M8130 Algebraic topology, tutorial 02, 2024 3.10.2024 Exercise 1. Show that CPn is a CW-com,plex. = C /KU to] Ay Wtí*L»M.l ^ ďP^ /*- ď?*"1 juty**'**, tí?T- = čM^{o} ft*J 2 Al-i M/ 2> j)2~ 2^-4 projekce. íl M8130 Algebraic topology, tutorial 02, 2024 3.10.2024 Exercise 2. Let A = {0}%c R. Show that (I, A) does not have the HEP, i e the inclusion A ^ I is not a cofibration. t : 10 = rqiJ^il—> 4> rati ur4 re s to n A M8130 Algebraic topology, tutorial 02. 2024 3.10.2024 Exercise 5. Show that the, Hawaiian earring given by * = {(x, y) G M2, (x - -)2 + y2 = -1 for some n} is not a CW-complex. f _ 1 3od (otD) &t wusi H^" D-bM^ t po &Mzbm)Ae,ni Ctozttwetoe* frekcuec^e. \mvioko levwpone\t b . //- bw M8130 Algebraic topology, tutorial 02, 2024_3.10.2024 Exercise 6. Show that for a short exact sequence O-^A-UB-^C—^Oof abelian groups (or more generally modules over a commutative ring) the following are equivalent: (1) There exists p : B —> A such that pf = id^. (2) There, exists q . C B such that gq = idc- (3) There exist p : B —> A and q : C —> B such that fp + qg idB. (Another equivalent condition is B = A®C, with (p,g) and f + q being the respective inverse isomorphisms.) ± 4" 0 —7 A —* 3 —> £ —y0 (j) -> (4) a (S) Mejne p : B -> A ff--A £/jde^e v>0\oitk Chic) — 6 ^ ' 6[tt) (3) ->(j) A ^ b f jot f f (ff)'t 'ô r (2) =>(/) Tro l? e J. de.fr n ujatou ( =-^0 Jo (b) - f Cb- f f^]) M8130 Algebraic topology, tutorial 02, 2024__3.10.2024 Exercise 7. Let 0 ^ A B, 4 C* -> 0 k a short exact sequence of chain modules. We have defined the connecting homom,orphism. d* : H„(C) —> Hn-\{A) by the formula d*[c] = [a], where dc = 0, /(a) = db and g(b) — c. Show that this definition does not depend on a nor b. o —? A,fl —> B.„ ~> —7 0 —y A*.r—> JVi? a. i—* 3b '—> o Am.®.- wiWfutfy CC) - ^ 4, AW Sfo^ji'ci' home vnovfo h\sWH^ 9 9^ Id - M kolc c a a, yj sou pcu \--y 2>Bb-0 7-Ctí) au i_t b,b' i--7 c- a,-aJ >—51 0b~3>b' 7ko tí>íe ie fiw i'c^LfciVm', whs/ bíj't 2- kovnubitnvíbtí äi^^^^ ■ (3) ^escVľe/cKt n« ľclí><2~ c. Síaa 4L.: ^e/r c•= ( jo«é cabrané' <&=■(}. ä* c? ^--- U,,. CC) H* í A) - H. ÍB) A UJC) 'fall