Interaktivní osnova
- From this term on, the course is a regular research seminar in the stated researched areas. It could be enrolled each term. It is mandatory that enrolled student has a presentation on a research topic during the term. Topics of presentations are those focused primarily by the course teacher(s) and the Math Information Retrieval@FI group: machine learning, information retrieval, representation learning, and scientific visualization.
- There is a discussion group with official course information and a communication channel, in addition to the
course outline below: watch both frequently!
Topics and Course Outline
Week 1
Join us at A502 the Faculty of Informatics MU on September 15th at 10 AM (CET).
- 10:00 Class introduction, warm-up round-up discussion (expectation, topics/expertise/background, suggested presentations, and readings). Bring your research presentation offers and ideas to present, read, study, and discuss!
- 10:20 Principles of research communication and scientific work,
Reading a scientific paper. Put readers in your place!
Specifics of CS research and doctoral studies and their evaluation at FI MU: CS conference rankings - 10:30 Importance of "selling the ideas and work", picking the right topics
and questions, researching "big issues", picking the right publication
forums (in CS and NLP), and h-index as a measure of impact. The danger of Tyranny of metrics.
- 10:40 Motivating video: DEK's advice to young students.
- 10:45 Schedule of talks this term, topics to cover.
- 11:10 Varia, socializing (team builder wanted!), lunch.
Week 2 – Denča Šrámková [+ Jakub Ryšavý konzultace]
Join us in room A502 at FI MU on September 22 at 10 AM (CET).
Week 3 – Marek Kadlčík
Join us in room A502 at FI MU on September 30 at 10 AM (CET).
Week 4 – Mikuláš Bankovič
Join us in room A502 at FI MU on October 7 at 10 AM (CET) [or on Zoom.]
Week 5 – Vlastimil Martinek
Join us in room A502 at FI MU on October 14 at 10 AM (CET) [or on Zoom.]
Week 6 – Dávid Meluš
Join us in room A502 at FI MU on October 20 at 10 AM (CET) [or on Zoom.]
Week 7 – Time to rest
Week 8 –
Martin Geletka
Join us in room A502 at FI MU on November 3 at 10 AM (CET) [or on Zoom.]
Week 9 – Šárka Ščavnická
Join us in room A502 at FI MU on November 10 at 10 AM (CET) [or on Zoom.]
Week 10 – State Holiday (17.11.)
Week 11 – Jakub Ryšavý
Join us in room C522 at FI MU on November 24 at 10 AM (CET) [or on Zoom.]
Week 12 – David Čechák
Join us in room A502 at FI MU on December 1 at 10 AM (CET) [or on Zoom.]
Week 13
No teaching.
Week 14 – Christmas party
Join us in room A502 at FI MU on December 15 at 10 AM (CET) (no Zoom, sorry).
Tips for readings, discussions, and presentation preparations:
- Top2Vec
- How to speak by Patrick Winston (youtube video)
Žákovi, který se hrozil chyb, Mistr řekl: "Ti, kdo nedělají chyby, chybují nejvíc ze všech – nepokoušejí se o nic nového." Anthony de Mello: O cestě
To a student who was in danger, the Master said: "Those who do not make mistakes most of all – they do not try anything new." Anthony de Mello