Typical master thesis structure The work must formally contain the following requirements - see Dean's Action 3/2019 (Kasparovsky 2021): • Title page • Bibliographic identification • Abstract • Official „Diploma thesis assignment" (2 pages) without signatures • Acknowledgments and Author's statement • Content • Introduction • Own text of the work • Conclusion • List of used literature (internal division into Books and magazines, Maps and atlases, Electronic media and web pages) • List of abbreviations (optional) • List of images (optional) • List of tables (optional) • List of attachments (if the thesis contains them) • Attachments (if the thesis contains them) Využití nástrojů Al Kompozice práce Main body of the thesis Literature review Methods of analysis and used data sources Typografické zásady Pravopisná korektura Graphic presentation Main results and their discussion Explanation of the main achievements using necessary graphic presentation Interpretation of the results and their informative value Confrontation with the so far published results of other authors, Reflections and suggestions for further study Bibliografické citace Odkazy na Úvod Využití nástrojů AI GRAPHIC PRESENTATION Kompozice práce Typografické zásady Pravopisná korektura Graphic presentation Diploma theses in geography and cartography are characterized by numerous graphic outputs, including tables. We carry out the graphic parts of the work in a uniform concept and also describe them uniformly. Images, maps, shorter tables or overviews are usually folded into the text of the respective chapters. Large (Multi-page) tables, graphs, maps, etc. are usually classified as appendices. By the term figures we mean graphs, maps, map sketches, photographs, profiles, sections, block diagrams, schemes, etc. The compositional details of graphic outputs, such as the name, scale, scale, legend, directional sign, imprint, etc., are recommended to be processed based on knowledge from cartography lectures and exercises. Bibliografické citace Odkazy na Úvod Využití nástrojů AI Captions Kompozice práce Typografické zásady Pravopisná korektura Grafická prezentace Bibliografické citace Odkazy na Figure and table captions should be standalone, i.e., descriptive enough to be understood without having to refer to the main text. Main topic, spatial spatial delimitation, time delimitation (Do not use Map Table Graph ...) Tab. 1 Caption - above the table Fig. 1 Caption - below the figure Annex 1 Caption - top right of the page —> continuous numbering throughout the work —> indicating the source of the data (taken from:/modified from:/ data source:) —► photographs - add after the title (fhoto author, 15. 9. 2021) —> texts in Figs., Tabs. - all in English Využití nástrojů AI TABLES Kompozice práce Typografické zásady Pravopisná korektura Grafická prezentace Bibliografické citace Odkazy na The width of the table is ideally equal to the width of the surrounding text. If this is not possible, it is recommended to centre the table. Horizontal lines or boxes are more of an aid to the reader. Sometimes it is sufficient to separate only the header of the table and to make another line at the end of the table; at other times it is appropriate to separate individual rows with lines. Another option is to use an underline for every other row. Graphical effects should be used carefully to maintain the clarity of the table. The table should have more rows than columns. If the numbers in the same column are the same length, they can be centered. However, if they are of different lengths, then they are aligned to the right edge with the decimal points aligned underneath. Text data is usually aligned to the left margin. Numbers in the same column should be given to the same number of decimal places. It is inappropriate to give fully written out