Romanticism in Music: Then and Now
prof. PhDr. Jana Perutková, Ph.D.
Romanticism in Music: Then and Now
podzim 2024
Cíle předmětu
This class aims at developing an understanding of the stylistic developments and social and political aspects of Western art music in the nineteenth century—the era that is often referred to as the Age of Romanticism. Another major goal of the course is to probe how nineteenth-century musical, aesthetic, and political values influence present-day views of musicians, music critics, and audiences. The class explores the works of major composers from the period, especially Rossini, Schubert, Schumann, Mendelssohn, Chopin, Liszt, Verdi, Wagner, Smetana, Dvořák, Tchaikovsky, and Brahms.
Výstupy z učení
This course will help students acquire an understanding of the complex issues surrounding the inception and reception of music in the nineteenth century. In particular, the class will explore the concepts of canon formation, subjectivity, progressivism, historicism, and nationalism. The class will also introduce current methodologies used in exploring these issues in Anglo-American musicology.
  • • Class Schedule: Sep. 19: Brief Introduction—Beethoven vs. Rossini, discuss pp. 1–36
  • Sep. 26: No class—read chapter on Schubert (Taruskin, 79–118), answer questions, submit written answers!
  • Oct. 3: Volkstümlichkeit and Civic Nationalism: Mendelssohn (Taruskin, 119–35, 158–86)
  • Oct. 10: Opera and Politics: Weber and Meyerbeer (Taruskin, 187–230)
  • Oct. 17: Liszt and Virtuosity (Taruskin, 261–73)
  • Oct. 24: Schumann’s Fantasy, Op. 17 (Taruskin, 295–318)
  • Oct. 31: Self and Other: Orientalism vs. Nationalism—Chopin and Gottschalk vs. Saint-Saëns (Taruskin, 343–410)
  • Nov. 7: New German School: Liszt’s Les Préludes (Taruskin, 411–442)
  • Nov. 14: Slavic Music: Smetana and Glinka (Taruskin, 443–78)
  • Nov. 28: Wagner (Taruskin, 487–562)
  • Dec. 5: Verdi (Taruskin, 563–615)
  • Dec. 12: Late Nineteenth-Century Symphony: Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Dvořák (Taruskin, 703–29, 745–66, 786–824)

Hodnocení a zpětná vazba:

Final Evaluation Procedures

Take-Home Essay Question (50% of grade)—send it to me by email by December 19, noon—the essay should reference specific concepts discussed in class and the Taruskin reading this semester. You don’t need to do any extra research. The essay should be at least 1000 words in length. We will discuss the question in class on 12-19.


Discuss at least three important aspects of musical culture in the nineteenth century that are still relevant today.

 Oral Exam Questions (you will choose one and talk about it for about 10 minutes in person or on zoom, 50 % of the grade)—date TBA

1.     How did nineteenth-century composers use music to express certain aspects of their identity (their “Self”). Use three case studies.

2.     Define three important concepts of musical Romanticism and show how they are illustrated in three separate compositions.

3.     How did nationalism influence early nineteenth-century German music? Use three detailed case studies from three different genres.

4.     Discuss the development of the symphony in the nineteenth century (use specific examples discussed in class)

5.     Discuss the development of the aesthetic and compositional trends associated with nineteenth-century “programmatic” music (discuss both German and non-German traditions).

Studijní materiály (texty, videa - bude na ně upozorňováno v jednotlivých lekcích zvlášť a zpětnovazební úkoly hodnoceny ústně vždy na další lekci):
