Chapter 3 – Protein Structure and Function Chapter 3 - Protein Structure and Function 3.1 Hierarchical Structure of Proteins 3.2 Protein Folding 3.3 Protein Binding and Enzyme Catalysis 3.4 Regulating Protein Function 3.5 Purifying, Detecting, and Characterizing Proteins 3.6 Proteomics Protein Structure and Function 3.1 Hierarchical Structure of Proteins • Protein sequence specifies folding into secondary and tertiary structures that either are functional units or can interact with other peptides to form quaternary structure functional units. • Exceptional conformational flexibilities of disordered proteins contribute to their multiple functions. • Some polypeptides with dissimilar sequences fold into similar 3D structures. • Homologous proteins evolved from a common ancestor, have similar sequences, structures, and functions, and can be classified into families and superfamilies. Protein Structure and Function • 3.2 Protein Folding • Protein amino acid sequence determines its 3D structure and function. • ATP-dependent molecular chaperones and chaperonins assist protein folding in vivo. • Misfolded/denatured proteins can form wellorganized amyloid fibril aggregates that can cause diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. Protein Structure and Function 3.3 Protein Binding and Enzyme Catalysis • Protein function depends on binding other molecules (ligands). • Enzymes accelerate rates of cellular reactions by lowering activation energy and stabilizing transitionstate intermediates. • Enzymes often use acid-base catalysis mediated by one or more amino acid side chains. • Metabolic pathway enzymes may be associated as domains of a monomeric protein, subunits of a multimeric protein, or components of a protein complex assembled on a common scaffold. Protein Structure and Function 3.5 Purifying, Detecting, and Characterizing Proteins • Proteins can be isolated from other cell components on the basis of a variety of physical and chemical properties. • Proteins can be detected and quantified by various assays and specific antibody recognition. • Tagging with various types of markers can be used to investigate protein synthesis, location, processing, and stability. • X-ray crystallography, cryoelectron microscopy, and NMR spectroscopy reveal 3D structures of proteins.