numbers of higher orders in the table. The titles of the separate headings begin with a capital initial letter; in subheadings, the initial letter tends to be lower case. It is usually set in the same typeface as the rest of the text, sometimes a notch smaller. If a different font is used for figures or their captions, it may also be used in tables. Notes, explanations or references to literature may be included below the table. The font size used is usually the same as the font size of the table, or one or two steps smaller than the font of the body of the document. Tables wider than the standard type width may be rotated 90°, including the caption, so that the work rotates clockwise. Tables longer than one page can be stacked across multiple pages, then the table header and caption are repeated at the beginning of each new page. Tab. 01: Mezmároduí štandarda klasifikace nákupních center [dleIC5C] Využití nástrojů AI Kompozice práce Typografické zásady Pravopisná korektura Grafická prezentace Bibliografické citace Odkazy na citace NOT LIKE THIS! If the numbers in the same column are the same length, they can be centered. However, if they are of different lengths, then they are aligned to the right edge with the decimal points aligned underneath. Text entries are usually aligned to the left margin, see the table on the right. Tib I: ?iúm«av podii Rb 1Í.Í3 Typ Typ zaenivby Hrubá pmcijiiiLitrliiii TruiliCili Velnu velte NC SO OCO a vice Velkě NC 40- ľíi 999 20 -.S9 999 Male Srovhíviieityp 5-19 999 Ktiuifitnui fl- 19 999 i-jjeciiilizovíiiit Retail Pail Velký 20 OCO a vice 10-19 999 5 - 19 999 řactory ouilei c" 4.-311 i-i li 11 5000 fl vice Téiiiatiiiké L hiiíiuh Vůliiúčaim-ý typ 5000 a vice CirwnkTVíiiiý typ 5000 o vice w~ Tables longer than one page can be stacked across multiple pages. Then the table header and the Tab label are repeated at the beginning of each new page. X cover./ Tab. X continued Titles of separate sections begin with a capital initial letter, in divided sections (subtitles) the initial letter is usually lower case. •u m JiT;«. lo 4tl n*M ikni.. k-jMi P^IiJtT-himiI. if. uLuikT^.- nqhimir ^ I-*1* '** *i4nnc utnLon pivn mu/ú. ííii. itfi-Uni iLn l-hS all**- reMiL inLfcMi a v pupíiU-a. i kdcIÍL-kioů rv II ubir^ho |'. Jill m * ,'i |-jL. i kk*a, J n flirii jl: „,hJ..„.- .<„,.. ,-I.L-. p.. ,.4 Si] I I ,,!...., p-J.L,. ,.,,-J,, n.í., „.I, pJ'J] a JCHJI in. phhlJnt j pi^ailni hull liimikli hi J-nui nbcvni uidmni piindniMi ■ t nWn pti^li L. .i.„i,,,l, ľ..(.Ll.,L. ., J.- l.i.l.i lit 1^.11. lLk. i-J./.'.il J.,l„ J.l, 11,1 ij.........jrFL-tliM nUi lik Jul. l4 iih]-tilLj|nŕul..ii, H u/lull, uninLTiLimi inWnuli k nmiilitii f Graphical effects should be handled carefully to maintain the clarity of the table. The width of the table must not be larger than the width of the text. Tab 10: Do|)jj™i dostupnost maloobchodníci ^.1" ISiiiit .poje Lnlerjl celkem Eta™ Bim ■LMMSMnr 1.1 ; + 1 : ut.ii>-) yjy m- ■ On,,. 1 >.>»W • > 7.taLWs;i.i Bill* : iWi>~l -Tin ™; i - = T, Cl.Masfiivks JíiIL* Bil.i ; .j ........ i > 'iJkiiiřui ZIM Ub... ■■:; -■ f f! ,r - ; l3 U0l:]^l4i^ 1 Oloraoiiť E.JL:: ;,.m,:-i .k.^.ju" - J 15 HTOiiiova ll.......'ii- 2 000-4 9» nŕ 2 4 U ii.......ti- Bills - i 11 VelbmuraiiU oh,,,™,. l.idl - i l^ Uzeeki Cl,:.,-.-,,. Lidl L,.., 1 ,, AllKlI 6 1 12 n"kk Ku^i iviiihI i irii ŕ )l..iii.u. ABtBl Z 000-4 í 99 m: - a O ».:.,■■:, Bila ;MMW,m2 s „ HbdnmuiU P^y 2 9(W-4ír99m; - 4 Dl1, MartiLila i.k..