Instructions for PlantUML seminar groups
Mgr. Juraj Fiala
Instructions for PlantUML seminar groups
podzim 2023

Welcome to the PB007 instructions for PlantUML seminar groups.

PlantUML is an open-source tool for drawing diagrams. With it, you can:

  • Synchronise and collaborate easily (in real-time) with your teammates
  • Rapidly iterate on your diagrams without having to adjust the layout all the time
  • Create diagrams for any project, as it is free to use
  • Depending on your seminar group, submit and get feedback on your project in GitLab merge requests

This Interactive Syllabus contains all the information you need to get started.

First, you want to install PlantUML.

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Studijní text

Then, if your seminar group also uses GitLab for project submissions, you will need to set up and test your repository.

Lastly, you can check out how to use PlantUML to collaboratively code with your teammates as if you were working in Google Docs. This can be useful both at home and at the seminar.

Collaborative Coding Guide