General Information about JA002
The JA002 exam draws on the B2 specifications of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). It shows that a successful candidate can use English in specialism-related settings, such as presenting a topic close to their professional interest(s), and participate in discussions related to their field.
The exam consists of several tasks which require you to apply both receptive and productive communication skills.
a. presentation abstract 15 %
b. presentation and a follow-up Q&A session 55 %Academic discussion on a topic related to your specialisation or university studies 30 %
You can achieve up to 100 points on the whole exam. Each part holds a different weight.
To pass, you need to gain at least 60 % in each part.
For the most part, the exam will take place in small groups at the Faculty of Science. Detailed information about the exact procedure for the exam will be communicated to you via email prior to your designated exam slot.
For more information about each exam part, go to the respective chapters in this syllabus.