„v:, 2 Wfl-4999iu" • - i 2» ikiiu. Väelnva Vada 2TO-4S99 iď < II 4 \ybiíné SAR sysiŕm^7 Figures and tables taken from foreign literature must be translated into English. (prevzaté: OUCHL 2013, s. 719) 5.2 KM VISA! Di'-iiica EřiTISAT beh vypustená á Do!oľpv t (lesisľiiiii ;:iL"t;-o;iri tľďé ;'.iei c ERS-1 sE^-: vi-oívJ 2'J0: d FIGURES Využití nástrojů AI Kompozice práce Typografické zásady Pravopisná korektura Grafická prezentace Bibliografické citace Odkazy na If the graph is created on the basis of a table, also mentioned in the text, it is advisable to place the tabular and graphical representation of the data together. Only the orthogonal coordinate system is used for graph construction (except for some types of graphs, e.g. the pie chart). The independent variable is recorded on the horizontal axis and the dependent variable on the vertical axis. The clarity and telling power of the graph is influenced by the correct choice of scales of the axes. In the case of a graph, it is always necessary to describe what is recorded on which axis, to plot and describe the scale of the axis, including the designation of the units of measurement. If the graph shows a function that does not start at the beginning of the graph (zero), then the scale is plotted only in the range of function values. Numbers are truncated at the scale description (not 25 000 000). If more than one variable is shown, the way in which they are graphically differentiated must be indicated in the legend. The graphical representation must be clear and transparent, and the different dependencies must be clearly distinguished. In the case of black-and-white printing, it is preferable to use graphical markings rather than colour differentiation. Use the box around the graph only exceptionally. Figures wider than the standard rate width can be rotated 90°, including the caption, so that the work rotates clockwise. Maps are created according to the cartographic rules you know from your lessons; a map placed as an image in the text does not include a title and a caption (this information is in the image description), just a legend and a scale. Photographs must be of good quality (with sufficient resolution), reasonably large. Využití nástrojů AI Kompozice práce Typografické zásady Pravopisná korektura Grafická prezentace Bibliografické citace Odkazy na citace NOT LIKE THIS! Produkce uranu Obr. 5: Roční produkce uranu v ČR mezi rob,-1946 a 2008 (zdroj: o. s.OEAM/ Podíl těžebních oblastí na celkové produkci uranu v ČR v letech 1946-20QO Severočeská křída Sweroíetká kŕťd Stráž 13% Západní Čwfcy -|> -1.,-...- |..;,-.k r'j.íiuCi i.iuii.tk Hrm .i toillw io. II r^iwououiii Kalus, vuct. ihw i tuixtiuiit Obr. -4: Podii těžebních oblostí na celkove produkci mwiu v ČR vletech 1946 -2000. (převzalo i KAFKA 20031 Be ca ref u II a bo ut coI ou rs, f ra mes, ^ descriptions of axes, quality of pictures taken from other sources! ____J 40000 35000 30 GOD 35000 20000 15000 10000 5000 l-tm 4t+ POTR ■ MODA Obr. 7. Velikost pmiiejnich ploch v nľ dle sor/iiuetinuch skupin ve vymezených nákiipuich ahhtcich. 6.2.1 Průměrné denní chody Teplot vzduchu Jaro -seno — STLl —HROZ —KRWO ■ -«APU vETE - -MEND ■ ■.III (T.|:i=== Bi"^■■.-=--:■■. UK tjN vCR a 1 VPM vokreseE JllUl ■i« iíi ■ -----2 i=w -i~-z •- --• ::: i .:ccc izzz 2::r :::: 2c:? :;-g-' Obr. 1. Vývoj obecné míry nezaměstnanosti a počtu uchazečů na 1 VPM v okrese Brno — venkov í ČR v letech 1990 -2010, hodnoty vždy k 31. 12. daných let ^ & é # # # # ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Obr. 6; Průměrný vek inalek pri porodu prvního dilíie v Bnié za období 1991-2009 Zdroj: Demografická ročenka ukresň Jihomoravského kraje 1991-2006 a 2000-2009 Obr. 6 Průměrný deimí chod teploty vzduchu [CC] na stanicích z účelové sítě v Brně ' Obr. 5:.:Vývoj specifické plodnosti žen ve vybraných věkových kíilegodieli v Brně v lelecli 1991. 