Czech Language for Foreigners II
Czech Language for Foreigners II
jaro 2025

Book to study from

Online sources (for the textbook)

  • audio: link
  • dictionaries: all book (link) × page by page (link)

How to study

  • follow this interactive syllabus
  • use the textbook and workbook 
  • use the PDF dictionaries (see link above) for vocabulary in the exercises; you can use google translator as well for whole phrases
    • if you use the (PDF) dictionaries, do not look for the exact form you do not understand; look for the most similar form
    • → studovat (to study) could also look like: studuju (I study), studuješ (you study)...
  • each week new sources and tasks will be unlocked
  • complete the homework and according to the instructions
    • upload them on IS (link will be provided)
    • check them with the key (Workbook pages 148-158)
    • check them online (for online exercices)
    • check your answer in the ROPOT app within IS

Passing the subject

    • Attend the classes (you can miss 2 of them without proper excuse).
    • Pass the written part of the Final test: passmark 70 %
    • Final written test passmark can be reduced by:
      • passing the progress tests (passmark 70 %): 
        • 2 written tests:  2 % = 1 point down each
        • 1 video:  2 % = 1 point down
        • 1 oral test:  4 % = 2 points down
        • In case of passing four Progress tests the basic limit in the written final test is reduced by 10 %.
    • If students:  a) succesfully pass all progress tests (must be taken only during the test week), b) get at least 90 % in total (both conditions must be met), they do not have to take the written part of Final test.
    • Pass the oral part of the Final test:  ! without successful passing the written exam students will not be allowed to sit for the oral part.
    • Due to the change in the examination regulations (final oral exams in groups of three), any instructor can act as an examiner. The composition of the examining pairs will be random and will not be known until just before the exam.

Test rules

download here


  • homeworks can be in a form of 
    • ROPOT: feedback given immediately by ROPOT app
    • handout: you can check your answers with the key (will be uploaded after the HW's deadline)
    • project: your teacher will give you the feedback
    • exercices from textbook: check the key
  • homeworks must be submitted within 7 days after they were given.

Kapitola obsahuje:
Studijní text
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 17. 2. 2025 do 23. 2. 2025.
Kapitola obsahuje:
Studijní materiály
Studijní text
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 24. 2. 2025 do 2. 3. 2025.
Nyní studovat
Kapitola obsahuje:
Studijní text
Učitel doporučuje studovat nyní – od 3. 3. 2025 do 9. 3. 2025.
Week 4: UNIT 7/1: Conversation: Houses and flats. Furniture. Grammar: Nominative and accusative plural (Mi, F, N).
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 10. 3. 2025 do 16. 3. 2025.
Week 5: UNIT 7/2: Conversation: Looking for accommodation. Grammar: Numerals dva-dvě. The date: ordinal numbers, months, seasons. Medical Czech: Human body I (Head).
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 17. 3. 2025 do 23. 3. 2025.
Week 6: UNIT 8/1: Conversation: Planning our weekend. Grammar: The future tense. Medical Czech: Human body II (Neck and Trunk).
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 24. 3. 2025 do 30. 3. 2025.
Week 7: PROGRESS TEST 2. UNIT 8/2: Conversation: Free time activities. Grammar: KAM? Expressing directions. Prepositions NA-DO-K/KE). Medical Czech: Human body III (Internal and genital organs).
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 31. 3. 2025 do 6. 4. 2025.
Week 8: REVISION Units 6-8. Conversation: What did you do yersterday? Plan your future. Grammar: Revision. Medical Czech: Human body IV (Extremities).
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 7. 4. 2025 do 13. 4. 2025.
Week 9: PROGRESS TEST 3 (VIDEO). UNIT 9/1: Conversation: Describing of Human body. What do we look like? Grammar: Nominative plural of body parts. Medical Czech: Human body V (Skeleton).
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 14. 4. 2025 do 20. 4. 2025.
Week 10: UNIT 9/2: Personal pronouns in the accusative and dative (Bolí/bolelo mě, je mi dobře/špatně.) Conversation: At the doctor's. Grammar: Accusative object-centered constructions. Medical Czech: Symptoms of diseases I (TM U4).
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 21. 4. 2025 do 27. 4. 2025.
Kapitola obsahuje:
Studijní materiály
Studijní text
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 28. 4. 2025 do 4. 5. 2025.
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 5. 5. 2025 do 11. 5. 2025.
Kapitola obsahuje:
Studijní materiály
Studijní text
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 9. 5. 2025 do 18. 5. 2025.