M8130 Algebraic topology, tutorial 06, 2024 31. 10. 2024 Exercise 1. Use Z/2 coefficients to show, that every cts map f: Sn —> Sn satisfying f(—x) = —f(x) has an odd degree. Solution. The map / induces a map g: RPn —> RPn, since f({x, —x}) C {f(x), — f(x)j. We have the short exact sequence1 a h ■ 0"! + 0"2 H 2a = 0 0 C*(MPn, Z/2) C*(Sn, Z/2) C*(MPn, Z/2) 0, where a: A'1 —> RPn is an arbitrary element of C*(BLPn), a±,a2 are its preimages of a projection: Sn ' 1 A* -—RPn From the short exact sequence we get the long exact sequence Hi(RPn; Z/2)-*- Hi(Sn; Z/2)-*■ Hi(RPn; Z/2)-*■ Hi_1(RPn; Z/2)-*- 0 ■Hi(Sn; Z/2) Hi(RPn;Z/2) ■Hi_1(RPn;Z/2) 0 Hi{RPn-1/2) — Because H0(RPn; Z/2) = Z/2 and g0 on iJ0(^-Pn; Z/2) is an isomorphism, we can show by induction, that Hi(RPn,Z/2) = Z/2 and g-i is an isomorphism for every i < n — 1. An induction step is shown on the following diagram (three isomorphisms imply the fourth): 0- ■Z/2 ■Z/2-I t •Z/2- For i = n we have the following situation (the vertical isomorphisms were proved by induction): 0- ■Z/2 Z/2- ■Z/2- •Z/2- ■Z/2- 0 Z/2 —^ Z/2 Z/2 —^ Z/2 ■ 0 Thus /* (the arrow marked by ?) has to be an isomorphism for Hn, thus it maps [1]2 to [1]2, hence / has degree 1 mod 2. □ Exercise 2. Let

(r/[e0,ek+l}) ■ i/j(r/[ek+1,ek+l+1}) = = ip(5r/[e0,ek+1\) ■ ip(r/[ek+1,ek+l+l}) = k+l = ^(-l)V(^/[eo, ek+1}) ■ ijj(T/[ek+1,ek+l+1]). i=0 The second part is (-l)k(V U H*(X xY,AxY;R) is an isomorphism of graded rings. Solution. We will omit writing the Z coefficients. Now, H*(Sn) ® H*(Sn) -> H*(Sn x Sn) and we know that for spheres H° = Z with generator 1 and Hn = Z, denote generator a. Also, a Li a £ H2n = 0, a U a = 0, so we M8130 Algebraic topology, tutorial 06, 2024 31. 10. 2024 get Z[a]/(a2} and deg(a) = n. We can write the same for the second, so denote the other generator b and have deg(6) = n and we have Z[6]/(62). Now we compute tensor product Z[a]/(a2} Z[b]/(b2}, we have four generators: la ® lb, a If,, la <8> 6, a 6, we will denote them l,c,d,c ■ d. Compute (a ® lb) ■ (la (8) 6) = (-l)°"°(a • 1„) ® (16 • 6) = a ® 6, because 0 is an idempotent element, i.e. 0-0 = 0, and (—l)n = 1 for n even, again, as in the first exercise, we use Evenness of Zero. (We refer the reader to "Principia Mathematica" Whitehead, Russell,(1910,1912,1913).) Continue with computation (la <8> b) • (a lb) = (-l)n'n(la • a) ® (6 • 16) = (-l)na ® b, so the algebra we get is H*(Sn x S*n) = Z[c, d]/(c2,