20Ola2OO9 Zdroj: Český statisticky úřad. www.czso cz 7838 Využití nástrojů AI Kompozice práce Typografické zásady Pravopisná korektura NOT LIKE THIS! f A map placed as a figure in the text does not contain a title^ and a title page (this information is in the figure) caption, just a legend and a scale. North is not normally given for north-facing maps. The map in the appendix contains a title page, which must include - author. Dept. of Geography Faculty of Science MU, Brno and year The independent variable is recorded on the horizontal axis and the dependent variable on the vertical axis. The clarity and telling power of the graph is influenced by the correct choice of the scales of the axes. In the case of a graph, it is always necessary to describe what is recorded on which axis, to plot and describe the scale of the axis, including the designation of the units of measurement. Abbreviate the numbers for the scale description (not 25 000 000). základní schema soorp králíky " ' V\ pntet objtatol ooce ■ IM . I0D0 Uranus so g«p Krjiikf äelezniŕm irať CD —roar ■iník&GKGEOG (HG> ?dio| ric'Cft 500 i"B Obi. 2. Základní schéma SO ORP Králíky Zdroj: ArcCR .'00 vlastní zpracováni Grafická prezentace Bibliografické citace Odkazy na citace ZMĚNA PODÍLU OBYVATEL ŽIJÍCÍCH POD 1,25 USD/DEN V REGIONECH SVĚTA DLE SVĚTOVÉ BANKY V OBDOBÍ 1990 - 2012 Obr .. 1 ■!■ ■ řvoji pí'čřu vaic ■ .■: res Karlovy v. s zdroj: ČSU, 2016c ertji LACHOV* BímiZBiaCESRl DMa: dva .warldtwik.crgJlGfiiťpcuwly rtdr undo otn'en'síalislics; Využití nástrojů AI Kompozice práce Typografické zásady Pravopisná korektura Lables (captions) and placement in the text Caption —> in all cases equally distant from the table/ figure and text —> alignment - block layout, indentation Fig. X/Tab. X for labels longer than one line —> without word division —> font 1-2 steps smaller than the base font; italics or other font type may be used Fig.. 1 Hierarchical levels of watershed divided into valley segments and river reaches (adapted from: Bisson, Montgomery, Buffington 2017) Tab. 1 Population movement in the South Moravian Region between 1990 and 2022 (data source: CZSO 2023) Grafická prezentace Bibliografické citace Odkazy na Placement —> 3-7 lines of text - figure/table above or below text, 8 or more lines - figure /table can be folded into text —> placement immediately after the text to which the image/table relates, preferably on the same page (mention the link to the image/table in the text!) —> do not wrap around the text —> You can rotate large figures, tables 90° so that the book turns clockwise; the caption also rotates; the page number does not need to be displayed if it would interfere (but it counts towards the total number of pages). The appendix can also be turned, but not the caption!!! (it takes the role of page numbering here) Využití nástrojů AI Kompozice práce Typografické zásady Pravopisná korektura Grafická prezentace Bibliografické Odkazy na NOT LIKE THIS! Caption font 1-2 steps smaller than the base font; italic or other font type may be used (it must be clear at a glance what is the caption and what is the text of the work) V_y poWeii USA a v Nŕroecfcu Vvíiedfcv iŕchTo nirfeni bv sf mely m m ta t <, othruprai yrhkal pii pozŕoaum métou Axhui k vatiem paat |Mnoho mŕirebo bodu. v prípade ikeoeru MOUIS s* jedna o uzenu o vcUk«u 1 x 1 kilomea \EeiMii piobtliaia bOtewaxx Bvlo zjhiŕiM ír odchylky se pohybovaly v hodnotách od 0 B *C do 3 'C N.i rylo odchylky nenu vhv- (eplou viducbu. \1hlcost vzduchu mUml \*tru ntt půdní MÉM Pouir twJv '. j ľ ml ttniUktt v: :r l pod lIer\TE i. -i in umní zen&k povrch Obr 1 Vyuhb LSI pro analýzu rxhrmntch irpkrt na príkladu lrplotn»:. anomálii v ETOpé » Aut .