TAMING THE INFINITE 1HAPTER 9 Height Parabolic trajectory oi a projectile 0.4 0.8 1,2 1.6 2 2a Time spurious, and were discarded; others provided very accurate model', of nature, and were retained and developed. From these early beginnings, the notion that we live in a 'clockwork universe', running according to rigid, unbreakable rules, emerged, despiic serious religious opposition, mainly from the Church of Rome, Newton's great discovery was that nature's patterns seem to manifest themselves not as regularities in certain quantities, but ■ relations among their derivatives. The laws of nature are written in the language of calculus; what matters are not the values of physical variables, but the rates at which they change. It was a profound insight, and it created a revolution, leading more or less directly to modem science, and changing our planet forever. Patterns in Nature irmulating laws of physics The main message in Newton's Prinripia was not the specific laws of nature that he discovered and used, but the idea that Mich laws exist - together with evidence that the way to model nature's laws mathematically is with differential equations. While England's mathematicians engaged in sterile vituperation over Leibniz's alleged (and totally fictitious) theft of Newton's ideas about calculus, the continental mathematicians were cashing in on Newton's great insight, making important inroads into celestial mechanics, elasticity, I laid dynamics, heat, light and sound - the core topics of mathematical physics. Many of the equations that they derived remain in use to this day, despite - or perhaps because of- the many advances in the physical sciences. Differentia! equations li> begin with, mathematicians concentrated on finding explicit lormulas for solutions of particular kinds of ordinary differential |i |uation. In a way this was unfortunate, because formulas of this type usually fail to exist, so attention became focused on equations that could be solved by a formula rather than equations that 162 163 1 TAMING THE INFINITE genuinely described nature. A good example is the differential equation for a pendulum, which takes the form d2fl dtJ + k2 sin 6=0 for a suitable constant k, where t is time and 8 is the angle at which the pendulum hangs, with 8 = 0 being vertically downwards, There is no solution of this equation in terms of classical functions (polynomial, exponential, trigonometric, logarithmic and so on), There does exist a solution using elliptic functions, invented morr than a century later. However, if it is assumed that the angle is small, so we are considering a pendulum making small oscillations, then sin 0 is approximately equal to 8, and the smaller 8 becomes the better this approximation is. So the differential equation can be replaced by &0 dt2 + k2 8 = 0 and now there is a formula for the solution, in general, 8 = A sin kt + B cos kt for constants A and B, determined by the initial position and angular velocity of the pendulum. This approach has some advantages: for instance, we can quickly deduce diat the period of die pendulum — the time taken to complete one swing - is 2ji/k.The main disadvantage is that the solution fails when 8 becomes sufficiently large (and here even 20° is large if wy a suitable exponential function. The analogy with harmonics in the wave equation is striking. But there each mode given by a pure sine function oscillates indefinitely without losing amplitude, whereas here each sinusoidal mode of the temperature distribution decays exponentially with time, and the higher modes decay more rapidly. The physical reason for the difference is that in the wave equation energy is conserved, so the vibrations cannot die down. But in the heat equation, the temperature diffuses throughout the rod, and is lost at the ends because these are kept cool. The upshot of Fourier's work is that whenever we can expand the initial temperature distribution in a Fourier series - a series of sine and cosine functions like the one above - then we can immediately read off how the heat flows through the body as time passes. Fourier considered it obvious that any initial distribution of temperature could be so expressed, and this is where the trouble began, because a few of his contemporaries had been worrying about precisely this issue for some time, in connection with waves, and had convinced themselves that it was much harder than it seemed. Fourier's argument for the existence of an expansion in sines and cosines was complicated, confused and wildly non-rigorous. He went all round the mathematical houses to derive, eventually, a simple expression for the coefficients b,, b2, b3, etc. Writing f(x) for the initial temperature distribution, his result was 2 ? K = 1F/f(u)sin(nu)du o Euler had already written down this formula in 1777, in the TAMING THE INFINITE PATTERNS IN NATURE How Fourier Series Work A typical discontinuous function is the square wave S(x), which takes the values 1 when —tt < x <0 and -1 when 0 < x ob and die vertical would do equally well. The equations of motion look very different in different i ©ordinate systems, and Lagrange felt this was inelegant. He found ,i way to rewrite the equations of motion in a form that looks the same in every coordinate system.The first innovation is to pair off i lie coordinates: to every position coordinate q (such as the angle i if the pendulum) there is associated the corresponding velocity coordinate, q(the rate of angular motion of the pendulum). If i liere are k position coordinates, there are also k velocity coordinates. Instead of a second-order differential equation in the positions, I .agrange derived a first-order differential equation in the positions .nid the velocities. He formulated this in terms of a quantity now called the Lagrangicm. Hamilton improved Lagrange's idea, making it even more elegant. Physically, he used momentum instead of velocity to define the extra coordinates. Mathematically, he defined a quantity now called the I fanriltonkin, which can be interpreted - for many systems - as energy. Theoretical work in mechanics generally uses the Ifamiltonian formalism, which has been extended to quantum i nechanics as well. 178 179 TAMING THE INFINITE Physics goes mathematical Newton's Principia was impressive, with its revelation of deep mathematical laws underlying natural phenomena. But what happened next was even more impressive. Mathematicians tackled the entire panoply of physics - sound, light, heat, fluid flow, gravitation, electricity, magnetism. In every case, they came up ! with differential equations that described the physics, often very accurately. The long-term implications have been remarkable. Many of the most important technological advances, such as radio, television and commercial jet aircraft depend, in numerous ways, on the mathematics of differential equations. The topic is still the subject of intense research activity, with new applications emerging almost daily. It is fair to say that Newton's invention of differential equations, fleshed out by his successors in the 18th and 19th centuries, is in many ways responsible for the society in which we now live. This only goes to show what is lurking just behind the scenes, if you care to look. mpossible Quantities ,■: l.i 'J :. Mathematicians distinguish several different kinds of number, with different properties. What really matters is not the individual numbers, but the system to which they belong - the company they keep. Four of these number systems are familiar: the natural numbers, 1, 2, 3, the integers, which also include zero and negative whole numbers; the rational numbers, composed of fractions p/q where p and q are integers and q is not zero; and the real numbers, generally introduced as decimals that can go on forever -whatever that means - and represent both the rational numbers, as repeating decimals, and irrational numbers like V2, e and jc whose decimal expansions do not ever repeat the same block of digits. 180 Integers The name integer just means whole; the other names give the impression that the systems concerned are sensible, reasonable tilings - natural, rational and of course real. These names reflect, and 181