13.11.2024 Typical master thesis structure The work must formally contain the following requirements - see Dean's Action 3/2019 (Kasparovsky 2021): Title page Bibliographic identification Abstract Official „Diploma thesis assignment" (2 pages) without signatures Acknowledgments and Author's statement Content_ A BIBLIOGRAPHIC Introduction Own text of the work Conclusion List of used literature (internal division into Books and magazines, Maps and atlases, Electronic media and web pages) List of abbreviations (optional) List of images (optional) List of tables (optional) List of attachments (if the thesis contains them) Attachments (if the thesis contains them) _ Bibliografické citace Odkazy na citace BIBLIOGRAPHIC CITATIONS • A bibliographic citation is a summary of data about a cited document enabling its unambiguous identification. • A citation reference is a reference in the text to a citation given elsewhere. • All cited titles are listed alphabetically in a separate list of used literature at the end of the thesis. • If there is no reference, the relevant part of the diploma thesis is considered to be the student's original text. • You can use citation managers to manage citations and cited documents (e.g. ZOTERO) Bibliographic citations must conform to the following patterns: 1 13.11.2024 Book (monograph) SURNAME, J. et al./ed. (YEAR): Book title. Subtitle./Master thesis. Publisher, place, www (date of citation) Printed version DANĚK, P., ČAJKA, A., CHVÁTAL, R, VODA, P., ZAHRÁDKOVÁ, L., ZRŮSTOVÁ, P. (2014): Indie: Společnost a hospodářství v transformaci. Masarykova univerzita, Brno. DOBROVOLNÝ, P. et al. (2012): Klima Brna. Víceúrovňová analýza městského klimatu. Masarykova univerzita, Brno. © PetrDobmvolnýa kolektiv;]! al authors are listed i n the imprint, all of them heed to be listed HERBER, V. ed. (2012): Fyzickogeografický sborník 10. Fyzická geografie a krajinná ekologie: teorie a aplikace. Masarykova univerzita, Brno. KREJČÍ, M. (2013): Environmentálni dějiny Táborská. Diplomová práce. Masarykova univerzita, Brno. PTÁČEK, J. red. (2012): Školní atlas světa. 2. vydání. Kartografie, Praha. SHOCART (2002): Šumava: Železnorudsko, Povydří, Churáňov. Turistická mapa 1:50 000. ShoCart, Vizovice. Electronic version BEVEN, K. J. (2011): Rainfall-Runoff Modelling: The Primer. Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/masaryk/Doc?id=10540959 (13. 7. 2021) KREJČI, M. (2013): Environmentálni dějiny Táborská. Diplomová práce. Masarykova univerzita, Brno. https://is.muni.cz/auth/th/omcnq/ (23.1. 2023) Book chapter Bibliografické citace Odkazy na citace SURNAME, J. (YEAR): Chapter title. In: Surname, J. (ed.): Book title. Subti www (date od citation) Publisher, place, pages from n - to. Printed version HALÁSOVÁ, O. (2013): Paleopovodné a historické pôvodné. In: DANIEL, J., FRAJER, J., KLAPKA, P. a kol.: Environmentálni histórie České republiky. Masarykova univerzita, Brno, 107-116. MARCOU, G. (1993): New tendencies of local government development in Europe. In: BENNET, R. J. (ed.): Local government in the new Europe. Belhaven Press, London, New York, 51-66. Electronic version HARDING, A. E., PALUTIKOF, J., HOLT, T. (2009): The climate system. In: WOODWARD, J. C. (ed.): The Physical Geography of the Mediterranean. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 69-88. http://ezproxy.muni.ez/loginPurhhttps://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType= ip,cookie,uid&db=e000xww&AN=287600&lang=cs&site=eds-live&scope=site&ebv=EB&ppid=pp_69 (23. 1. 