■■I: i dal ■■tcai hnúť) . Mivneasac ťuhociť reports-and-ttarapniiVdetail-vkw arocle rrognc- Jak lze videí na obr 1 výkyvy hodnot LST koresponduji % vylcyvv teplory vzduchu v leve rasa jsou fJMtaONQ esteema* nižte hodnoty LST brněni zuny roku 20». kdy byly íůznř řKb Evropy vytaveny wobvykle mzJryoi teplotám vzduchu, kTere 7p04tO.lv WUDC od roku 1993 sjednocuje a archivuje spektrálni, vicepássiiová a širokopásmová měření UV záření. V současnosti svými daty přispívá 114 stanic (viz obr. 5.) (VANIČEK, 2011; WOUDC, 2014). Přístrojová vytiai Obr. 5r Geografická distribuce stanic měřících intenzitu UV zářeni a přispívajících do WOUDC rozdelených podle typu používaného přístroje s využitím dat WUDC (2013) a ESRI World V souřadném systému WGS 19S4 V evropském měřítku existuje Evropská UV Databáze v Helsinkách {Európean Uh)'ariohr Darahctse, EUVDB). která obsahuje data ze 43 itanic včetně Hradce Králové Even the graph is a figure, it is numbered continuously. The alignment must be uniform - either to the center or to the left edge. ■ Akthift: ôkali a siEŕiwŕ OBE Dnůyni olmitem byiy zde lealnovm iitoviiy. Loíiixesi :r:oh n zazenu objektu Rdmuli - uoj i Ävodo pMučittí meor vtJilnKui íd miltíKi byJBW - ueiywfcvrji p^tnůrk Liädaram ľJľvu r.ižtzrs. ,i!e -z;\t t pŕ'.tev.Tib : Lj jml_."L It.-í:jji ,i riTirjHl-rifi. preito ledna pmzi ř trnirm zr v>di -íMzovniiÝcli X^irc-r? jeduonnčnj r^TiíiS ij-vfn í^T-dni) p ernzfcy Hila ůeaft. »dy ie leLisanh nenají zn\em ue líh: .iůa. ují ruiĽj. ' '""n i ipilli Naprou "\tů: rľľ'lfijni ľ.- lui >-iľ-t!i ;:.f.:eiv:[.-:l: lifccjd: it unejľH-ľit/vi n jjtcfl.i pokrom domm^vb. inŕdla. s « uciho atej yia'.jdeliiŕ u^íluí. AJůh lUVittvawiir idiťuiv w LaH-L od otce t ebri a il^Ia je io poaxm zaj-jiĽr.Ti. «í lifl-di&fc-eb '.j'irčii : tijk. i v*äti*rfiudj taotůrfll, pitoJ (noc^juc. *t po aiwty u bíltŕh. ti VKiädí phr« Jita k? t? mt M 4i vJbKnithu ZoVel. i((i:nti íí^ítiii _'p!c Využití nástrojů AI Kompozice práce Typografické zásady Pravopisná korektura Grafická prezentace Bibliografické citace Odkazy na citace NOT LIKE THIS! SIT > /. Agngtnaná data lapsamvft majattrnyčh ľwáBptojád»ailhťi sídla Annex. X Title - top right of page (no further description is given) One annex per page, pages are not numbered (the last numbered page is the LIST OF ANNEXES). Pobečvi — sttíďie o&cko'c'.t.-'ivcYriíh u i::ek Přerov - soutok Pfilotia 4; Fonnuläi pio iaúanř majetní. črór-J/ľ 6Nimislfsst>tľiaiJv abyTŕ íeUúm p'i sla 7 BvIjív ksmplmtoustdici s*firMi ik i>co iiSziiť '"'/n\\í 'h^jtc.' .ŕoín!-je zcitiitizni un (for. ] 9 Tab. 7. Stanovme rri logistické krivky- of text - image/table above or below the ^^^^^ 3-7 lines text, 8 or more lines - image/table can be folded into the text.. Mmtd potři av Dnpravrii prostředek fíoryit hr/irtice ifoipliu {vit hip- 21) vymwiije proV^r. ve kt-crém jc tkikupujici echstt za dsron.! tfužtoiL Otázkou zůstíuš-h0< nu c* vzíLiknott ví ^fcutetnotfi urtit. Large images, tables can be rotated by 90°, the caption can be rotated, the page number may not be displayed. The appendix can also be rotated, but not the caption!!!. Obr 19. Potslve nwy fuvkce disiwrce decay modifikujici hodvom doprmid rfoufHMfH pro r&~»i hram&ni \:dalgnosn. MoLuyin i caelum jc vr,-in[eiio-ii ctivtcCn-e cdvodit z iuforniaci zi&aiiycli z. ■Jctfnii SpoTffbnflw chovd'ti ofrnvw/jntj Btva _'O0J. V dotazuiku respondcari ■■-.■■■< L\- H otazkn. do j.ilLcrK- i^lxLoJu i ■■ iUCiiO'jTi jii-i'.i Llait uvadeH i M-i. btrf avi iia lit; Dkr. 37 Pj-j.t xi*ť nt-av. pua 1+m h***-- I- * The images should be lined up under each other or all labelled as one image a), b), c), d). tc oInL. Pa i.3. bríujniiiiřm j ■■ ■ í 11 ■ i ■ ■ I ■ test RiMj-ůzijíni v>".1j|j.iiivJi tust hyl.i lyiltduvJiiD |t-n j úěti iff 5. (Kdy. rnzrůiníní vnnk uf u uboj mí nika kilni. *r .1 niliinp ukrrslrm utrinčtiu prvku Ivrsncv -i ii,,-l.ii>jn.i u^titka). Prli nidy nifÍLllii i'MlJlMr i; In .ilí ki |n. | l- Li ■ ■ ■ | i.Lki 1 ,:.ikl ■-.n llllll . i-l 1 Don't run the text around! fa u tiků 6 JitĽ I •( Mdy Její -.rill!. :i. úidikovňi drobayaii simrfcaim 1111 jesepn. které ]X> spojeiu ib jediiŕ vvtvSH Chula se ■ ■Lii-iL:Lije rrik. íe seje J. Ci 1-llĽI L;, s: Uliiri. lila.vmího koryta drile pa pramlu (GaV. 1998 j. : - ■ i - - ■ ■ ■ . 1 12 Íl), u 4. irldy ' .......:■ ■ 1 .■ ii I......■ .1 |