The syllabus can be downloaded below. Every week, one student will be asked to prepare questions for discussion which will be published in advance in MS Teams (team code dav250r, Reading Group has its own channel). The questions should be uploaded to MS Teams by Friday evening of the preceding week. Everyone is welcome to comment on the post with questions and suggest other topics for discussion.
Of course, the assigned readings will be made available for download by the students enrolled in this course.
As for the conditions for obtaining credits at the end of the semester, they are as follows:
- active class participation
- two absences are OK, no excuse needed; any extra absence can be compensated by a 2-page paper that summarises the content of the assigned readings for the missed class;
- "active" means that you either get actively involved in the discussion and show that you have read the readings or, in alternative, you can submit a short reaction paper (2 pages max) on the assigned text before the class (Monday 5pm at latest)
- moderation of one or two classes - go ahead and pick "your" week, all the necessary information is in the syllabus! (and do not forget to upload the questions for discussion by Friday of the preceding week)
- ...and that's it!
- in case of any questions, do get in touch, I will be happy to help!
The moderation of classes will be divided as follows:
- Monday 11 October (moderated by Naty): Urbinati, p. 1-39
- Monday 18 October (moderated by Lenka): Urbinati, p. 40-59
- Monday 25 October (moderated by Terka): Urbinati, p. 59-76
- Monday 1 November (moderated by Jakub): Urbinati, p. 77-95
- Monday 8 November (moderated by Honza): Urbinati, p. 95-112
- Monday 15 November (moderated by Kája): Urbinati, p. 113-134
- Monday 22 November (moderated by ...): Urbinati, p. 134-157
- Monday 29 November (moderated by Naty): Urbinati, p. 158-176
- Monday 6 December (moderated by Jirka): Urbinati, p. 177-189
- Monday 13 December (moderated by ...): Urbinati, p. 190-208