Adobe Systems 1 Department of Geography, Faculty of Science MASARYK UNIVERSITY Petr Kubíček May 2024 Obsah obrázku text, Písmo, snímek obrazovky, Elektricky modrá Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Adobe Systems 2 ̶2nd largest university in CZ ̶10 faculties ̶Approx. 30 500 students ̶21 % international students ̶Founded in 1919 ̶2nd largest city in CZ ̶380 000 citizens ̶6 public and 8 private universities ̶More than 85 000 students ̶Founded in 12th century Basic facts and figures Brno – Masaryk University B R N O MASARYK UNIVERSITY Adobe Systems 3 Masaryk University – Faculty of Science Department of Anthropology Department of Botany and Zoology Department of Experimental Biology Department of Mathematics and Statistics Department of Geography Department of Geological Sciences Department of Condensed Matter Physics Department of Physical Electronics Department of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics Department of Chemistry Department of Biochemistry National Centre for Biomolecular Research RECETOX 10 faculties Law Science Medicine Arts Education Pharmacy Economics and Administration Informatics Social Studies Sports Studies 13 departments Specialized Units: Botanical Garden Institute of Physics of the Earth Adobe Systems 4 Department of Geography in a nutshell Adobe Systems 5 What can you study? ̶Bachelor programmes ̶Geography and cartography (with specializations) ̶Geography and cartography (education) ̶Master programmes ̶Physical geography ̶Social geography ̶Cartography and geoinformatics ̶Geography of global environmental change (EN) ̶PhD programmes ̶ Adobe Systems 6 Research groups at the department ̶Physical geography ̶Historical climatology ̶River Landscape Research Group ̶Polar research ̶ ̶Social geography ̶Time, Rhythms and Mobilities Research Group ̶Border and cross-border cooperation research group ̶ ̶Cartography and geoinformatics ̶Laboratory on Geoinformatics and Cartography ̶Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environments ̶Precision agriculture and environmental informatics research group ̶ Adobe Systems 7 Physical geography Adobe Systems •HME - Droughts: priority question in interdisciplinary drought research, drought based on documentary data. •HME – Windstorms: windstorms and forest disturbances in CR (1801-2015), •Climate fluctuations and variability: climate of early modern Europe in 1500-1800, climate reconstruction. Instrumental and proxy data combination. •Dendroclimatology: reconstruction historical precipitation and drought. Cooperation with Oxford University. •Urban climatology:, spatial and temporal distribution of urban heat island intensity, urban climate monitoring and urban climate modelling Physical Geography: Historical climatology Obsah obrázku muž, osoba Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Adobe Systems PG - River Landscape Research Group (RILAN) Group members (academic staff) Zdeněk Máčka, Monika Šulc Michalková, Karel Brabec PhD students Dominika Faturová, Simona Koreňová ̶ logo Mapping sediment sources and the tributary-trunk sedimentary links in the Dyje River fluvial system Assessing water erosion on arable land as a part of sediment budget in small catchments PG - Polar research Adobe Systems •Response of Antarctic geo- and ecosystems and their components to past, present and future environmental changes •Mapping the Antarctic environment, from geology to wildlife •New Antarctic species – widening the general knowledge and applications •MUNI with Department of Geography is the only university in the world, which owns and manages Antarctic research station – J. G. Mendel Czech Antarctic Research Station on the James Ross Island Excellent research covering the following disciplines: → geology, geomorphology, palaeontology, geochemistry, meteorology, (palaeo)climatology, permafrost science, pedology, hydrology, glaciology → botany, ecology, microbiology, plant physiology, soil biology and other Wide range of Czech and international collaboration in open access mode Daniel Nývlt, Head Czech Antarctic Research Programme C:\Users\Daniel Nývlt\Downloads\CzechPolar2\Sablony_loga\carp\prechod-cerne-pruhledne.png DSCN0749 Adobe Systems 12 Social geography Moravská galerie v Brně - Brno předměstí Vídně Adobe Systems SG Border and cross-border cooperation research ̶Czech-Austrian border area/ EU FMP Interreg V-A and AKTION AT-CZ (MŠMT ČR) project. ̶Transformation of borderlands on the example of the South Moravian-Lower Austrian region ̶CZ-AT: borders - cooperation - partnership – transformation ̶The potential of common cultural heritage for cross-border regional development ̶Bilateral relations between the metropolises of Brno and Vienna Adobe Systems Vnitřní a vnější periferie v regionálním rozvoji Česka – od genetické determinace k územní kohezi (TAČR Éta / 2020-2023) Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Social