two sets of characteristics (v ± a)tσ = xσ. Let us assume that the initial conditions are given on curve J . There are two characteristics that go throught a selected point P. The line AB intercepted by the two characteristics is called domain of dependence of P. This can be utilized for a numerical integration. 12 Range of influence The solution of hydrodynamical equations define two sets of characteristics (v ± a)tσ = xσ. Let us assume that the initial conditions are given on curve J . The range of influence of a point Q is the totality of points which are influenced by the initial data at the point Q. The range of influence of the point Q consists of all points P whose domain of dependence contains Q. The range of influence of influence is defined by two characteristic drawn through Q. 13 Expansion of a gas: withdrawing piston Let us study a tube filled with a gas bounded by a piston withdrawing subsonically. The piston starts at O and recedes towards left causing an expansion of the gas. The gas adjanced to a piston moves with the same velocity as the piston. Only one set of characteristics drawn from piston propagates into the flow. The flow in a zone I is not influenced by a moving piston. The flow in a zone II is a rarefaction wave. 14 Compression of a gas: advancing piston Let us study a tube filled with a gas bounded by a piston advancing subsonically. The piston starts at O and moves towards righ causing an compression of the gas. The gas adjanced to a piston moves with the same velocity as the piston. Only one set of characteristics drawn from piston propagates into the flow. The flow in a zone I is not influenced by a moving piston. Intersecting characteristic form an envelope. The solution is not unique at the intersection. This leads to a formation of a shock wave. 15 Characteristics of more than two equations We consider n differential equations Li ≡ Aij ∂uj ∂x + Bij ∂uj ∂y + Cj , i = 1, · · · , n. We ask for a linear combination L = λi Li so that in the differential expression L the derivatives of uj combine to derivatives in the same direction. This gives the conditions λi Aij : λi Bij = xσ : yσ, j = 1, · · · , n, or λi (Aij yσ − Bij xσ) = 0, j = 1, · · · , n. This system has a non-trivial solution if det |Aij yσ − Bij xσ| = 0. 16 Application: Charactersistics including the energy equation For isentropic 1D flow ρ = ρ(x, t) ≡ u1 , v = v(x, t) ≡ u2 , and s = s(x, t) ≡ u3 the corresponding system of equations is L1 ≡ ρt + vρx + ρvx = 0, L2 ≡ vt + v vx + a2 ρ ρx = 0, L3 ≡ st + vsx = 0. ˆM =    vtσ − xσ a2 ρ tσ 0 ρtσ vtσ − xσ 0 0 0 vtσ − xσ    . From det ˆM = 0 the first two characteristic relations are the same as without energy equation (v ± a)tσ = xσ, vtσ = xσ. This corresponds to sound waves propagating at the sound speed and entropy wave propagating at zero speed (with respect to the flow). 17 Gravity waves Gravity waves We will study the propagation of waves in an atmosphere, which is in hydrostatic equilibrium given by external gravitational field. We will study the movement of a blob with density ρ in hydrostatic equilibrium with outside medium with density ρ0(ξ). We will assume the density gradient in the atmosphere dρ dz at and neglect the heat exchange between the blob and the atmosphere: the processes are adiabatic. The equation of motion including the buoyancy is: ρ d2 ξ dt2 = −g(ρ − ρ0). 