2023) we do not use url shorteners; use a permalinkfor resources found through online databases fa 2 13.11.2024 Typografické Bibliografické citace Odkazy na citace Article in journal SURNAME, J. (YEAR): Title of the article. Title of the journal, volume, number, pages from-to. doi: xxx or www (date of citation) Printed version HORÁK, J., IVAN, I., NÁVRATOVÁ, M., ARDIELU, J. (2013): Vyhledávání českých měst uživateli Google. Geografie - Sborník ČGS, 118, 3, 284-307. SIWEK, T., BOGDOVÁ, K. (2007): České kulturně-historické regiony ve vědomí svých obyvatel. Sociologický časopis, 5,1039-1053. Electronic version GLASSHEIM, E. (2007): Most, the Town that Moved: Coal, Communists and the 'Gipsy Question' in Post-War Czechoslovakia. Environment and History, 13, 4, 447-476. doi: 10.3197/096734007X243168 incoseof doi use we do not use dote ofcitotion ROSINA, K., HURBÁNEK, P., CEBECAUER, M. (2017): Using OpenStreetMap to improve population grids in Europe. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 44, 2,139-151. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15230406.2016.1192487 other form of doi ŠANTRŮČKOVÁ, M. (2012): Ideje a inspirace vzniku a tvorby krajinářských parků. Klaudyán, 8-9,1, 4: 52. http://www.klaudyan.cz/dwnl/2011201201/03_Santruckova.pdf (13. 7. 2021) Typografické Bibliografické citace Odkazy na citace Scopus Document details Alerts Lists Using OpenStreetMap to improve population grids in Europe Rosina, K.aÖ, Hurbárrek, P\ Cebecauer, N.«1* Authors (the same order) Abstract OpenStreetMap (OSM) database has previousl.. ;een i Impen/lousness la.er ML:. Ho-,-\e,ei'. the exact procedm .■ve crssBiTt a nsltl.lt. study to find out which road Slovenia as a stud,- area. 2005 commune population Cover :CLG; data In an Iterative algorltli'". 1 "--l-i'n incorporation in all tested scenarios, although the rel major road categories (motorway, trunk, and primary) J support spatial disaggregation sf population í ata ;.- parti.- "i CIn the bibliography, we will include the article in the Books and articles section! ROSINA, K., HURBANEK, P., CEBECAUER, M. (2017): Using OpenStreetMap to improve population grids in Europe. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 44, 2,139-151. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15230406.2016.11924S7 AutriDľ keywords CORINE; impen/iousness; OpenStreetMap; population density; Indexed Keywords Engineering controlled terms: Algorithms: Computer software r CORINE; Imperalousness; OpenStreetMap; Population densltie! Engineering main heading: Population statistics Spatial dlsaggregatlor [when using a DOI, it is not needed to include \ the date of the citation; each article is assigned its own DOI, according to which it is uniquely [identifiable and searchable on the Internet. DOI; when using a www link to a database search result, only those who have access to this database will get to the article 3 13.11.2024 Odkazy na citace Article in proceedings ^^^^^ SURNAME, J. (YEAR): Title of the contribution. In: Surname, J. (ed.): Proceedings title. Subtitle. Publisher, place, pages from - to. www (date of citation) Printed version HYNEK, A., SKOUPÝ, M. (2013): Paragenetické komplexy krajiny podle F. N. Milkova. In: HERBER, V. (ed.): Fyzickogeografický sborník 11. Fyzická geografie a kulturní krajina v 21. století. Masarykova univerzita, Brno, 72-77. RIEZNER, J. (2003): Agriculture and cultural landscape over centuries: a case study from the Jeseníky Mts. foothills, Czech Republic. In: JELEČEK, L, CHROMÝ, P., JANŮ, H., MIŠKOVSKÝ, J., UHLÍŘOVÁ, L. (eds.): Dealing with diversity. Karlova univerzita, Praha, 284-288. SPONER, M. (1998): Evropská měnová integrace. In: Sborník prací Ekonomicko-správní fakulty Masarykovy univerzity v Brně. Masarykova univerzita, Brno, 2, 89-114. Electronic version HAVLÍČEK, M. (2013): Vývoj dopravních sítí v okrese Hodonín. In: KIRCHNER, K., MARTÍNEK, J. (eds.): Staré stezky v geografii a archeologii VIII. Sborník prezentací a příspěvků ze semináře. Ústav geoniky AV ČR, Brno, 3^ 53. https://invenio.nusl.cz/record/156615/files/content.csg.pdf (23.1. 2023) Bibliografické citace Electronic internet sources SURNAME, J. (YEAR): Web page title, www (date of citation). BIERNÁTOVÁ, O., SKŮPA, J. (2011): Bibliografické odkazy a citace dokumentů dle ČSN ISO 690 (01 0197) platné od 1. dubna 2011, http://www.citace.com/soubory/csniso690-interpretace.pdf (12. 7. 