ZA112 Global change research methods, November 24th, 2023 1 Methods of field research in human geography Ondřej Šerý Qualitative and Quantitative Methodology | EdrawMax Template ZA112 Global change research methods, November 24th, 2023 2 Introduction: quantitative x qualitative §quantitative research methods – primarily number-based, – more generalizable, – less in-depth on a large number of cases, – used to test or confirm. §qualitative research methods – primarily text-based, – less generalizable, – more in-depth on a few cases, – used to understand. ZA112 Global change research methods, November 24th, 2023 3 Introduction: primary x secomdary data §primary data – generated by the researcher himself/herself §secondary data – existing data generated by the institutions (for example the statistical office) What is the Difference Between Primary and Secondary Data - Pediaa.Com Primary vs secondary sources - YouTube ZA112 Global change research methods, November 24th, 2023 4 Field research §example of methods for field research in human geography 1)questionnaire surveys 2)semi-structured interviews 3)focus groups 4)mental maps 5)observations 6) ZA112 Global change research methods, November 24th, 2023 5 Questionnaire surveys §instrument that consists of a set of questions – purpose: gathering information from respondents ̶ §representative sample – sufficient number of respondents (usually tens or hundreds of respondents) – corresponding structure of respondents (gender, age, highest level of education...) – if the survey is really representative, the results can be applied to the whole population – identification questions only at the end of the questionnaire – rule of anonymity ZA112 Global change research methods, November 24th, 2023 6 Representative Sample: Definition, Importance, and Examples quota sampling process example ZA112 Global change research methods, November 24th, 2023 7 Questionnaire surveys ZA112 Global change research methods, November 24th, 2023 8 Questionnaire surveys §types of questions – open-ended questions = no options, free space for the respondent, more demanding (harder) to evaluate – close-ended questions = predefined options, respondent must select one or more of them – semi-closed questinss = several predefined options, plus option "other" that can be specified – specific questions a) dichotomous questions (for example options "yes" or "no"), b) Likert scale ("strongly agree", "agree", "neutral", "disagree", "strongly disagree"), c) scoring on a scale (for example grades in school), d) ranking the options (for example, from best to worst from the respondent's point of view) ZA112 Global change research methods, November 24th, 2023 9 Open-ended and close-ended questions §mix of both types of questions – there are usually fewer open-ended questions Difference Between Open and Closed Questions - infographic | English writing skills, Research writing, Thesis writing ZA112 Global change research methods, November 24th, 2023 10 Dichotomous questions §only offer two possible answers §they are typically presented in the following format: Yes or No, True or False, Agree or Disagree, Fair or Unfair etc. ZA112 Global change research methods, November 24th, 2023 11 Likert scale §rating scale used to measure opinions, attitudes or behaviors – it consists of a statement or a question, followed by a series of five or seven answer statements, – respondents choose the option that best corresponds with how they feel about the statement or question. Likert Scale: Definition, Examples & How to use it | QuestionPro Likert Scale Surveys: Use Cases, Questions, Best Practices [+Template] ZA112 Global change research methods, November 24th, 2023 12 Scoring on a scale §how survey responders feel about a particular product or statement – rating scale, – evaluation by grades in school. Using Rating Scale Questions in Your UX Research NPS (Net Promoter Score) | SurveyTown Survey Ranking Questions vs. Rating Questions ZA112 Global change research methods, November 24th, 2023 13 Ranking the options §ask respondents to compare and arrange multiple options based on their preferences – key element = respondent's point of view, – strongly subjective assessment. Ranking Questions - SmartSurvey ZA112 Global change research methods, November 24th, 2023 14 Questionnaire surveys §questionnaire evaluation – tables, graphs – interpretive text 18 Best Survey Data Visualization Tools (With Images) Tables-charts-graphs « Teaching With Writing: The WIC Newsletter ZA112 Global change research methods, November 24th, 2023 15 Interviews §structured interviews – unchanging order of questions – all communication partners receive the same questions – almost identical to a questionnaire survey with only open-ended questions ̶ §semi-structured interviews – only predefined topics and example questions – the interviewer continuously responds to the communication partner's answers – not all topics and questions may be used – the important thing is to answer the research question ZA112 Global change research methods, November 24th, 2023 16 Interviews §unstructured interviews – only the topic is predefined – very difficult for interviewers – can be used for „hard topics" that the communication partner wants to talk about The Thorny Issue of the Research Interview: What did they actually mean? | Research Conversations: by and for Education researchers ZA112 Global change research methods, November 24th, 2023 17 Interviews §practical advice – listen more, talk less – follow what the communication partner says – not interrupt the communication partner ̶ – try to ask open questions – don't give examples (immediately) – try not to ask leading questions – not to evaluate the communication partner's answers, even if I do not agree with them ZA112 Global change research methods, November 24th, 2023 18 Interviews §communication partners – fewer communication partners compared to survey respondents – the interview is on average longer (at least tens of minutes) – not a representation of individuals, but a representation of the problem (people with different experiences relative to the topic) ZA112 Global change research methods, November 24th, 2023 19 Interviews §principles of interviewing (Seidman 2005) 1)listen more, talk less 2)follow up on what the participant