Geography: Time, Rhythms and Mobilities Research Group ̶focused on exploring spatio-temporal routines of everyday life, mainly in urban and metropolitan areas ̶the issues of time, city rhythms and mobilities integrate disciplines of urban studies, transport geography, spatial planning, disability and technology studies into a comprehensive research framework ̶ ̶innovative approaches to acquire, analyze and interpret various kinds of spatio-temporal data are being developed in order to describe fluid and dynamic urban patterns APPLIED RESEARCH Implementing basic research results into the current practice of spatial planning and socio-spatial policy-making. STRATEGIC URBANISM Developing strategic planning tools to mitigate or remove the spatial barriers in public urban space. Research projects | Publications MAPPING EVERYDAYNESS Exploring the ways in which people conceptualize, organize, perceive, and represent the living space of daily routine activities. Stress of Citizens and Entropy in Urban Setting (GAMU) | Modelling Daily Dynamics of Population Present in the Urban Space (TACR) | Compact and Polycentric Urban Forms: Conflicting Spatial Imaginations? (GACR) | Disability geography: visually impaired experience with urban space (GACR) Adobe Systems 18 Cartography, geoinformatics C:\Users\Void\Dropbox\Fotky\oculus_rift2_0.jpg Cartography, geoinformatics: Laboratory on Geoinformatics and Cartography Dynamic Geovisualization in Emergency Management •ICA commission EWaCM •Contextual cartography - CWMS •Near real time support •Combination of sensor data sources CGI – Virtual Geographic Environments Lab –Empirical studies – users and usability, UX –Mixed research approach –Crosscultural studies –Indoor navigation and evacuation planning –Virtual Immersive Environments – – C:\Users\Void\Dropbox\Fotky\oculus_rift2_0.jpg Adobe Systems CGI - Precision agriculture and environmental informatics ̶A way of land cultivation that optimises inputs based on (geospatial) variabilities – better spatial distribution. ̶fertilizers, pesiticides, seeds, fuel, … CONVENTIONAL AGRICULTURE PRECISION AGRICULTURE Adobe Systems Main research directions Remote sensing Yield prediction Interpolation, interpretation Sensor measurement Variability of substances Revealing the memory of landscape … 3D optimisation PREDICTION VERIFICATION Applications Adobe Systems 23 Projects at the department ̶ basic x applied research ̶ MUNI – national – international ̶ Interdisciplinary – FoA, FoI, PdF, ESF. ̶ Academy of Science– CzechGlobe, Geonika, Institute of Psychology. Obsah obrázku text, klipart Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku text Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Adobe Systems 24 MUNI strategic plan vision - SDGs Adobe Systems Future directions Adobe Systems Evaluation of Science & PhD at SCI MUNI – September 2022 26 Geography department - the World context Academic Ranking of World Universities ̶ Za letošním umístěním Masarykovy univerzity stojí výkon ve čtyřech indikátorech. A to v počtu publikací v časopisech Nature a Science, kde získala stejné skóre jako před rokem (7,3 bodů), v počtu publikací indexovaných na Web of Science, kde svůj bodový zisk zvýšila na 31,5 bodů (loni 30,5) a také ve svém výkonu na akademika, kde své skóre meziročně vylepšila na 22,1 bodů (před rokem 19,9). V neposlední řadě lepšímu umístění MU pomohl zástupce na seznamu vysoce citovaných výzkumníků (6,8 bodů), což se univerzitě po Masaryk University's ranking this year is based on its performance in four indicators. And this in the number of publications in the journals Nature and Science, where it received the same score as a year ago (7.3 points), in the number of publications indexed on the Web of Science, where it increased its point gain to 31.5 points (30.5 last year) and also in her academic performance, where she improved her score year-on-year to 22.1 points (19.9 a year ago). Last but not least, a representative on the list of highly cited researchers (6.8 points), which the university achieved for the first time, helped MU's better ranking.dařilo poprvé. Adobe Systems Obsah obrázku osoba, exteriér, obloha, mladý Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku strom, exteriér, osoba, dřevo Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku text, patro, stůl, jídelní stůl Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku osoba, exteriér, muž Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku země, patro, osoba Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku hora, exteriér, obloha, osoba Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku osoba, pózování, skupina, mladý Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku osoba Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Adobe Systems Evaluation of Science & PhD at SCI MUNI – September 2022 28