TAC AssesSment Report Meeting # .... (to be held in the semesters: 9^th, 11^th, 13^th, etc.) To be completed by PhD candidate Date: PhD candidate’s name: Semester number: PhD Programme: Supervisor: Project Title: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ To be completed by the Chairperson of the TAC meeting Assessment The following criteria should be assessed: · Status of the Project · Progress made · Goals for the period until completion of study/the coming year (in case more time is needed for completion of study) · Internship (if not assessed during previous TAC meeting) · Tentative date for defence (year, month) · Career plans Other issues, comments: Name Signature PhD Candidate TAC Chairperson TAC Member (supervisor) TAC Member Add lines if the committee has more than 3 members. Signatures needed from: PhD candidate, Chairperson, Supervisor.