says a) ask questions when you do not understand b) ask to hear more about a subject (gather details and circumstances) c) explore, don´t probe (communication partner should feel safe and comfortable) 3)listen more, talk less, and ask real questions a) avoid leading questions (try to ask neutral questions, don't prompt an answer) b) ask open-ended questions 4)follow up, but don´t interrupt (don't jump into the conversation, take notes) 5)two favorite approaches a) ask participants to talk to you as if you were someone else b) ask participants to tell a story ZA112 Global change research methods, November 24th, 2023 20 Interviews §principles of interviewing (Seidman 2005) 6)ask participants to reconstruct, not to remember (this is not a test) 7)keep participants focused and ask for concrete details 8)do not take the ebbs and flows of interviewing too personally (don't bring in your opinions and emotions, they will not help you understand the communication partner) 9)limit your own interaction a) only share experiences occasionally (you are “only” a questioner) b) avoid reinforcing your participants' responses (do not rate the answers) 10)explore laughter (non-verbal communication is also important) 11)follow your hunches (and intuition, be natural) 12)use an interview guide cautiously (it is only a guide, not an exact and unchanging script) 13)tolerate silence (short silence usually means thinking) ZA112 Global change research methods, November 24th, 2023 21 Focus groups §thematic group interview – uses group interaction, people react to each other – it arises spontaneously, it cannot be prepared in advance §types of groups for focus groups I.) natural groups = the researcher does not create the group, but only takes it over (e.g. participants of a certain course) II.) formed groups = members selected according to pre-defined criteria with regard to the research question, an effort to include people with different opinions on the given topic ZA112 Global change research methods, November 24th, 2023 22 Focus groups §practical advice – the question of group size, smaller groups produce few opinions, larger groups are poorly managed – there may be more researchers (main researcher, assistant, silent observer) ZA112 Global change research methods, November 24th, 2023 23 Using Surveys and Focus Groups to Evaluate Professional Development ZA112 Global change research methods, November 24th, 2023 24 Mental maps §basic information – no mind map (text bubbles) – a person's point-of-view perception of their area of interaction §mental maps according to Lynch – Kevin Lynch (1960): The Image of The City – the result is a sketch / picture / scheme / map representing the individual's vision of space – 5 key elements: paths (lines), edges (where space ends), areas (surface elements), nodes (crossroads / intersections), landmarks (significant elements) mental map | Zombie-Based Learning ZA112 Global change research methods, November 24th, 2023 25 Mental maps §mental maps according to Gould – Peter Gould and Rodney White (1974): Mental Maps – drawing on the underlying map (e.g. where you would like to live or which place you prefer for your summer vacation) – blind or blank map with borders ̶ §Lynch = maps about perception §Gould = maps about preference ZA112 Global change research methods, November 24th, 2023 26 Mental maps §practical advice – inaccuracy does not matter, on the contrary, it is beneficial – suitable for children and people who do not like to express themselves in words or text – basic drawing ability and basic spatial imagination are required Map Analysis: Mental Map ZA112 Global change research methods, November 24th, 2023 27 Observations §tracking (monitoring), recording and analyzing space and its elements (including people) – traditional method, very typical and natural for people §structured and unstructured observation I.) unstructured = only the general objective of the observation is specified How do people behave in the park? II.) structured = observer concentrates on previously defined phenomena in more detail How do people (not) form a queue at the bus stop while waiting for the bus? Observation in Qualitative Research | educational research techniques ZA112 Global change research methods, November 24th, 2023 28 Observations §participant and non-participant observation I.) participant = observer is a part of the situation he observes a participant in a demonstration for higher wages II.) non-participant = observer is separated from the situation he observes observer of the demonstration for higher wages §disguised and undisguised observation I.) disguised = physically hidden or socially hidden observer a researcher playing the role of a supermarket employee II.) undisguised = the observer does not hide that he is a researcher the researcher not hiding the fact that he observes supermarket employees ZA112 Global change research methods, November 24th, 2023 29 Observations §field notes – conducted during the observation or after the end of the observation – previously often handwritten notes, this may have affected the observations – today the possibility to use a mobile phone or other technology, it is easier to hide*iSQaEtGnlAGlZR8dqjG5yQ.jpeg ZA112 Global change research methods, November 24th, 2023 30 Thank you for your attention ! §RNDr. Ondřej Šerý, Ph.D. Department of Geography Faculty of Science Masaryk University Kotlářská 2, 611 37 Brno e-mail: Questions ? 239,387 Method Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock ZA112 Global change research methods, November 24th, 2023 31 Task 1 §questionnaire survey – create 7 to 10 questions for the questionnaire on the topic “Quality of life in the city XY” – identification questions (gender, age, education) do not count – use a combination of different question types (open-ended, closed-ended, Likert scale, scoring, ranking etc.) – test your questionnaire survey in practice and interview your classmate ZA112 Global change research methods, November 24th, 2023 32 Task 2 §semi-structured interview – create a structure for the interview: main topic, individual subtopics and basic questions – topic: “Exploring a new city” – create pairs or trios and conduct this interview, then evaluate what you have found out – give your interviewer constructive feedback