10/2/2024 URBAN CLIMATOLOGY 2. Factors controlling urban climate, energy balance, urban boundary layer Paper to read Theor Appl Climato] (2009) 95:397-106 DOI 10.1007/SÜ0704-008-0017-5 ORIGINAL PAPER Quantifying the influence of land-use and surface characteristics on spatial variability in the urban heat island Melissa A. Hart ■ David J. Sailor https://is.muni.cz/auth/el/sci/podzim2024/ZX601/um/67875456/02 Hart Sailor TAC 2009.pdf 1 2.1 Factors controlling urban climate Climate categories (scales) • Urban climate is a typical example of the local climate. However, it can be studied on different scales from mesoclimate to microclimate (see further for urban climate scales) Miernjdimi1£S.