25.9.2024 URBAN CLIMATOLOGY Map of the local climate zones practical excercise Local Climate Zones - basic premises • Urban climate is highly variable in space and time • If we want to study the urban climate, we need to classify it somehow • One of the main factors that create a characteristic urban climate are fabric (materials), land cover, structure and metobolism. • Land cover mapping can serve as a basis for urban climate classification • In urban climatology, the concept of the Local Climate Zones was created during the last decade 1 Local Climate Zones classification system BUILT SERIES nil" LAND COVER SERIES LCZ1 Compact hiyli-i LCZ 2 Compact mid-ria LCZ 3 Compact low-riK ! LCZ 4 Open Nglwtse LCZ 5 □pen mid-rise LCZ 5 □pan low-rise LC2 7 Llghiwrslgh: low-* LCZB Largs low-rise ■'■ 1 ■'■ Ä Sparsely built LCZ 10 rt'VttV Dense bees LCZ S 5cattererE trees LCZC Bush, scrub LCZD Low pane LCZE Bare rock or pevad LCZ f Barascil waand Ö dry ground (e.g., parched soil) low aOftiitlafwe. large Bonnn rario, -■ l-=l .I'M- I Ilcz OpenLotcrlse Definition r"j; vi. .t.^-:ul?". .-: r;:i-. tx. :u:z.:i .:ft: :.'.= .. i j." .. often ^i". gnii pattern. 5kv vis-w äjoii ■.□■=«: lf.il vli:.::l; :-e:";:.i:e;L \1 x:\7.-.i ™vii n:-.:a::v. v:-r-- ■..■c::l. ";::.-:].. ;;cl:= rile ::;.™sc: tree: and ahuiidai: plait ::va\ L-r.v li-rvxi: ::-:-1jli -:.-=h:.-j:-:.. n-rü; flciv. Turirritfu: Residential (arr]* -u m.L7.I'.-ji. .m r l:;v iaiiir-1 («-..■:■= l-.c.v.uiz : ;smr.a"i:. i'iuull retail ■Jljcl- rv.'cri: ;li7. luie^iv^'. :■.:r■ T-ej-.sks- ".v.'r:ii: ■ ;1 cnjiiv.r-=: m-v.y.v TLx.-. -c-viiv. ron7 Add -> Folder Create name of the of the folder - e.g. LCZ3 Then right click on LCZ3 folder LCZ3 -> Add -> Polygon Create name of the polygon (e.g. Site_3_l) and select color of the polygon, do not close window and place mouse over the map. Find suitable place - left click defines polygon outer points, right click close the polygon Repeat for 2-3 polygons for each LCZ Now create folder for another LCZ - e.g. LCZ4 and repeat as above Alternatively, You can create only the polygons (without folders). In this case You need to add proper names to individual polygons (see example-figure below) Finally save Your map as follows: File -> Save -> Save folder My places This creates file My places.KMZ on Your computer. Make also a simple print screen of Your map. 25.9.2024 Output no. 2- LCZ overview When finished, write a report shortly discussing: 1) Which LCZs can be easily found (are typical) in Your city according Your opinion; 2) Which LCZs do not exist in Your area or which are hard to recognize Besides the text, the final report will include the LCZ map (e.g. printscreen) and a short description of typical LCZs in Your city: LCZ2 - compact mid-rise: short paragraph with the LCZ characteristics LCZ5 - open mid-rise: Output no. 3- „positive" and „negative" sites Select in Your city two sites representing according to You 1) A part of the city that contributes to reducing the negative effects of climate change on the urban climate 2) It is a part of the city that, on the contrary, amplifies the negative effects of climate change on the urban climate 3) Suggest what realistic climate change adaptation measures could be done in your city. 5 25.9.2024 Excercise - final notes • Prepare short PPT presentation (10-15 minutes) • At the last meeting on December 4th, you will inform us of your results Excercise - sources IS learning materials https://is.muni.cz/auth/el/sci/podzim2024/ZA311/um/exercise/Local climate zones.pdf LCZ map generator - You can compare Your results https://lcz-qenerator.rub.de/ 6