Angličtina pro přírodovědce s pedagogickým zaměřením II
Mgr. Jana Kubrická, Ph.D.
Angličtina pro přírodovědce s pedagogickým zaměřením II


- aimed at students of teaching approx. B2 level (

-  structure of the exam

EXAM PRESENTATIONS BY STUDENTS OF TEACHING: your presentation must be related to your field of study. Your options as students of teaching are therefore following: 

a) a presentation about any science topic you´ve studied and might teach in the future 

b) a presentation about a topic related specifically to teaching, teaching methodology, pedagogy, e.g. inspiring personalities in the history of pedagogy or psychology

c) a presentation about your CLIL lesson in which you introduce the objectives of the lesson and some of the tasks (it can and should be interactive but stick to the time limit and remember that primarily, you need to show off your own presentation and language skills).

Always remember

- that the other students at the exam date may not be the students of the same discipline and may not have attended the courses of English for teachers, which means you need to include plenty of context

- that every presentation needs to have an introduction, main body and conclusion, even if the main part is you teaching a CLIL activity

JAT04 Credit requirements

- active participation (homework)

- attendance (max. 2 missed classes - no excuse needed or wanted)

- microteaching (a part of a CLIL lesson): one activity for approx. 10´, a brief outline for a 45´lesson submitted the night before the lesson

- abstract

CLIL online resources

Online grammar practice:

Kapitola obsahuje:
Studijní materiály
Studijní text
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 17. 2. 2025 do 23. 2. 2025.
Kapitola obsahuje:
Studijní materiály
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 24. 2. 2025 do 2. 3. 2025.
Week 3 SOLE
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 3. 3. 2025 do 9. 3. 2025.
Week 4 Intelligence
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 10. 3. 2025 do 16. 3. 2025.
Week 5 CLIL principles
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 17. 3. 2025 do 23. 3. 2025.
Týden 6 CLIL Sample lesson
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 24. 3. 2025 do 30. 3. 2025.
Týden 7 Getting ready to teach
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 31. 3. 2025 do 6. 4. 2025.
Týden 8 Microteaching I
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 7. 4. 2025 do 13. 4. 2025.
Týden 9 Microteaching II
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 14. 4. 2025 do 20. 4. 2025.
Week 10 Easter holiday / Microteaching III
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 21. 4. 2025 do 27. 4. 2025.
Week 11 Microteaching III/ Abstract
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 28. 4. 2025 do 4. 5. 2025.
Week 12 Abstract / Review
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 5. 5. 2025 do 11. 5. 2025.
Week 13 Review / Rector´s Day
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 12. 5. 2025 do 18. 5. 2025.
Week 14 Early exam date
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 19. 5. 2025 do 25. 5. 2025.