2021). BRINEY, A. [2021]: Dams and Reservoirs. Overview of Dams and Reservoirs, http://geography.about.eom/od/waterandice/a/damsreservoirs.htm (20. 7. 2021). ČSÚ (2021): Cestovní ruch, https://www.czso.cz/csu/czso/cestovni_ruch (5. 7. 2021). EEA (2017): Cities taking action, learning from each other to adapt to climate change, http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/cities-taking-action-learning-from (3. 6. 2021). KONEČNÝ, M., KAPLAN, V, KEPRTOVÁ, K., PODHRÁZSKÝ, Z., STACHOŇ, Z., TAJOVSKÁ, K. (2005): Kartografie a geoinformatika, https://ucebnice.geogr.muni.cz/kartografie/ (13. 7. 2021). NASA (2021): The Causes of Climate Change, https://climate.nasa.gov/causes/ (13. 7. 2021). Odkazy na citace fa 4 13.11.2024 Typografické author - the individual or corporation responsible for the content of the document year - year of publication, copyright, date of update; if not specified, the year the source was cited is given [2 title - from the main title on the page, from the title in the site header, from another prominent place on the website web page - do not use URL shorteners Bibliografické citace PURRINGTON, C. (©1997-2016): Designing conference posters, http://colinpurrington.com/tips/poster-design (20. 1. 2017). Citations do not need to be block-aligned - long web addresses result in very long spaces Odkazy na citace ®8r»i»e!HBBii^BEa«*#'<«ia využití nástrojů GAREP [2017]: Regiony a regionalizace, http://www.regionalnirozvoj.cz/index.php/regiony_red.html (24. 1. 2017). I OR I GAREP [2017]: Metodická podpora regionálního rozvoje. Regiony a regionalizace, http://www.regionalnirozvoj.cz/index.php/regiony_red.html (24. 1. 2017). Typografické Bibliografické citace Odkazy na citace 5 13.11.2024 REFERENCES IN THE TEXT When writing a professional text of any type, it is required to provide references to the sources from which you drew while writing the text. If there is no reference or reference to a degree, the relevant part of the diploma thesis is considered to be the student's original text. Harvard system (Autor Year, page) • In the case of a citation in the text of the thesis, a reference to a title in the text, in the case of a picture, table, appendix, etc. it is necessary to indicate the author (capitals), the year of publication and the page, or the source. • References to literature are also given for entire paragraphs and articles that the student has freely reworked according to published sources or to which he/she takes a critical position. • A generic reference to a particular work does not include a page. REFERENCES EXAMPLES Bibliografické citace Verbatim quoted text „Mapový znak je možno vymedziť (charakterizovať, definovať) jako dvojrozmernú grafickú jednotku, ktorá má nejakú formu (podobu, výzor), má (zastupuje) nejaký dohodnutý význam (pojem) a má konkrétnu polohu (lokalizáciu) v mape" (Pravda 1990, s. 33). Note Verbatim citations are always given in quotation marks and possibly in italics. The link indicates the specific page. When using a tool for machine translation from a foreign anguage, it is also advisable to indicate i n the footnote which tool was used (Translated by tool, tool name). Reference to the literature in the text According to Netopil* (1981, s. 140-142) se obdobím malých vodností či malých průtoků rozumí doba, kdy průtoky klesnou na hodnoty výrazně nižší, nežli je normál. or Obdobím malých vodností či malých průtoků se rozumí doba, kdy průtoky klesnou na hodnoty výrazně nižší, nežli je normál (Netopil 1981, s. 140-142). * When using the author's name in the text, we do not use capital letters. Odkazy na citace 6 13.11.2024 REFERENCES EXAMPLES Typografické Source of figures, tables, appendices —> after their serial number and name or below the table, we indicate the source in parentheses meaning taken over): Vož 5) or (a ...), (r (compiled from:...), (data source: výpočty vlastní) etc. Bibliografické citace Odkazy na citace Ggeneral references Demek (1987) writes in detail about the properties of rocks and their role in the formation of georelief. Secondary citation - you take a citation from another source Lidé určovali výšku povodní v Praze podle plastiky Bradáče: "Když voda k Bradáčovým vousům dosahuje, tu ona Pražanům až pod krk jde, a když Bradáčovi do huby teče, tu je z bytů vyhání" (Krolmus 1845 in Brázdil et al. 2005, p. 146). n of secondary citations in the text, Note Only the publication of Brázdil et al. will be cited in the bibliography. There should be a always try to find the primary source (especially important for wikipediaand similar sources). if fi-jc.'fiiHJt ktíii\-nr.