Theory of State
JUDr. Bc. Zuzana Vikarská, MJur, MPhil, Ph.D.
Theory of State
Autumn 2023
Dear all,

first of all, welcome to the Faculty of Law! Thank you for your interest in our seminar 'Theory of State' which will run in English. You are making your life more difficult but I fully understand this choice and I appreciate your interest :-)

Our seminars will run bi-weekly. Next to the seminars, you are also expected to follow the lectures in 'Státověda' (MP121Zk), these will take place on Wednesdays at 8am. In general, lectures are not obligatory, but I strongly recommend to attend them. They will give you a very useful introduction into topics which we will discuss in seminars.

This year, the seminars will be taught by my colleague Patrick Casey Leisure (seminars 1, 2, 3) and by me (seminars 4, 5, 6). We are looking forward to meeting you face-to-face!