JA002 Pokročilá odborná angličtina - zkouška

Presentation Abstract

This task sets out to assess your ability to succinctly summarise a longer work—in this case, your presentation—in order to inform your audience of its key ideas.

A successfully completed task

will be a relatable text which informs the reader of 

  • the context & objective of your topic (the description of the problem/research question and a possible solution);
  • methods (how you arrived at your solution or what you are doing to arrive at your objective),
  • and the result (a teaser of what the audience will learn if they attend your presentation).

Formal requirements

  • The word count is between 150 and 200 words.
  • The text is free of spelling mistakes (use a spell checker).

Make an effort to meet the formal requirements or you risk losing points.

Task instructions

Write a presentation abstract which will succinctly summarise the content of your presentation in a relatable and engaging way. 

Begin with general background information on your topic and then narrow down to the specifics. Clearly outline what the audience will gain from your presentation, highlighting the key takeaways.  

Avoid using overly specialised terminology. Remember, you're addressing an audience outside your specialism. Your abstract should make your presentation accessible to all.

This is not a paper abstract. Please do not submit your bachelor's or master's thesis abstracts if you've chosen your bachelor's or master's degree research as the topic of your presentation. Instead, focus on summarising what your presentation will cover and what the audience will learn. And remember that you need to set the stage first, so provide background information that the audience may relate to.

To clearly show what is expected of you in this task, watch the how-to video below.

Academic Integrity
Make sure that your writing is representative of your own ability. In other words, work on your abstract independently without any outside help. You are allowed to use dictionaries and spell checkers, but avoid using translation and generative AI tools.

The presentation abstract task is to be completed at home, not in the classroom. You will need to submit your work through this Interactive Syllabus. Specific submission instructions will be provided by your examiner in the exam slot description when the exam registration opens.

Please note that the homework vault (odevzdávárna) will become available at an announced time, closer to the submission deadline. 

Submit your abstract into your examiner's folder.

Domácí úkoly, sběr souborů.