ý R'i.iíii. S:, i additional visual material - graphs, diagrams, drawings, diagrams, facsimiles, photographs, maps, plans, samples of texts,... —>some tables - if they relate to the main topic only loosely or more complex tables —> used questionnaire forms, interview outlines, observation sheets,... —>a bibliography containing literature relevant to the subject of the work, but which was not used —> description of research equipment or technique with relevant diagrams, description of computer programs, source codes, ... fa ukázka možného zpracování Kompozice List of appendices Appendices are numbered consecutively. Your appendices should have a clear labelling system (Appendix 1, Appendix 2, Appendix 3) and each item in an appendix should have a descriptive title saying what it is („Appendix 1: Flowchart of ..."). As part of the archive of the final thesis, you can create an Appendices folder and there (again) upload individual appendices as separate files - suitable for worksheets and other teaching materials, maps and other appendices that should be presented separately. imperii i i ii ton ■r,vy.:h : Eiiia. Ce>:k; ..i Budíju: it, Ä.ilf. >.],:.<, Oluiuui t?, Hodoiima, Prahy a Kiui. . Fr."kv ob>:./.:. cb?i.tkreihtiky U^^idy ?. n=kt?ir d .íl i l :::iloii:: jcí u ]]ít?r:ietu'.vclí bezbariérový; h mapiek Celého Krurr.lovoi. P:.:'::ei:;1iky oblík!"." j:i Lei^ntiiiii iv.apc. ani ' Podminkv použit: :""ipr\vcli znaku. krc;\- j.vvi mr j:"V:r- T] Y y .1ídnolu:-L mť.ixlika :n;ip<_" ani prisiupitom.: uai.^ í:ia PO\ ■ '.Z. 2-.. I i. 10 Pídila" víecli jeJcáĽi í iiirti-K-fir.: vei'í ::elio či itatniho =ek:am 'íl 1 ] G-c c databáz: :;:".".r.t:,:kvck dat p JoIbí príloha -15 pHítnjiTiosfi hmčnskcr ukázka možného zpracování 9 13.11.2024 0£ zas ad Pra vo kor ek TYPOGRAPHIC PRINCIPLES white paper in A4 format (portrait), one-sided or two-sided printing (refers to the text of the thesis, mandatory parts are one-sided) serif font (e.g. Times New Roman) font size 11 or 12 points, spacing between 1.0 and (max.) 1.5 top page margin 30mm, bottom margin 25mm, inner margin 35mm, outer margin 20mm page numbering in Arabic numerals in the lower middle, with double-sided printing, the number of the odd page is always on the right side Table of Contents - first visibly numbered page (title page, bibliographic identifications, abstract, statement, and acknowledgments are not numbered but count toward page order) align text to block separating the new paragraph with a space (6 p.) clearly distinguish the beginning of the paragraph with a bullet from the left edge of the line (except for the first paragraph after the heading) chapter titles on separate lines, font size 14, bold, capital letters, beginning on a new page (when double-sided printing, the new chapter is always on the right (odd) page) sub-chapter titles on separate lines in font size 14, bold, next lower levels in font size 12, bold 10 13.11.2024 OS zas ad Pra vo kor ek Bibliografické Odkazy na PROOFREADING If English is not your native language, please ask a native speaker to proofread your text - British or American English - Spell check - Correct writing of numbers, dates, units, ... Diploma seminar 25 Nov. • Prepare a short overview (max 10 minutes) on your results, • Explain the intended structure of your results • Present 3 figures, tables, images,... with captions as an example • Present any part of your text with correct references 11