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 0 ρ ξ 0 g 000000000000000 00000000000000000000 111111111111111 11111111111111111111 ρ 18 Gravity waves In the equation of motion, ρ d2 ξ dt2 = −g(ρ − ρ0), we shall use the Taylor expansion to derive the buoyancy term, ρ0(ξ) = ρ0(0) + dρ dz at ξ, ρ(ξ) = ρ(0) + dρ dz ad ξ. Because the blob is initially in equilibrium, ρ0(0) = ρ(0), the equation of motion d2 ξ dt2 = −ω2 BVξ describes an oscillatory motion, so-called gravity waves. The frequency of oscillations, ω2 BV = g ρ dρ dz ad − dρ dz at is the Brunt-V¨ais¨al¨a frequency. 19 Gravity waves: the case of ω2 BV > 0 For dρ dz ad > dρ dz at , i.e., for dρ dz ad < dρ dz at we have ω2 BV > 0. The initial perturbation results in oscillations ξ(t) = ξ0e±i|ωBV|t . Gravity waves in Earth’s atmosphere: 20 Gravity waves: the case of ω2 BV > 0: Earth’s atmosphere 21 Gravity waves: the case of ω2 BV > 0: Earth’s atmosphere 22 Gravity waves: solar differential rotation Angular velocity as a function of radius in the Sun from accoustic modes in heliseismic observations (Turck-Chi´eze). The lack of differential rotation in the radiative zone is due to angular momentum transport by gravity waves (Charbonnel & Talon 2005). 23 Gravity waves: the case of ω2 BV < 0 For dρ dz ad < dρ dz at , i.e., for dρ dz ad > dρ dz at we have ω2 BV < 0. The initial perturbation results in instability ξ(t) = ξ0e±|ωBV|t . The instability leads to convection. 24 Schwarzschild stability criterion The stability criterion can be recast in another intuitive form. From the ideal gas equation of state, dρ dz at = ρ p dp dz at − ρ T dT dz at . The convective plumes are in hydrostatic equilibrium with the sorrounding environment meaning that dp dz at ≡ dp dz ad = γ p ρ dρ dz ad . Therefore, the stability criterion is (1 − γ) dρ dz ad > − ρ T dT dz at . From the adiabatic equation follows that (dρ/dz)ad = = 1/ (γ − 1) ρ/T (dT/dz)ad, which yields dT dz ad < dT dz at , which is Schwarzschild stability criterion. 25 Temperature distribution in a convective atmosphere The convective motions are typically slower than the sound waves maintaining the hydrostatic equilibrium, therefore one can use dp dz = −ρg to determine the temperature gradient. The pressure is p = a2 ρ = kTρ/µ, which gives dT dr + T ρ dρ dr = − µg k . The adiabatic equation Tρ1−γ = const. gives T ρ dρ dr = 1 γ − 1 dT dr , which yields for the temperature gradient dT dr = − γ − 1 γ µg k . This predicts the temperature gradient of −10 Kkm−1 for the atmosphere of our Earth and about 5 × 106 K R−1 ⊙ for the envelope of Sun. 26 Simulation of convection 27 Solar granulation 28 Kelvin-Helmholtz & Rayleigh-Taylor K-H & R-T instabilities: the initial setup Consider a shear flow with velocity V1 and density ρ1 in the upper half plane and V2 and ρ2 in the lower half plane. We expect instability would occur within crossing time scale of the flow over the characteristic length scale. The surplus kinetic and potential energies proportional to (V2 − V1)2 and ρ1 − ρ2 are the energy sources of turbulence. The hydrodynamical equations are ∂ρ ∂t + div(ρv) = 0, ρ ∂v ∂t +ρv·∇v−ρg = −∇p = −a2 ∇ρ. We will assume an initial state with v = (V (y), 0, 0) and ρ = ρ0(y). V1 V2 y x 2 1 ρ ρ g 29 K-H & R-T instabilities: perturbing the initial state We will assume the perturbed quantities in the form of v = (V (y) + δ˜vx , δ˜vy , 0) and ρ = ρ0(y) + δ˜ρ, where δ˜vx, y ≪ V (y) and δ˜ρ ≪ ρ0. The perturbations are assumed to obey harmonical expansion δ˜vx,y = δvx,y (y) exp(ikx + iωt), δ˜ρ = δρ(y) exp(ikx + iωt). Therefore, we shall substitute ∂/∂t → iω and ∇ → (ik, ∂/∂y, 0). The linearized hydrodynamical equations are ∂ρ ∂t + div(ρv) = 0 → ωδρ + Vkδρ + ρ0kδvx − iρ0δv′ y = 0, ρ ∂vx ∂t +ρvi ∂vx ∂xi = −a2 ∂ρ ∂x → ρ0ωδvx +ρ0Vkδvx −iρ0δvy V ′ = −a2 kδρ, ρ ∂vy ∂t +ρvi ∂vy ∂xi = −a2 ∂ρ ∂y −ρg → ρ0ωδvy +ρ0Vkδvy = ia2 δρ′ +iδρg, where prime (′ ) denotes d/dy. 30 K-H & R-T instabilities: solving for perturbations Solving the second equation for δvx , inserting to the first one and solving for δρ, and inserting the final relation to the last equation we derive (denoting ωd = ω + kV ) ρ0ωdδvy = a2 −ρ0δv′ y ωd + ρ0kV ′ δvy ω2 d − k2a2 ′ + g −ρ0δv′ y ωd + ρ0kV ′ δvy ω2 d − k2a2 . For relatively slow flow (V ≪ a) we can assume a → ∞ (incompresible flow) and the dispersion relation becomes ρ0ωdδv′ y − ρ0kV ′ δvy ′ − ρ0ωdk2 δvy = 0. 31 K-H & R-T instabilities: back to the original problem For an assumed velocity and density profile profile V (y) = V1, for y > 0, V2, for y < 0, ρ0(y) = ρ1, for y > 0, ρ2, for y < 0, in each half-space. We have the dispersion relation δv′′ y − k2 δvy = 0 that has the solution (assuming δvy → 0 for y → ∞) δvy ∼ exp(−ky), for y > 0, exp(ky), for y < 0. The displacement δy at the boundary should be continuous, consequently Dδy Dt = ∂ ∂t + V ∂ ∂x δy = δvy and therefore δvy /(ω + kV ) shoud be continuous. The solution becomes δvy ∼ (ω + kV1) exp(−ky), for y > 0, (ω + kV2) exp(ky), for y < 0. 32 Kelvin-Helmholtz instability We assume constant density, no gravitational field, and velocity shear V (y) = V1, for y > 0, V2, for y < 0. From the requirement that the left-hand side of the dispersion relation ρ0ωdδv′ y − ρ0kV ′ δvy ′ = ρ0ωdk2 δvy should be continuous at the boundary we have ρ0ωdδv′ y 1 = ρ0ωdδv′ y 2 , which, after substitution of ωd and δv′ y gives the dispersion relation (ω + kV1)2 + (ω + kV2)2 = 0. Solving for ω gives instability for V1 = V2: ω = − 1 2 k(V1 + V2) ± 1 2 ik(V1 − V2). 33 Kelvin-Helmholtz instability: going nonlinear 34 Kelvin-Helmholtz instability: Earth’s atmosphere 35 Kelvin-Helmholtz instability: Earth’s atmosphere 36 Kelvin-Helmholtz instability: Solar prominence 37 Kelvin-Helmholtz instability: Atmosphere of Saturn 38 Rayleigh-Taylor instability We assume zero velocity V (y) and the density ρ0(y) = ρ1, for y > 0, ρ2, for y < 0. From the requirement that the left-hand side of the dispersion relation (assuming ω ≫ k2 a2 ) ρ0ω2 δvy + gρ0δv′ y = a2 −ρ0δv′ y ωd ′ should be continuous at the boundary we have ρ0ω2 δvy + gρ0δv′ y 1 = ρ0ω2 δvy + gρ0δv′ y 2 . Inserting the solution δvy ∼ exp(±ky) gives the dispersion relation ω2 = gk ρ2 − ρ1 ρ2 + ρ1 . The flow is stable (ω2 > 0) for ρ2 > ρ1, while for ρ2 < ρ1 the Rayleigh-Taylor instability appears. 39 Fingers of Rayleigh-Taylor instability Figures show the developement of the finger typical for Rayleigh-Taylor instability. The instability is stabilized by the surface tension for large wavenumbers (Chandrasekhar). Figure shows also Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities on the boundary of finger. 40 Visualisation of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability 41 Crab nebula 42 Crab nebula structure due to Rayleigh-Taylor instability While the supernova nebula becomes flat, the swept-up, accelerating shell is subject to the Rayleigh–Taylor instability (Kulsrud et al. 1965, Chevalier & Gull 1975, Blondin & Chevalier 2017). 43 Suggested reading S. Chandrasekhar: Hydrodynamic and Hydromagnetic Stability R. Courant & K. O. Friedrichs: Supersonic Flow and Shock Waves A. Feldmeier: Theoretical Fluid Dynamics A. Maeder: Physics, Formation and Evolution of Rotating Stars D. Mihalas & B. W. Mihalas: Foundations of Radiation Hydrodynamics F. H. Shu: The physics of astrophysics: II. Hydrodynamics T. Tajima & K. Shibata: Plasma astrophysics L. C. Woods: Physics of Plasmas 44