M8130 Algebraic topology, tutorial 08, 2017 13. 4. 2017 Exercise 1 (Five lemma). Let A // ∼= B // ∼= C // f  D // ∼= E ∼= A // B // C // D // E be a commutative diagram of modules with exact rows. Show that the middle homomorphism f is an isomorphism. Solution. We will show the surjectivity of f, injectivity is dual. Let c ∈ C be arbitrary and suppose it maps to d ∈ D. This d corresponds to some d ∈ D, and since d maps to 0 in E by exactness, d also has to map to 0 ∈ E by commutativity. By exactness, there exists c ∈ C which maps to d. Since c and f(c) both map to d by commutativity, there is (by exactness) some b ∈ B which maps to f(c) − c. This b corresponds to some b ∈ B, which maps to some c ∈ C. Then by commutativity, f(c − c ) = f(c) − (f(c) − c) = c, as desired. (Note that instead of the four vertical maps being isomorphisms, we only needed the surjectivity of B → B, D → D and the injectivity of E → E). Exercise 2. Show that for a nite CW-complex X and H∗ (Y ) being nitely generated free group in all dimensions, the cross product H∗ (X) ⊗ H∗ (Y ) µ −→ H∗ (X × Y ) is an isomorphism. (In fact, the same is true for X being an innite CW-complex.) Solution. First let X = pt be a point. Then H∗ (pt) = Z with 1 ∈ H0 (pt) and pt × Y is homeomorphic to Y , hence H∗ (pt) ⊗ H∗ (Y ) = Z ⊗ H∗ (Y ) ∼= H∗ (Y ) ∼= H∗ (pt × Y ). Now let X = p1 p2 · · · pk be a nite disjoint union of points (i.e, a discrete set). Then H∗ (X) = k i=1 Z, hence H∗ (X) ⊗ H∗ (Y ) = k i=1 Z ⊗ H∗ (Y ) ∼= k i=1 (Z ⊗ H∗ (Y )) ∼= k i=1 H∗ (Y ) ∼= H∗ (Y Y · · · Y n times ) ∼= H∗ (X × Y ) (We should also show that the isomorphism is indeed given by µ, but if e1, . . . , ek ∈ H0 (X) are such that ei(pj) = 1 if i = j 0 if i = j , it's not hard to see that µ(ei ⊗ a) = (0, 0, . . . , a i-th place , 0, . . . , 0) using projections and the denition of the cup product.) M8130 Algebraic topology, tutorial 08, 2017 13. 4. 2017 Now we can proceed inductively: i) We now know that the theorem is true for X of dimension 0. ii) Since Dn is homotopy equivalent to a point, the theorem is also true for X = k α=1 Dn α. iii) Suppose that the theorem holds for nite CW-complexes of dimension n − 1. Then it is also true for pairs ( Dn α, Sn−1 α ). iv) Since H∗ (X, A) ∼= H∗ (X/A) for a subcomplex A ⊆ X, the theorem also holds for Sn α ∼= Dn α/ Sn−1 α . v) Now let X = X(n) be an n-dimensional CW-complex and consider the diagram H∗ (X, A) ⊗ H∗ (Y ) // µ  H∗ (X) ⊗ H∗ (Y ) µ  uu H∗ (A) ⊗ H∗ (Y ) µ  δ∗⊗id ii H∗ (X × Y, A × Y ) // H∗ (X × Y ) uu H∗ (A × Y ) δ∗ ii , where the lower triangle represents a long exact cohomology sequence by denition, and the same is true for the upper triangle (since free modules are at). We know that the theorem holds for X(n−1) , and also for X(n) /X(n−1) ∼= Sn−1 α . Therefore we can use the Five lemma after unfolding the diagram in the appropriate dimensions, from which it follows that the theorem also holds for X(n) . This completes the induction. Exercise 3. Compute the cohomology rings of CP2 × S6 and CP2 ∨ S6 . Solution. We have H∗ (CP2 ) = Z[w]/ w3 for w ∈ H2 and H∗ (S6 ) = Z[a]/ a2 for a ∈ H6 , hence H∗ (CP2 × S6 ) = Z[w]/ w3 ⊗ Z[a]/ a2 ∼= Z[w, a]/ w3 , a2 . Next, it is true in general that H ∗ (X ∧ Y ) ∼= H ∗ (X) ⊕ H ∗ (Y ) is an isomoprhism of graded rings (this can be proven proven straight from the denitions, but it takes some time). Since CP2 ∨ S6 is connected, we have H∗ (CP2 ∨ S6 ) ∼= H ∗ (CP2 ) ⊕ H ∗ (S6 ) ⊕ Z. Now w ∪ a ∈ H8 = 0 (more generally, we could use that fact that (w, 0) ∪ (0, a) = (0, 0)). Therefore H∗ (CP2 ∨ S6 ) ∼= Z[w, a]/ w3 , a2 , wa . M8130 Algebraic topology, tutorial 08, 2017 13. 4. 2017 Exercise 4. Show that the CP2 ∨ S6 is not homotopy equivalent to CP3 . Solution. It suces to show that the cohomology rings of these spaces are not isomorphic (note that the additive group structure is not enough to distinguish them). We already know that H∗ (CP2 ∨ S6 ) ∼= Z[w, a]/ w3 , a2 , wa and we have H∗ (CP3 ) = Z[b]/ b4 for b ∈ H2 . Any isomorphism would have to map w and b to ± each other (these are the respective generators in dimension 2), but w3 = 0 while b3 = 0, so this is not possible.