Histology and Embryology II - Lecture
doc. RNDr. Petr Vaňhara, Ph.D.
Histology and Embryology II - Lecture

Information on teaching and examining Histology and Embryology II

Lectures are organized every Wednesday 10:30-12:10 in B11/114 room

General information

  • The course organisation and examination follow the Provision of the Head of the Department
  • Teaching of Histology and Embryology (HE) course includes lectures, which are facultative but strongly recommended, and practicals, which are mandatory
  • All general and actual information and study materials are accessible via the Information System (IS), webpages of the Department, and official pinboards placed next to the entrance to the Microscopic hall and the Seminar room, which are both located on the ground floor of F01B1 (A1) building
  • The list of recommended literature and access to the online resources (Atlas of Histology, Atlas of Cytology and Embryology) is available via the IS (course information) or webpages of the Department at www.histology.med.muni.cz
  • Contacts on individual teachers are available through webpages of the Department, Masaryk University, and/or IS 
  • Consultation hours are upon individual previous arrangement with the teacher

Rules and conditions for Final exam

  • The “Final exam” is composed of the  Written test, “Practical part” (slide test) and the “Oral exam”. Successfully passing the Written test is a mandatory prerequisite for admittance to the Practical part of the Final exam. Analogously, successfully passing the Practical part is a mandatory prerequisite for admittance to the Oral exam 
  • All the parts of the Final exam are scheduled to one term (date)
  • Once successfully passed, given part(s) of the Final exam (Written test; Practical part) is/are valid for the following alternate dates of the Final exam
  • Should the student fail in (or resign from) any part of the Final exam (Written test; Practical part; Oral exam) the overall grade will always be “F” (failed)
  • All terms including alternate dates are recorded in the IS
  • Any academic misconduct during Written, Practical or Oral parts (any form of cheating) results in “F” (Failed)

Written test

  • The Written test is single-choice type, offering for each question only one correct answer from a selection provided
  • Time limit for the Written test is 25 minutes. Every test includes 25 questions on all aspects of histology and embryology. Test is automatically corrected by official testing application implemented by IS
  • Incorrectly filled out answer sheet may result in wrong processing by IS and “F” (failed)
  • Every question offers 5 answers (a-e), from which only one is correct
  • Correct answer is scored one point; marking more than one answer for one question yields 0 points
  • Last offered answer is formulated as “all answers (a-d) are correct” or “none of the answers (a-d) is correct”
  • The question can be negatively stated; in such case, the negative statement is highlighted for clarity

Scoring of the Written test

  • The written test is graded based on the number of points (correct answers)

Partial grade

A (1)

C (2)

E (3)

F (4)







 Practical part

  • Practical part of the Final exam is represented by a tissue/organ identification on slides (sections) using a light microscope 
  • The minimal limit for successfully passing the Practical part is 8 out of 10. Time limit for the Practical part is 20 minutes. The final scoring is “P” or “N”


Partial grade



Correctly identified slides




Oral exam

  • Oral exam is scheduled at every term so that the student can not sign for only Practical part and/or Practical part and Written test at one date 
  • The student draws one question on histology and one question on embryology 
  • The time for preparing is 20 minutes 
  • The discussion over her/his Written test can be included into the Oral exam 
  • Additional questions can be asked 
  • Student can be asked to demonstrate protocols from both semesters
  • Two examiners are present at the Oral exam
  • Oral exam is classified according to the grading scheme of the MU Study and Examination Regulations

The overall result

  • The overall grade for Final exam is collectively based on classification of the Written test and Oral exam 
  • The weights given to the individual parts of the Final exam is decided by the examiner

Examination terms

  • Exam terms are usually open by the end of semester
  • Formal excuse from the exam term is mandatory through the IS 
Chapter contains:
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 12/9/2022 to 18/9/2022.
Chapter contains:
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 19/9/2022 to 25/9/2022.
Chapter contains:
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 26/9/2022 to 2/10/2022.
Chapter contains:
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 3/10/2022 to 9/10/2022.
Chapter contains:
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 10/10/2022 to 16/10/2022.
Chapter contains:
Teacher recommends to study from 17/10/2022 to 23/10/2022.
Chapter contains:
Teacher recommends to study from 24/10/2022 to 30/10/2022.
Chapter contains:
Teacher recommends to study from 31/10/2022 to 6/11/2022.
Teacher recommends to study from 7/11/2022 to 13/11/2022.
Teacher recommends to study from 14/11/2022 to 20/11/2022.
Chapter contains:
Teacher recommends to study from 21/11/2022 to 27/11/2022.
Chapter contains:
Teacher recommends to study from 28/11/2022 to 4/12/2022.
Chapter contains:
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 5/12/2022 to 11/12/2022.
Teacher recommends to study from 12/12/2022 to 18/12/2022.
Teacher recommends to study from 19/12/2022 to 25/12/2022.