JA001 Odborná angličtina - zkouška

Writing Test

The writing is done on the computer in the multimedia classrooms at Kotlářská in the same sitting as the test. 

You will write a formal email in response to a scenario. 

A successfully completed task means:

  • You have included the points outlined in the task specifications.
  • Your email corresponds to the conventions of the genre (salutation, title of address, polite language, paragraphs, sign-off).
  • You use routine language structures mostly accurately with some errors that don’t prevent understanding. You can link simple points into a linear sequence.
  • You structure your writing logically: there is an intro, e.g., why you are writing, the main body covering the required points in the task specifications, and a conclusion depending on the scenario, e.g., expressing your gratitude. 
  • You have written 80-120 words.

When composing your email, avoid using the exact words and phrases from the  instructions. Use your own words to convey the message.

You need at least 60 % to pass this test.