Chemical methods in geology 3. Practical field hydrogeochemistry Tento učební materiál vznikl v rámci projektu Rozvoj doktorského studia chemie č. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_018/0002593 Principles of good practice • How to approach the utilization of geochemical properties of water? • How do we get quality data? • How should we proceed? • What to watch out for? • Rules of good practice. Introduction • The use of geochemical data in hydrogeology usually requires thoughtful sampling and analysis. • The key is to keep in mind the goal of the measurement – For some studies, basic parameters are sufficient, while others require a broad analytical approach • If you are not sure about anything – the type of sample container, the amount of sample, etc. – consult with the laboratory. Field measurements • Properties that can easily change during transport and storage • Temperature – Thermodynamic considerations, equilibria, speciation – EC and pH calibration – Usually directly via conductometer or a pH meter – The value is drifting (tempering of the devices) Specific conductivity (conductivity) • Property of a solution – a measure of the ability to conduct an electric current • SI unit is siemens per meter (S/m) – In hydrogeology commonly μS/cm • Conductivity is proportional to the content of dissolved ions in the solution – Water purity monitoring • Deionized water 0.055 μS/cm • Drinking water 50-500 μS/cm • Sea water 50000 μS/cm – Simple estimation of total dissolved solids (TDS) • Basis for further sampling and analyses Specific conductivity (conductivity) • It is measured by determining the resistance of the solution between two electrodes at a known (and fixed) distance • Alternating current (to avoid electrolysis) • Conductometer – A very diverse group of devices – With fixed or exchangeable probe – Necessary maintenance – especially cleaning the electrode from deposits (calcite, dirt, bacteria…) – Easy storage, long battery life of basic devices – Choose types with automatic temperature compensation! (The water in wells is cold :-)) • Induction is also used for industrial applications… pH • One of the most important parameters – Measuring requires patience and diligence • Necessary calibration using buffers – For groundwater, a two-point calibration is usually sufficient (pH 7 and 4 or 7 and 10) • Glass electrodes – potentiometry • The use of two separate electrodes (glass + reference) is extremely impractical • Combined electrode • Contains both electrodes in one body • Reference el. of a known potential to a hydrogen electrode • Glass measuring electrode • The circuit is closed using a junction/diaphragm (ceramic, Pt) – reference electrode / measured solution • The trend of miniaturization of the glass part, plastic bodies, gel fillings Measurement pH meters pH calibration – buffers direct measurement of E – Zobell's solution Combined pH electrode Combined electrode pH-electrodes Wear and tear Compatibility Calibration • For the most accurate measurement possible: • Correct electrode storage (see manuals) • Replace on time – monitor the quality of electrode calibration • Rinse the electrode between measurements • Gentle movement of the electrode in the solution (prevents development of potentials on the electrode) • For some types of water (little buffered, low TDS, low alkalinity...) the measured value can drift • For water degassing CO2 or with low redox (red. Fe and S) it is advisable to avoid contact with air (e.g. using flow cells) pH meters Redox potential • Electrode measures potential (electromotive force) • No calibration – Checking the correctness of the measurement against a solution with a fixed Eh (e.g. Zobell's solution) Redox potential • When measuring: – Gentle movement of the electrode in the solution (prevents the development of static voltage on the electrode) – Wait a few minutes for stabilization – If the readings fall and then start to rise, there is O2 contamination from the atmosphere – record the lowest value reached Redox potential • Correcting the measured E to Eh : – Add the standard electrode potential to the measured value – Standard potentials of argent-chloride electrodes: Redox potential • Determination problems – Volatile values an long settling – Clean the electrode (soapy water and a soft brush) – Soaking in the preservation solution – Measurement in a sealed container (constant solution concentration) Ion Selective Electrodes (ISE) • Membrane potentials – solid/liquid membrane • Direct quantitative determination according to the Nernst equation – calibration line • For anions: F−, Cl−, NO3 −, SO4 2−, PO4 3−… • Metals: Ca, Ag, Pb, Cd, Na, K... • Alkali metals – membranes contain molecular cavities with the exact dimensions of the given element • Degradation of electrodes (relatively limited lifetime) – more intensive than for pH and ORP • Typically for frequent measurements of e.g. nitrates or sodium (measurement of water quality, spread of pollution, passage of contamination cloud, etc.) Examples of measuring range: 0.1 to 14000 mg/L NO3 - 0.002 to 23000 mg/L Na+ 1.8 to 35500 mg/L Cl- 0.02 to 40100 mg/L Ca2+ Multimeters WTW marketers idea of using a multimeter ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Measurement of conductivity, temperature, pH, redox , oxygen, ISE Logger functions (data recording), direct connection with a PC Generally applies to all devices – the more functions, the greater the demand on the battery Simplicity could lead to pure perfection Less common properties • Radioactivity of water – Dissolved gases (Rn) – Activity [Bq] • Amount of dissolved oxygen – Oxidation-reduction properties – Biota – Electrochemically (electrodes) CHEMICAL ANALYSES Filtration • Water contains unsuitable particles (suspension) – Chemical interactions may occur – Filtration directly in the field – Syringe attachment (various sizes) – Most commonly 0.45 µm • Particles, clays, part of oxohydroxides Fe and Mn • Bacteria • Does not capture viruses and most organics (e.g. fulvic and humic acids) – For colloids up to 0.1 µm – Suction can cause degassing - forcing is better Major anions • Laboratory measurements • Gravimetric (sulphates), titration (nitrates), liquid chromatography, possibly also MS (sulfur) • Carbonates by titration (determination of alkalinity) • Direct field measurement – Briefcase sets – ISE – Portable photometers (Cl 0.01-10 mg/L, ammonia 0.01- 50 mg/L, NO3 − 0.2-133 mg/L) – Lower accuracy – suitable for orientation measurements, rapid development monitoring or routine measurements Samples for anion analysis • Usually 5 mL is enough for one analysis, better around 50 mL (repetition) • PE or PP bottles, rinse with sampled water, filter • Store in a cool and dark place – microbial activity (oxidation-reduction of sulphur), precipitation Sulfides and sulfates • H2S and HS− very soluble • They are formed under reducing conditions from sulfates • They oxidize quickly – even O2 diffusing through the plastic of the bottle – Necessary stabilization during sampling – precipitation as Zn and Cd sulfides • Distortion of sulfate content – it is necessary to separate also for the determination of SO4 2− Major cations + trace elements • Field determination via ISE (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+) • Today usually ICP-AES, ICP-MS, AES or AAS • Spectrophotometry (complexing cations) • High precision, small samples (limit ca. 25 mL) • Samples can be acidified – preventing precipitation of carbonates and oxides (typically small amounts of HNO3) – Keeps metals in solution • The acidified filtered sample is stored in a PP or PE bottle Sampling for isotopic analyses • δ18O and δ2H – Not subject to significant chemical and biochemical processes – can withstand long-term storage – High content in water – resistence to dilution and interaction (isotopic exchange) – A large air space above the water • Tightly closed bottle with minimal bubbles – depending on sample volume – No filtration, tightly sealed (due to evaporation), refrigeration recommended – Various methods (LRS; IRMS) • Tritium – Depending on the method, it may not require special sampling (LSC scintillation methods) Tento učební materiál vznikl v rámci projektu Rozvoj doktorského studia chemie č. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_018/0002593 Resources • Most pictures are public domain or taken from manufacturer‘s catalogues